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Saving the

Author: Shelly Fourer

Illustrated By: Shelly Fourer

Early Monday morning kids get into class and sit down. Wait for their
homeroom teacher Mr. Jeff to announce their new unit. Finally he walks
Good morning class, I got some great news for you.
Are we getting free ice-cream? some kid in the back asked.
No we are not. So as I was saying I have some great news for you
our new unit is turning green.

Kids where really excited and got into their groups of 3 they had 5 groups.
They spent most of their time on their project when they found some
information they wanted to know more and more. I forgot to introduce
myself my name is Emily and Im in one group with two boys Mickle and
John. We are really upset about what we found out we wanted to make our
world a better place before its too late, What will we do? I asked.
I dont know. Answered John
Guys I have a great idea. Mickle said.

Mickle wanted to do a recycling program in our school and inspire people

to recycle not only to make the Earth a better place but to help them
become better people and understand why recycling is important, since
when we were researching we found a really interesting point that people
do recycle but they dont know why it is important. I thought thats a great
Idea but how will we create something big as this, but I believe in us we
can do it if we work together.

First they had to think how they can influence people to recycle,
Its will not be so easy as you think since some people will still not
care thats why we should make something big something special so
everyone will remember it and make it sustainable. Mickle said.
I got it! Emily rudely interrupted Mickle.

We should make a huge shock lets ask the cleaning ladies not to
pick up trash from any classes for a few days lets see that will be there
reaction and what will they do. After this few days during Friday we can
make a stage outside and talk to them how important recycling is share
some facts with them and maybe even create our own song.
Whats a great idea Emily! John and Mickle said.

They started to work. First they had to find a company which will pick our
trash up and give them bins to recycle. Its not easy when we thought we
found it and are done some problem appeared so we had to start it from
the beginning. Finally they ordered the containers now they have to wait
for them to come. Now we should start creating our parody. I was thinking
about our song a parody of Its Raining Tacos all the time and its going
pretty well,

Emily, I learned how to play the song on the piano. John said.

Great and I finished writing the lyrics. Can we go try practicing it?
I said.
They went into the music room and started practicing everything went
great until.
Mickle, John! Emily shouted.
Yes something is wrong? Are you okay?

Yes something is wrong! We didnt talk to the cleaning ladies about

not picking up the trash this week!
Oh no now we have to do it next week and we have only 2 weeks for
this project left until our presentation we have to go talk now while it is
not too late and while we dont forget. Said Mickle
At the time when they wanted to go find the cleaning ladies on of our
mentors Ms Lezlie came,

Hi, I have a question why do are the cleaning ladies picking up my

trash? Ms Lezlie asked.

We are really sorry we forgot to talk to them we noticed it just now.

We are going to talk to them right now. I said
Okay since our action is going great down ruin it okay? Ms Lezlie
We run all over the school until we finally found them. They talked to them
and where relived of bad thoughts that now its all ruined,

Now we have to choose some most interesting facts we found

which they we will share on Friday I said.
Her I found something interesting. Mickle said.
What is it?
People recycle but they dont know why they need to recycle, also
that everyday a landfill has 700+ new tons of trash. Mickle said again.
Great, now we need like 8 more facts. I said

They went looked all of their bibliographies, notes, binder and everywhere
ells. Finally they found everything they need,
I found some more facts, biggest pollution problem in Lithuania is
air pollution, plastic biodegrades in 500+ years some plastic doesnt
biodegrade at all. John said. I found some more facts like the biggest
landfill in Lithuania contains 1,800,050 million tons of trash, babies pollute
more than adults. Finally our recycling bins came.

They were nice but all of them said plastic and we are recycling only paper
in our school this year. It was time to teach their classmates their song,

Hi we would like to teach you a song which we created we need

your help for our action you will be everywhere in the crowd singing and
pacing lyrics around. Said Emily and passed the lyric. Everyone where
exited since almost everyone loved the song its raining tacos. First we
practiced with music and words. After everyone thought they are ready to
practice with the piano we went to the music room.

Everyone where doing great singing loudly with energy and enthusiasm. It
was time to work on exhibition work. We went to talk to Ms Alisa to talk
about the big containers for outside,

Hello, we were wondering when the big containers will come.

Hello, they said they will bring them today but they still are not her I
will call them again later. Ms Alisa answered.
We thanked her and went back to class. Now we had to work on our
speech since Friday is in 2 days. Finally the day is over.

Early Thursday morning. Mickle doesn't come to school. John and I were
really mad since they are doing there action tomorrow and they have so
much to prepper. Because Mickle didnt come they had to do all the work
till tomorrow. We practiced the speech Mr. Jeff helped us and gave us a
suggestion not worry about the speech you can do it tomorrow morning.
We were really worried Mickle wont come and we will have to present

Last minutes till the last lesson ends we were nervous since tomorrow we
are presenting and its big it will change our school and what people we
are. Emily gets home and gets a phone call from Mickle that he will not
come to school tomorrow but will come at 1:15 to be on our presentation.

Friday morning, nervous. I got into class early and was feeling really
Today is the day dont worry it will be fine. I was saying to myself.

I was really scared Mickle wont come he missed 2 days of school but he
promised to come. Finally John arrived. He seemed to be really nervous
too. I went to him and said,

Hi, are you okay? Im really nervous. Mickle said he will come at 1:15 to
be on our presentation.
Hi, yes Im just really nervous and worried Mickle wont come, but if he
said he will he have to. John said.

Finally school started all day we were working on our exhibition work. At
the beginning we went to print out paper tittles to glue on top of the
recycling bins. When we printed them out we glued them on and where
putting bins around the school 2 on each floor in PYP and 1 bin on each
MYPs flour.

Time for outside break its raining outside so we stay inside and practice
our speech and our song,

Lets all recycle look at all of this trash. I was singing and John
was playing the piano. Outside play is over time for lunch. We had to go 5
min earlier so we would get ready we are doing our presentation inside
since its raining. We went down start5ed and where waiting for Ms Alisa
and Mickle.

While we were waiting we practiced our speech song. Finally Ms Alisa

came but we dont see Mickle anywhere. We were calling Mickle for a
billion times but he never answered. We were really nervous since he is

already late and if he wont come we will have to do everything by

ourselves but we dont know his part of the speech. He called back,
Mickle where are you our presentation starts in 40 minutes?!
Didnt Mr. Jeff tell you? I cant come Im really sick.

What? But you said you will come.

Well okay, fill better bye.

Now we have to learn his part of the speech but they have a lesson in the
gym now we cant get everything ready. Okay lets practice and wait for
the gym to be free. We decited to go to the reception in 10 min and wait
there when we started practicing our song everyone started looking and
smiling at us we where a little shy. 20min later the gym is free. We started
setting everything up piano, speakers, microphones, and everything ells.

Our class came in and we past around the lyrics. After 5 min everyone
where her time for the show,
Hello VIS, we are fith graders my name is Mickle and this is Emily
and we are her to make you exited about recycling.
A big round of aplose came it was my turn to speak I hold my breath and I
started shaking,

By the way happy earths day. Dose anyone know what is Earth day?
Good to know. Earth day is when people demonstrate there proctction and
intelegents to protect our earth.
We kept on talking as we are just talking to each other and practicing our
speech. It went great but now its time for the song,
We also created a song for you parody of its raining tacos so fill
free to join in. I said

John went to seat next to the piano he started playing her the moment
which I was waiting for he played some notes an
Lets all recycle.
After this words I felt free I just kept on sining while my classmates join in
on there lines kids started looking at them surprisingly.

Classmates started passing the lyrics around and everyone started singing
with us. When the song ended and we said our last words we understood
we did we changed something we did a big move but there is still a lot to
change in our world,

World problems here we go!

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