Impression LP 6

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APPENDIX D Lesson Plan template

Lesson Plan (Template Digital Format- Please use this template but delete the
instructions therein when using it- i.e. all in italics)
Aim of Scheme


To understand the impressionist

and post-impressionist movement
with arts such as Monet, Degas,
Renoir and Cezanne through the
use of oracy and visual literacy

Lesson Number. 6/6

Class Profile & Details 9 students
Duration of Lessons 40 mins
Date 20/11
Initials GC

Lesson Learning Outcomes

Pupils will be able to
1. Demonstrate the use of line, space and colour with their images.
2. Synthesize their knowledge to painting their still life.

3. Improve their oral and presentational skill when discuss their

images and incorporate their learning to back up their discussion

Lesson Delivery
Welcome students to the room and ask them to place their bags in a safe location in
the back of the class
Get students in a row and give students a name tag with three of the artist that we
have discussed
(Note the room is set out with easels and painting tables. Located in the room is a
still life with objects that represent the artist)
Question the students on what the objects represent and to what artist.
Have all materials ready to reduce time.
Body of the Lesson;


Discuss keywords and write on the board.

And make introduce the task.
To create a painted still life with the techniques of the artist that they are representing.
Discuss the artist technique and question students on the artist.
What way would Monet place his colours. Is it black colour?
Who would be better at using block colour when painting?
With the visual aid. Discuss the techniques.
The image has been split up into sections. Each section has a style representing the
artist of choice.
Illustrate the use of colour when getting the students to observe the still life.
(For weaker students show images of the artist work that best illustrates their
Discuss the setting out of the image with quick marks and think about composition.
Throughout the demonstration. Make a point to question with higher order question?
What artist really work with the composition to show space?
Discus the use of
Middle ground
Instruct students to prepare their paints
Create an image by synthesizing the information learned about that particular artist
and demonstrate their techniques to create a still life.
Assist students and question. Use the images and visual aid to discuss and to evaluate
their progress.
Question the student well moving around the room.
Task 2
Show and tell
Does the student
1. Use a series of lines, shape and form through colour to form their still life
2. Incorporate and demonstrate their learning into the painting and make the still
life around their impressionist
3. Improve their oracy skills when it comes to presenting their finished work


Using their oracy skills students are explaining how the artist has inspired their still
life and discuss how their information has help them to create their piece.

(NOTE) During the week the NBSS did a workshop within Warrenmount with all the
teachers. They discuss the use of oral literacy and the help it does when assisting
students on the expressive structures of communication. The workshop discussed
different techniques to strengthen students vocabulary and students understanding of
questioning when it came to their ability to retain. Some of the task within this lesson
is derived from the NBSS lecture).
Conclusion; present and evaluate with the work on the easel. Group the artist
together to ask questions and compare.

APPENDIX DD Student teacher personal class

Students really like the way we learned our impressionist through the use of a
practicle class. I feel that there was main stages and ways of learning through the
process. I worked allot of my higher order questioning and lower order question
throughout. I could have given more time to the demonstration but I find with moving
around the room with the visual aid and the large images of the artist work helped the
students. At one point a teacher had entered the room to ask the students a question
about the year. I ask the teacher to walk around and instructed the students to discuss
the learning and how they were approaching their work. This allowed them to present
and reinforced retain ability due theme teaching the visiting teacher.
I feel that my biggest flaw was that I didnt account for the time. I felt that I needed
the students to finish sections of their work to reinforce the style they were adapting.
Ill find time during the week to get them present due to it being a great learning
opportunity. Though I didnt get theme present their work, I felt when walking around
the class, they were very capable. I find that the students have advanced a lot since
the first day. Their oracy has improved immensely and their understanding of the
artist is evident due to the work that they created. I find that I need to look into the
gcses criteria that looks at the documenting of artist that the students find interest
and look at the assessment process.


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