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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date/Time of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Donald Kwan

Name of Lesson
Content area(s)/developmental
domain(s) addressed

Shadow Puppets story

Fine Motor
Students are going to learn about characters in a story, develop character(s) and a short story to go
with the character(s) and act it out using shadow puppets created by the author. Concepts of
Characters and Plot.
A continuation of a previous lesson/activity
A new concept/activity
A conclusion of a concept
A review of a previous
Students will be introduced to story structure through the introduction to characters and how
characters may develop as a story goes on(plot). This will lead to creative thinking, creative
writing and communicating with teacher and peers. This will help students develop their abstract
thinking, and promote cognitive development.
20 min lessons split into 2 day.

Brief description of the lesson

This lesson is:

Objective(s) of the activity
Connections to standards

Donald Kwan

Classroom Number
Room 201

Students will create sentences with at least 4 words in them

Student will create a story for their characters

Physical Development and Health: Foundational Skills

PK.CKW. 5.Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects.
Domain 4: Communication, Language, and Literacy
PK.CKW.1. Demonstrate that they are motivated to communicate.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

PK.CKW.3. Demonstrates that he/she understand what they observe.
PK.CKW.4. Demonstrates his/her ability to express ideas using a variety of methods.
PK.CKW.1. With prompting and support, ask and answer about detail(s) in a text.
PK.CKW.2. With prompting and support, retell familiar stories.
PK.CKW.3With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about characters and major events in a
PK.CKW.7 With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections
between self, illustrations, and the story.
Writing Standards
PK.CKW.3.With prompting and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, or writing to narrate a
single event and provide a reaction to what happened.
PK.CKW.6. With guidance and support, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing;
collaborate with peers.

Language Objectives

Through this activity, students practice their communication skills along with their creative
thinking literacy skills. Students are demanded to develop their language syntax through creation
of their story. Students are creating multiple sentences that are connecting to the same topic.
Through the activity, students will are asked to developed productive language skill of speaking
and for some students writing.

Resources/materials needed:
(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for childrens
learning you will use during the
Technology inclusion (if

Story Book: Three Little Pigs, Shadow puppets of three little pigs with some scene, Chart paper,
drawing paper, pencil markers, Black and multicolor construction paper, scissors, popsicle sticks,
glue, scissor, large white cloth, flashlight, performers, audience, smiles

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Anticipatory Set: Review over what was talked about the previous day. Have student share their
experience with puppet making.
. (5 Minutes)
(Day 2)
Explain to the class that the character develop yesterday needs a story. Teacher will model to the
class a quick 5 sentence story for the character. (EG. Mr. Big Head likes to eat food. He eats
cake every day. The more cake he eats the bigger he gets. One day he got too big. Now he stops
eating cake.) Explain to the class that they story can be called a plot. The plot is what goes on in
a story to the character.
(We do)
As a class, create a character with students input. Draw the character on the board. Have
students create their own character. Try to focus only on 10 main features of the character so it
does not overwhelm the character development or the class. Try focusing on what type of
character is the class developing (Person, Object, animal, etc) and focus on what characteristics
that character has.
After developing the character, have the class input their thoughts on how the story should run.
Have students focus on how the story starts and how it flows and how it ends. Make sure each
sentence make sense and is coherent to the previous sentence. Write down their sentences. Stay
within 5 sentences.
Explain to the class that they are required to make a shadow puppet for the character and at least
3 sentences for their story. Students will verbally state their story while the teacher will dictate
the story on paper. At the end, students that want to participate in the class shadow puppet show
may perform their story to the class.
Independent Practice(small group activity, working with partners, or independently) (You do)
Have students talk about different path their characters may take in their story. Have students
develop a 3 sentence story about their character. As students states the story, the teacher will
dictate the story on a sheet of paper. Reread the story to the student to see if the student needs to
change any parts of their story. After the students finished their final draft of the story, write the
story on a construction paper using markers.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)

Have each student share their characters to the class. Students will describe the different
characteristics their character may have. Students will share their story to the class. Students
may choose to share their story or not.
Next step, explain to the class that the next step to the story should be where is the story taking
place in. Place is important in any story because it determines where the characters environment
takes place in.
Method of assessing childrens
understanding of
(Be sure to include any tools,
rubrics/checklists and/or
worksheets you will use for


Plans for differentiated


Supporting children with identified

delays or disabilities

Students will first be assessed on their

prior knowledge through a checklist
interview where students will be asked
about elements of a story. Students will
be asked to describe what are parts of a
story and how a story is formed.

(Speech and language delayed)

Students will design their story through
drawing pictures instead of verbally
speaking to the teacher.
(Gift and Talented)
Students will create a story that uses
complex sentences with at least 5
sentences. Students attempts to write the

Assessment of
Student Learning

Assessment of Childrens
Language Learning

Student work will

Students will be assessed on
be assess based on a language development
rubric where
through the same rubric.
students will be
Students will be assessed on
assessed on this
their ability to create a story
with at least 3 sentences
Students will be
regarding the character.
creating a story with
at least 3 sentences.
Supporting English Language Learners
Students will create a story using one sentence
describing the action of their character.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Follow up/Extension activities

Any additional information that

would be helpful for the
observer to know

sentences independently with the

assistance of the teacher. Spelling may be
incorrect with certain words but attempts
to use letter sounds to write.
As an extension activity, students will be asked to create a story using multiple characters
interacting with each other. During this activity, students will connect between multiple
characters and create a cohesive storyline between the different characters. Allow students to
develop more into character and plot development.
Prior to the lesson, the class has been learning about light. The previous lesson, students were
exploring how shadows is created. In this lesson, students continue to explore how shadows
work as an indirect lesson. This will allow students to continue to explore shadows but also
introduce themselves to story development.

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning activity

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Shadow Puppets

Below expectations (1)

Meets expectations (2)

Exceeds Expectations (3)

Students will
write a story
related to the
character that the
student has

Student creates a story that is

2 or less sentences. Uses
short sentence with about 3 to
5 words, phrases or only use
single words to describe their

Student creates a story that contains

3 sentences. Uses short simple
sentence with about 3 to 4 words to
more complex sentences that may
contain sentences with more than 5
words in the sentences.

Student creates a story

that contains more than 3
sentences. Uses complex
sentences that contain
more than 5 words.


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