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Name: Erick Romero

Drafting 8:00

Period: B-Day

Reflection Questions
1. Was your hypothesis right? In other words, did you correctly
state a hypothesis that was true after you dropped your egg?
My hypothesis was correct. My hypothesis was that my
egg would survive as a result of the aerodynamics and
cushioning involved in my contraption.
2. Was your egg contraption sucessful? If so why? If not, why?
My egg contraption was sucessful because of the
aerodynamics and cushioning I put into my design. The
wheel at the top of my drawing had a major influence
as it slowed down the fall of my design but a lot.
3. What could you have done to make your container more
I could have attempted in making my container less
heavier by just decreasing the size of my design in half
in order to make it more conservative in terms of using
4. After watching the egg drops, who had the best design?
What made their design different from yours?
In my opinion I think Gabrijella had the best design for
the reasons that the egg was completely intact after
the fall, and also she had the lightest design. She had a
much lighter design than mine.
5. What do you think the overall purpose of this project was?
I think the overall purpose of this project was for the
teachers to determine which students were really good
at designing contraptions under pressure that would
really effective.
6. How could you relate these egg contraptions to real life

These egg contraptions are an example of what a

engineer or an architect would have to do when
working for an important company. They would have to
construct a design out of the nothing as a request from
their bosses.

7. State one new thing you learned from this project.

I learned that my implementing aerodynamics in ones
designs, your design will slow down and ultimately ease
the impact of the ground on your egg.
8. Did you enjoy this project, if so why? And if not, why?
I definitely enjoyed this project for the reason that
engineering is the career that I want to pursue. And I
feel like this project was my first task in my engineering

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