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Queen Isabella of Spain

Do you know who funded Christopher

Columbus voyage to discover the New World?
Do you know who unified Spain? Isabella I of
Castile also known as Queen Isabella of Spain
did! Castile was part of the reformation time
period. She was born in April 22, 1451 in Madrigal de las
Altas Torres, Spain. When isabella was three, her father,
John II of Castile, died, making her half-brother, Henry IV,
King. When she was eighteen, she already prefered jewels
and beautiful gowns which she wore throughout her life.
Henry later made her his successor but she withdrew when
she married King Ferdinand II of Aragon. When Henry died
his daughter, Joanna became queen, but after a war of
succession, Isabella became the Queen of Castile. Her
husband, King Ferdinand had became king already so they
both ruled, unifying Spain. She had five children. Castiles
role in her time period was being the Queen of Spain. Also,
another role she had according to states that She is known for
sponsoring Columbus' voyage to the Americas, and for her
role in "purifying" the Roman Catholic faith through
expelling Jews and defeating the Moors. When her
father died, her brother became King but then her brother
died and her niece became the queen. But after a war of
succession, Isabella became the Queen of Spain. Isabella
and her husband's greatest achievement was being
responsible for the unification of Spain, reducing crime and

debt and struggle. She also funded the voyages of the

famous explorer,
Christopher Columbus.
Do you know who
resumed the
reconquest for more
than 200 years?
Isabella I of isabella
and her husband,
of Aragon did!
Isabella was famous because she was the Queen of
Spain. Also, she was famous because she funded
Christopher Columbus voyage. Lastly, she was famous
because when she married her husband, Ferdinand ||,
they both united Spain permanently. Another important
achievement that Isabella accomplished was that she
and her husband, Ferdinand of Aragon instituted the
Inquisition in Spain. Isabella and her husband were
given the nickname The Catholic Monarchs by the
pope, in appreciation of their role in Purifying faith.
They also resumed the Reconquest, dormant for more
than 200 years! According to it states that Isabella was
also a patron of scholars and artists, establishing
educational institutions and building a large collection
of art works . Also, because of Isabellas and
funding Columbuss voyage, he discovered the
Americas. Overall, Isabella's accomplishments have

lead us to discovering South and North America,

unifying Spain, and the resume of the Reconquest.

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