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Source - http://www.arabtimesonline.


KUWAIT CITY, Feb 16: Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Affairs at the Ministry of Interior MajorGeneralAbdullah Al-Muhanna has said the General Traffic Department has collected a total of KD
70,043,005 intraffic fines between May 12, 2015 and Jan 10, 2016, according to a press release
issued by the Ministry. He also disclosed the death rate as a result of traffic accidents in 2015 fell
by seven percent compared to 2014 which is the lowest recorded for the past five years.
However, statistics issued by the Ministry shows there have been 4,265 deaths as a result of
traffic accidents over the past 10 years. Al Muhanna noted in 2015 a total of 110,892 traffic
accidents were recorded which resulted in the death of 429 people. He said the traffic sector
works to ensure the safety of road users through deployment of field patrols around the clock and
applying the law on everyone without exception. He also said from this point of view, the sudden
traffic campaigns will continue to be organized in all governorates to punish violators of the traffic
Al-Muhanna also stressed on the importance of imposing the law to deter offenders and protect
the lives of road users motorists and pedestrians. He added, Everyone must be aware that
driving is an art and requires good manners to achieve the desired goals to reduce traffic
accidents, which have cast a gloomy shadow on an individual and society, cost the nation to treat
the injured in hospitals which in the end has an impact on the economy of the state and that of the
Speaking about the use of emergency lane on some roads, Al-Muhanna reiterated it is permitted
to driveon the left shoulder only under certain conditions provided as specified by the General
Traffic Department.
He said the speed limit should not exceed 45 km/hour and the lane can be used only during peak
hours or from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. On another note Al-Muhanna said 146,859 traffic citations
were recorded against motorists for not complying with rules regulating driving on left shoulder
lane. He added, 4,291offenders were punished for driving on the right shoulder.

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