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North East Talking Travel Network

Whats it all about?

The purpose of the meetings are to make sure people with
learning disabilities are able to travel around easily as
citizens of their community, country and world.
We aim to:
Get good information about what is happening to help
people with learning disabilities travel around.
Bring people together from across the North East to
share ideas and the work we are doing.
Have a stronger voice in saying how to make travel
better for people with learning disabilities.
Work on projects we think will help people with
learning disabilities travel around more easily.
We meet four times a year.

What will we do at this meeting?

Feedback on the Safe Places learning and sharing
Look at what came out of the Equality Act 2010 and
disability investigation regarding travel.
Hear travel news from across the region.
Review actions agreed at the last meeting.

Who can come to the meeting?

This meeting is open to anybody from Inclusion North
member areas in the North East. It is aimed at anybody
who is interested in making travel better for people with
learning disabilities.

Where will it be?

The meeting will be on the 20th June in Newcastle.
10.30am 1.00pm
You will be sent details of where the meeting will be held
once you have booked a place.
Tea & coffee will be provided.

Want to book a place?

If you want to book a place please contact Marie on:
0113 244 4792 or
If you want to know more about the network please contact
Kirsty on 07539 063467 or

We look forward to hearing from you

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