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Three Miles of Disaster


Once upon a time, on an island far,

far away, there lived a big, mean

monster named Nucleo. He was tall
with red and yellow hair, and big,
fiery orange eyes. Everything he

touched died.

One day, more specifically

on March 28, 1979 during
one of his adventures, he
came across an unknown
land called the "Three Mile
Island. He thought to himself, I wonder if I could make

friends here, its awfully

lonely at my house in the
great ocean. He walked towards the island when his
eyes rested upon a sort of ugly creature, whose face was
as flat as its body. Never before had Nucleo seen such a
creature. When Nucleo laid

his eyes on the creature, he

wondered, Could this be my

friend? But then, out of nowhere, the creature lunged

at him with something shiny

and sharp in its hand.

All of a sudden, Nucleo

started to feel a bit dizzy.
As Nucleo felt himself being pulled into a slumber,
he heard the creature
laughing menacingly.
He awoke to buzzing noises
and bright lights. It was
very humid in the room,
there was steam all around
him. He lay flat on a cold
table, his hands and feet
bound. He felt sharp pricks
on his arms. The creature
was injecting him with
something called coolant.
Nucleo squirmed and tried
to escape. It gradually began to get hotter in the reactor, and there was no
more steam in the area.

Nucleo began to feel warm.

Nucleo listened to the creatures mumble to each other

about a failure in the system. Then he watched as
they walked away due to some kind of stuck-open
valve. After they left, Nucleo realized this was his
chance to escape from this strange place. He tugged
at the restraints on his arms and legs and was able to

set himself free. As Nucleo started to leave, he heard

alarms start to go off, and some loud voice all around
him saying, Nuclear reactor coolant has escaped! I
repeat: Nuclear reactor coolant has escaped! Partial
meltdown has occurred! While this was happening,
Nucleo spotted some creatures running towards him,
and he quickly sped off.

As Nucleo continued running, he spotted some

more creatures near the exit and decided to
hide. Most of them seemed panicked. Nucleo
tried to listen to their words, but the creatures
were too far away to hear much of anything.
The only thing he did pick up on was that some
of them were going to the control room. As
Nucleo watched the creatures walk away, he
noticed something strange about the floor.
There was water all over the place and most of
it was in his hiding spot.

Nucleo waited a few

minutes before moving,
just in case any of the
creatures came back. Once
the coast seemed clear,
Nucleo quickly headed for

the exit. He ran outside of

the building and started
running towards the gate
to leave. As he got closer
to the exit, Nucleo stopped
upon hearing a Whoosh!
sound. Nucleo turned,
and saw that there was
some kind of smoke spewing out of the top of the
oddly-shaped building. But
Nucleo ignored it, and
proceeded to run out of
the place. He vowed to
stay away from the Three
Mile Island and would
never return again.

Nucleo remembered seeing more creatures heading towards the strange place
he was at. He had heard something
about cleanup and safety. Nucleo

didnt mind though. He returned to his

real home, with new friends he had met
along the way. He would not have to
worry about anymore strange smoke for
as long as he lived.

1.) Scientific knowledge, explanations and technological
design can change because over time, new discoveries
and inventions are made. With these new discoveries and
tools comes new knowledge. And new inventions lead to
the new technological advances.
2.) With the help of peer review, work can become more
accurate. Instead of only having one persons viewpoint,
multiple viewpoints can help to assure the accuracy of
knowledge and studies.
4.) Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus helped to develop the theory that the sun was at the center of our
universe and did not move in 1583. Issac Newton made
important discoveries to gravity in 1664.
5.) Today, most occupations use scientific knowledge and
technological skills. These are important skills to have,
because, technology is advancing rapidly and most jobs
require someone to at least know how to work on a computer. Scientific knowledge is important to know how the
environment around us is working.
6.) The Three Mile Island Accident didn't have any significant ecosystem impact because it was shut down quickly
and not a lot of waste leaked into the environment. We
became more technologically advanced because ,

Upgrading and strengthening of plant design and

equipment requirements. This includes fire protection,
piping systems, auxiliary feedwater systems, containment building isolation, reliability of individual components (pressure relief valves and electrical circuit
breakers), and the ability of plants to shut down automatically;

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