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IXIVR-52 Journg gg? u aa jules Verne ey ae = Express Publishing Activity Book Journey “Centre E i? DUBSRIA. BE Plan. (Buc, ‘BM. SEGTO. COMTROL ¥ AVL ina yay DEFT, BE INCORPORACION Elizabeth Gray TRG CENTRO Ok 1D/OMAS EXTRAMIERAS “IGHACIOM, ALTAMIRANO* CLAVE: L2PBTOR LGR CHHLPARCINGO, GH", A} Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel: (0044) 1635 817 363 - Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: inquiries http: / © Elizabeth Gray 1999 First published 1999 Nwe edition 2001 All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner, ISBN 1-84925-154-X Colour Illustrations: — Nathan Dniroductory Lesion 5... os. ese cece eae Journey to the Centre of the Earth Activities. . 5 — ES Introductory Lesson Before reading: rs, ry to answer the @ Look at the cover of the book. In p: following questions. 1) What can you see in the picture? 2) What kind of trees are ther 3) Where would you expect to see a place lik 4 What would you expect to find in this place? 5 the picture? (calm, How do you feel when you I peaceful, relaxed), Report back to the class, @ Now read the blurb on the back cover. Talk about the characters . Say what you think the story will be about, mention ) Match the pictures t0 the words in the lists. Mcrae 9 Self sas. +» BOOKCASE ...002 , volcano .... cook Now make up a story, using as many words from the list in Ex 3 as possible. ]) Read abou Jules Verne and answer the questions. Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold Jules Verne Jules Verne was born in France y 8, 1898. Asa young man he studied law in Paris, but on Februai then he decided to become a writer. ‘One of his first stories was "Five Weeks in a Balloon’. Verne liked writing adventure stories and he had a lot of imagination, He wrote about inventions like submarines, television and sp: € ships. This was in the 1860's when such things didn’t vet exist. In 1864, he wrote ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’, which became popular all over the world. A film of th book was made many y in 1958, Jules Verne died on March 27, 1905. He was 77 years old. s late Which country did Jules Verne come from? What did he study as a young man? What was one of his first stories called What inventions did he write about? When did he write ‘Journey to the Centre of erm ot Lesson 1 Chapter 1 A Strange Message J Listening 1 2 3 4 5 Listen to the cassette and underline the correct ¢ 1 hear/watch my uncle very carefully when he works. Otto took Axel toa big room with lots of bookeases/pictures. He took an old book out of his coat pocket/drawer, Arne Saknussemm was a famous professor/scientist. They are going to Denmark by bus/train ~ 1) Comprehension questions nm Sram hw Where does Prof _Lidenbrock teae How old was the book that the professor found in the bookshop? What was the book about? What was on the old yellow piece of paper? Which country wi What is at Sneffells Yokul? message? How are Axel and the professor getting to Denmark? he old language from? 1) Topics for discussion 1) What do you think they will find in the volcano? 2 What's the most er 3) Who's your favourite relat ng journey you've ever been on? Give reasons why. Chapter 1 8 Activities A Read the jumbled sentences abo name aud put them in th The ancient Ron for the god of Juy (Zeus) The word ‘volcano’ comes from the little island of Vuleano, ily in ns believed that Vulcan made weapons ars (Ares) and thunder for the god near y, however, scientists have explained what happens during a volcanic explosion. Science tells us that the hot gas under the ground pushes the rocks upwards. It is this es the volcano explode. Many years ago, the people who lived near Vuleano thoughi that the hot lava came from Vulean's workshop, B Complete the advertisement spend, gold, famous, land, centre, journey LOOKING FOR ADVENTURE? Gome to Egypt, the (1)... of the (2) o pyramids. (3) some time in Cairo, where you can buy (4) ..... in the city (5)...... ws And don't forget to take a (6) _ .. down the River Nile! For lots of fun and adventure — don't delay, book today! —— Chapter 1 Choose the correct item. Sindy ... .. a lot of money every month on clothes A’ wears B_ shows C spends The help. A’ assistant B cook C_ professor the shop asked me if | needed some ‘The children were .. because they couldn't go to the park to play. A’ strange B upset C serious Did you get my .. about the meeting on F A message B surprise C cover 5 He had a crash because he wasn’t driving . A calmly B anymore Ce Match the items in the two columns. A B | jt | personal ie hair | \2 grey | b) worker | 3) coat ¢ | curtains 1 4 | strange | d assistant | 5 velvet | |e | pocket [6 | hard | f |) message } dc | Chapter 1 | Choose the correet item. show finish dictionary famous important 1 i you don't know a word, look it up in the alts that we all learn a foreign language 3 Can you he way to the bus stop, please? 4 Heisa 5 You can watch TV wh | OU eresee wee Your dinner ; _) Read the passage below and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. Prince Roland's heart felt heavy. His mother wanted him to get married, )ui the he loved, Then, one ss in the whole Land that aasn'ta prin when he as walking along the ri he saw an ugly frog. He touched the fre uv, yy and suddenly a mysterious (hing happened. Just like magi a wonderful princess! The the frog became ice looked at her lovingly and said “You are the perfeet w of my life!” : for me. This is the best moment es Grauben Listening BEBE] Listen to the cassette and True False Grauben i The professor needed a cook, seventeen years old. The whole trip will take twelve months, Axel walked along the Elbe river. Grauben felt sad about the journey, _|/) Comprehension questions Oh ee What is the professor's only int How long is the trip going to take? Where did Axel go for a walk? How did Axel feel when he went back to his uncle's house? Where was his uncle? |) Topies for discussion Why is it possible that Axel and his uncle won't return [rom urney? me some of the nicest plac What would you like to be famous fo Name some of the people/things you'd miss if you went on a long journey. Chapter 2 __ | Activities A(i) Correct the description belo Her name is Grauben. She is fifieen years old. She lives in Frankfurt, Germany. She has short, blonde hair and bright green eyes. (il) Write a similar description about your best B(i) Martha is making the travel arrangements. Complete the dialogue below Martha: I want two train (1) ....... pl Man: Certainly, Madam. Here you are, Martha: How (3) . is that please? Man: That's £5, madam. (4) ... we 1 (2) 0 eons FOU, (i) Now make up your own dialogue for the boat tic {ili) Act oud the dialogues C Make a list of 5 things Axel and the professor with them on their journey and say why they _ Chapter 2 ~) Match a word from box A with a synonym from box B. ) A B ; 1) wip a) start ; 2 silent b | great 3 wonderful © | quiet 4 begin d | type (S| kind | Cais 2 4 mau 5 Fill in the gaps with a word from the list. | interest, heavy Pe bright secret _adventure dangerous perfect —_ mysterious . but you mustn't tell anyone 1) 1'tell you my else. 2 My brother's only hours working on it. $3 He told us all about his exciting .................... in the African jungle. 4 Sharks ai 5 Thesun a is his computer; he spends nimals; they can kill you, hot. 6 itcase because it’s too ake 7 p spe -» English. 8 + no one knows very much> about him. Chapter 2 ' /) Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions. | to through = along at out JDP walked essen. the street with my hands in my pockets ) 2) [phoned the cinema to find what film was on | 3 Wewalked _. the park on our way hot | 4 Thewomanturned.............. her baby and smiled lov abit. 5 The litle boy was looking.............. the picture «in his book _) Label the pictures with words in the list. cine monster climber explosion medi rope tools gun brick Iceland > Listening fie) Listen to the cassette and underline th 1 2 3 4 5 6 q 8 9 no looked like an angry monster/man, 1 sinall river/town, on is a professor/scientist, Hans is our friend/guide. He didwt speak/eat a lot. essor and | each took/rede one horse. We took enough food for six days/months. We left Reykjavik on the 15th of June/August, We travelled along the river/sea and it was a wonderful journey. The vole -) Comprehension questions Iaukhunwe What was near the top of Sneffells Yokul? Who came to meet the professor and Axel at the boat? What things did they take with them for their journey? ve Reykjavik? When did they lea What were the villages like? When was the last explosion of the volcano? What did Axel dream about? Chapter 3 -) Topics for discussion er had? Tell the class. dream you've & I 2 Describe a village you've been to. j 3 What do you need to take with you if you go climbing? 1 What's the strange Activities A Choose from the about Han: ill, black hair, weak, big grey » red hair strong, noi small blue ey Dear (1) . My nephew (2) .... w. And | are arriving In (3) : On (4) .. 8th, We will need many things for our journey. We need (5) horses and enough (6) for six months. We also need a(7) ta show us around the area. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, Professor Lidenbrock ON erin a café. ‘The doctor gave me some medicine / adventure for my cold We are going to try / travel to Spain in August ‘Our teacher was scared / angry because we were noisy in class, tool / rope to the branch and climbed up the _” Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 LT only gotten in my test; | can do than that! (best) 2 There was a huge cc... When the bomb went off. (explode) 3 The. see Of the cave was behind some trees on the mountain. (open) 4 1 like this rest t because the waiters here are very fevis friend) 5 They sent some men bo rescue @ voce who was lost on the mountain. (climb). Chapter 3 Chapter 3 _ | Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. up along for to 1 What time do you get .. school in the morning 2 I can't come to the cinema tonight. Ask David to go eaceseeees» WILH YOU, 3 He was late because he had to wait the bus. 4 This path goes to the top of the hill Read the passage below and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. ‘One day, when Ann Walker was walking down the street, she saw a big hole in the road. She was curious to see what was inside it. She looked down and saw something shining at the bottom of the hole. She decided to elimb down and didn’t think about the danger of it. When she reached the bottom, she saw a bright, gold lamp. Then she heard a sm; call out. “Please, help me. I'm here, in the lamp!" Inside the Volcano Listening Read the passage, then li th The (1)... .. of the volcano was one mile wide, We tied a (2) veo around each other and began to climb down, Hans went first. The inside of the voleano looked like ain 3) on CONE, Its opening became A) nce sccweee AS we went down, because of the rocks left there after explosions. he 6) 2. down, When we got there, Hooked up and saw the opening at the (6) . alt perfect circle of clear (7) sky. » three (8) .. of them was about a hundred (9)...... i once came through these .. of the volcano was 2000 feet Phere were three (8)... in the floor of the volcano. Ead wide ‘The explosion of rocks and hot holes and then out through the top. Now, they looked like dark (10) .. wees Tlooked at the holes and then turned tomy uncle 9) Comprehension questions Who went down the volcano first? What did the volcano look like inside? What kind of weather did Axel hope for? What did Hans build from the large rocks? How did Axel find out the age of the walls? What did the professor find on the wall of the vol What time did the sun come out the next diay? ick. a ND ekonwe Chapter 4 | Topics for discussion nk they will find at the bottom of the hole? c? What was it like? 1 What do yout 2 Have you ever been inside aca 8 What's your favourite kind of weather? Why? _ Activities A Match th 1 h [aL] tsa windy day fal] tsa cloudy day [BL] tsa sunny day fe[_] Isa snowy day feL] Wsarainy day B Read chapter 4 again and correct th The mouth of the volcano was ten miles wide, The inside of | volcano looked like the inside of a box. Lis opening becam« bigger as we went down, because of the water left there afie: the explosion. The bottom of the volcano was 7,000 feet down There were ten holes in the floor of the vole was about a hundred miles wide. The exple no, Each of them n of rocks and hot oil once came thre gh these holes, What's the word? aaaces Chapter 4 —— } 1 Something which could cause harm. NEDARG 2) Avery small amount of water. ROPD 3 This comes out of a volcano. VLAA to see if something is OK to be very brig! an answer to a problem helpful the opposite of high Chapter 4 “Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. out of for off 1 The bathroom is at the bottom .........-- the stairs, on the left 2) They hoped .........00 _ good weather as they wanted t goona 3 Itshotin here. Why don't you take .... your coat 4 She looked through the window and calle tc her friend in the street. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. reached away hope late train ran David looked at his clock. It was 10 o'clock, He was 1) | | He jumped out of bed and 2) «+ down the stairs, T station was a mile 3).. le from his house, and at 10.30, He van all the way. When | 10.28, “1 6)... w+ T have e said to himself = ae the station it ed my train,” Lost in the Tunnels — 1 Every two hundred feet, we founda =A big vos TOCk to stop on, B flat C huge eee but iit A name 2 It was only one ......... was nice to finally hear his voice B word C sentence 3 We walked for two more days, and A tunnels we found other ... B caves C holes 4 = There was aloud wa: behind A sound the wall next to u: B voice C shout 5 We continued our journey but | A serious Mae a eorscsessoee Mistake, B > bad C terrible 6 Then lhitmy. and A head everything went black around me. B arm C) leg Comprehension questions 1 How far did they travel? Chapter 5 2 What did they find? 3 What did they find behind the wall? 4 How did Axel get lost? 5 What happened to Axel? ~ 1) Topics for discussion 1 think will happen next? 2 got lost? Tell the class what 3 Describe a time when you felt ve mT 4 Have you ever had an accident? What happened? Activities A Look at the picture on pages 30-31 and answer th following questions 1 Who are the people in the picture? 2) Where are they? 3) What are they doing? 4 What is the man holding? 5 What is coming out of the wall? 6 Give a short description of the three men. 99 £4 - Chapter 5 Write Axe Dear Grauben, I} hope / you / be / well, We have / very exciting Journey. A man / call / Hans / be / our guide. The journey | Sneffels / take us / six days. We / find / two words / on 1 wall / volcano. The professor / be / very excited. Then we / climb down / the volcano. It / take us / ten hours We | be / very tired and thirsty. Hans / make / a hole / wall Jan axe, and water / came out! We all / feel / very pleased. That's all for now. Love Axel Dear Grauben, Chapter 5 ” is in the gaps with one of the choices below. “| n open 2).. of the hole, which 4) climbing 5)... nv hours of we were very 6) We Tas seat spend the B) ssc there 1 a) torch b) turn ¢) rope 2 a) area by axe e) arm 3 a) bottom b) down €) floor 4 a) happened —b) continued —_¢) pulled | 5 a) down by) behind ©) around | 6 a) fat b) tired ¢) diflerent } 7 a) decided b) enjoyed c) moved 8 a) night b) money ¢) time _) Choose the correct item. 1 We walked for an hour and early / finally arrived! at my cou house. Sally can sing really well, She's got a beautiful voice / sound I made a tunnel / mistake in my homework and had to do it again. 4 [felt loud / thirsty so I drank some 5 He threw a stone and hit/ moved his friend on the head wn Chapter 5 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition, through under around above 1 He walked the door and said helle 2 Itbegan to rain so we stood 3 She looked up at the 4 The moon goes veryone. vw a tree to keep dry roplane Mying oo... her oan ~ the Earth. Label the pictures with the words in the list. giant dolphin. bone compass turtle snake bandage shell An Underground Water-world © Listening Read t) listen and mu When Axel woke up, his 1). not 2) .. 3). » hurt, He could built a much for two days, F he professor wanted to know how - to sail ir 4). . the sea was. Then they saw something about a5). way from them, [twas something with the 6. ofa dolphin and the head of an alligator |) Comprehension questions. What things did they find in the underground sea? What is coming out from the heat of the rocks? What did Axel do when he felt strong again? What did Axel find on the beach? at was on the axe when they pulled it back into the boat? re they under? ser to their boat? Syanevne Where did the snake die? ee = — hl} ~.. Chapter 6 for discussion _ 1 Have you ever seen a dolphin? Tell the class. 2 Which animal are you most frightened off 3 Have you ever found anything interesting on a beach? 4 Have you seen any films about huge animals or monsters? Describe the animals/monsters. . A Fill in the description of the underground from the box. thousands clouds — miles water electricity trees = bones_—_—rocks There are (1). of animals that lived (3) is something like (4) . top of it is a few (6) (0) eccsstsecereessans in the sky because of the (8) 2.0... Chapter 6 B a Ithas a very long neck and small ears, It has four lon legs and a short tail. It e b Ihas golden fu und very sharp claws. It has pund its head ne) and whiskers, Itcan run ver It is called “The king of the jungle.’ It « e lh oks like a horse. It has black and white stripes or body. It eats grass. d-Itisabird but it can’t fly. It lives in the South Pole, It’s g two wings and along beak. It eats fish e [t's got long fur on its body. Itcan walk on two legs and has very long arms. It can climb trees, [teats nuts and bananas FIs got black and white fur, It’s got sharp claws. It lives in China. [teats bamboo leaves. 3 pote ' w we % oe oa es ne w Chapter 6 Choose the correct item. 1 4 dn't do my maths homework because it was (oo C difficult . that | was a A. possible Be and UIE LO veces I closed my e famous poy A’ imagine B think C feel Sailors use a... ... to show them which direction to take. A book B compass © sky It dito rain bat 1 my umbrella with me A’ suddenly B luckily C closely In Greek mythology, Hercules isa very .. man A strange B strong C bad _ Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition, 3 out about from across into Th the corner We took a ferry boat and sailed .. was loud music coming wo the cake on the channel from England to France. He came . of the swimming pool and lay in the sun to dry, In basketball, you score two points when you throw the ball ...i+... . the basket. She buys a lot of clothes because she cares ... how she looks. Chapter 6 _/ Look at the picture and label the parts of the body. claws ears tail stripes whiskers body 1 2 DB essacgseces arntee 4. 5. 6. _} Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold, iling on the ope uddenly, there “a. He was looking avery bad storm and nd a strange creature appeared in front of him. It pushed the captain with a power until they re Il its . But You saved me “he eri when he turned around there was nothing there! He still doesn't understand what happened that day nel A Terrible Storm > Listening Listen he cassette d pu aang 1 Suddenly, the ball of electricity exploded. We shouted at each other but none of us could hear anything ater. ‘There was a sound like fast running A large ball of white electric light fell on the boat. ‘The water went up 500 feet high into the site ie 3 4 Comprehension questions. Aone we Who was sailing the boat? Where was the water coming from? What fell on the boat? What threw them into the water’ What did they see after the storm stopped? Where did the compass show tha they were? _\)) Topics for discussion What do you think will happen next? sued anyone? Has anyone ever rescued Have you ev you? Tell the class. Have you ever been on a boat in a storm? What was it like? Chapter 7 _” Activities A In Teams A and B try to get across the sea, $1 Team A throws the dice to start. Continue by taking it in turns (¢.¢ $1 Team B, followed by $2 Team A etc). If you land on a shark, you must go back two squares. If you land on a dolphin, you must answer your Teacher's question before you can continue. Chapter 7 Matt and Linda were on holiday, on a beautiful island in Spain. On their first night there, they met a man called Captain Ryan. He told them that he would take them sailing on his boat. ‘The next day, they f sxcited as they sailed out to sea But, suddenly they saw a big dark cloud in the sky Seconds later, it began to rain heavily. The boat started to rock from side to side. Then a huge wave hit the boat, and it filled with water, iptain Ryan called for help on his radio. Luekil Jand. Matt. and Linda thanked the captain for saving them. a helicopter arrived and it flew them back to “But we're not going sailing anymore!” they said, ais Chapter 7 z Across Down 1 Horrible, 2 The journey by boat was long and we didn't see for days. ly. minute, te 7 We took a taxi to cc 3 Q) time. 5 A living thing. 8 [vs dark! Put the ......... 6 John isn't home vet; he's on. sat school, 9 sh. 7 — believed that the 10 things in the sky. Titanic could .. at 12 Also 11 Some trees were blown 13) Guns ar they down in the wc... Chapter 7 the gaps with words from the box. understand degrees power sound continue 1 I woke up to the ................ of the birds singing outside, 2 She couldn't . ss the man because he was speaking too quickly. 3 It’s very hot toda ly AD: ia With your English oo Celcius! 4 Are you going to .. lessons after the summ 5 My car stopped because there wasn't any ........ in the battery. _ ||} Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. away from back up 1 My new jumper had a hole in it so Ltook it, to the shop. 2 It was raining so [| brought the washing inside to keep it . gelling wet. 3 We wanted to get close to the famous actor but a policeman pushed u ; 4 When the spaceship took off, it shot ................ into the air. ert) | Fs A Lost World and AS 1) Listening Liston to the cassette and correct the mistakes We were on the south side of the sea again, but not on the ne beach as before, » was shorter than the other one. This bn keletons of people that 4 e not living today, There were The further we went, the less life we found. When we stopped walking, we were back at the beach, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of the things they found on the beach? | from the bones? What did they find with all the other bones? What did Axel see behind the trees? How old was the knife Axel found on the rock? Where did the professor run to? What was on the entranc of the cave? — Chapter 8 ‘| Topics for Discussion i 2 3 4 How do you think the human head got on the beach? How many animals which are not living today can you name? Have you ever visited a museum? What did you see there? ils did you see there? Have you ever been to a 2002 What anin J) Activities A @ rm An A abel t tail tusk fur trunk foot lived / ago / on earth / many / mammoths / years elephants / were / as / height / mammoths / the same, had / fur / their bodies / long / they / on large / with / tus two /long were / animals / very / they ars / elephants. than / had / smaller / they / ate / plants / and / mammoths / grass. 7 Chapter 8 “) Choose the correct answers from the choices below. | eee down and the beach 2)... | We walked 1) Now, there were 3) around us. ‘The furths found. 5) .... 1 small plants] - L saw something move behind the trees 1 ar by b) long c) further 2 a) changed b) happened c) kept 3 a) lost b) large ¢) metal 4 a) last b) first ¢) more 5 a) Suddenly b) Quietly ce) Calmly _) Match the words to make collocations. A B 1 | pre-historic 3] down 2 lost b world 3 further /c¢)} man 4 long | (4 animal | 5 | giant | e hair — Chapter 8 1) Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. _around into for behind through .». the swimming pool He walked along the beach to look Someone pushed him and he fel The t I was sitting see the tunnel in the mountain. went ere tall man at the Gnema so I couldn't ery well. 5 She was wearing a black coat and had a red searf .. her neck. Read the passage and guess the meaning of the words in bold, Alison White was driving home one night when she erashed | into something, There was tree blocking the road. She didn't have enough strength to lifi the tree, Alison's only choice was _ to walk the rest of the way home. Suddenly, she heard a loud | roar and saw a bright light, She looked for somewhere to hide. Then she heard a man’s voice. “OK, that's the final scene,” he said. It was then that making a film! lison realised that some people were The Last Tunnel — Listening Bae) Listen to the cassette and L Hans brought the boat to the end of the beach, 2) We moved sixty feet out to sea. 3) We held on\to the sides of the boat with all our strength. 4 The temperature was around 30 dey sO 5 They were inside the volcano, 18) Comprehension questions How did Hans make a hole in the rock? What did they use to light the gun powder? What was the colour of the walls inside the veleano? What did Axel hear coming from behind them? What could Axel see through the round hole? Ane ewe t thing they heard before they were flying up into the ai 11) Topics for discussion 1 Do you think they will survive? 2 How would you end the story? 3 What natural disaster are you most afraid off Chapter 9 ~) Activities A.(i) Look at the ple Writing Plan mention the time, place and people involved develop the story (events one after the other) Para4: describe what happened in the end | and people's feelings L ieee Water, water everywhere ‘The next thing, Ken’s car started to float! He jumped out a S ume quickly and climbed on top of it b Finally, when he was in the helicopter, Ken thanked the rescue team. “I'm glad you saw me,” he said. “I'm very lucky I didn’t drown.” [EL] “Help” he screamed, but there was no one around. Just then, he saw a helicopter above him so he waved his arms “Please, save me!” he cried [aL] 11 was raining hard when Ken Burlow left his office at 8 ‘ol INO o'clock that evening. He car and began to drive Suddenly, he saw tha the roads were filling with water home. from the river. Chapter 9 __ Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in ; brackets. 1 The 2) David's not here yet, He's ... (probable) 3) An elephant has a lot of .. . (strong) 4 Where are we going to — the cinema or the theatre? It's (choose) You were ver' . to the building was full of people. (enter) .. still sleeping. your 5 Thank you, M. today. (help) Match the words in box A with their opposites in box B. A B 1) end a) wonderful 2 entrance b st | 3 | loud | |e] dark 4) light d quiet 5 last e | beginning Ls i exit ; | terrib le Chapter 9 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition around inside = below up back 1 1g to rain! Let's go... before we get wel. 2 was late and FE didn't ge » home until TH o'clock, .. the bay's waist. ito the sky. looked at all the people 3. The fireman tied a rope 4 The bird lefi its nest and flew 5 He stood on the tenth foc «him, _) Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the words in Bald. Sindy Summer walked on stage. This was her first time and she felt a little afraid, She got to the end of the play, somehow, without forgetting anything. Everyone clapped and cheered loudly. Later, they had a big celebration > and a jou came up to Sindy “That was amazing!” he said. The next day, Sindy’s photograph was in the newspaper, The words at the top said ‘A Star is Born! * Cath) 10 Chapter 10 Back Home 9 Listening | Listen to the cassette and say who says what. Put P for professor, A for Axel, G for Grauben 1) “He said we're in Stromboli, Hak 2 “You mean we went in one volcano in other in Italy Iceland and came out of 3) “Pm so glad you're back.” 4 “Well, I never felt that 1 was to come back to you every r 5 °My nephew, Axel, and Tare now back from f i ] ate, but 1 did want jute of every day.” an incredible journe _ 1) Comprehension questions What kind of trees were on the land? Who y Ww there? What language did the boy speak? Which voleano did they come out of in the end? Who did Axel look for when they a ed in Hamburg? Who asked the professor to talk about his journey? L person they Aah wnwe 11) Topics for discussion 1 Did you like the ending? Why/Why not? 2 Ifyou had the chance to explore somewhere, whieh place would you choose? Gi ” 3 Who was your favourite c aracter in the story F Say why. Chapter 10 _) Activities A Answer the journalist's questions 1 Journalist; Where did you begin your journey? Otto: 2 Journalist: What supplies did you take with you? Otto: 3. Jour Why did you take Hans Oto: 4 Journalist: What is it like under the ground? Otto: 5 Journalist: Did you see any living creatu Otto; 6 Journalist: What was the most frightening moment? Otto: 7 Journalist: Who was the first man to J under the e Otto: ae aeeaas 8 Journalist; What advice would you give to someone who wanted to go to the centre of the earth? Otto: sean Chapter 10 ____ = B Complete th HAMBURG HERALD EXPLORERS RETURN FROM INCREDIBLE JOURNEY Yesterday, Otto Lidenbrock and his 1) ........000 Axel, returned home from their 2) sss. to the centre of the earth. They brought with them their a). 0 Hans. Professor Lidenbrock w was s the second man to make this journey. The 4)... person was a man called Aine Saknussemm, a feacts 5). .. from the sixteenth century. “there is 6). in the heart of this planet,” said the professor. “There is water and 7). . and trees.” Replace the words in bold with a word from the list. scared wonderful huge heart glad Our holiday in Egypt was a fantastic expe A million pounds is a large sum of money. He was happy to hear that his grandmother was feeling bette ene 4 Harry's new flat is in the centre of the city, 5 They felt frightened when all the lights went out. Match the words to make collocations. amazing light ee underground tree big adventure olive _ white ) Re) fm eeee 64 ann | _ 1) Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition, ) up of past about __ under 1 The ns on the metro in Paris travel ... the city 2 The and get ready to film 3 He never goes by plane because he’ 4) The journalist asked the professor to talk 5 The car went very fast and moved .. on the road. rector told his assistants to set the cameras raid .... flying. .- his journey all the others PODER EJECUTIVO DFL E90, ld, DE EDUC, Gr, POBRRIA, BE FLAK, (OU. Dim, SEGTO, CONTROL Y vi DEPTO, OF MMCORPORM.ALH Y REVALIBACION CENTRO BE 1010M«S: CXTRANJERAS “IGNACIO M, ALTAM IRA’. CLAVE: =L2PETOPIE® CHILPARCING, « BN Express Publishing

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