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Canadas Endangered Animals

The committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) needs your help.
The numbers of endangered species in Canada are on the rise and the public needs to be
aware of it. Your task will be to create an awareness pamphlet that will be distributed to
Canadians. Select an endangered animal from the list below and write about each of the
following topics:
1. What is your animal (describe it using MRS. NERG )?
2. Where are they found in Canada? (Be specific what province/territory, region,
etc.) Include a map. What type of habitat do they require?
3. What do they eat?
4. What is threatening the animal?
5. What is being done to protect it?
6. What are some behavioural and physical adaptations? (Minimum of 3)
7. Include a picture

Possible Animals: (ask for approval before starting another animal)

-Acadian fly catcher
-Maritime ringlet butterfly
-Eastern fox snake
-Swift fox
-Copper redhorse
-Oregon forest snail
-Leopard frog
-Queen Snake
-Peregrine Falcon
-Atlantic Salmon
-Leatherback turtle
-Barn Owl
-Great White Whale

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