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We will be watching the film Contagion in class as part of our final assignment in
AP Human Geography for the school year. This assignment will be extra credit
for some and mandatory for anyone failing. Some of you may need grade
replacement, and this will count as 2 summative and 2 formative replacements. For
others, this will count as extra credit on your final exam. The film displays several
themes that we discussed in this class such as population growth, agriculture,
contagious diffusion and globalization.
After watching the film, your assignment will be to write a 2 page paper in response
to the film. This should be a 4-5 paragraph essay. For your introduction, you will
need to formulate an opinion about the movie or events in the movie and create a
Example: The world has grown smaller with each new technological advance in
science, medicine, and computing; but part of living in such a small world is the danger
of contagious diffusion and how quickly disease could spread.
Your paper will be 12pt font, standard margins, and double-spaced. No fancy
fonts should be used and please create a heading and a title for your paper.
You will also need to address the following as part of your paper:

Explain how globalization and contagious diffusion make something like

what happened in the film a possible reality. (this should be two of your

This paper should be written in an expository style, so please do not write in the 1st
person. I believe that, What I found most interesting was
Please print your final copy of the paper and turn it in by May 23rd. I will not accept
this paper after this date.

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