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Basics conditioning thread Conditioning siraightens end ‘strengthens your thread and also helps it resist fraying, separating, and tangling. Pull unwaxed nylon threads like Nymo through either beeswax (not ‘candle wax or paraffin) or Thread Heaven to condition. Beeswax adds tackiness that is useful ifyou want your beadwork to fit tightly. Thread Heaven adds static charge thar causes the thread to repel itself, s0 it can't be used with doubled thread, All nylon threads stretch, so maintain tension on the thread as you condition it. flattened crimp 11 Hold the crimp bead using the tip of your chainnose plies. Squeeze the pliers firmly to flatten the crimp. Tug the clasp to make sure the crimp hasa solid rip on the wire. If the wire slides, remove the crimp beed and repeat the steps with a new crimp bead. 2 Test thatthe flattened crimp is secure, folded crimp 1 Position the crimp bead in the notch closest to the crimping piers’ handle. 2 Separate the wires and firmly squeeze the crimp. Squeeze the crimp bead, folding it in half at the indentation. 4 Test that the flattened crimp is secure. plain loop g 1 Trim the wire Xin. (lem) above the top bead. Make aright angle bend close to the bead 2 Grab the wire’ tip with roundnose pliers, Roll the wire to form & half circle. Release the wite the pliers’ lower jaw snugly into the loop. Curve the wie downward around the bottom of the roundnose pliers. “Thisis the first half of a wrapped loop. 5 Position the chainnose pier’ jaws across the loop. ‘6 Wrap the wire around the wire stem, covering the stem between the loop and the top bead. Trim the excess wire and press the eut end close to the wraps with e '3 Reposition the pliers in the loop and continue rolling. 4 The finished loop should form « centered circle above the bead. a ‘wrapped loop 1 Make sure you have atleast 14 in, (3.2cm) of wire above the bead. With the tip of your chainnose plies, grasp the wie directly above the bead. Bend the wire (above the pliers) into a right angle. 2 Using roundnose pliers, position the jaws vertically in the bend. ‘3 Move the erimp into the notch at the pliers tip and hold the erimp as shown, 1 2 3 Bring the wire over the top jaw of the roundnose pliers. A Keep the jaws vertical and reposition chaianose pliers. jump rings: 11 Hold the jump ring with two pairs of chainnose pliers er chainnose and roundnose pliers, as shown. 2'To open the jump ring, bring one pair of pliers toward you and push the other pairaway. a 3 Reverse the steps to close the open jump ring. surgeon's knot Cross the right end over the left and go through loop. Go through loop again. Pull ends to tighten. Cross the let end ‘ver the right and 4 through once. all the ends to tighten. A x a half-hiteh knot Come out a bead and form a loop perpendicular to the thread between beads. Bring the needle under the thread away goback over thread and through the loop. Pull gently so the knot doesn’t tighten prematurely. peyote: flat even-count 1 String one bead and loop through it again in the same direction (remove the extra loop and weave the tail into the work after a few rows). String beads to total en even number. In peyote stitch, rows are nestled together and counted diagonally, so these beads actually comprise the first two rows. To end.a thread, weave through the work in a zigeag path, tying two half hitch knots (see instructions at let) along the way. Go through a few more beads before trimming the thread close to the work. To resume stitching, anchor a new thread in the work with half hitch knots, zigzag through the work, and exit the last bead added in the same direction, Continue stitching where you left of. peyote: circular even-count 1 Stringan even number of beads to equal the desired circumference Tieimacirde, leaving some ease, 2-Bven-numbered beads form row | and oda- numbered beads, row 2. (Numbers ‘ indicate rows) Put the ring over form if desired. Go through the first c numbers in the ate rows), pick up ‘ahead and stitch through the second bead from the end. Pick upa bead and ‘20 through the fourth bead from the ‘end, Continue in this manner. End by ‘going through the first bead strung. 3'To start row 4 and all other rows, pick ‘pa bead and go through the last bead added on the previous row. bead tothe left of the knot, Pick up a bead (#1 of row 3), skip a bead, and go through the next beed. Repeat around until you're back tothe start. 3 Since you started with an even number of beads, you need to work a step up tobe in position for the next row. Go through the first beads on rows 2 and 3. Pick up a bead and go through the second bead of row 3; continue, (Ifyou begin with an odd numberof beads, there won't be a step ups you'll keep spiraling.) Bend Button + Beaded Beads join peyote pieces ‘To join two sections ofa flat peyote piece invisibly, match up the two pieces so the edge beads fit together: "Zip up” the pieces by zigzagaing through each ‘edge bead. {adder and brick stitch 1A ladder of seed or bugle beads is most often used to begin brick stitch: Pick up two beads. Leave a eden, (08.1) tal and go through both beads again in the same direction, Pall the top bead down s0 the beads are side by side. The thread exits the bottom of bead #2. String bead #3 and go back through #2 from top to bottom. Come back up #3. Siring bed #4. Go through #3 from bottom to top and #4 from top to bottom. Add odd-numbered beads like #3 and even-numbered beads like #4 To stabilize the ladder, zigzag back through all the beads. 2 To begin cach roWw so no thread shows ‘onthe edge, string two beads. Go under the thread between the second and third bbeads on the ladder from back to front, Pull tight. Go up the second bead added, then down the first. Come back ‘upthe second bead, 3 For the remaining stitches on each row, pick up one bead. Go under the next loop on the row below from back . to front. Go back up the new bead. Peyote bead bracele hese small peyote-stitched | cylinders are easy and quick and a stunning bracelet. The small cylinders are self-supporting so no additional beads or forms are Thebeads are made with fat, even \—the easiest peyote technique of all—and are then spaced out with small siver, gold-plated, crystal, or matte glass beads. If you're new to peyote stitch, after your second or third bead, you'l feel like a pro. Best ofall, in only a few hours, you'll have a beautiful bracelet and a new skill toshow off making peyote bead © Tread the needle with about 24in, (Otem) of Nymo D beading thread and make a atpiece of peyore six beads wide and en rows long (se Basics,” p. 3) © Woes finished the at edges will cach be fire beads ong. Now join the two saw-toothed edges together by zigzaging through the high beads (s “Basics” and photo) © Weave cach ail diagonally into the beadworkand tia hal hitch knot (see “Basics between beads. Repeat. Go through two or three more beads and dlipthe thread close tothe work determining longth @ iF you havea peyote beads and use 13 of the faceted silver beads (to start and end and go between peyote beads). The bracelet will all wrist, make 12 be 7Xin. (18m) long For anaverage to slightly larger than average wrist, make 13 peyote beads and use 12 faceted beads between them. The beaceet will be 7%in. (20em) long. stringing the bracelet @ String crimp bead and then the soldered ring onto the flexible beading wire. Bring the short end ‘of wire back through the crimp. the crimp bead (see “Basics”) @ Forashort bracelet (7% in.), string a faceted bead, bringing the shor tal through itand then trimming the with wire cutters. Then sting 2x bead, Now siting a peyote bead, 2mm bead, a faceted bead, and a 2mm bead. Add ten moze ofthese sets, ending with ‘peyote bead a 2mm bead, and a mp faceted beed Fors long bracelet (Phin) the sc consists of peyote bead, a 2mm bend a faceted bead, and « 2mm bead, String 12 sets. Then end witha peyote bea @ String the second crimp and then the clasp and go back through the imp and th lst bead (photo). Tighten the beading wite, ut not s0 muuch thatthe bracelet is tiff. Crimp eet Sue Jackson and Wendy Hulbick p bead. © Ta a materials ‘224 Delia beads, here 2k gold plated mate finish ‘+13 dm facto stertngsiver beads ‘= 42mm string siber beads ‘Sm sterling siverlbsterclgp 1 soderd string silver jump ring ‘© 10in, (25cm) fox beading wie, 014 «© beading naedies, #100 12 ‘© Nymo D beading tread 1 tewswa Teed Heaven fr iyo es we cuters, chainnoce or ring pliers carn to read a peyote L= orerhacyou make these colorful beaded beads, reminiscent ofa geometric mosaic Work each graph in even count, flat peyote stitch. [After completing the main section ofeach graph, add the beads in the far-right column using brick stitch. I'smuch easier to work in even-count peyote and add abrick-stitch row along the finished edge than to work in odd-count peyote for the entire piece, The easiest way to read a graph isto usea row marker, such asa ruler, to help you keep tack ofthe rowsas you stitch. You can start either atthe top row and work down the chart o atthe bottom and work up. If you follow these instructions, you'll be starting at the top lef edge of each raph, boatded beads @ Thread a needle with 2yd. (1.8m) of waxed Nymo String a bead to use asa stop head and side it about on eade-Burton = Beaded Bends Peyote tube bead necklace (15cm) from the tail end. Go through the stop bead again inthe same direction. Don't count this bead as part ofthe design: youll remove it later. @ Siact reading the chart froma the uppet left-hand corner and begin the pattern infigure 1 by picking up beads forthe first two peyote rows, a follows: one aqua, two purple, three blue, three purple, three bite, three purple, three biue, wo purple. All subsequent rows are worked one at atime. © Start row 3 by reading the graph from right tole. ‘Work in lat peyote (see “Basics.” p. 3) across the row. © Work row 4 fromleft 10 right. Continue to follow the graph, keeping track of the rows with your marker. ‘Compare your beadwork to the charted pattern frequently tomake sure your work is correct. If you lose track of your place, turn your work so the stop bead and thread tailsare at the comer at upper le. © When you've finished the peyote portion of this bead. your thread should be stot figwe2 con the right-hand side so you can easily work the brick stitch column on the far right ofthe graph (see “Basics” and photoa, p.9). For the graph in figure 1, brick stitch a row using silver-tined aqua beads Ifyou find that your thread is on the wrong edge to work the brick stitch row, form the cylinder first. Line up the top and bottom of the beadwork and zip up the two edges (see “Basics” and photo b, p.9). This brings your thread to the opposite edge, which puts you in pesition to brick stitch, the remaining row, @ Ifyou haven’t yet zipped up the two edges, sew the cylinder together as described above. @ Secure the thread in the beadwork with half-itch knots (see “Basics”). Remove the stop beod, thread a needle tnd cecure the thread ton the tall en figue3 figued Bove Boia aout Gown Boiss oven as before. Trim the thread close to accent beads cover the short wire tal, the beadwork, @ String one disk-shaped bead and @ Make a second bead following the about lin. (Sem) of filler beads onto chart in figure 1. Make one bead using the beading wire. (Kecp the length of the chartin figure and two beads each filler beads slightly shorter than the using the charts in figures 3 and 4 beaded beads) Slide a cylinder gently ‘over the filler beads (photo c). Ifthe ft stringing the necklace is tight, work slowly to give the thread a @ Determine thefinished length of chance to stretch, and be careful not to. Your necklace, add 4 in. (10cm), and break the cylinders. The small space a Cut apiece of flexible beading wire to remaining on each side of the filler ‘charms, and beaded beads, as desired. that length allows the disk-shaped beads o sit If you incorporate lampworked beads, @ String crimp bead and halfthe slightly inside the beaded bead. String as shown hee you mar nead al clasp on the beading wire. Go back another disk-shaped bead to finish the their holes with smaller beads. Use through the crimp bead, leavinga2-in. beaded bead's open end leftover cylinders or small seed beads to (Sem) tai, Keep the wire slightly loose Use moderately heavy beads as fill the large holes, so the lampwork around the asp. Crimp the crimp bead filler to help the necklace hang well. beads will hang nicely on your necklace. (see “Basis") and trim the wire tilt Don't use heavy beads, however, if @ When you're done stringing the (6mm). your necklace is long enough to hit snccklace, pick up a crimp bead and the @ String about 2 in. of accent beads, or Something when it swings The weight remaining clap half Finish asin te the length you desire before stringing might cause the cylinder beads to break. above, tucking the wire tll into the gol thefirst beaded bead. Make surethe —@) Continue stringing accent beads, beads, @ — Linda Richmond ‘eaded beads are often made as 1 individual elements. But in this par. lia a eer dip he bade bas iemadevh ou sing your nce Each one consists of a bugle bead that is beaded beads 9 Ss5= Because bugle beads have sharp edges, smooth their ends with an emery board before stinging them, and use 1 Fireine thread to prevent breakage. ‘aqua necklace @ Start with 2¥yd, (2.3m) of Fireline. ‘String a size 11” seed bead, go back through itin the same direction, and tie the two ends together witha surgeon's knot (see “Basics” p.3). Go back through the bead again and glue the knot. After the glue dries trim the tail to in, (mm) and string a bead tip from the hook end. lose the bead tip over the bead. @ String an akernating pattern of one size 8° seed bead and one 3mm fire- polished (FP) bead until you have seven beads. String a size 2 bugle. © String a size 11° seed bead, a 3mm FP bead, and an 11* seed bead. Tighten to remove any slackalong the strand and _sewback through the bugle‘ the same 2crmp beads ‘= casa (the onme shown hres by Ashes to Beauty Adcromeris) ‘Toots: chainose or crimping plies, ire cutters @ Repeat step 3 four times, enclosing the bugle bead in fve rows of beds. © Repeat steps 2-4 cight times @ Suing anahiernating pattern ofone size 8 seed bead and one 3mm FP bead Lunt] you have seven beads. String @ ‘6mm FP, a 3mm FP, a faceted crystal rondelle, a3mm FP, and asize 3 bugle. @ String an 11°, ¢ 3mm EP, ¢ 4mm FP, mm EP, and an 11°, Sew back through the bugle bead. Repeat four times to surround the bugle with fire rows (photob). Finish the other side of thenecklace with nine beaded beads to match the fist @ Siringa bead tip anda size" seed bead. Sew back through thebesd tipand two beads. Tie ahalf-hitch knot, go through afew mors beads and tie another half hitch knot (se “Basics. ‘Glue the knots, go through afew more Deal and trim theta @ Curvethe hook ofeach bead tip ‘around jump ring with roundnose piers. Attach each ring to one clap hal purple neckiace @ Repeat step | adore. @ Stringa repeating pattern of one size 8" soed bead and one 3mm blue iris FP beads fora total of five beads. String a size 2 bugle © Repeat steps 3-4 of “aqua necklace,” using Sm lavender EP beads. @ Repeat steps 2-3 cight times to make ‘total of nine wrapped bead in the following order: two lavender, one blue iris, one lavender, one blue iris, one lavender, three blue ir © string a repeating pattern of one size seed bead and one 3mm FP fora teal of ive beads. String a 4mm FP bead, 2 ‘Smm accent bead, a4mm FP bead, and asze d bugle. @ String a3mm lavender FP, 24mm blue iris FP, and a 3mm lavender FP. ‘Sew back through the bugle bead. Repeat ur mare times to surround the bus. @ Follow steps 8-10 of aqua necklace” 0 complete the project. © Linda Gettinge materials aqwa necklace ‘= 164 3mm ‘acete ie-psted beats. aque + 54mm fecete FP beads, aque ‘© mm faceted FP Deas, aque 28mm faceted crystal onceles, lear 10g sive sed beads, siver-sined aque * 103 sve 11° sed beads, gue * 18'ize 2mm) bugle teats, siver «size 5 (12mm) bugle bead, ier unienechiace (6 un faceted FP beads, iris {40 3mm fnceted FP bas, lavender 4dr faceted FP beads, leit 25mm acert beads 10 ste se0d beads, lavender 10g sea 11° ood beads, brs 14s 2 (Sim) bugle beads, ourple size 4 (10mm) bagl bead, puple both necklaces. > Filing ne, + beading reels, #12 Zea ts pe eclace 2 jump rings per neclace clasp, magneticar tage # GS HypoCenem Tels:chaimose and undnose ples * test Right-angle-weave beaded bead ingle neil igi ng weave S Sfesiblestch ht dapes anil. ach chs wend with a group of four or more beadk tha form a square. If you use more than four beads per stitch, hhas the same number of beads and the center is open. In the case of this bead, you don’t want the base head to show, So the four-bead version of the stitch works best. Increasing andl decreas easy in right-angle weave, but it's easier to cover a bead by decreasing size ofthe beads used as you approach the hole. n this case. you only have to h side of the square make two or three decrease stitches in the very last row A single beaded bead strung on beaded memory wire makes a strong, statement. Alternatively, you could make as many beaded beads as you wish use diffe sines of wooden core beads, experiment with the number of ‘of beads you need to cover the core bead ly IFyo for your neckla ent itches and the size, most effec starting ifcdesired, paint the wooden bead and lot it dry @ Thread a needle with about 2 yd 1.8m) of Nymo. Makea chain of ight-angle-weave stitches using the largest beads, the rondelles, as follows: To start the first row, string four beads and tie into a snug circle, Pass the needle through the first three beads again (figure 1) Pick up three beads and sew back through the end bead of the previous circle and the first two nev beads figure 2) Pick up three beads and sew back through the end bead of the previous circle and the iret two ‘igure 1 materials + 20mm wooken bead figured ‘+120 szn 11 seod beads 4 50 cine coud toade (figure 3). Continue adding three beads | + 2005226 sed beads for each stitch until the frst cove isthe | « 4 §13.2nm pssed gas odes desired length. You are sewing circles «184i. (7m) nockace memo wte ina figure-8 pattern and alternating + Nyro beeding thread direction with each stitch. + beeswax or Thread Hever @ Join the chain into aring with a final | + beading roads, #12 stitch as shown in figure 4: With the ‘Tools: cheionose and rundrase pliers rcedlc exiting the end bead ofthe line | Optional clasp ond 2 spt rings, acy of stitches, string one bead. Making sure | peinttometchor contrast withthe ‘the chain is not twisted, bring the frst main bead coer stitch around to meet the lai, forming a circle. Go through the end bead of the Pick up two beads and sew through first stitch. String one bead and go the next top bead of the row below and through the end bead ofthe ast stitch. the last bead of the previous stitch. @ Make sure the ring of stitches fits __ Continue through the new beads and around the middle ofthe wooden bead the next top bead on the row below (photo a) Then go through beads ofthe (figure 6). final stitch for security, exiting an edge Keep stitching ina figure-8: don’t bead (photo b). sew straight lines between stitches. Pick up two beads for each ofthe remaining beading the bead stitches on the row, alternating You can work the first half of the directions as shown in figures 6 and 7. beaded cover forthe wooden bead @ %o work the final stitch and join the onthe large bead or not, as you prefer. row into acircle,gothrough the end _off the top beads ofthe size 6" row as in @ Work the second row of right-angle bead of he last sitch, the edge bead on step 1-2 of “beading the bead.” ‘weave with size 6" seed beads se follows: therowbelow, and the end bead of the @ Work one row of size 11" seed beads Exiting an edge bead on row I, pick first stitch (photo). String one bead _offthe top beads ofthe size 8* row as in uupthree beads and sew back through and repeat this thread path, exiting the steps 1-2 of "beading the bea.” thebead you just exited and thefirst top bead (igure), @ Pur the beadwork on the wooden neve bead (Bgure 5). © Work onc row-afsice 8 scod beedo bead with the rondelle row around the «circumference (photo d). The last row cofsize 11° seed beads will require three tosix decrease stitches to fit snugly around the hoe. Try to space the ‘decreases evenly. @ Start with decrease. With your needle exiting the top bead on the last row, continue through the next top bead, pick up three beads and go through the two top beads and the first added bead (Figure 9 and photo c). @ Work a normal stitch. When the next two top beads seem jammed together, work another decrease Continue in this manner until you have joined the fist and lst stitch of the decrease row. you're using japanese size 11° seed beads rather than Czech beads, you'll have to decrease more frequently because Japanese 11’s are larger than Czech 11°s Pick the thinnest beads for © With your needle exiting a top bead, through all the top beads on the final row to pull them together into a neat ring around the bead’ hoe (photo 9. Repeat the thread path to reinforce thering @ Follow the thread path of the right angle-weave stitches to exita bead ‘on the other side ofthe long edge of the rondelle row (photo g). @® With the beadwork on the wooden bead, repeat steps 1-8 of “beading the bead” on the second half ofthe bead. Weave both tals into the beadwork “Basics,” p. 3) between beads. Go through 2 few more beads and trim the tal lose to the work. making a necklace OS ‘of 11% are over each ofthe holes and thread the bead to the center of an 18%in.(47em) length of necklace memory wire. @ To make the necklace as shown on page 10, string three size 6°s. Then repeat this pattern four times: string an 8° or 11", arondelle, an 8" or 11°,and nine ote size 6°. End with an 8° or 11%,arondele, an &* or 11°, and 21-24 size 6s. © Use oundinose pliers to tun aloop in the lastin, (1-1.3em) of the memory wie (ce steps2-3 of “making loops” in “Basis"). When turning a loop in memory wire do not bend the wire ata right angle ist because ital break. @ Repeat steps 2-3 of “making a necklace” onthe other side of the bead. © Ifyou wish, attach a clasp to the back loops with split rings. @ = Alice Korach Floatin ost beaded beads are strung Concord, wire, or thread just like ordinary beads. Here, however the beads are made with large centers so they canbe strung on peyote rope The beaded rings are captured inthe center of the necklace, tnd the surprise is that they cam spin and dide around. “This necklace has seven beaded beads. Thee are thre pairs and one centerpiece ead, Makeas few as three or asmany as nine beads, and fe! fre vo make each diferent fyou want 0 add more tan nine beads, make more romsin the center section of your rope soll the beads fit beaded beads © Thread a needle with 1 yd. (9m) of Nymo or Fireline. String 18 sie 11" seed beads. Tie the beads into a crcl with a surgeon's knot (see “Basics.” p. 3), Jeaving 2 -in. (13cm) tall. There should be some ease between the beads. @ Sew through the bead next to the knot. String an 11%, skip a bead, and 0 through the next bead (photo a). Continue working in even-count tubular peyote (oe “Racice”) for of five rows rings necklace @ String three 15% seede and go through the next edge bead (photo b). Repeat around the outside ofthe peyote ring. When you ada the last set of 15%, bring the needle through the first 11° and the one diagonally below itto the left (photo). Go through one more bead diagonally below so your necdle ‘exits a bead on the third row ofthe ring. @ String 15*,an 11°, and a 15%and 0 through the next bead inthe row (photo 4, p. 14). Repeat around the center of the ring. On the lst set, bring the needle through the 11® and diagonally through the 11°s below until the needle exits an edge bead on the ‘unembellshed side (photo e, p.14). © Ada three 15% between every edge bead asin step 3 (photo p. 14) @ End the thread by tying two or three half-hitch knots (see “Basis”) between beads. Trim it. Repeat with the tail © Repeat steps 1-6 to make a second bead to match the firs. © Make two more two-bead sets using different color combinations. Als try starting the embellishment on the second row of the ring, or add ‘embellishment to cach row. You ean leo vary the number of rows in cach ring. For one set of beads, for instance, Bead Botton + Beaded Reads make a ring with three rows and.on the ast ow string tiny tearérop between each edge bead This the fan part—experiment! @ For the center bead make ing with five cows and embellsh the center tov with a 15%, 3m fe-polished bead, and @ 15° between each bead. Embellish the edges ofthe ing peyate rope This patterns for a necklace 17/in. (45cm) long, not including the clasp. © Thread a needle with a 2-yd. (1.8m) length of Nymo oF Feline. String eight 15% main color (MC) seed beads. Tie the beads into a circle with a surgeon's knot, leaving an $-in, (20cm) tal. © Work in tubular peyote for a total 0f40 rows. © Pick up the accent color (AC) 15° for the next three rows. Use size 11° seeds for three rows (photog). Keeping the tension firm so the three ora show, work tro rove with 8 seeds (photo). @ Work the next roe with your accent beads (photo). © Reverse the rows in step 3, stitching ight more rows with the list three rows being 15%. @ Repeat steps 2-5 twice more. @ Now you are atthe middle section ‘of the necklace. Using 15 MC seeds, ‘work 95 rows of tubular peyote. If you are adding more beaded beads, you ‘might need to add a few extra rows to this section so the beads can move freely. materials 15g size 15* Japanese seed beads, ‘main color © 2x sie 15° Japanese seed beads, each of neo: wo colors + 2g size 1" epavese seed beads, each of ‘veto thre colors + 3g size ° send beads + assorted accent bead: teardrops, 3-4nm costal, siz 6° send beads, + bation bead forthe clasp + Nymo 8 beading thread or irl ishing lie, 6 test + beeamas o Thread Heaven fr Hymn beating needles, #12 @ String the beaded beads on the peyote rope @ Make the second half of the necklace tomatch the first. You will have three accent bead sections on each side of the sliding rings. @ Bring the needle and thread through the four edge beads onthe last row to lose the end ofthe peyote tube. @ String five 15s, go through the Joop on the bution, string five 15°, and go through a bead on the other side ofthe peyote rope (photo j). Retave dhe usvead pats (photo k) a couple of times for stability and Besd@Button + Beaded Beads ‘end the thread with half-hitch knots. @ Thread a needle on the tail at the other end and repeat step 10. String enough 15%Sto make a loop that fits around the button. Reinforce the loop with several thread passes and end the thread, © Borie O'Donnell: Painter Prickly beads dag tests bended bx ot ears i digeaiswendrhl tana Gtr Each bad is ow an ou pearance ne: eee Ca ae pe tame peeaueen ee aera Yon eee leas "Baio ps you pe getting started © Cuta5:in.(13em) piece of 22-gauge wire. Make the frst half of a wrapped loop (see “Basics") about 2in, (Sem) from one end ofthe wire. @ Reposition the pliers and make second loop next tothe first by ‘wrapping the short wire around one jaw ofthe pliers untilit touches the other jaw (photo ,p. 16). Reposition the pliers again and complete the loop ‘when the wire is perpendicular to the Jong wire (under both loops). Complete the wrapped loops (se “Basis”) and trim the tal © String an 8mm bead (that you will bead over) against the wrap. Leave about in, (Smm) of spaceafter the bead and makea wrapped double Joop in the same plane as the first (photob, p. 16). @ Repeat steps 1-3 with all the mm beads you will bead over cop beaded base Ifyou are using Nymo, condition it with beeswax. A fair amount of tension (not too tight and not too loose—you will get the fel for it s you work) simplifies this beading process. Once you find the right tension, the beads wil ine up nicely, and you will find it case to see where the next bead needs to be added The base is worked using ony the mai color 11%. Check of the ows a8 you go so you don't get confuse. tis ficult to count the rows and find your place ifyou have o stop. @ Thread a beaciny Visyd. (14m) length of Nymo. Row 1: String cight 11° sced beads 6 in (Sem) from the end of the thread Go through the beads again in the same direction to forma ring, Place the ring aver the double loop on te bead (photo p. 16). Pull ie ring of snug against each other and te the tailand the working thread together ads with a surgeon’s knot (see “Basics") Row 2: Bring the needle through the first ead, string a bead, and go through the next two beads in the ring (igure 1, 4b). Repeat around the ring until the thread exits the first bead in row 2 (igure 1,b-) Row 3: String three beads and go through the next bead on the second row (Ggure 2, a-b). Repeat around the ring «daing three beads between each bead added in row 2 (figure?, b<).Go through the first three-bead set (figure 2, 4) so the needles in postion to start the next row. Row 4: String one bead and go through a three-bead set (Bgure 3, Repeat until the thread exits the fist bead added in the row (igure3, c-), Kow 5: String one bead and go through the middle bead ofthe three- bead set from row 3 (figure 4, a-b). ‘String a bead and go through the bead sticking up (the bead added on row 4) (Gigure, b-c). Repeat until the thread eit the frst bead added (figure 4.c-d. Row 6 String two beads, go through the bead sticking up (figure 5, -b). String one bead and go through the next “up” bead (figure 5, b). Repeat until the thread exits the first two beads added (Figure 5, c-) Youare now atthe center ofthe bead and the remaining rows will decrease tantil ou are back to an eight-bead ring, Row7: String one bead, go through the up bead figure 6, a-b). String one bead and go through the two up beads (figure 6,b-c). Repeat until the thread exits the frst bead added (igure 6,¢-d). Row 8: String one bead and go through the next up bead. Repeat until the thread exits the first bead (adding ight beads total). ‘Row 9: Repeat row 8 ow 10:Go through the next up bead (Gecrease without adding s bead, string ‘one bead, and go through the next up bead. Repeat (adding four beads total) until the thread exits the first bead added (photo d) Row I1:Siring two beads and go through the up bead. Repeat. Thisis the last row and will be 2 ring of eight beads. Both ends of the bead will ook the same (photo e) @ The rest of the bead is worked with doubled thread. Reposition the needle on the thread so the tal extends past the beaded bead. Retrace the thread path of the ring (row 11) with the doubled thread (photo ). The thread will exit 1 two-head set. Trim the tail, not the doubled working thread. The = Beaded Beads finished base will look like photo g, © Repeat steps 1-2 with the other 8mm base beads. @ Tight tension is needed vo cach spike embellishment stands up. Row I: String one 11° main calor (MO), one 11° accent color (AC), one 119 MC, and go through the next two- bead set (photo h), Repeat around base row 11 for toal of four spike embellichments. Gas thronigh the two beads diggonally below (photo. Row 2: String one MC, one AC, one (MG, and go through the next bead in the base rove, Repeat fr a total of eight spikes. Go through the three beads diagonally below. Row 3 The thread now exits a bead inbbase row 6 (the middle row), where the beads alternate 2 and 1. Stringan 8° seed and one MC. Go back through the 8° and the next bead(s) inthe base row (photo). Repeat fora total of eight spikes. Go through three beads diagonally below. ow 4: Repeat row 2 and then position the needle soit exits two- bead set on base row | Row 5 Repeat row 1 to add four more spikes @ Weave the thread through «few beads of the base and tea few half-hitch knots (see “Basics”) between base beads Trim the excess thread. Repeat with the starting tail © Repeat steps 1-2 base beads a the rem ing accent bead links @ Cut a piece of 16- oF 18-gauge wire in. (2 Sem) longer than the glace accent bead, @ Make aloop at one end ofthe wire (see “Basice”). String an accent bead againe the loop and make a loop above the bead in the ame plane asthe frst. © Repeat steps 1-2 with the remaining acconthead. necklace assembly © Opera 5mm jump ring sideways (see “Basies") and slide it through « Joop on an accent bead and a double loop on a beaded bead. Close the loop @ Continue connecting an alternating pattern of accent beads and beaded ‘beads with jump rings until you reach the desired length, Se the necklace hangs comfortably on your neck, link two or three accent beads at each end before you attach the clasp (use 6mm beads ifyour main accent beads are 9-14mm), @ Attach the clasp with a jump ring or ‘open loop on the last bead and side it through the loop on the clasp. Repeat withthe other side. crystal dangles (optional) © Srringa crystal on a head pin and make aloop. Repeat with the remaining crystals. @ Use a 4mm jump ring to attach each dangle toa Smm jump ring between an accent and a beaded bead. Each 5mm jump ring has two crystal dangles. © = Rachel Nelson materials ‘© AOgssive 11° Japanese sed beads (main aor—400) ‘ 20gsive 11° Japanese sed beads (accent calor—AC ‘10g size 6 or8* seed beads 40 Grim glass bead (to bead over) ‘+ 89-12mm or 14 81m accent glass beads ‘+ 4-8 Gram accont ass beads (it using 912mm beads ator) ft (1.2m) 22-gauge sein shes wie, hatthard © 23 ft (61-Slem) 16-oF 18-gauge steing silver wie, alt hard ‘+ 22-28 5mm 18-geuge jump rings + lst clwor hook las wth a jump or split ing «Ny B beading thread or Fein fishing, fine 6-1. test * beeswa for ro «© beading needles, #12 Tools: urdnose end chainnose ples, fingoal wie cutters Optiona 26 4mm Austria enstals, ‘6 head pins, 36 Lm jump ings A new twist on beads # YS his booklet shows several ways to_make the beac's foundation @ To join the ends of the circle, pass make beaded beads, including _Use the largest beads for the center row, the needle up through the first bead. some hollow ones. But this one As you work each row, choose beads _strung (photo a). Go down through the isalitl different— it's large self that match dloselyin size andshape. _last bead and up throush the first bead supporting bead that involves two Keep the tension tight as you work. again. sitches. This tecnigue works with Despite tithe foundation bead ney @ Sting two 6! seeds to begin the next ‘many different kinds of beads be floppy until you add the caddis row. Go under the thread bridge Weave the foundation ofthe beed weave pass between the first and second beads and in tubular brick stitch using decreasing @) Thread a needle with 2 yd.(1.8m) go back up through the last bead strung bead sizes. Then createtension and —_of conditioned Nym. String two 6mm (phate b). shape the bead by working caddis weave beads to the center of the treed and go. @ String another 6” and go under the in the opposite direction. You can try _ through both beads again in the same _bridgebetween the next two beads (sce this technique witha variety of bead direction. Align the beads so they sit _brick site instructions on p. 7). Go combinations, but you may have to _side by side. String another bead and go backup through the new bead- Repeat change some ofthe caddis weave bead through bead #2 from top tobottom. . with three more 6* beads. counts toaccommodate different sizes Comeback up the third beed (figure 1). @ After stringing the sixth bead, 0 ‘of foundation beads. These instructions __Stringbeed #4. Go through #3 from down through the first 6. Then go up are for the white and gold bead shown _bottomto top and #4 again from top through the lst 6" to complete the above, right. tobotiom. Adding odd-numbered

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