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Sample Paragraph

Key/Star Idea
Make at least 1 local


Second Stage of Culture shock=feelings of
hard time getting used to the culture
Second Stage= you dont understand the
language or the customs of the culture.

Friend= help you understand language and
teach you about local customs
Makes it easier to adjust and be a part of the
-Language and culture barrier = difficult to make

But one friend is enough

Friend can be road to you becoming part of the culture and making new
The body paragraph below has been taken from the outline above. In your
groups, read the paragraphs and do the following:
1.) Put a ----------------------------- under the main idea.
2.) Put a ================ under the author and the title of the
3.) Put a
under the information from the source.
4.) Put a
5.) Put a

next to sentence that connects the source to the main idea

around the conclusion.

First of all, forming a friendship with at least one local person will make
it easier to handle the various stages of culture shock. In his article Culture
Shock, John Smith states that in the second stage, you might experience
feelings of frustration because you are having a difficult time making friends
and getting adjusted to the culture. You dont know the language and there
are many customs of that culture that you dont understand (72). A local
person can help you through this stage by helping you learn the language
and teaching you about the local customs so that it will be easier for you to

Sample Paragraph
adjust. While the difficulties mentioned above may make it hard to form
friendships, making just one friend may be enough. He or she can be the
road to you becoming a part of the culture and making new friends.

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