A Convoluted Mess

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Ledoux 1

Ben Ledoux
Ms. Lindgren
Creative Non-Fiction Period 5
16 May 2016
A Convoluted Mess
o We should probably put this in some chronological order, or at least group the
thoughts so its not complete nonsense.

Makes sense to put the sequencing part at the beginning.

Its like poetry, it rhymes.

o Really want to include a George Lucas quote in one of the
first sentences of your paper?

Way to be nuanced with your dolling out of


o Its a high school creative writing class.

Not to mention, a large part of your final project.

o Screw it, just keep it and move on.

o What about indents, like a conversation tree?
o What does a tree have to do with this at all?

Wait, what even is a conversation tree?

Well, where do we begin?

Begin? Is this really a good idea? What kind of paper is this even?

Nows not the time.

Better now than an hour from now when you go completely off the rails.

Ledoux 2

Writing this downs kinda messing up our natural rhythm, were having slow down to
type it all.

Ill say it again,

whats the point of this?

Too late now, were


To fill up three to five pages with mostly carriage returns

o At least it develops
o (Some)

Give yourself some credit, I like how ends at least.

You also like [insert stupid thing you like here]

You also like screwing

yourself over and not doing
anything till the night before

I did some work before.


Were better than that, I mean, isnt writing is all about insight into the mind of the

Theres no skill in this though, its just writing down a stream of consciousness.

You could argue that theirs value in experiencing another thought process.

But lets get back on track.

[Track -> Train Track-> Train ->Train Whistle]

*Train Whistle*

Ledoux 3

Really. Really, was that supposed to be funny? Some kind of joke or something? Just,

OK. Everyone just shut up for a second.

Lets address some issues here. In an Organized Matter.

Like youre ever organized.

Ok, fine, yes, sure, moving on.

o Anyway. Lets just start by examining our surroundings
o You mean give out some blatant exposition
o Quiet. Ok its pm.

its 1:10am

Ok, just

everyone, take a deep breath.


Ok. Ok. So, were writing a paper, right?


I wasnt finished. I mean to say, whats the papers topic?

o To sum it up neatly, a change in perspective.

Whats the grander takeaway though?

That were lazy and dont want to write a real paper.

Well, hopefully not. Whats the real take away going to be?

I think this is becoming a lot like the video game. Youre just going to end up having the
medium come before the content, Need I remind you about the catastrophe that was.

I think our passion shone through.

Its pretty hard to shine through something if theres nothing there.

Ledoux 4

Isnt that actually the easiest

scenario to shine in?

o There was something there.

o Just dysfunctional and lacking any relevancy to English, but yeah, something.

Hopefully I can get it fixed soon.

o Hey, we triedo And you failed. now remind me again, is anyone really going to believe this is a
real paper?

Id like to think that this is intriguing, or at least becomes so.

o I think this still comes off as: Ooh look at me, Im a paper inside a paper, see
how smart I am.
o *Inception Fog Horn*
o How is that possibly relevant.
o I mean, whatever fills the paper.

Explains why it took this long to start.

o That was barley a line, it would have been just as easy to fill with real dialogue

Can any of this even be

considered real dialogue

This is something youd turn

in as a joke.

You have a better idea?

I wish, were in the same

lifeboat here.

Ledoux 5
o How is anyone going to get whats going on here?
o Well, they could figure it out, may take a re-read.
o Ok, but Ill revert to my previous argument of theres no way this doesnt come
off as a low effort attempt.
o I mean, I can clean it up a bit afterwards.

Going back over it, it has some interesting ideas at least.

Were have to do another paper, this cant be what we turn in.

o We need sleep.
o Theres no time.
o Whats that quote? sleep makes up half of all time
o Something like that
o Just do another paper, like a revision of a previous one

Not much of a chance now.

Somethingsomething throw it all at the wall and see what works.

o Works?
o Sticks.

Dont know how much longer we can keep this up.

On just a quick formatting note, we should give names to each of us.

o The color works fine I think.

We can add dialogue tags if theres any time left.

o So thats a no.

We should fix the spelling issues though.

Eh, only need to to the point where its readable, otherwise its style.

Ledoux 6

Once again how is this nonfiction or in any way creative?

I mean, I am really thinking this.

Yeah, but the multiple people as repetitions of viewpoints, stretching it a bit far dont you

We do that sometimes.

You imagine that sometimes.

Jesus everyones gonna think your schizophrenic or something after this

o Isnt that kind of offensive to people actually with schizophrenia?

I mean, I know youre not real.

Byproducts of being only child with few friends, I guess.

o I feel like your justifying it just because of observation.

No, like, who else are you going to talk to.

Like castaway with tom hanks

Doesnt he play like a ups guy in that

Whose Wilson in this scenario

o Disregarding all of that

o But why the different voices?

o I guess to make things more interesting, it would get pretty static otherwise.

Pretty boring

And Lonley.

You always were an auditor- listen- audio kind of learner.

Still are

Should we describe the voices at least?

Ledoux 7

Like I said, we have colors, that should be enough.

What about the actually kind/tone, the person/character?

Here goes more exposition

They change too much and are inconsistent, better to just color them by
time and let the reader give a color a voice.

Imagining multiple characters when there only ever is one.

o Way to spell it out for us all.

How are we on time?

Its not bad, about 20 minutes to write this much.

I cant tell if that a lot or a little.

I mean, were on page 5.

So, not bad.

o Well, going back over it now has cost us another hour.

Well, there goes another.

Christ, we need to stop.

Can we go back to where you thought we were going to be put in an asylum when
someone catches wind of us.
o Us? Really an odd phrase.
o What are you, the soon to be mandated psychiatrist.
o *Ba dum crash*

But seriously, they wont do that will they?

I mean, all youve done is complain about how youre tired, the psychiatrist / asylum fear
is probably just a mix of the caffeine and the dark.

Ledoux 8

I am really getting tired over here.

Yeah, we know.

I feel like I should mention, you know they dont have asylums anymore, they got rid of
those, like, forever ago

like forever ago- really pushing the boundaries of what can be considered a formal

Ok, what are we doing here again?

Have we even started yet? Can this be called a paper?

Now were just trying to end these ramblings.

When would we have even started?

o Ok, you made this deliberately more convoluted. This
entire paper is a convoluted mess, and for what purpose?
o Seriously, do you have such low self-esteem that you feel
the need to impress yourself?

Or does all this mess just demonstrate your topnotch organization skills.
o You know when time is necessary
though? When you have to turn this
in tomorrow.

You mean today?

God damn it, just find a

stopping place and move on

Ledoux 9

Yeah, wait, how were we going to end this thing anyway?

I... I dont know.

Where did everyone go?

Not the best time to leave.


While once many chattering voices had filled the room, none now remained to give a
reply. With a defeated exhale, the computer lid closed shut and the room fell into

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