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Paola Bernal

English 20
Professor Connelly
May 16, 2016
Child Development: Annotated Bibliography
Birch, Sondra H. and Gary W. Ladd. "The Teacher-Child Relationship And Children's Early
School Adjustment". Journal of School Psychology 35.1 (1997): 61-79. Web.
According to Birch and Gary it states that a teacher and child relationship is the the most
important function for the young in order for the child to feel comfortable in their own school
environment. For instance there is a hypothesis that if children who are more positively involved
with their teachers they are the ones that display better adjustments to school environments. It
also explains that of children have positive relationships with teachers there expected to perform
better academically instead of the children who are less close to have a relationship with the
This study examine the genre in which children prefer to have positive relationships with
teacher instead of not having one. Children are most like to gain better academics when they
have a long lasting bonds with their teacher instead of those. The surveys and the case studies
helped the researchers gain information about how students who were in classes especially those
who attend primary schools are the ones that build close relationships because there the students
who spend most time with only one teacher. Instead students who are teenagers have to build a
relationship with multiple teachers and a part of it only a few student can bond with a possibility
of two teachers.
"Draft Policy Statement On Early Childhood Career Pathways | Early Childhood Development |
Administration For Children And Families". N.p., 2016. Web. 16 May 2016.
According to this policy statement on early childhood career pathways is the quality of children's
development and learning in out of home programs. The purpose of this policy statement is to be
able to support the state's and the early education. For instance it keeps education in place such
as helping the student develop the skills.
This policy statement focuses on the early learning workforce is they stated evidence such as
having the latest National Survey of Early Care and Education. Also it focuses on surveys such
the wages in the child care and Head Start that still remain lower than the teachers in public
schools. In another survey tend to have the lower levels of education. All this surveys focuses on
the early education and how it had its purpose.
Ginsburg, K. R. "The Importance Of Play In Promoting Healthy Child Development And
Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds". PEDIATRICS 119.1 (2007): 182-191. Web. 10 May
Ginsburg offers some advice to those whom find important the play in promoting a healthy child
development and can maintain a strong parent child bonds. Buy using this research the readers

are able to know about the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well being of the child.
They also know the benefits of play such as it allows the child to use the creativity while being
able to use its imagination.
In this article I was able to explore the importance of play among children and parents.They also
provided justification for why each of the sections of the article, for instance being able to
explain the benefits of play, the different factors that have changed the routine of childhood, or
what are the solutions. All the texts had a variety of information that is able to provide the parent
with dual information about the child.
Many, Joyce. Handbook Of Instructional Practices For Literacy Teacher-Educators. Mahwah,
N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 2000. Print.
Manys book offers the instructional practices for literacy teacher educators which in one of the
chapters it explains furthermore the literacy development in the early years which helping
children read and write. Buy this the teacher are able to guide the students to succeed in their
classroom such as by being able to give the child the full run experience. For instance the
teachers are able to give lectures, whole group discussions, and group projects. Its a great
strategy for the students to learn on their own especially with other peers.
By analyzing this article I was able to see that the handbook has different strategies that teachers
are able to use especially those who are upcoming teachers as well. It gives them a guide in order
for the student to learn. For instance in one example they use a method where the teacher was
able to explain the ways of writing such as how to be a good writer. Not only did the teacher
explain how to be a great writer but also how to write in a way that the audience is able to read it
too as well.
"The Whole Child - Abcs Of Child Development". N.p., 2016. Web. 10 May 2016.
According to the ABCs of Child Development this helps the audience especially parents know
how their children are growing and developing different of themselves such as physical
development , social and emotional development, thinking skills, communication skills. All these
different milestones are examples in order for the parents to learn about their childs growth. For
instance when the individual is on the website they are able to click on the many options for
example on the physical development it explains from infancy - the age of preschool(5). The
parent is able to learn all the milestones stages that the child goes through over the years when
developing its own self .
The ABCs of Child Development website it claims information about how parents can use this
website in order to help them learn about their child. For instance is a parent has an infant they
are willing to get on this website and be able to learn more about the milestones of the physical
development. Learning about the physical development is very important especially in infancy
because that is when children begin to crawl, sit on their own, and walk especially balance
themselves. This websites uses charts in order to make sure the parents are able to follow up
their age development in order for them to know what other milestones as well.

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