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WE SITUATION OF VET IN SLOVAKIA DO DURE M UU DUIS ith c0) RS Ey uF PAU Sa aU Pm’ | caer Ince cond P erere BOON et i td a Deer a SEDER aN “os eC MOR UT OC NEMS MAL UN aa td right to free primary and BST la eu Om Ta Ra al Ree ou ama a) responsibility towards VET since 1989, the Ministry of Education (MS, Ministerstvo Skolstva) is PRA CaM authority essentially responsible te ~ compulsory education lasts 10 years Cra) RR UAL UC Wa Sd TCS RC RO Cc aye ~ IVET (ISCED) Ey ~ CVET (LLL) ’ =< pre The ministry is responsble for: ~ The National Institute for Education (SPO, Statny pedagogicky stay) ~ general education curriculum including general subjects of VET schools; ~ The National Institute of Certified Measurement (NUCEM, Narodng stay certifkevanich merani) ~ national student assessment programmes (in Sth and Bth year of study) and ~ The State Institute of Vocational Educd (Sov, Statny inititit odborného vedelava VET curriculum in co-operation with sectoral expert commissions OPS, Ostav informacit a prognéz Skolstva voppaP HPC, metodicko-pedagogické centrum SS, Stata Skolska inipekcia Other ministries playa limited role, €.,in support of specific secondary VET schools (health, police) within their profesional Special vocational schools There are number of special VET schools in Slovakia. In our district 8 those type of schools exist. Prakt Stredh 20 29 Prake 31 1 Prod my Prk Bests 917 08 Prake Cake 517 05 Odbor Tein 33 319 kia. Gp Ski] liad Tran 93901 Dumas Sueda Kalra s17e2 Ta Praktické skola ako sist Spojene} tkoly Betta 22 ede ad Te St sisaiéovo Taleo stot Tra ‘Stredné odborné kola pri reedukaénom centre pre mlédet Zinc bee dara 520-73 Hiakovee Fars Praktické shola ako sitéast Spojenej skoly SRI OT Pettey Tatioa sh Tam Praktické skola ako sitéast Spojencj skoly asun-Cynia ania? (tea at Tare Sm 1S Wtowe Taio Praktické skola ako sitéast Spojencj oly Basten? (bain Tas si 06 Ta aera Praktické skola ako sitéast Spojenej skoly Sahee be ead Tt oe rma tie 91702 Tae Odborné utiliéte pri reedukatnom centre pre mlidet ‘sin 38 (Observe Den Madu Lo1aeed Dems Stove ‘itoaeo Dems Slovensky Deans Storey ‘iosaeo, Det Stoves ‘loosen Stove sires Vocational training abroa Cee Ur Rca gi NCS UC eau eM CACC AM Me ld CTU aT ON ce MOLEC en CLC CIN NT1C202] German-speaking countries. After stormy debates and even controversies CU au eM CAC AR LLU N aR ISAT CCI Act on VET (No 61/208 Coll.) adopted by parliament in March 2015. Td ar adam U LG aC ai aa eC) ee Cleat eC RE Figure 1. Education system in Slovakia (Arts and Special Schools not included)| Higher Education: Bc, MA (Ing.), PhD ‘Absolutorium Diploma (5B) ; Higher professional studies Certificate/ Second Maturita (4A) Post-matutita specialising Post-maturita refresher studies 2-3 years Post-maturita qualifying studies 1 0.5-2 years en Maturita (3A) _ || Maturita (3°) | Cert.of Ap) [3C) || Z years folow-up Grammar School || VET Schools | VET Schools 45,(8)years | 4.5 years [3,4 years Tow sec. completing — ficamemesl f [| Training (2c) Basic education certificate (ISCED 2A) U 2 years Lower secondary (5 years) and elementary (4 years) = |__ Stitne vzdelavacie programy (SVP) Narodng program vichovy a vzdelivania | Bary] <> [hr] — [Fre] ; EWP | ea | | 7 py Skolské vedelivacie program( SkVP) Metodika pre tvorbu SkVP- “Melodia pre tvorbu| SvP Stétna Groven Professional exam system ay Needed Re de ea See ge eg ee See eC ary Bern cad + S-yearsfl-tme course ith sl certificate and schon-eaving given Maturita ‘exam: tourism and catering cael + Z-years fulltime folon up courses with school leaving exam after passing the Cae ae a a ee fecal) See de eee Seen or re amd Se ca a Se reinnebi Tl FA ee ili aa) CLE ae ae aa Se ae ase Re PRACTICE Cu a Cay Pree Coe ey Co) POs Co Cees CCC Te i ofthe external part and internal writen part of Maturitas to S dilestccshutaurrdatocubcncanmancicd wich at pets to verify nthe internal ral art suficenty, Sis Seo oc) Ce ee ase S-years full-time courses with diploma and ttl Dis* Pe Co Cen] eee) )F VET IN SLOVAKIA EMBER SOI) sym Cn d ey Fes coe : tf] a i] Ta & | Pde car ai) Peer crates aI STAVES AT ROT BON Score ee esos) @0@ee0@ tol UTA TMI LLC according to districts ba EC OR UALR 2] BUA TAT UO eC a Peper eh nem eon Ic Registered unemployed people i anc Per eae) POT eee UI see aI STAVES AT ROT BON Score ee esos) @0@ee0@ tol miera v % | _j|do4 4-7 7-9 Gl 9-12 [iy 12-15 Gi 15 - 20 tS [i 20-25 ® EJ nad 25 -SR/ miera v % The unemployment rate according to districts ee /31, 08. 208 the research is made by MPSVR SR/ Me nd miera v % The unemployment rate according to districts ee /31, 08. 208 the research is made by MPSVR SR/ Me nd ~ underdeveloped infrastructure ~ low quality of life ~ poverty miera v % The unemployment rate according to districts ee /31, 08. 208 the research is made by MPSVR SR/ Me nd aI STAVES AT ROT BON Score ee esos) @0@ee0@ tol Ey Poa Ht NOT RM CTPA bd aM CCC ol ATC CAR eae RAC CRU La uD a Sm OMT CNC CALC DRC aaa nace ae A aI STAVES AT ROT BON Score ee esos) @0@ee0@ tol A eC a Oa OIA TCL TERY UU ee CSN) CE RRL AIRY Sa eR RU eRe Cee Lo Peau Meme aI STAVES AT ROT BON Score ee esos) @0@ee0@ tol Ce ae bitterd )F VET IN SLOVAKIA EMBER SOI) sym Cn d ey Fes coe : tf] a i] Ta & | Pde car ai) Peer crates WE SITUATION OF VET IN SLOVAKIA DO DURE M UU DUIS ith c0) RS Ey uF PAU Sa aU Pm’ | caer Ince cond P erere BOON et i td a Deer

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