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I Just Didnt


Get it!

ome people tell me, Oh,

you wouldnt want me in
Heart magazine. Theres
nothing interesting about me.

Photo: Keith H.

We get so used to reading

sensationalist stories that we belittle our
own valuable life experiences. I dont
agree that Everyone has a book in
them, but I do believe everyone has a
story to tell. Thank you Dave, p1; Liz, p5;
and Helen, p8 for sharing your very
personal and inspiring stories with us.

Some of our many teams

Heart highlights some of our many

teams. Read about football, netball and
even footgolf on p4 as Danny and Anna
talk about SportsReach and how you or
someone you know might like to join
in the fitness fun. Pages 67 are about
a very different kind of team a new
song-writing group called Fulwood Free
Music. The members work hard to
produce some powerful modern songs
that we use in church. Page 10 focuses
on the Inclusion Team, led by James and
Sarah. Please do read this short
introduction to their work as theyd value
your feedback, ideas and opinions.

We are here for you

We never put commercial

advertisements into Heart. All our ads
refer to activities run by Fulwood Free
Methodist Church (FFMC) for the benefit
of the whole community, from babies to
teens to senior citizens. Whoever you are,
we are here for you. Find fun at the Fun
Day p12, friendship at the 18-30s group,
and faith at The Venue p10.


And finally we recently began TWO

identical morning services to make space
for newcomers. Children can sit with you
or go to Energize (ages 2 11). Teens
have their own service. For deaf users
of BSL/SSE, the services are signed by
friendly volunteers. If you wish to be
prayed for or visited by one of our pastoral team, please dont hesitate to ask. For
information phone or email the church
office, or call into reception on weekdays.
Enjoy your summer!


Editor (Twitter: @katharine59)

Heart Team: Katharine Gardner, Sara Wright,
Anna Kember, Paul Stanier, Ian Clarkson

Dave and grandson Timmy

m an unassuming, quiet
sort, more often referred to
as Jasons dad, or Mins
husband than my own name.
I grew up in Nuneaton, the eldest of
6 kids. I became Area Manager for
Candis, a national door-to-door
magazine. This started out as a plain
sheet of paper
listing the football
a football pools
thing, which cost
20p per fortnight.
Candis eventually became more of a
glossy magazine. The point of it was to
raise funds for cancer research and
during my time with the company we
raised over 40 million pounds. My wife,
Min, and I moved to Preston when I
was promoted to Regional Manager.
Here, I managed 143 agents who
distributed the magazine throughout
the North West. After 29 years I moved

on when Min and I bought, then ran, a

B&B on Blackpool Road.
As a teenager in Nuneaton, Id
attended Sunday School at a local
church and enjoyed it. However, one
year in the run-up to Easter, a dragon of
a guy forced us to practice singing so
much that I got totally fed up. Im a
terrible singer at the best of times, so it
was a pain! I left
never to return!
In Fulwood,
Min had been
going to church
for about 12 years but she never
pressurised me to go with her. Im a
keen golfer. One day I was invited to
join a golf event to raise money for
Kibogora Hospital in Rwanda. It was
run by members of Fulwood Free
Methodist Church. I got on really well
with the other players. After that I went
to various informal events at the
church. One day I said to Min, Ill come

Im a terrible singer
at the best of times

...theyve all got their

problems, yet are content
and joyful.
to a church service with you, and she was gobsmacked.
What hit me when I went was that everyone seemed so
cheerful. I have since discovered that theyve all got their
problems, yet are content and joyful. I thought, This is fine.
I will have some of this! Min was happy, as were my son
Jason and his wife Lorraine who were already involved.

I could never understand

The one thing I could never understand was that people

were saying, God came into my life. I just didnt get it.
Nothing like that happened for me. Nothing. Then something
big did happen.
Jason and Lorraine were expecting their third baby. The
first scan showed that the baby had got Foetal Cystic
Hygroma, growths on
the head and the back.
The medics said even if
the baby survived the
pregnancy there would
be many complications
and likely death. They
seemed to hint that the baby would be better off aborted.
Everyone was devastated. We all said, No, even me.
However he arrives, we will love him. One of my friends
suggested that there might be a problem with the machine,
but there wasnt, because 3 weeks later Lorraine underwent
a second scan which showed the dangerous growths still
We begged people to pray and they did. People prayed
in Fulwood, in Sri Lanka where Lorraines dad is a pastor,
and in the USA. Myself? I prayed a hard prayer to God: Now
is the time to prove yourself. Two weeks passed. Time for
another scan, a further test. This time, the hygroma had
vanished! We were overjoyed. Timmy was born perfect,
apart from a mark on the back of his neck where the growth

had been. I was in no doubt that God answered my prayer - I

still tell everyone I meet. A few weeks after Timmys birth I
asked to be baptised as a Christian. Since that time, I have
never doubted God. I totally trust Him. More recently, Jason
asked me, Would you still believe in God if Timmy died? I
said, Definitely. Id thank God for lending him to us. I know
now that faith does not depend on any child continuing to
live, or even to be healthy.

The noisier the better!

I began to help out at the church. I used to drop my

grandsons at Kickstart, the midweek childrens club, so I
offered to help run that for a while. Now I am on a rota of
minibus drivers, offering lifts to and from the 11am Sunday
service for those needing transport. We respond to requests
from the town centre, Ashton, Larches or wherever someone
lives, within reason! [Heart note: If you would like a lift to and
from the 11am service please phone 01772 861597 and ask
for details]
I have changed in many small ways. I used to think, Im
not a bad person so I dont need to be a Christian, but,
nowadays, for example, Im more aware of thinking of
others before myself. For
example; now when a
shopkeeper gives me too
much change Ill admit it
and give it back. Once,
Min and I found money on
some stairs. Instead of
thinking, Wow! That will pay for a meal out for us, we
tracked down the person whod lost it. All our small actions
can make a big difference in the world.
I love all of my grandchildren. Timmy, now aged 6, is
particularly lively, but he has a huge grin that seems to keep
him out of trouble. Im sure that when his little sister starts at
Queens Drive School the teachers will say, Not another
I told you before what a terrible singer I am but
nowadays I do genuinely enjoy singing the lively songs at
church. And the noisier the better because I can join in and
no one worries if Im out of tune. Even around the house,
you might catch me humming one of the songs I learnt at

People were saying, God came

into my life. I just didnt get it.


Lunch Break
12.00 1.30pm
3 w eek s ou t of 4
o n ly 2 . 5 0

Wednesday Lunch a


12.30 2pm
1 w eek ou t of 4
Su gge st e d d onat i on of 3. 5 0

oin us for homemade soup, a fresh

warm roll and a glass of juice
followed by a homemade cake and
a cup of freshly brewed coffee or a
cup of tea.

We welcome young mums with babes in arms, business

folk on their lunch break, the retired, and students on study
days. Please come in. You will be made welcome.

oin us for a two course meal followed by a cuppa

and a short service where we sing a couple of
hymns, hear a short Bible message and pray.

This group is aimed at those who are retired, but all are welcome.

While Lunch Fellowship is usually the 3rd Wednesday in the month this
is not always the case so if you want to come, please contact Vicky at the
church office. She will send you a free programme in the post.



Anna and Ruths 21st birthday

football match

SportsReach fills
a big part of
my heart...

t goes without saying that sport is vital for

health, friendship and fun! Football and
netball are taught in schools where children
are encouraged to engage in sport for exercise
and camaraderie.

One way to continue playing team sports after school

is through SportsReach. Two members of Fulwood Free
Methodist Church, Anna Snalam and Danny Garratt, explain
what SportsReach has done for them.

Football and Netball Anna

ll match in
ay footba
21st birthd f Sportsreach
support o

Anna Snalam (21) studies Physical Education and School

Sport at Edge Hill University. Aged 12, she encountered
SportsReach, an organisation that allows her to combine
her love for sport with her Christian faith. She is a player,
manager and umpire in the SportsReach netball league
and also plays for a womens football team. Through
SportsReach, Anna plays, coaches and officiates football
matches here and abroad, in countries such as Germany
and Austria. She loves touring, socialising
with her team mates and

developing her skills as a football player. Anna says,

SportsReach fills a big part of my heart and I hope I can
continue to be involved for many more years!

Footy and FootGolf Danny

Fulwood Free Methodist Church has a mens football

team, which is part of the SportsReach network and is
managed by Danny Garratt (25). Danny is a part-time
Management Accountant, a GCSE maths tutor and is set
to become a FootGolf Course Manager. FootGolf is an
addictive and unconventional sport in which players use
their feet to get a football into a hole in as few shots as
possible. Open to everyone, FootGolf requires the skill to
strategically combine power and precision in every game.
Danny plays football for a SportsReach team, meaning
he can both play and manage in a weekly competitive
football league. It is a fun, friendly atmosphere. Danny
loves PNE, so he delights to say that his home pitch is
Moor Park, on the nearest pitch to Deepdale Stadium,
where his team play others from around Lancashire, before
enjoying a post-match chip butty!

Summer Schools for 7 16 year olds

As well as the regular teams that train and play each

week, SportsReach also run Soccer and Netball Schools for
7-16 year olds during the summer.

All Welcome!

SportsReach builds friendships through sport with

anyone, regardless of age, race, gender or religion. The
teams are open to anyone aged 16+ for football and 14+ for
netball. You can train and play each week. If you want to
know more, please contact Danny or Anna via the church
office, or phone the SportsReach office: 01524 730 000.



eing a teenager is
difficult enough without
the added complication
of battling a mental illness.
By age 15, Lizs battle with
anorexia nervosa was already
out of control.
Mental illness is taboo throughout
society and usually misunderstood.
People tend to liken depression to
sadness, anxiety and panic to worry,
or eating disorders to wanting to
look good.

Wanting more
Lizs battle with anorexia
began when she just wanted to be
accepted, along with some unkind
comments from her peers. As she
began to exercise more regularly
and diary her food intake, she
received positive feedback from her
friends about her new figure. This
fuelled the desire to pay detailed
attention to calorie-counting and
how many minutes spent on gym
equipment. As she devoted more
time and energy on controlling her
figure, she became sadder, more
isolated, more nervous and physically
weaker. The irony of finally achieving
her ideal figure, was that she felt
more sad and lonely than ever.

She became
increasingly alone
As the anorexia developed,
comments such as too skinny and
you used to be attractive began
to surface unhelpful comments to
anyone, but hearing these comments
whilst battling this eating disorder
were crushing for Liz. She became
increasingly alone. Her personality
changed; she was volatile, impulsive
and never satisfied with her relentless
effort to self-improve.
Many of us know someone
suffering with mental illness, which is
why Liz wants her story to be shared,
knowing that her struggle might help
someone else realise they are not
alone. Looking back she can see how
her faith and her church, coupled with
medical advice, helped her along the
tough road to recovery.

Searching for
Liz says she started
searching for God when
she realised that she was
out of control. Although
her anorexia was initially a
technique to gain control of

I am


People look
at the outward
appearance, but
the LORD looks at
the heart.
From the Bible, 1 Samuel 16:7

her life, she quickly lost it. She knew

she needed someone greater than
herself to steer her recovery. Every
day, Liz clings to the knowledge that
God looks deeper than the
surface and cares about
her every thought and
need. Liz summarised her
present feelings saying:
It gives me enormous
strength to be able to
declare that, whether
I look wonderful
or whether I look
a horrible mess,
my opinion on my
appearance has no
power to change the value
of who I am or the potential
that my life holds.

Loving yourself more

Through counselling, support
from her family and friends,
and her church home-group,
Liz found the strength to
discuss her illness. She
was encouraged by cards
and messages from her

friends in
her home-group
when other friends
had distanced themselves.
Now recovered, Liz is 20 years
old and in her 2nd year studying
Social Psychology at Loughborough
University, as well as being involved
in the Christian Union there.
Lizs story of recovery is
encouraging and uplifting, but the
stigma attached to mental illnesses
still exists. When we talk about
mental illness, we understand it
better. When we ask victims of these
illnesses about their experience, we
hear that above all they feel very

Visit your GP, or phone the

Samaritans 116 123, or
Cedar House Counselling Centre
01772 880909.

Heart, Soul
Band member photographs
by Andrew Astin

ost newcomers are surprised by the music at Fulwood

Free Methodist Church. Three bands take it in turns to
lead services. One visitor said, I came back because

the sound was so uplifting and energising and Im in my 60s!

Recently the musicians formed a song-writing group called FFM
Fulwood Free Music, where they compose new material. Here,

Andrew Slack

4 of the 10 members of the group explain what motivates them:

A n dr ew S lac k (30) cleans carpets for a living.

Andrew describes himself as a moustache-loving, tweedsympathiser with a passion for music! He says, As soon as
I was big enough to sit behind a drum kit I started playing
music in church. Since I was 6 years old Ive played piano,
drums and guitar. I studied Music Technology at uni then
spent 4 years working as a professional sound engineer.
Aged 15, I formed a band called Grand Old Juke that got
me into composing and recording in a big way. My musical
taste is eclectic, so when I need inspiration for composition,
Ill often listen to new sounds such as the Indie/Rock band,
I love drums and keys, guitar and vocals, as well as
studio engineering and production. From the outset FFM
agreed to scrutinise
honestly one anothers
music and lyrics. We
edit our own songs then
work on them with one
or two of the others, before fine-tuning with the
whole group until finally a song is introduced
Can be downloaded on
to the church. Every
iTunes, Spotify & Amazon
song should take us on
a journey and evoke
emotion if, by the
end of a song youre in
the same mood as you
were at the beginning,
it has achieved nothing!
Ultimately, I only want

to produce music that Im not embarrassed to play to my

Its vital not to regurgitate old clichs, but to produce
fresh lyrics that are spiritually authentic, so we base our
work on words from the Bible, a collection of 66 books that
includes 150 psalms. Most of these psalms or songs were
composed by David (of David and Goliath fame!), who cries
out to God whenever hes depressed, scared, angry, joyful,
bereaved, or thankful. Our task is to use Davids words, or
other Biblical prose, in a contemporary style. I start with the
music, then ask myself, How does it feel? before writing
the lyrics. The lyrics and music interweave like a ball of

Some music is so original its hard to

listen to and some is so unoriginal it
might as well not have been written.
elastic bands. Having done secular gigs for over a decade
Im used to people engaging with my music, but in church
when people sing our songs to God it makes the endless
hours of creativity worthwhile.

P et e Co u gh l an ( 44) is a football-loving father of

three girls. He grew up in a musical family. His parents were
members of the Preston Opera Company. Pete says, Im a
self-taught drummer, but also play piano and bass guitar. I
was influenced by the Indie/Rock scene of the late 80s and
early 90s. As a youth I played in various bands emulating
our heroes of the day chasing that elusive record deal!

and Music

John Duck




Follow Fulwood Free Music on Facebook and Instagram

Can be downloaded on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon
CDs available from The Christian Resource Centre, Fox Street, Preston
Find lyrics and music on:

A few years ago, Pete and his family joined Fulwood FMC
where he now plays drums in one of the bands.
Pete says, Some of us wanted to express our faith
creatively, so we began to meet to share song-writing ideas,
review recordings and scrutinise lyrics. Of course, the words
must make sense and be theologically correct. We dont
want to contradict the Bible. I compose the melody then
fit words to it, because the rhythm and pace of the music
determine the theme; an upbeat rhythm may suit a song
of praise, whereas a slower melody goes with reflective,
prayerful words. From the outset we agreed to approach
the venture with a sense of humility, inclusiveness and
encouragement. It is deeply satisfying to create words and
music that 100s of people connect with. I contributed to a
song called My God. In it are words that resonate for me;
You are the rock, firm beneath my feet. Step by step you
are changing me.

J o hn D u ckett (18) works at Sainsburys. He

says, Im an easy-going, light-hearted musician who began
learning sax aged 8, drums aged 10 and the guitar, aged 13.
Andrew Slack taught me guitar. He had a massive influence
on my song-writing and music production. He invited me to
join FFM, which is a brilliant group. The first time I heard
the congregation singing something Id written I felt overwhelmed that God used my idea to help people connect
with Him in worship.
John expresses his feelings through music, often sitting
at the piano to play freely. When hes away from home he
records ideas on his phone. He says, When I listen back I
sometimes say, Well, that was an awful idea! but occasionally
I think, Thats really good! I find myself writing songs with
no words. Im not great with words so doing this allows me
to express myself. I believe that God created music for the
purpose of connecting the human heart and soul to himself
and that we can glorify God with all kinds of music. Being a
musician, I think its super easy to get upset about your idea
being changed. I can be over-sensitive when an idea of
mine is criticised, but we agreed from the outset to be
honest. Honesty and trust is key when working in a group.
G r aham Whitehead (36 ) is a software
engineer and father of two children. He says, As a youngster
I listened to tunes and tried to play them on my toy keyboard.
I graduated from the EastEnders theme tune to more

complex music. I got to grade 5

but was never confident sightreading all those dots and
squiggly symbols. I much prefer
playing by ear. Being part of
Fulwood Free Music is right up
my street. Its where I can be
creative, compose melodies
and improve the skill of writing
lyrics. I love to compose songs
with deep meaning that draw
people together in a unified
voice that focuses not on me,
but on God.
I dont get far if I deliberately
decide to write a melody. However, an idea might pop into my
head when Im driving, or at
work, or in the middle of the
night. I quickly hum it into a
voice-recorder before it disappears. The FFM group helps me
to develop the skill of bringing
words and music together to
form a complete piece. The first
Graham Whitehead
song to emerge from the group
is a particular favourite of mine.
Entitled You Are The One, it is full of energy, with strong
words that focus on Gods greatness.
We resist the temptation to pick words simply because
they rhyme or fit nicely with a tune and dont accept random
waffling like any old nursery rhyme! The words must be
accessible to people of all ages and experience. It would
be foolish to bewilder you with over-elaborate, abstract
ideas. When the group agree that something is good, they
genuinely mean it and it isnt just flattery. Sometimes we
meet in my home, eat a takeaway then get out our pens to
edit or forge a new verse. At other times, we share words or
music in an online folder so theres always something new to
think about. Occasionally, we head to The Groove Allotment
(Andrews studio) to record a song with high quality. Weve
had some brilliant laughs you should hear some of our
early draft recordings very funny in places! But some of
our efforts evolved into songs that the congregation now

Do Not
Be Afraid
The following article was adapted for Heart Magazine from
Helens original letter to those who prayed. Helen is an accomplished BSL interpreter. She volunteers on the Fulwood Free
Methodist Church signing team for Sunday morning services.

n January 2015 I was diagnosed with a cancerous throat tumour.

Every day for 5 weeks I underwent radical radiotherapy at the Rosemere
Centre at Royal Preston Hospital. A side-effect of the radiotherapy was
that I couldnt eat, so I was admitted to hospital to be fed through a
nasogastric tube. I caught an infection, so was given antibiotics and more
time in hospital. I was eventually discharged to be cared for by my sister, Susan.
Despite her own medical problems she spent endless hours transporting me to
and from hospital, waiting for my treatment to finish, and nursing me day and
night. Her ongoing kindness is boundless!
Words alone cannot express the comfort I felt because so many Preston people prayed for me. Before my treatment, I read some powerful words that seemed
to leap from the page. Im sharing them because they may comfort you if youre
going through a difficult time yourself. The words are from the Bible: The Lord
himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake
you.Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Life is often tough. Sometimes
people go through terrible things, but when I read these words I knew that
whatever the outcome of the cancer, God was with me.

Books, music, cards and gifts.
If this story has affected you,
or you just want to find helpful
resources on hard life issues or
Christianity, then visit your local
Christian bookshop:

Tel: 01772 259279

Welcome to 4-6 Fox St,

Preston PR1 2AB

Emmanuel ( God is with me in Hebrew)

This is what happened when I felt totally at the end of myself: It was very
early one morning. I was in a room, awaiting a particularly difficult procedure.
I felt stranded, alone and cold. I couldnt move and was in great distress. My
only thought was to pray, so I did remembering the Bible words (above) that
God would never leave me. As soon as Id finished praying, a young male nurse
came to my assistance. I was so relieved to see him that I quickly thanked God
for sending me help. Whilst the kind, gentle nurse was tending to me I asked,
Whats your name? He replied, Emmanuel. I was stunned, because this Hebrew name means God with us. At that moment I felt a surge of confidence
that this was no coincidence, but a message of comfort from God. Emmanuel
also told me he was an agency nurse. Regular staff said he must have come from
an agency because no one remembered him and I never saw him again. (NB: If
you know Emmanuel, let us know, so Helen can thank him.)
Thank you for praying. The tumour has been eradicated with little chance of
it returning. Im so grateful for the care of the Head and Neck Cancer team. I
feel healthier than ever before and look forward to an active retirement!


I want to try
church but . . .
Photo by Ian H.

he first time I go into a new building, whether it is

a bank, a museum or theatre, I immediately
check a few things, such as Which way do I go
next? or What is expected of me? We (at Fulwood
Free Methodist Church) understand that it can be
nerve-wracking to enter a church where everyone else
seems confident, but it is very unlikely youll be the
only new person that day. So when you do come in,
someone will be there to greet you, answer your
questions and not leave you stranded!

Just relax and be yourself.

Nowadays, in most churches, there
is no dress code wear a suit,
or your jeans and sweatshirt
however you feel comfortable. And
you dont need money. We dont
usually take a public offering and
when we do, it is for a project, such
as the hospital in Rwanda that we
support. Refreshments are free.
Children are welcome to sit with you, but they may
prefer to go to Energize ask to speak to a Childrens
Church leader to find out what suits your family. Parents
with babies (under 2 years old) can bring them into the
service, or theres a crche for parents to stay with their
children at the back and still see & hear the service. For
11 16s, there is Ignite a teens church usually with
sausage butties in case they missed breakfast!

What is
expected of me?

Share the journey with us.

Again, relax. Our

morning services last just
over an hour. You may be
I don't know wh
unfamiliar with the songs,
but most are easy to pick
up. The singing can be
the service
loud (enthusiastic!) so
join in, or stay seated and
listen, as you choose. All
the words are on a big
screen at the front. The
talks (sermons) are Bible-based and relevant to modern
life, often with on-screen visuals.
Make friends over a brew.
Chat to a Pastor or other
leader. You might like to
And after
come back to try the monthly
afternoon traditional service,
or the lively evening service.
Church is not a building
- it is Christian people
gathering to worship God,
and to support one another
through lifes joys and difficulties. Everyone is as valued as
everyone else; whatever nationality, older, younger, male,
female, child, rich, poor, those with a strong faith and those
who doubt. Share the journey with us.

Fortnightly, Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm

Informal, friendly chats about the Christian faith

for anyone interested. Questioning encouraged.

No charge. Free refreshments.


the inclusion

It is vital that children and adults

with disabilities feel not only included,
but valued and equal within the
church environment. We recognise
that people with autism and other
additional needs might struggle to

Photo: Ian H

ast year, James and Sarah

Kewley took on the role of
Inclusion Co-ordinators
at Fulwood Free Methodist
Church. James was a primary
school teacher, but most
recently works as an advisory
teacher supporting schools to
include children with
additional needs. Sarah has
worked in special schools and
now works as a support
worker for adults with learning
disabilities within their own
homes. They say:

James and Sarah Kewley

cope in this lively place so our aim is

to offer a safe haven for those seeking
a quiet, more structured zone. Within
the church, we are raising awareness
towards those with additional needs;
this means supporting the leaders of
different church activities such as,
Toddlers, Energize, Impact, and
Sunday Services, to promote
inclusion. We set up a core team of

people, each with a real heart and

desire to enable every person with a
disability to be included in church life
and activities.
Many of the adults who lead
childrens and youth work have
completed training with us. This raised
awareness of different additional
needs. We gave top tip strategies to
support inclusion, including
awareness of the needs of carers,
parents and siblings of the child. Our
resources for Energize (Junior
Church) include a sensory tent and a
visual timetable which are currently
being successfully used to support
children with additional needs.
We value your opinion as our team
moves carefully forward. If you have
any questions or ideas as to how
FFMC could support you, your family
or friends with disabilities then please
email us at:

Who Let

Free Voices Community Choir

Wednesdays 7.30 - 9.00pm

This new choir is open to everyone

regardless of age, race, religion or
experience especially men! For
information contact co-ordinators Stewart
and Lisa Bell using the contact details on
the back of Heart magazine.


Stewart and Lisa Bell (Choir co-ordinators)



Steve Allen heads up this gang of men who

bring their young children or grandchildren
to chill out together!
2 per family includes bacon
butties, tea, coffee and biscuits.
Come into Fulwood Free Methodist Church
at 10 -11.30am on the following
Saturdays throughout 2016:

May 14th, July 2nd,

Sept 10th, Nov 26th


Energize (Junior Church)

for 4 11 yr olds, both
morning services

Both morning
services include:
Crche for adults with
babies and
Sparks fun for
2 3 yr olds




Sunday 9.15 or 11am

Choose from two identical morning services:
An informal church
9.15am 10.15am or 11am 12 noon
for young people
aged 11 - 16.
Both services are signed in BSL and SSE
Bring your friends
by members of the congregation. A hearing
and find out what
loop is available for the hard of hearing.
we get up to.
Everyone is very
Services include modern worship, led by singers and musicians on
a variety of instruments and words from the Bible that inspire us.

3.00 3.45pm
Usually 1st Sunday each month (not January and August)


For years
erm time
6.30 8.0

6.30 8.00pm

Free refreshments follow all services

Come to Kick Start!

Subs 50


p First wee
Calling all juni
k free
or school bo
Fun, games,
ys and girls,
years 3 6.
crafts, games
and activities
and Bible stor

gether on
Chill out to ening.
Friday e
craft or
es such as

F R I D A0Yp m

Games, ac . Lots of fun!

8 .0 0 10 .0

ov e r
rs 9 and
For yea
(ag e s 13

Y 6-7pm in te

Anyone is welcom


F R E aEyo! uth club - games,

e than just
nic games,
iMPACT is mor
, sports, electro
week. Make
activities, od
ort message ea
lax together.
friends and re

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

is a charity which is highly recommended by TVs
money-saving expert, Martin Lewis. Lisa Bell is a member of
Fulwood Free Methodist Church and our local CAP co-ordinator.

Are you weighed down by DEBT? There is hope.

We offer a free service to help you lift your debt.

Call free on 0800 328 0006.

From mobiles try 01274 760839



Saturday June 4th 1pm4pm


Join us for an afternoon of fun for all

the family. Whatever the weather this
will go ahead, hopefully outdoors, but
indoors too.
It all began in 2012 when we
celebrated the Queens Diamond
Jubilee. This year holds another
significant milestone in the life
of HRH Queen Elizabeth II
her 90th Birthday. To help mark
the occasion we will give away a beautiful
commemorative book to each family who
attends. So mark the date in your diary, on your
calendar or in your phone. Come along! Join us
for an afternoon of fun and celebration.


Face Painting Bouncy Castle Hungry Hippo Tin-Can Alley Hook-a-Duck

Zap the Rat Sumo Suits Penalty Shootout

Time for a cuppa and chat

while your little ones play.
The over-3s go into a
Cost: 1.50
separate space for a
for 1 adult
Singing together
with up to
3 children.

Includes refreshments.

& Ba

For expectant or new mums, a

quiet(ish!) place to relax in our
caf area, make friends, share.
No cost. Donations welcome.




Fulwood FMC

for info on our church

Lightfoot Lane

for podcsasts listen to our


Sunday messages online


for blogs thoughts and ideas


0 1 7 72 8 6 1 5 9 7

for you to read



(term-time only)


Thursdays 12 2.45pm Free

Those that sew together know each other.

Welcome to Dots wonderful afternoons
of creativity.


Tuesdays 10 - 11.30am

(most weeks)


Tuesdays 10.00 11.30am

Staff at Fulwood Free Methodist Church are:

Registered Charity No. 514359

Pa s t o r A n d r e w G a r d n e r Pa s t o r I a n C l a r k s o n
Pa s t o r a l C h u r c h W o r k e r S u e C h a s t n e y G e n e r a l S e c r e ta r y V i c k y J o h n s

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