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CHAPTER 1 12 9) This 13.0 fovrbac linkage and angle of 4 MOTION gereretion. peer tink pad sl 192 Fonchion senentin.. Taps ladle. moves ostpet shear ler % Ae ) Soue-bae slider "Yad Watt IL, the hus femmary Inks are connected hopther ant a formar lnk 1s qvond 1) Fonchon genchan, ‘The input and oulpat links ave. pinned 4 gion 59 Motan sentration, The wtpst (ink 15 ok aljeemt 1 grad. Ale, the erin 2S the windows dering its motion 1s ef interest, it wast wave straiqht ast MAY Grom the sill Swe Hoan notake te its Soul. pesiton ) There are 6 fats aud 75, pin jon Fe Xo) -a¢) = assty= +1 ©) Stephens I, the 4u0 fermen links are wot adjacerd toeahether, Also, the SreoWd fink is a maw connected to two Ferman links, 16 Aw adivitalle Sour bar linkage Fonclion generation. AHbosh the. inpot link is act adjacent fegroond, the wtpet lis, cs ‘ask is to move the eutpst lnk dea closed position Becaute the mtyut link must be moved Giest by larger then smaller angles Per ncremmert af inpet rotation of the endl whenthe impel line is dle in orden to yr the Work piece gotkly aud doget a high fore emplivicaton between the Vice \auss ond the handle. The fonction of the adjviting screut iS te wake the vice grit ty be able 49 damp the different site workpieces with approxindely the same force amp 1iGeaten. His (ecated in tle base link, becage. cansey ue lent Abe base link is the best way in which the Sorce amplib Feationd Cam be heept ~Prrorimately the same Sor different size uerkpicces. Fonction gereretion , both the iapot ad eotpot lonks are pinned toqeomd. Becake the output (ink wut robte ina presibel relattenship witha the inpot tuk. &, A path generator linkage a 3 B 4) A function generator 4 input and output links are 1 pinned to ground. lll @) A motion generator 4, Because @ linkage can work in the adverse Circumstances, €) Stability in running of the car, since it guides the wheels straight up and down as the car runs overan uneven road. LZ @, A four bar linkage LIQ The kinematic diagram of the linkage shown in Fig. P1-13 6) Stephenson II ©) Ror tle linkage shown in Fig, PIS Fonction generation %) Fe 3(7-41)-2(8) = +2 ) Nene, the Watson” 7- bar 1 LM Kinematic diagcam Of Fig, PLIS Basic Kinematic Chain 5 OF Fig. PLIS oy °F the" Watson” 7 bat iP OK Basic Kinematic Chain ¥ P of FigPLic. “Hs” ; Fak which replaces hisper \p pate ca edi pol Q OF 3 concatenated Weft T vntpe dd ese 4, Function generation The kinematic diagram of ‘the Linkage Shown in Fig. P/-1% For the linkage shun In Fig, Phil Motion generation , jaus move. penllel F= 3(8-1)-2(9) -a\= *1 BEX 4, Kinet dgpan f Fig Plo mys Nett that Hikes Sans st ternawies, mecesiery FETE 1S motion ss fe be trenswnitien 40 links Sand 9, |S feta YK: bar Wnkages. & by Gruebler's equation, n=8 P=ls0 F = 3(8-1)-2x10 i LI5 6) By intuition. Links 1 through 4 form @ four-bar linkage whith has @ single degree of freedom, Once the input rotation of tink 2 is specified, the position of point 8 is known with respect t0 Ao, Be, C. end D.. BCC, and BDD. form two “rigid” triangles respectively and the mechanism is entirely specified. Lie @& 4 Harvey tinkage Bjorklund linkage n=7 Nag P=8 Pail s=/ s=/ FHB7-1)-248-1= 1 FH=39-1)- 2211-1 = C) Watt Z; Motion generation. “7 @& 118 @ co Stephenson I 4, Motion generation Watt Z 4) Function generation Because greater angles of output oscillation are wanted than possible with @ four-ber linkage, 'n order to get complete agitation. 119 «) Watt b) 120 a) If the optn chain retractor ends are theglected the Kinematic diegeam would be: 6s curved 4 curved link Lin 2 7 Toit A ise screw pair, 1 DOF Teint B isa revolute pair, LDOF Due tothe screw pair, this mechaniim caunct be backdri Kinematic diasyam 08 Fie PLO deinen DoF = 3(7-1)- 2/8) = 42 This sactually a 2% dimension. lonkage, 2D Sprints disteiboted ig a 3-D manner, The 2 Freedoms com Sromusing Yue 2-0 Gribler epustion in 2h. D space. One Freedom reflects the internal pleaar motion andthe seceah is rman out-S-ylene motion. 2) C) There are no six-bar mechanisms "NENG BKC of w this 7bae “Watson” topelogy “Watson” Fegardless of hide [takes either > ae ter crm others, ore growl he fal the aed ‘sets Aad have bet, formed 90 into The plone, 121 a) Function generation, input ond output links are pinned 4o ground ) Basic Kinematic Kinematic Chain oF diagram of Fig PLS! Fig. PL31 “HS's 0 The roller link Ficticious link meant to medel the $, higher is not counted Par’ Sliding Jott between links 2 and 3 or Since i merel the voller link, which is suspesed to allow _ 3 Sliding inte Aeolling wt ink, is ing itis Jot €) There are 2 wate six-bar linkages melded together Sharing links 3,Yand5, 4) Six Cand this eigct-bar) link mechanisms with the Watt TL topology allow Avery large octet ink rotation (here 180") while preserving good. transmasen amales add geod motion characteristics in general. ILD oy Thaqeastion Steibesthe hept of how ae eaalyae, mAbipe-foinbed UUwlenges; dete at Hare ae AehincHve rolingen Hi questiain. HE wuld be either a WHT of Steplenson IT. The at eng + sigh espe lecbne at relay is oF 2 Hans uth wont we seelae. b) F= X7-1\-2(8) = +2, requ he aye weslawbinns, ao pe a) Step f Step 2 Step 3 5 (2) 1236) Step1: Path generation Step 2: Motion generation Step 3: Motion Generation 9 Fe s(m-i)-200%)= “1 4) n=8 P=9 S=2 F=3(8-1)-219-112=1 n=10 P'=13 F'=300-1)-2013=1 F’=F 125 @, Stephenson I 6) The kinematic diagram 's drawn on next page. «) The range of rotation of the input link is a9. (2) The linkage indeed does hit the ink pad and produce @n approximate straight line, approaching to and receding from the box. 6 c) yes. Because it can satisty the reguirements of with @ minimum number of tinks. dy If |£3~La] <0 Say-a:)mi input tink would be changed. If 1L3~421>(Sa,-Didmin, the linkage would not hit the ink pad, (Contd 47.8) motion in, the range of rotation of the where 13 and L2 are the lengths of link 3 and link 2 respectively; (S,,-p;)mia 15 the shortest distance from the input pivot Ae to the tocus of joint D between the initial and final positions. 126 @ &, A coupler is added between the cover and the soggler, @nd the stop and spring2 are removed. c) For Fig. P1.32 (¢ Part @)), For the cover: N=2 P=/ FR 3l2-1)- 291 =] For the joggler, n=4 Pe=3 S=1 F=3lG-1)-223-] =2 (One of them is redundant) For Fig, Ps-33 ( Part by) nN=6 P=5S S=2 F =3(6-1)- 215-2 =3 (One of them is redundant) 1.26 d) n=/3 P=l6 3 F=3(13-1)- 2%16 FAK YT =4 Rolling 128 @ contact 4 n=7 s=/ Fez Bt7-1)-248-1= 1 3(00-1)- 2x13 = L FOF & For the original linkage, 129@, , n=4 Ps3 S=2 F=3(4-1)-2"3-2=1 For the lower pair eguivalent linkage: N'=6 Pp'=7 F'=3(6-1)-21754 =F 430 a) Kinematic dincyam of Fig. PLY ») Fe 312-1) ~2(16) = 4] Link 2 inthe input [idk and (iaks Zand Il ore the eutput, Note that link 4 Stides on Ina 4, this is te wet ollew the dilator blades 40 be fered os @ complete unit: ints a idewsays moten while (n use. Also, the slot in link Vis be allow Cinks Sand % te collapse Inde a smaller Volout, if is vnly clearence sict , net an 4, slider slot. W) The joint behween (inks 25 end 26 is an §, shading jourk. The Flesite hase [Dink between (teks 22 and 26 is modelled as and, pia jonet. T° Kimemahe dicgrm of Heyy Fig: PLAS. Ves 3¢8i)-2(4)-1) 242 The two inputs are: Link mombers i —drive shaft 13, and 26 parentheses ert cine 25 YY 6) Phase sted f+ corntng Swing-arm 24. ah ks. 132 a) ee é Ne7, P'e6, F's 3(7-1)-2 «8 = Qar by nab, Pe6, Sf Fe M6-)- 26-1) = 2 10 he + 33a) 2 this cose Fe2 nd nel sime bineryy charms ave wadeup of epval mombers of links aud forts. Thea: 27 Mxt}-24 or X= ST. Five Lung tks ond Fe, i WY Frame pect a) te anguer is 5 theeny, thisghes ut we asight into why 5 the emsiser ancl eG ct is the answer Sor oll FH2 meckanims. eas) Chains ane the leatt complex mechanitins Gor ay duyer of Sreuton ancl we Ford Hit S Lingntes crooked a 2006 webantern pct a) 50.5 is the wer = 3n-i)-23 and A2TES is wet wllowed. °) Frm gy thless eqabion 2 2 chen: Te BE and mand T must fe integers. Therefor, wote Hut n must be odd. The next Md number afer Sis 7 set n=7, T= 8 AH 4 w fea 2 DoF mechawion sith all $, joints is tmnparsiile Son part c) & Prfen 1.33 2) Heep ak AER then $= Il. Ml jot pecs sank be porate Bs 4) and d) have Zanrwers capadiny apn het hype of epsleyies re atlowd. This disewtien requives penning Hat J joints have 27 joiet wads where Z nades on 2 separcte aks mebe vpone joint pair. “The Inmedivie Selubin u join equals 22 joiet nodes te this problen Ueld be fe remod: disteeled among J links. ZF alll links are Gimavicy then IG nodes are requived leaving Yexden node fh be used in creating “ hrther order" links, tate Hirer Hin a binary Grovping all ‘Y exira nodes ents one binary link credes A hexagonal link Ch sated) and Bbmares. bre covtl Spread Here exta notes arud fo form S dittad set el (ahs + A heragenal, 8 brates, arrernany, T binaries, 1 Qrarteneny, 2Temany, - LH, PB sol-ton suffers ow Fackienstes Frestionbea | Total 4 LPentegenal, LTermary, Zhinaress 20 bbinanec, YTermmiet, F binaeies, The Srecdou!, the entire mesbenitm ders wot neve at < stole. ape farst “Fotal Sredon’ solution 1 2Q, 7B. Aswers: Kine matic. diayrim of Ry PLT 135 Basic Kinematic Chain of Fiy.PLIT iS Stephenson JIL chain “AS” designates higher par siding Sy joint. 136 For Fig. PLY8: n=9 PHI F=3l9-1)- 2x1 =2. HGC is a stider crank with one degree of freedom, : FEDCBAS IS @ Wett I Linkage with one degree of ~ freedom, total 's two degrees of freedom. For Fig, PL.49: N=B P=B S=l F=F8-1)- 218 -1=4, ABCEFG (5 @ single loop with 7 links. It has 4 degrees of freedom. When the positions of points C and E ere known, the position of slider Dis known, Therefore, the entire mechanism has 4 degrees of freedom. For Fig. PSO: nag P=id Fms(Q-1)-2410 =. Replace the bett bya binary Vink between pulley A and B forming o H-be, Then, when the retation of pyiley A is specified, the postrons of points C and G are known. Then, rigid triangle DEF is specified. Therefore, the mechanism has one degree of freedom. For Fig, PL §t: m=6 P=7 F=3(6-1)-2*7=/ FED is @ slider crank with one degree of freedom. When the rotation of Crank FE is specified, the position of point C is known. CAB forms a"“rigid” triangle. Then, the linkage is entirely specified. For Fig. P4.§2: M=12 Pali§ F=3(12-1)- 21S =3, ABCD and FEGH are four-bar linkages with one degree of freedom each. DIMNIKL /s @ Stephenson I tinkage with one degree of freedom. Total is three degrees of freedom. For Fig, P1.$3: n=l4 PmiS Fe3(lh-1)-2x18 =3; or Na12 PsIS FR3(12-1)- 21S =3. IsK is a rigid triangle, which cen rotate about pivot K. GHIT is @ four-bar linkage with one degree of freedom. We have found two degrees of freedom so far. Furthermore, when 13K and GHII are fixed and the position of slider D is specified, DFG, DFE, DCE and then ABC form four “rigid” triangles. Therefore, total /s three degrees of freedom. 12 For Fig. PLSY; N=to Pal2 F=3U0-1)-2%12=3. ABCDE is @ single loop with five links. I¢ has two degrees of freedom. FIIJK isa@ four-bar Linkage with one degree of freedom. CGH now forms @ “rigid a triangle. Therefore, the entire linkage Aas three degrees of freedom. , For Fig. P1.§5: n=lo Pl? F=3(10-1)- 2212 3, Slider A has one degree of freedom itself. ABC and CDE are stider cranks with one degree of freedom each. BFE is now locked. Total, therefore, is three degrees of freedom. For Fig. P56: n=& P=8 S=1 F23(8-1)- 28-124 Slider H has one degree of freedom itself. Point A has two degrees of freedom: one is the translation along the fork, the other is the rotation Qbout the pivot B. ACDEFGH is @ Watt I linkage with one degree of freedom. So that totel /s four degrees of Freedom. For Fig. P57: n=qg Pell S=t F=309-1)-2x/-1= 2. DBFH is a@ four-bar Linkage with one degree of free dom. When D&FH /'s specified, the positrons of the rest of the mechanism are known. Therefore, the linkage hes only one degree of freedom. 137 B 1 71: is #ixed, When the moving pivot Be n=6, P=% F=3(6-1)- 247 =4. When the moving pivot 8. is moving along wearc, na7T P=8 FH=3(7-1)- 2x2 = 2, 438 Stephenson TIT , The ternary links are act connected and a temary it qroued. 139 Kinematic diagram of Fig. PLST B) There are many fivr-bar sub-chains. the largest Six-ber subchain are: OATES 1,26,68,64 46, 36 SephersonT > 4, 26,46 36, 34, 92. Net chan! 34, 56, 12,58, (0, 52 Me dite tn this Uist chain is growled ©) There are 4 temary lonbs. Ambers: 4 36, 42, 56 4) Fe 3¢n-)-20) = + Hinks 1, 26,9, 3668, 61 form a Watt IE sitar 1. Def chein, Thee, pois 30 and 10 havea specified mokon, Links 34, 56,42, 58, 60,52 Gorm amcther Watt cham,50 Koning the mietin of 10 with cesped fo FR allous the mehon 0f 52 PYM to be Sound. The Linkage is entirely specific. therefore, 4 deyre d Suan. g 40 Sa Kiveanatte Stegean of Fig, PLCO wer: S234505 Leavin Mt A as MATTIE 14,5,6, 10,01 Fee 46709 {+ ©) Thee aoe 3 Temeny links: 6 101 aL 4 3(13-)- 2¢17) = 42 1 One gure intuitne weg is th moe Hee ace Z Aydredic cylinders. OtLansire, inks ne Ge) the mation af point Bnd tins 10,0 12,13. This lems le ee ae Ted Cees OTe, Sa I ee 4 Basic Kinematic Chaim of Fig. PLE! and Fig, P62 a = 3/51) -2028) = 42 the depleyed and stoued postions wedelled ty [inks [2 aed 13) and the Ferber slider erant. shock absorter linkage onthe landing whecl, modelled by links 2,34 and ©) Thereare 2 watt IES cousisting 5 (its? 42,6,7,8,1 and 1,2,6,7, 41S FHL a) Path generation (the problen statement achaly states tho Kinemahe diagrem of Fig PLLO3 aad Fig, PILGH e > Fe 369-249) 2 4 Uines 12354 fn A LDF fowler lubege. This specihes the motion oS pant A. Addin, S * Ayes Cue bineny bs iG Fess) de any mechaniten dees wet chame the Def sy His 41, 1 Or, weld Linke 2 fo 1, This takes -} AD mous links (2, 3.4 Reman Strschwal Wimngle and is ail roms, Therefore pont A is grounded. Ths leaves ee PBL 5G which alae forms a temagle with term BaF. The entive, Tinkage SS geondel. Sie we took sey oaly ADF , the onrytnol Tintea ge wat here, 4) This isa Stephene, TE Vinbage, He termeny links are wot joined Agetler and a ternary bak is rounded. ¢ Y the Wet x, Sephenien T and Stephenten IC linkases —) setts Sy this task. 15 13 Fig PLES a) Funchen generction. by Fx 3(s-i)-265)- Me 4 Gerowud the sider lank. This fixes privt B. Thea the connecting vedm planet Gear Wale Catt one Lak) , in pet crank and groond fooma dviangle, The techantin 15 completely Fixed. Therefor, Hhe srig ind medsaniie hed + DoF. €) “his is a Stephenson TL (rakage Fig, PL66 a) Function generates ) F341) - 204) > + . Groond any otter link, ether AC or DF. A trtangplar devchort vents, aefore, the original mechanism had +1 per ©) Lis aga Rucker crank slider linkage Fig. PILGT 9) Fonctton qenevation Wo Fe 3(6-- 20s= +1 Graoad slider lint Cs This ferns strangle between 9 he leadle link Sem Dis He cross-shaped sliler, and fhe cress: shaped Slider, This Fixes port B- The cylinder behween A-R is alse fixed. theron, the original medanism had +! Def. C) This iso Stepheason TE linkage Fig PLEB 4) Action genevetion. i we 7 b) Fe X7-)-2(a)*t2 Kinewahic diagram of Fig PLOB Greond Link 2. Thos forms a bnequ lar stevdure betwee links (2, 8,1. However, Links (234, 5,6,7 still Sem a fer bar chain with LDF. Therehare, the ontyinal linkage ed #2 DoF wad live B-C, oe Aid teslic cylinder 2 ) Thee isa forclar Semel by fis G2. Lene 34, 5,07 Gorm a Sive -bar binary (ow chain. 143, continued Fig. PILGT @) Motion generction b) Fe 3(12-1) - 24) = +] IFwe ground gear Z the fowler Cham 42.34 becomes a friamular shuddore which Grxes patats Aaud B. Ten grok, SB nb ground IL also become Frlangsler Structores Fixing poms Cand D. Finally gerd, 7, 8,4 10 becomes the E-quartet Five-ber Zero DoF Itakag. Therefore, the ov lginol Isnkege had +! Dif. C) There are how overlaps, boaTt IE Wakgges: L234 5,6 and G34, Wie There is alse ene Watson Severn-ber Hankgge: 16,7, 8,1, 10,10. Fig. Pl. 70 a) Motion generation l) = 3(s-l)-2(s)= +2 Grounding inte Ande leaves a favr-bax lekage Bo-A, A-c, B-<, ad B-Bo with 1 Def. Therelre, the emit linkaye hod +2 Def. C) This is a Sive-ban Inleage Fig. PII BD Motion generation b) F=3¢¢-1) - 2¢7) = 41 Gromdng, Ima Ap-A Soms a triangular structwe Seow (enks : A-Bo, A-B, Bo-B which Sines pomt D. The remaining Luks also Senna trlanglar shovelwe: Cord, DC, Coca. Thenelee, the Original Imkage had +1 DoF. ¢) This is a Stephenson II linkage Problem 1.44, Task is Motion generation, We Figure P17 are concerned with both the 4 position and the orientation of the floating link (link 3). If we replace the spring with its lower equivalent pair we get the mechanism shown with: 4 2 ternary links —(links 1 and 3) K These ternary links are not adjacent - This makes it a Stephenson topology One of the ternary links is ground - This makes it a Stephenson III. a.)The task is Motion Generation for Fig P1.73 and Fig P1.74 because we are concemed with both the position and the orientation of the floating link (the spoiler, link 3 in both figures). c.)Gruebler’s equation: DOF = 3(N- 1) -2¢6) -1(8) ' For Figure 1.P73: N=8, f;=10, f=0 DOF = 3(8-1) -2(10) -1(0) = 21-20 = 1 For Figure 1.P74: N=6, =7, £-0 DOF = 3(6-1) -2(7) = 15-14= 1 da) For Figure P1.73, if we ignore links 5 and 6, we have two ternary links (3 and 4). These ternary links are adjacent - This makes it a Watt topology. One of the ternary links is pinned to ground - This makes it a Watt I. For Figure P1.74 we have two ternary links (3 and 4) Actually, link 3 is a quaternary link which has been “shrunk” to a ternary link. Again, These ternary links are adjacent - This makes it a Watt topology. One of the ternary links is pinned to ground - This makes it a Watt I. Figure P1.74 Problem 1.46 In Figure 1.P75 the task is Motion Generation because we are concerned with both the position and the angle of the floating link ( the lift where the boat will sit). In Figure 1.P76 the task is Motion Generation because we are concerned with both the position and the angle of the floating link (the link that the computer monitor is attached to). In Figure 1.P77 the task is Motion Generation because we are concerned with both the position and the angle of the floating link (the link that the storage pin is attached to). «In Figure 1.P78 the task is Motion Generation because we are concerned with both the Position and the angle of the floating link (the link that the dust pan is attached to). Problem 1.47 a) In Figure P1.80 - the task is Function generation because we are concemed with the relationship between the input and the output where the input is the handle of the device and the output is the slider which pushes out the pin in the chain link. In Figure P1.81 the task is again Function generation because we are concerned with the relationship between the input and the output where the input is the handle of the device and the output is the slider which pushes out the pin in the chain link. In Figure P1.82 the task is Function Generation for the same reasons as in Figure P1.80 & P1.81. In Figure P1.83 the task is again Function Generation. Figure P1.80 Figure P1.81 Wanale a pin Slot hi 2 3 s\idec Figure P182 pin on slot handle b) In Figure P1.80, if we consider only 1 half of the mechanism we have N=3, f;=2, and f;=1 so DOF = 3(3-1) -2(2) -1(1) = 6-4-1 = 1 DOF. In Figure P1.81 we consider the “bottom” handle to be ground and thus N=6 and f;=7 so DOF = 3(6-1) -2(7) = 15 - 14=1 DOF. In Figure P1.82 we will again con:ider the “bottom” handle ground and her N=5, f;=5, {=1 so DOF = 3(5-1) - 2(5) -1(1) = 12 -10 -1 = 1 DOF. en Figure P1.83 we will consider the rack to be DOF equivalent to a slider when it is moving thus N=7, f=8, and £1 so DOF = 3(7-1) - 2(8) -1(1) = 18 -16-1= 1 DOF. * <)° pi tee aE : mw In Figure P1.81 we have two teary links 1 and 3 (note that link 3 is “shrunk” from a ternary to a binary link). The ternary links are not adjacent and one of the ternary links IS ground — Stephenson III. In Figure P1.82 we can replace the higher pair fork joint with it’s equivalent lower pair. We then have two ternary links 1 and 4+ which are not adjacent to each other. In addition one of the ternary links IS ground thus we have a Stephenson III. In Figure P1.83 we have a six bar chain (links 1 through 6) which is a Watt II because the ternary links ( 1 and 4) are adjacent and one of the ternary links IS ground, a.) N=6, f,=7, and £=0 so DOF = 3(6-1) - 2(7) = 15-14 =1 b) There are two ternary links (1 and 4), they are not adjacent and one teary link IS ground. So, it isa c) The embedded four bar is a Motion Generator. Problem 1.49 Figures P1.86-1.87 Here we essentially have two independent four-bars. By intuition if a4 bar has 1 DOF then two four-bars will have 2 DOF. We can check this using Greubler’s equation where N=, f1=8, £2=0 and DOF = 3(7-1) - 2(8) -1(0) = 18 -16 = 2 DOF. b,)The task of the embedded four bars is Motion Generation. Problem 1.50 | One half of Figure P1.89 Entire Mechanism in Fig P1.90 7377 L Both sides of the mechanism are identical and we will choose the picnic table top to be ground. N=6, f1=6, £2=1, 30 DOF = 3(6-1) - 2(6) -1(1) = 15-12-1=2 DOF. We could also replace the higher pair f; joint with its lower pair equivalent to get N=7, f=8, and f=0 so DOF = 3(7- 1) - 2(8) -0 = 18-16 = 2 DOF the same result as obtained above. b) If now consider the second half of the mechanism we can reason that we now have another 2 DOF to make the total DOF of the system equal to 4DOF. We can check this using Gruebler’s equation with N=11, f,=12, and £;=2 so DOF =3(11-1) - 2(12) -2=30-24-2=4 DOF. geben tenets Amgemopropap 21 a) N=, f1=7, and £2=0 DOF = 3(6-1) - 2(7) -0= 15-14=1 DOF. b) ‘The two ternary links ( 1 and 4) are adjacent and one ternary link IS ground. So, we have a Stephenson I. Problem 1,52 a) The tasks of the mechanisms are function generation because we are concerned with the relationship of the input (a bump in the road at the wheel) to the output (the frame of the motorcycle). b) Figure P1.95 4, wheel 22 In Figure P1.95: N=6, fi=7, and £=0 DOF = 3(6-1) - 2(7) -0 = 15 - 14= 1 DOF In Figure P1.96: N=6, f=7, and f-0 DOF = 3(6-1) - 2(7) -0= 15- 14= 1 DOF In Figure P1.97: N=6, fi=7, and f;=0 DOF = 3(6-1) - 2(7) -0= 15 - 14= 1 DOF In Figure P1.95 - Stephenson II In Figure P1.96 - Stephenson I In Figure P1.97 - Watt Il. Here N=4, fi=3, f=2 DOF = 3(4-1) - 2(3) -1(2)=9 - 6-2=1 DOF. Problem 1.54 Problem 1.5: Figure P1.100 + S Problem 1.56 Figure P1.101 V | For cheertu Sketch is Stowe with motor, belt Luc gear emo) by neta fi213 eH sotw rat | 0.0.6. - 3001-9034 ~33-a6-74 23 DoF, These ace contidlad Re worm Geer oe Aces Bi 3 fount Steud anes. Here N=8, fi=9, and f= A, yorats between) DOR = (8-1) -2(9) B= Yond Y ond ¥ Here N=9, fi=10, and £=3 so, DOF = 3(9-1)-2(10)-3 23 Problem 1.57 Fi ‘igure P1.102-P1.103 4 3 Fete angee] ae pense re) Ym oa % Figure PIL1O4-1.107 \ex @ = around Figure P1.102-P1.103- 6-bar chains 6 0 bac 5 OT ore the hyatoube Cylinde c a.)Here N=10, fi=12, £-0 DOF =3(10-1)- - 2(12) =27 - 24=3 DOF These 3 DOF are controlled by the 3 hydraulic cylinders. b.)One merely opens into a flat platform while the other forms a roof and a back wall for the stage. a.)For the sub-system of sections B and C, N=6, f=7, f=0 so, DOF = 3(6-1) - 2(7)= 15-14=1 DOF. ¢.)(Figures 1.104-1.107) if we consider only sections B and C the task is motion generation because we are concerned with the position and orientation of the floating link (section C) 4.)’Shrink” link 4 to a ternary and we have a Watt I with links 2,3,4,5, and 6 where links 2 & 4 are the ternary links. There is another Watt I 6-bar chain in links 3,4,5,6, and 7 where the ternary links are 4 &5. Figure P1.104-1.107 - 6 bar chains Figure P1.108 ropne coneman indo oprta se omar ger Problem 1.59 Figure P1.109 OE. Problem 1.58 d.)For sections B and C we have two ternary links section B (or ground) and section C (link 6). They are adjacent and one is ground making a ‘Watt Ill six-bar. Here N=6, fi=7, £-0 so, DOF= 3(6-1) -2(7) = 15-14=1 DOF Here N=8, f,=! 5 DOF = 3(8-1) -2(8) -2= 21-16 -2=3 DOF For the lower pair equivalent N=10, f;=12 so, DOF = 3(10-1) - 2(12) = 27 -24 = 3 DOF. This checks with the answer found with higher pairs. ayTosk 1s motion gene cotion he couse oth pasion Lervedet, cating, Bode N62, G20 DoF + 3(6)-aCn) = 15-1 Fanon) AY Stephenson TOE Steargut ine motion of call -noy ede Problem 1.61 a.)There are a total of Aélinks in this mechanism b)There are a total of 37 joints in this mechanism ¢.) N=26 f:=37 f= Oso , DOF = 3061) 265-0 =A. DOF. There must be A input the mechanism. b> 10 Laks c) 13 F, rots a) oof, nn 2) \ood From Abe, weeiqant of te sel, $y woot Seat positon oajust hen ale, & Sook pedo position. 26

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