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Report generated on Mon, 16 May 2016 17:04


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92 of 100

Contextual Spelling

Confused Words



No errors

Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences

Sentence Structure

No errors


No errors

Vocabulary enhancement
Word Choice



Report generated on Mon, 16 May 2016 17:04


Page 2 of 3

The knob of the bathroom door quietly turned. It was
twelve o'clock at night, and everybody was sleeping.
The light was on, but once she walked in, she slowly
let her hand fall on the switch, making the room pitch

Overused word: large

Better word pair

Overused word: constantly

[ Comma splice ]

Overused word: constantly

black. As she walked into the pure darkness, she let

out a large 1 sigh and made her way in front of a
mirror. All her thoughts constantly shaded her
happiness. She never felt good enough for anything or
anyone. She thought poorly about herself, and it was
as if there were a dark cloud over her mind,
preventing her from thinking as clearly as she could.
She trembled at the thought of how her insecurities
could negatively affect her in the future. She gazed
straight in the mirror however it was too dark to see
her reflection. Trapped, no air, the need for breath,
she was suffocating. That overwhelming feeling of
having to be a certain way for people to like others,
for people to appreciate others, to stop the constant 2
judgment. The battle she was constantly 3 fighting with
herself, and how much she wanted to appreciate
herself for who she was, not how others wanted her
to be. Slowly she descended, her back slowly sliding
down the wall, as she rested her head on her knees.
Nothing felt right, everything 4 felt wrong. She
constantly compared herself to people, and the
constant effort to being exceptional was mentally
tiring. Tears started to form in her sparkly, hazel
eyes, and one by one they dropped on the dirty floor.
She wiped her eyes, got back up, put both hands on
the mirror, and stood there silent. Overthinking was
one of her biggest troubles, and when the sun wasn't
present, it would overpower her. Her tomb would
open, and her emotions and secrets would all escape,


Report generated on Mon, 16 May 2016 17:04


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leaving her frozen, staring at the reflected mirror. No

distractions, just herself, her being, her thoughts, her
demons, all of her flaws. She walked out the
bathroom, and once she walked into the hall, all she
could see was her dark shadow on the wall. She lived
her life scared of the opinions of others however she

Possibly confused word: vulture

Repetitive word: started

Possibly confused word: peck

went her way through it. She walked outside into the
darkness of the night, sat on the muddy grass, and
was quickly distracted by the vulture 6 that appeared a
few feet in front of her. It got closer and seemed to
start mocking the girl. It started 7 to peck 8 on her legs
and arms, and she quickly got up and ran trying to
reach her house. The vulture followed until she ran
straight to the bathroom, closed and locked the door.
She couldn't catch her breath, and slowly she looked
up into the mirror. Her insecurities were a constant
reminder. She hadn't seen the sunshine in what felt
like forever, and the darkness took over her body.

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