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Situation of the vocational

training and education in France




The role of vocational training

Vocational training in the past (briefly)
The current legislation of the vocational education and training and its regulatory

The principle and the main advantages of the dual training
Vocational education Curriculum Framework in vocational schools and vocational

high schools
Special vocational shcools
Professional Exam System: the complex professional exam
The situation of the school leavers (entrants) on the LM

The role of vocational training



training is the learning process that allows a

person to acquire knowledge and skills (capacity and
ability) necessary for the exercise of a professional

The role of the vocational training:

To allow jobseekers and workers to adapt to changing techniques and

working conditions, promoting their social advancement through access to
different levels of culture and professional qualifications and their
contribution to the cultural, economic and social.

The state, local governments, public institutions, public and private educational

institutions, associations, professional organizations, trade unions and family, as well

as businesses, contribute to ensure it.

The role of vocational training


2 types of vocational training in France

Initial vocational training: It refers to young people in schools,

or colleges: apprentices from 16-25 years who combine theoretical
and practical training in alternating training centers or vocational

Continuing vocational training: mainly relating to adults

employees and jobseekers wishing to develop certain skills.

Vocational training in the past


The right of training is the branch of the Labor law the most

modified in the last 30 years in France.

1946: Vocational training as a Right in the Constitution

Creation of the AFPA (National Association for Adult

Vocational Training)

1966: The State must interfere in the field of training (vocational

training is considered a public service).

National Interprofessional Agreement in 1970: Vocational
training as a part of Labor law.
Law 71-575 1971: Organization of continuing vocational training

as part of lifelong learning

Vocational training in the past


Law 71-575 1971: Organizaton of continuing

vocational training as part of lifelong learning

Many modifications until 2004
The permanent right of training;
The key role of social partners involved in drawing up the rules of

vocational training;
The obligation for companies to contribute to the funding of
continuing vocational training;
The diversity of arrangements for access to training, depending on
the status of individuals: employees, youth, civil servants, job

The current legislation of the vocational education and training and its
regulatory scope
Loi du 4 mai 2004 relative la formation professionnelle tout au

long de la vie et au dialogue social (Act of May 4, 2004 relating to

vocational training throughout life and social dialogue)

Purpose: to modernize the system of vocational training and to facilitate the

access to vocational training to all people interested in (providing answers to
inequalities in access to training)
The professional contract (alternating sequences of training and
professional activities)
Individual right to training for all employees (20 hours per year)
Qualification contrats
Financial aids for companies who extend training
The training Passport

The principle and the main advantages of the dual training SCOLA

Dual Training :
Principle: Alternating periods of theorical training
with periods of working in companies.
Is one of the most effective levers to access or
re-enter the professional world .

Pedagogy: Acquisition of professional skills by combining

periods of pratical expertise in companies and other periods of
training in training centers or in the companies themselves if
they have a training service.
2 kind of contracts:

The contract of apprenticeship (Initial vocatoinal training)

The professional training contract (Continuing vocational training)

The principle and the main advantages of the dual training SCOLA
The contract of apprenticeship:

Alternating periods of general, technological and professional education

in a training center and practical training peirods in companies.
Objective: to enable young people to follow a general education,
theoretical and practical, to acquire a vocational qualification recognized
by a diploma or professional designation.
Target group: Young people aged 16-25 years
Temporary or indefinitely contrat. The apprentice working time is the
same as for other employees of the company including the time of
presence in apprentice training center.
The apprentice receives a salary that varies according to age. The
minimum salary received by the apprentice is a percentage of the
minimum wage or SMC.

The principle and the main advantages of the dual training SCOLA
The professional training contract:

Acquisition of a professional qualification (certificate, diploma...)

Objective: enable the integration or return to employment for young
Target group: Young people aged 16-25 years and jobseekers aged +
Indefinite or time-limited contrat
Salary depending on the age and the initial training level.
The employee's working time is identical to that of other employees
of the company. Training time is included as working time.
The general training is taught by a training organization or by the
company itself if it has an internal training department.
Tutoring: Each trainee has a tutor to accompany them.

The principle and the main advantages of the dual training SCOLA

Benefits for trainees:

Degree + professional experienced in a real workplace.

The possibility of linking several contracts to prepare several
successive or supplementary qualifications.
A tutor trainer who facilitates the insertion into the companies.
To have a salary not taxable.
These training years are fully taken into account for pension rights.

Benefits for companies:

Recruit a motivated employee benefiting from advantageous

Ensure transmission of knowledge and guidance through the tutores
They can benefit of several kind of financial aid

Special vocational schools for students with special educational

needs and people with disabilities

Schools for the second chance

They offers a solution for young jobseekers who have left the
education system without qualifications and they are in
complex social and behavioral situation (difficulty of
integrating the labour market)
+ 60 000 young people have passed through the schools
+ 105 schools in 17 regions in France
58% of young trainees have found a solution by a direct job or
by a certifying training

Special vocational schools for students with special educational

needs and people with disabilities

Schools for the second chance

Special vocational schools for students with special educational

needs and people with disabilities
Not special vocational schools for people with disabilities

but different aspects in contracts of apprenticeships

Not upper age limit for apprenticeship

Modifications about the duration of the contract
More financial aids for employers and trainees
Candidates with disabilities are prioritary

AFPA: orientated to disadvantaged groups

Jobseekers: 58%
Women: 27,5%
Young people under 26: 25%
Seniors; 22,2%
8611 trainees with disabilities

Professional Exam System


Titre professional Professional titles/diplomas

Certified by the State (Ministry for Employment), recognized by

businesses, it is a real asset for a successful professional
5 levels of professional titles.
A Jury: members are professionals with at least 5 years
experience in the sector, authorized by the Ministry of
To attests the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to
exercise a qualified professional activity.
All sectors (around 260): construction, personal services,
transport, catering, trade, industry...

The situation of the school leavers on the LM


In 2015:
The employment rate fell by 1 point
28% of all young people are still looking for their first job (after 1 year

of graduation)
Young people with high level of qualification have a higher rate of
integration on the LM
Sectors recording the highest employment rates in 2014:
Computers, Pharmacy, Commercial, Engineering etc ...
Services: 65% of graduates (Banking, insurance, health and social
The fastest growing industrial sector is the automotive and

The situation of the school leavers on the LM


Rate of unemployment by level of education


Univ ersity studies

Diploma of Higher education


Adv anced diploma

Y outh training or First diploma



Basic certificate or without certificate









The situation of the school leavers on the LM


Employment conditions in 2015

Temporary contracts
Time looking for a job (around 5 months)
Indeterminate contracts
The salary for young graduates. The average salary for

young entrants is equal to 25,700 euros gross per year

(the average salary in 2014 was 26,500 euros gross per
year, a significant decrease).
The high level posts for youth graduates (57%)

Situation of the vocational

training and education in France

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