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Journal I - Hudnall

The needs assessment process has begun with a series of conversations between
me and my mentoring principal. Throughout these conversations it was expressed
to me that there is one issue that is especially relevant above any other amongst
our high school staff. This issue is related to unity, collaboration and a general lack
of cohesiveness among our teachers and staff. There exists within our school a
division among teachers centered around numerous issues ranging from general
rules and policies to more specific incidences of distrust or unrest. Any of these
may have detrimental effects on the learning and development of students. (Skolp,
1995) As a result, the challenge statement I will move forward under is How can we
build unity among the teachers and support staff of Streetsboro High School?
Data that will be used in addressing this need will take the form of interviews,
surveys and qualitative narratives supplied by willing participants. A variety of data
collection methods were discussed, with it being decided that the three cited will be
most effective and most likely to appeal to those from whom I wish to collect data.
There is no time built into our school schedule to allow for anything other than
teaching and planning, so it is vital that I collect data a way that requires as minimal
time as possible in order to encourage participation on the part of the teachers.
Throughout the data collection process, I believe that it will be shown that the
challenges facing our staff in this regard are not secret. My prediction would be that
others are fully aware of this as an issue, yet for some reason are resistant to taking
the steps necessary to address it.
In terms of the leadership standards, I feel that I am the strongest in the areas of
Developing, Articulating and implementing a vision (1.1-1.3), Promoting a positive
school culture (2.1) and Understanding and Responding to the larger context. (6.16.2) I am passionate in my belief that our schools must be revolutionized if we are
to remain relevant in a globalized, 21st century marketplace. The revolutions that
must occur are not only curricular but also based primarily in the areas of Social
Justice and Human Rights. I am prepared to lead throughout these changes, as I
currently do in my own classroom. However in the role of a principal I aim to instill
in adults higher levels of respect for students as a foundation for the educational
process. I also feel that I am well prepared to both recognize and act on the
implications of a global society, and therefore the larger picture. I have served as
Ambassador for our U.S. Public Education system to both Kenya and Ghana. Having
had the opportunity to work with students in both of these countries, I have been
fortunate enough to develop a perspective that is inclusive of diverse viewpoints as
expressed to me around the world. The main responsibility of an ambassador is to
return to their home countries and enhance the cultural knowledge of the student
and teacher populations they serve. I do this through the development of a global
perspective in students, and am confident that I will easily do the same with
students and support staff.

Journal I - Hudnall
The areas I feel I have the most room for growth in are managing an organization,
managing operations and managing resources. (3.1-3.3) In order to address this, I
hope to gain experience throughout the course of this internship that will enable me
to successfully manage this aspect of schooling in the future. I have not served in
the role of manager in any previous employment position. As such I feel that this
internship is an opportunity for me to establish a level of familiarity and comfort in
these areas.
I am involving my school community in my professional growth process through
transparency. My students are very aware of my present pursuit of a principals
certificate, and are continuously questioning me as to my progress. I am also in
contact with many parents of both current and former students. I have shared my
internship experience thus far with many of them and will continue to do so,
thereby involving both my students and the community in my own educational

Stolp, S. (1995). Every School a Community: The Academic Value of Strong Social Bonds among Staff
and Students. OSSC Bulletin, 39(1), n1.

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