Night Analysis Essay: Lilith Gomez 5th Period

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Lilith Gomez

5th Period

Night Analysis Essay

Hope is important to have especially when persecutions are
Happening. One of the most importances of this theme is hope. In the beginning of this
memoir he doesnt have hope, on page 7 Life? I no longer care to live. I am alone.
This statement emphasizes that hes losing hope and religion because if he had faith he
wouldnt be saying that he feels alone. Towards the middle of the story he started
gaining his hope and it shows on page 51, Please sir Id like to be next to my father
please. Alright your father will work right next to you. We were lucky.therefor in this
section it shows that hes happy to have his father and will have courage because hes
The event in this section is very significant on why you have to have hope .On
page 87 it is Elies point of view, I had no right to let myself die. What would he do
without me? I was his hole support. This means that he has thoughts of ending his life
at that moment but he knew it would hurt his father and so therefore he knew he had to
have hope in himself for his father,In my opinion I know that he feels hurt when he sees
a young boy fall to the ground because he knew how bad he was feeling at that moment
and I think that he should always remember to always have stregth in himself and know
that he has to live not only for his father but also for himself to gain strength that he
needs everyday.
In the movie The fifth Wave it shows throughout the movie that hope is the key
to having peace.The hope throughout the movie about a teenage girl named Casey that
was left without parents during an outbreak that killed many people from The Others.
Due to the outbreak all that she had left was her little brother that was sent to the

military and Casey knew that she had to do anything it takes to find him,even though It
was a risk that she was willing to take. Soon after that she was able to find him through
her hope.
There are a few literary devices in the story Night that have an important theme
of hope.A metaphor in this story Ahead of you lies a long road of paused with
suffering. This line means that throughout life its going to be tough but you cant give
up. Elie Wiesel chose this line because he wanted to emphasis that you cant give up.
On page 67 it has a metaphor. All the earth and universe are Gods. The meaning
towards this foreshadow is that everything in the world is out of religion and faith. The
reason why he chose to write this is to signify that everyones choices are from religion
and faith. On page 69 the line is foreshadowing Deep inside me, I felt a great void
opening This figurative language was chosen to be in this story because the food Elie
had been eating was important to him was about him having a clearness within his
feelings because he knew how important food was to him.
In conclusion the theme in this book also relates to me. Hope has always been
apart of me.Its been apart of me by being determined that I can get to college and have
my dream job when I grow up.

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