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Report generated on Mon, 16 May 2016 17:11


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85 of 100

Contextual Spelling

Confused Words


Wrong or Missing Prepositions


Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences

Misuse of Semicolons, Quotation Marks, etc.

Sentence Structure

Incomplete Sentences

Misplaced Words or Phrases


Wordy Sentences

Inappropriate Colloquialisms

Passive Voice Misuse

Vocabulary enhancement
Word Choice



Report generated on Mon, 16 May 2016 17:11


Page 2 of 4

In the Great Gatsby, paranoia is reflected in multiple
ways. Gatsby had to balance out love affairs, old
romantic pasts, friends and relationships which lead

Repetitive word: paranoia

Repeated word

Repeated word

Unnecessary ellipsis

Preposition at the end of a sentence

Repetitive word: control

[ Missing comma in compound sentence ]

[ Missing comma in compound sentence ]

Possibly confused preposition

to paranoia 1. For Gatsby, the love he feels for Daisy

causes him to go into a deep fear that their love which
once was very much present, could never go back to
the way it was. Gatsby believes that with his money,
his return, and with his dedication, he 2 can easily win
Daisy's heart back with no problem. He thinks that
because the love they once felt for each other was so
strong, it would have continued to be the same. He 3
ends up driving her to this craziness and the same for
himself because he stresses over the situation and
how much he wants it to be the same. He tells Daisy,
"That's all over now. Just tell him the truth, that you
never loved him; and all this... 4 all this pain will be
wiped out forever" (The Great Gatsby 104). He wants
Daisy to say something that was never even true to
begin with 5. You can see the rage in Gatsby when Tom
is messing with him, and Daisy just doesn't know what
to do. She's always so controlled by everyone around
her that she can't focus on herself and what she needs.
Gatsby starts to get out of control 6 because what he
wants isn't what he's getting at all, so he takes it out
on Tom. Gatsby thinks that he can just simply erase
what Tom and Daisy at least had one point in their
relationship 7 and that causes him to go completely
paranoid. When people want to believe the best, they
have false hope. Gatsby had false hope 8 and he was
very paranoid.
The fragmentation of the society in the Great Gatsby
showed the unbalance between economic groups and


Overused word: rich


Preposition at the end of a sentence


Report generated on Mon, 16 May 2016 17:11


Page 3 of 4

social statuses. The director in 9 the movie chose to

show two completely different settings. He shows the
Valley of Ashes which is where Myrtle and Wilson


Repetitive word: shows


[ Redundant words ]


Overused word: constantly


Incomplete comparison


[ Missing comma in compound sentence ]


Split infinitive


Repetitive word: try


Possibly confused word: carless


Passive voice


[ Missing comma in compound sentence ]


[ Redundant words ]


Repeated word


Overused word: interesting


[ Redundant words ]


[ Redundant words ]

work, and it's a terribly dark, dusty place to drive

through. They then show the very rich 10, wealthy
houses that people like Tom and Gatsby live in 11. It
shows 12 the difference in economic classes and gives a
representation of how life was during this time
period 13 in New York. People would constantly 14 go in
and out, traveling around everywhere. Nick says,
"People disappeared, reappeared, made plans to go
somewhere, and then lost each other, found each
other a few feet away" (Fitzgerald 37). Many would go
around, partying and having fun, but these people
would then leave. The wealthy got wealthier 16 and the
poor got poorer. 15 The whole society was broken and
unbalanced. People were dying to fill in the voids by
drinking and socializing. Gatsby was widely known
and always was throwing parties, but when he passed
away, nobody came to his funeral at all. No matter
how hard Nick tried to even get a family member 17 or
loved one to join, they wouldn't budge and came up
with some random excuse to try and get 18 out of it.
Nick said, "I couldn't forgive him or like him, but I saw
that what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It
was all very careless and confused. They were
carless 19 people" (Fitzgerald 179)
The Great Gatsby is a whole frame story. The story is
told 20 in the perspective of Nick 21 and that's how it
starts off. The director chooses to make it more
interesting by putting Nick in some kind of


rehabilitation center where he's in a therapy session.

He starts off by talking about it, but the doctor then
tells him to write about everything instead of talking


Report generated on Mon, 16 May 2016 17:11


about it. Nick goes off and starts writing, and that's
when the story begins. Nick wrote and told every
single thing he experienced when he was with Gatsby,
Tom, Daisy, and other acquaintances. He 23 has little
stories all wrapped up into one much larger story. He
discusses Tom and Daisy's story, Gatsby and Daisy,
Myrtle and Wilson and Tom, and even Gatsby's past.
Nick always seemed to be like the third wheel which
made the story much more interesting 24, and it was
always kind of


sad seeing him like that. By telling

the different views and experiences he went through,

he was able to tie it all into his own 26 story and how he
wanted things to be interpreted 27.

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Passive voice

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