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REPORT No. 572 DETERMINATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS By Ravwon F. ANpeRsow SUMMARY ‘ables and charts for use in determining the character- istics of tapered wings are presented. ‘Theoretical factors are given from which the following characteristice of tapered wings may be found: The epan lift distribution, the indueed-angle-of-attack distribution, the lift-ouree slope, the angle of zero lift, the induced drag, the aero- dynamic-center position, and the pitehing moment about the aerodynamié center. ‘The wings considered cover the complete range of taper ratios and a range of aspect ratioe from 2 to £0. The factors given include the effects of sweepback and twiet and apply to wings having a straight taper plan form with rounded tips and an elliptical plan form. The general formulas of the usual wing theory are also given from ‘which the characteristics of a wing of any form may be * ealewlated when the section characteristica are known from experiment. In addition to the tables and charts, test resulte are given for nine tapered winge, including wings with sweep- Sack and iwist. The teat results verify the values com- puted by the methods presented in the firat part of the report. A final section is given oudlining a method for estimating the lift coeficient at which a tapered wing Begins to stall. This method, which ehould be useful for ‘estimating the mazimum lift cooficient of tapered wings, is applied to one of the wings tested. INTRODUCTION A large amount of work has been done on the deter- mination of tapered-wing chatacteristice from airfoil theory. Glauert has given some of tho characteristics ‘of wings with straight toper for a limited rango of aspect ratios (references 1 and 2). Hucber has given other characteristics of wings with straight teper for a Targe range of aspect ratios (reference 3). Several ‘other papers have given various characteristics of tapered wings. Tho data of all the papers, however, have been limited by one or moro of the following factors: Range of aspect ratio and taper ratio, number of characteristics given, and omission of data on wings with sweepback and twist. In order to provide more complete information, date are given in this report for a large range of espect ratios, for the complete range 290023739 of taper ratios, and for wings with sweepback and twist, As eirplane wings aro usually rounded at the tips, the data are given for wings with rounded tips. In addition to the theoretical characteristics, the results of tests of nine tapered wings, including wings with sweepback end twist, and a comparison of some of the test results with theoretical values are presented. ‘The characteristics are given for wings having a straight taper and rounded tips and for wings having an elliptical plan form, with an aspect-ratio range from 2 to 20, For these wings, formulas are given using factors that are presented in tables and charts. From the formulas and factors tho following characteristies of tapered wings may be determined: Span lift distri- bution, induced-angle-of-attack distribution, lift-curve slope, angle of zero lift, induced drag, serodynamic- center position, and pitching moment ebout the aero- dynamic center. METHOD OF OBTAINING DATA basic conczPTs ‘When obtaining the data used to determine the char- acteristics of wings, a tapered wing is considered to con- sist of a series of airfoil sections that may vary in shape, chord length, and in angle of attack from root to tip. Each airfoil section is assumed to have an aerodynamic center through which the lift and drag act and about which the pitching moment is constant. With the section characteristics as e basis, character- istics of the entire wing aro obtained by integration across the span. Formulas for the integrations will first be given for a wing of any shape and zero dihedral; that is, the aerodynamic centors of all the sections along the span lie in a plane which passes through the root chord and which is perpendicular to the plano of sym- metry. Wings of particular shape will be considered later and a method for including the effect of dihedral will be given, For any tapered wing the span lift distribution may be considered to consist of two parts. One part, which will be called the “basic distribution,” is the distribu- tion that depends principally on the twist of the wing and occurs when the total lift of the wing is zero; it does not change with tho angle of attack of the wing. 503, 504 ‘Tho second part of the span lift distribution, which vill be called the “additional distribution,” is the lift due to change of the wing angle of attack; it is inde- pendent of the wing twist and maintains the same form throughout the reasonably straight part of the lift curve. In the designation of the characteristics of a wing, lower-case letters will be used for section characteris- tics and uppet-caso letters for the characteristics of the entiro wing. ‘Tho basic and additional section lift coef- ficients are then cj, and cj. A complete list of sym- bols follows. It is conveniont to find the additional lift coafiicient for a wing O, of 1 and itis then designated Gig, The two coefficients aro related by ¢=Oveig. ‘Tho total lift coefficient at any section is found from the basic and additional evofficients from c4y= Cay + Cats where cj, is tho lift coefficient perpendicular to the local relative ‘wind at any section as distinguished from c, which is perpendicular to the relative witld at a dis- tance. For convenience, however, ¢; will be used and may be considered equal to ¢, A, aspect ratio, B/S. 2, span. ¢, chord at any section along the span. cs tip chord (for rounded tips, ¢, is the fictitious chord obtained by extending the leading and ‘wailing edges to the extremo tip). 6m, chord at root of wing or plano of symmetry. S, wing area. B, angle of sweepback, measured between the lateral axis and a line through the acrody- namic centers of the wing sections. (Seo fig. 1.) «,acrodynamic twist in degrees from root to tip, measured between the zero-lift directions of the center and tip sections, positive for weshin. 3, longitudinal coordinate, parallel to the root chord. y, lateral coordinate, perpendicular to plane of symmetry. 2, vertical coordinate in the plane of symmetry, perpendicular to the root chord. <1 2 coordinate of wing aerodynamic center. ‘, wing lift-curve slope, per degree. o, Wing section lift-curve slope, per degree. 1m, wing lift-curve slope, per radian. ‘me, Wing seotion lift-curve slopo, por radian. , angle of attack at any section along the span. ax, Wing angle of attack measured from the chord of the root section. aay absolute wing angle of attack measured from the zero-lift direction of the root section. ax,,, angle of zero lift of the root section, ax, angle of zero lift of the tip section, REPORT NO. 672 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTER FOR AERONAUTICS Grgay» Wing angle of attack for zero lift, ‘a, section induced anglo of attack. ¢1, section lift coefficient perpendicular to the distant relative wind. Subseripts for o: 0, refers to section lift cocfficiont perpendicular to the looal rela- tive wind. 8, refers to basic lift (C, 4, refers to additional lift (any C2). ai, refers to additional lift (O,=1). cag section induced-dreg coefficient. ay, Section profle-drag coefficient. me. Section Pitching-moment coefficient about sec- tion aerodynamic conter. 1, sootion lit. ‘yg section pitching moment due to additional lift forces. ‘M,, wing pitching moment due to additional lift forces. Omg Wing pitching-moment coefficient due to addi- tional litt forces. Onyy Wing pitching-moment coefficient duo to basic Iift forces. Ony Wing pitching-moment coefficient due to the Pitching moments of the wing sections. Onze Wing pitching-moment coefficient about its aerodynamic center. ,, wing lift coofficient. Coy, Wing induced-drag coefficient, (GENERAL PORMULAS Formulas in terms of the section characteristics, — ‘The induced angle of attack at any section is obtnined from ¢, by amas ‘The section inducod-drag coofficient is obtained from a, and ¢; from cues and the induced-drag coefficient for the entire wing may be obtained by integration across the semispan. from the section values: 7 PP awcety In order to obtain the aerodynamic center and the pitching moment of tho wings, a system of roferonce ‘axes was used; tho origin was at the aerodynamic contor of the root section and the axes were as shown in figure 1. ‘The 2 axis (fg. 1 (a)) is parallel to the root chord, and the y axis (6g. 1 (b)) is perpendicular to the plane of symmetry with positive directions following tho ‘veotors. ‘Tho wing axis is tho loous of the acrody- namic centers of the sections and lies in the zy plane. ‘Tho lift J and the coefficient ¢ of any section along the span are represonted in figure 1. On a DETERMINATION OF THB CHARACTBRISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS ‘A typical section with the aerodynamic center located at o distance z from the y axis bes » moment arm of 005 a and a pitching moment about the leteral axis (ig. 1) duo to the additional lift force of m=—2 008 ade but the lift increment of any section is lmengo and the pitching moment for the entire wing is obtained from 29 008 a, fo, dy Wing cerodymemic center Root-zection ‘ “CP ey tacon Between, rook and tle G Ip-sectin crore \, pereesnamie cone at cwteieton Vp section 9 Datesitin et, ®) Wing cerecymanie “Genter Construction Tp Shction (lhe wn Wa ome (0) Distorted ete og. Pitching-moment coefficients for the entire wing will be based on a chord length of S/b so that Ma n= a9 ‘Tho pitching-moment coefficient due to’the additional lft forees then becomes ‘2 On,= cos 2 ‘Tho additional lift forces have @ centroid through which tho lift may be considered to act. This point is the acrodynamic conter of the wing and its x coordi- exdy 505 (Soo fig. 1.) ‘This dis- The term nate will be designated 2. tanco corresponds to d in reference 4. Gz, then may also be expressed =u, c08 20, IE tho provious expression for Om, is used, 2... is obtained as e fraction of S/b by @) ‘Tho moment due to the drag forces hns been omitted bocause it is rolatively small, except for wings with Jarge amounts of sweopbeck or dihedral. ‘Tho pitching moment of tho basic lift forces is couple and is therefore independent of the axis about which it is determined. ‘The lateral axis was used to facilitate computation but, when the pitching moment is used, it is convenient to consider it constant about ‘an exis through the serodynamic center. According to the mothod previously used, the pitehing-moment coefficient due to the basic lift forees is ny 3 fo, cxdy ®) ‘The 05 auizay (the cosine of the angle of zero lift of the wing messured from the root chord) has been omitted because it is practically equal to unity. In addition to the basic lift forces, the pitching moment of each section also contributes to the pitching moment of the wing, which is obtained by ®, ‘The total momeiit about the aerodynamic center is then the sum of the two foregoing parts Ogg, = Om, + Om, Formulas in terms of the coefficients of the Fourier series.—In order to obtain data from the foregoing formulas, the spanwiso distribution of the lift coofficient (following Gleuert) was expressed as the Fourier series: ath, in ne whore @ is related to the distance along the span (fig. 1) by y= (b/2) cos @ and only odd values of n are used. When ois expressed in tho foregoing manner, it is possible to obtain the inducod angle of attack in the form on, 08 a= 2nd, ee Also the coeflicients A, may bo expressed in, the form Ape Bye + One 506 where a, is the absolute anglo of attack of the root section; that is, the angle of attack of the root section, measured from its direction of zero lift, and « is the wing twist measured between the zero-lift directions of the root and tip sections. When tho preceding expressions for ¢ and a, are substituted in the foregoing formulas, the charaoteris- ties are obtained in terms of the coefficients B, and C,, which in turn are grouped into factors. From (1) the induced-drag coefficiont may be ob- tained in the form: where A is the aspect ratio, and ae ‘Joa aa eo 8% )] oC) Jn the determination of the aerodynamic-conter position, the wing axis is considered to be a straight line and the angle of sweopback is 6 (fig. 1), then a=[y|tone and from (2) the x coordinate of the aerodynamic center is obtained as tae . Sp — HA tne where 2 (Bi, Bs Bs, By BGG BT B, [sin [(n—2)/2] sin lot2)=/21)) Se eo) From (3) the moment due to the basic lift forces becomes Ony=— Gee tan 8 where ay is the section lift-curve slope for the aaa and 2a 4 (Bs Gam 241 (2. +e. )-3G# 4B. )] Phe term Op, is equal to Onin reference 4.) Also from equation (4) the pitching moment of the wing due to the pitching moments of the sections is expressed as Cn,=Be, where ¢,,, is constant across the span and 2b pe ef ety In addition to the foregoing formulas, the following formulas were obtained in terms of B, and Q, for other REPORT NO. 572 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS characteristics. The basic and additional lifts at any point along the span were expressed by the dimension- less: a and so that and co By tho introduction of the slope for an elliptical wing, aay bo expressed ‘Tho angle of attack of a wing may then by given by o, ayn tay, Je whore ay is the angle of attack measured from the chord of the root section, and ai, is tho angto of zero lft of the root section. ‘Tho general formulas and the factors used with them have now been outlined. ‘The manner of obtaining the data will be completed by explaining the mothod of finding the coofficients B, and Q, used in computing the factors, Determination of the coefficients of the Fourier sories.—The coefficients B, and C, depend on the shape ‘of the wing. ‘The two wing shapes used are shown on figure 1. Wing (b) hes a straight teper plan form with rounded tips and (c) an elliptical plan form. ‘The tapered wing is shown with sweepback and the elliptical ‘wing without, but either wing may or may not have sweepback. ‘The rounded tip of the tapered wing is formed within a trapezoidal tip of length c,, and the taper of the wing is determined by the tip to root chord ratio exc, The aerodynamic contors of the airfoil sections lie on a straight lino cross the semispan ‘and form the wing axis. ‘Tho elliptical wing is formed by distorting an ellipse until the wing axis becomes straight. In order to determine the wing axis, the DETERMINATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS aerodynamic centers of the airfoil sections were taken at the quarter-chord point. The straight wing axis may then be given sweepback with each chord moving, parallel to its original position. The same process would be used to change the sweepback of tho tapered wing. For the wings considered, the twist varies linearly from root to tip and the total angle of twist is «. AS shown in figure 1, « is the twist measured between the zero-lft directions of the root and tip sections Tapered wing—For the tapered wing the coefficients By tnd C, were determined from the equation (4b 4) ae=BAy sin nO Tt @) where é is the absolute angle of attack at any section; that is, the angle of attack measured from the zero-ift direction for the section. ‘The coofficients B, and C, are related to A, by Ay Buta} One where as, is the absolute angle of attack of the root section, ‘The value of mg used in the preceding equa- tion was 5.79 per radian, which approximates the lift- curve slope of good airfoil sections. For tho linear taper a, becomes sh 008 6 For a wing of any particular aspect ratio and taper ratio, equation (5) wes satisfied at four points along the semispan by the usual method (except for e/ for which six points were necessary to obtain sufficient accuracy), and values of By and C, for n=1, 3, 5, and 7 were found. The elliptical wing.—For the elliptical wing the fore- going fundamental equation may be simplified and a new series of coefficionts, independent of aspect ratio, may be obtained. ‘The cocfficient A, for n=3, 5,7 © may be obtained in the form where ky is determined from i sin 5 ee) ‘The factors for the elliptical wing then take the form cos Oia (1+ +h (Re 4A) Co zap | 507 2h SHR) ar) wee) 22, (em, constant along the spas) ‘Tho foregoing factors were obtained for tho elliptical wing and for a straight-tapor wing with trapezoidal tips for a range of aspect ratios from 3 to 20 and of taper ratios from 0 to 1, ‘The factors were also obtained for the tapered wing with rounded tips for » sufficient number of aspect ratios and taper ratios so that the complete range could be covered using the factors for the wing with trapezoidal tips as a guide. Cross plots ‘were then made to obtain figures 2 to 9 and the values for wings with rounded tips presented in tables I and TL. Although the factors become less reliable es the aspect ratio is decreased, it wns considered desirable to extrapolate the curves to an aspect ratio of 2 as the factors in the low-espect-ratio rango may be of use in tho absence of other date. Additional spanwise lift distribution data computed for the elliptical wing are given in table TIT. USE OF TABLES AND CHARTS In order to find tho characteristics of a wing having straight taper and rounded tips or having an elliptical plan form, the tables and charts may be used directly. ‘The properties of the wing should first be determined; that is, the taper ratio ¢/¢y aspect ratio A, span 5, the area §, the aerodynamic twist ¢ in degrees, the angle of sweepback 8, and the average value of ‘section lift- curve slope, as well as the section lift-curve slope as, the section pitching-moment cocfficiont ém,,,, and the chord ¢ et convenient stations along the seraispan. ‘Tho chord and dy should be found at the spanwise stations given in tables I and II to facilitate finding tho spanwiso lift distribution. ‘Then, for the values of cde, and A, values of Zy and Z, may be found from tables I and II by interpolation if necessary. ‘The section lift coefficients c,, and ci, are then found for each station along the semispan from 508 REPORT NO. 672 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS soo | 24 f of Sn goat wt wh 80} — Ripe wea "| ee ee ee ee Faced rok ‘eon 2—Chara ong so wars ne 200 32} ‘Siroighi Taser wing mith ro olf — —Flipteot nig ae ore + 4s 6 7 8S 70 Tooei ratio oon (Chart or dearly nts ator Cur SEs Cpaattesre alent ‘Siroighi Siaper ning with rownted Tes, = = Biipteal nog oe 4 6 6 oe F 6 Aspect rate ‘Fon Chart fr detaining Indsou rng lca 7520 ‘Siroight- taper wing with rounded Ti es el ra Ascot? ratio. Pioows 4—Ctart fr detent ange of atte en Sthayth meget ae SR fer wig mh reer testo Czar a me get eae rete) Aspect rofio ‘Rogne 5—Obart or deteriaiag dud dag ater lspech Pole 3, taper wing with rounded hotles who) ne ore 4s 8 8 To Teper Patio, Ci/er ‘Paver 7—Chartfor detaining picng moment de tosetoa moment. DETERMINATION OF THB CHARACTERISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS and o; for any valuo of Q, for the wing is obtained from erty tOr Cig, cose} 0264 024} 016] or2| Ssh, eee oa wih od Biola! wis oye 3 4 8 6 7 8 Ss 10 Teper roti, t/e ouee chart doting ing omit do Paes, ee 20} H 18 18} “SI-oIghI" Taper wing with ro MA — Bite, “G2 469-10 E14 1818-20 Aspect ratte ‘oome ¢—Chat fr datarmningsredyzamtcesnterpeston, Bpenawns ‘The actual basic, additional, and total lifts for any section of the wing may then be obtained from ‘Values of may be computed for the various spanwise stations and the curve of the span lift-distribution may be plotted. ‘Typical semispan lift-distribution curves aro shown in figure 10. ‘Tho semispan induced angle-of-attack distribution may be obtained from eynae Zt eof where ema t age 509 Gr, Git Je ‘Tho remaining characteristics are obtained simply by finding the required factor for the desired values of ee, and A from the charts and by computing the characteristics from the formulas previously given, using the average value of ay where ay is required. The formulas are summarized here for convenience. Lifteurve slope: Angle of attack corresponding to any O;: cE ay Te Angle of zero lift: Agate Te Induced-drag coofficiont: Co E+ Caen a0 ese eee des mae a es Og emer: Distance along semisoon feet ‘oe atypia Maen, Pitching-moment coefficient about an axis through ‘tho aerodynamic center: nga =Omt Om, On EC ma... Omy=— Gated tan 8 Acrodynamic-conter position (z coordinate): Fee HA tan B Although On, may usually be determined from the foregoing formule, equation (4) should be used if Cng.e, Vaties considerably across the span. Ilustrative exemple—In order to illustrate the method of using the charts, an example will be worked 510 out for a wing with straight taper and rounded tips having the following characteristics: REPORT Ne =12 10 Ib.fsq. ft. Construction tip section: N. A.C. A. 2400 = 0.099 Root section: NAC. A. 4415, = 0.097 en 8.8° ey =H? Cg o4= —0-083 nae, 0.084 ‘The angle of twist measured between the chords of the root and construction tip sections is —5° (washout). Then, by the use of the angles of zero lift of the root and tip sections and by reference to figure 1, the angle of acrodynamic twist is determined to be —7.1°. ‘The chord at several stations along the semispan and the calculation of the lift distribution are given in table TV. In the table, a and cm,,,, are assumed to have a linear variation along tho semispan. Values of Ly and L, were obtained from tables I and II for fan aspect ratio of 6 and a taper ratio of 0.5 and the basic, additional, and total lift distributions were com- puted end plotted in figure 10. ‘The pitching-moment coefficient cn, varies so much along the semispan that Ca, cannst be found by use of the factor Z but must be found from (4). Accordingly, cm,.c 18 plotted against y in figure 11 and Cp, is found from the area under the curve to be —0.072. oe 6810727461820 + Tstctce Seng semper fe! oi ete er eee Can BfiPeantreee From figures 2 to 9 andthe equations on page 7 the remaining factors and characteristics are deter- 572 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEB FOR AERONAUTICS ‘Method for wing of special form.—If it is desired to find the charactoristies of a wing having a chord dis- tribution that lies betweon the chord distributions of the tapered and elliptical wings, such as a wing with a constant-chord conter section, an interpolation may be made betwean the values for the tapered and elliptical ‘wings to find most of the cheracteristics. ‘The lift distribution for such wings may be found by an approximate method that has been tried for a few wings having parallel center sections and has given satisfactory results. ‘The method has been taken from referonco 5 with the symbols converted to the notation of this report. Approximate values of Zs, which will bo designated Z,’, may be calculated from v-Gh) act) VGe ° oe ‘The procedure is to choose a number of points at con- veniont intervals along the semispan (12 points should be sufficient for the usual plan forms); then from the hy is calculated. The value of ae may then be found and from the values of y and ¢, Ly’ at each point along the semispan miay bo computed. ‘The values of Z,’ should correspond to » C, approximately equal to 1, The actual C;, may be found from a= fea ge) and C,may be conveniently found from the area under a curve of L,’ plotted against pfp- Finally, Z, may be found from L,=L.'/C;, Values of ti, may then be calculated by the previously indicated method and, if desired, Cp, and “£-* may be found from equations (1) and (2). ‘5 Tf a wing has considerable dihedral or a curved wing axis, an integration may bo made directly from the section cheracteristics. For this purpose, the best procedure would be to resolve the section values ei, and ¢g, into components along and parallel to the 2 and 2 axes, where tho 2 axis is perpendicular to tho zz axis and lies in the plene of symmetry. Owing to L’= where fe 8 values of ¢ at those points the mean value of. dihedral, there will be e vertical coordinate of the aero- DETERMINATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS bil to the desired anglo of twist and the sections between the root and tip were then formed by using straight, lines between corresponding stations of the root and tip sections, Formation of the wings in this manner results in a nonlinear distribution of twist slong the semispan. In plan view the quarter-chord points of dynamic center and a pitching moment about the aero- dynamic center of the force components in the z direo- tion, ‘The coordinates of the aerodynamic center and of the pitching moment about it may be found from integrations like (2) and (8) by substituting the appro- priate values of the z and 2 force components. For example, 2,.z, Would be found from Es oud where ‘The values of z,.¢, and Cz, may bo found by plotting the sections lie on a straight line neross the semispan; the eweepback was measured between this line and the lateral axis, ‘Three different amounts of sweepback, 0°, 15%, and 30°, and three types of airfoil sections, symmetrical, ‘eambered, and roflexed, were used. As the wings differ primarily in airfoil section, sweepback, and twist, a conveniont designating number 3 he: Lp 8 reg, Ratio of litt to are algae See ws Keon pecans EE [Corrected for funnetwoll effect | prerteny eos acenen iY SER a ee eet and cao against the distance slong the semispan and finding the aree under the curves. ‘TESTS OF TAPERED WINGS In order to provide test data on tapered wings, including wings with sweepback and twist, and to provide a check on the previously outlined method of computing characteristics, nine tapered wings were tested. Tho plan forms and sections of the wings are shown in figures 12 to 20. ‘The aspect ratio of all the wings wes 6; the taper ratio of eight of the wings was 0.5 and of one wing was 0.25. For all the wings the thickness ratio of the root section was 15 percent and of the tip sections 9 percent. ‘Tho tip section was set 130062—s1—94 i216 20 24 28 32 Higle of attach a (degrees) réferted %e reat chard ‘Roves 12—epered NAC. A.OD0-9 aba, 20 24 6 8 10 22 id “Lith coefficient Congrats was used to distinguish the wings, such as 24-30-8.50. In this number 24 designates the N. A. C. A. airfoil mean line, i. e., 2 means 0.2 chord maximum camber and 4 that the maximum camber is at 0.4 chord; 30 gives the sweopback in degrees; and 8.50 gives the ‘washout in degrees, ‘The wings are listed in table V. ‘The frst two wings haye no sweepback and no twist and differ only in airfoil section. ‘The noxt two have increased swoop- back. ‘The five remaining wings are examples of various methods of combining sweepback, twist, and airfoil section to obtain wings having a small positive pitching moment; such wings would be suitable for tailless airplanes. ‘The amounts of twist and of 512 couanrrEE FOR AERONAUTICS Fo Soee| 44 F020) Be 0 Saad is iB tte. zg 3 aa 40 98 Jor Bree Te se §. cae x 38 4 268 a4 Ks wake, ReH # 08. 208 = Bl H t aR g Bet a! 612 ial 5 PETE 4.08 $002 8 f 2 104 d 3 yer To o @ A sees Yelijvec): 685 g Ste teBigtn oc \, -4 Pres (a 289 sen adeeoo)? 8-2 Tarver, 20-0 inverse Thc fear Vor 779 Saale terete aon a [Corrected for funnetwall effect. }~* § Done: 9-2/-34 ee VOT 173 6 S07 8 2 bw 2 2 se pad 6 oo 2 Haider Goch ct léegeees) referred fo reat chord ‘inh coethaient 6 ‘Frouns 13 —Tupered N. A. O. A. 24-0-Oarfoll, Cong MUS ele = tllat Vales Hale 5-8 By eae + F ela %2 [393 | a eee BRAptare Fractive AN. : Feels ft oe Blea | 4 EA Hs .25 §.o1e Ble SSeS Dene eek ot Wel 6 | ol eestor 16 32 §.014 eae te 208 bor 24 | A aged 010) 10% 208 Se S20] seots 6 a8 168 Se 8 1 eRe § 2 Lye = 3 tI 4 é g I & ital, cer elinpac 30 § See abn ores, bre ton. 3.4 ~ (stheleims e203 RN=3/ 00000 2615-0 freee? Barta Poe eset! even 7 ‘Corrected for tunnebwall effect. | 3 [Dote: 9:24-34_ Test: Secor 78 pope pe bp 6 to oe EE oe Tear Sch a teestees)referlaa te ros od ‘ineodednd ‘POU Tapered NAO. A sete, DETERMINATION OF THB CHARACTRAISTIGS OF TAPERED WINGS 2 8-4 0 4 8 12 i 20 25 2B ae 513 “202 4 6 6 2 it woe Es $02 aA & A ie l22 4a Soe 0 0 Foy 18 36 8.01 ss 14 20% 80 2a FF r28 248 $ on ee 20} 408.208 8.008} 7 7 g ot e 0316 8 Sco Bee 3 f = P e812 $ S12 hod g #06 Sood % HE 04 yO) g s ¢ 3 oo Sai é Tp farrain sete tellnsecy $39 : - Pres etncins O09 Hiab ibo0 |? 8-2] a hers iecieChcte Rar bare tn etfectine) 460,000 - Corrected for tunnel-wall effect. j~4 3 te: 9-25-34 Test: V.OT. 1175 | Angle of attack, a (degrees) referred %0 root chord zt if = Lg | ig 2) Fs s a | 7 3 fq Fal S| Fflective AN] 2) 2g: B Ot || bleed TT Te “Efod 0G9-|_ Effective I 20) 5 Sr oe Say TERE 24) f 820 AA pe Hi be / —— 2 $ 1 3 4 3 H 4 a { & A toiZ4 80-850 Valifoecj 696} ce {Sdagin ored der Soon |. Sol Pres (atnetoimsco8 RN-4/ 04000] 2 here cre tte fear Or H78) ~8 Lh ]corrected tor tepnelwall affect [4 Bos 0 4 6 6 Se Angle of attack, a (degrees) referred Yo root chord ‘ove —topere NA. 0.4. 490-4 aro ‘own 6 —Teperst NACA 24800, “Lith coethcient UFPoll, PaSO- B50 Ri (effective) 6,160,000 tes 9-e6-34 Test WAT 1 520 24 6 8 12 4 Litt coettcients CaM lt z ie aH = 2 44 2 Feo 40 Z| a 36 4 18.32 aol a cwadar” Tae M4 28 24 aon 20| A 20% 208 one ve j ag.iek 4 eee 4.08 { ie 2 04 thee oo bir toiter, 2 ‘Bain by (slot SS68 ints iBt.000) + 8 iecibien avers -oH JSrrechederRemetwal etech 4B g Ratio of lift fo drag, L/D fees 0 4 8 em eM 28 Tipit of ottoch ct (degrees) referred te root chord roves 1. —ipenstN. A. 0,4. 2R TGA, Ta aioe Tp Seca aac Blea fa eel ae e Je 4 ee a ls8 eifective AX. 2:8) 22) 12 é Siiel38 |S fet 8) S8| SES exci ee £ a -£ fod 08 750 ol Ses o ae i 24 Sea Bs) e { af ; g 4 4 pe Hl e4 LSiBRO Welle) 3 nd Se Spain oceg din, apap L., BS (thc EES nado cee cee Diane far arn) : Loerie er hemes efach Airfoil, PRIS-B.50 ant (erfecrive) 8.240.000 aren 0-534 Test. 07 1180 02.4 6 8 10 2 i418 ‘Lith coettcient. Cog FRIED, aN (effective) 2.090.000 Dares Se Pad Tesh VAS. I; oo 0 4 6 2 BOOM mB we “20 2 4 6 8 10 Bid Angle of attach, ee (degrees).referred to rect chord ‘Foca ik Taped N. A. ©. A, Ret ae “ith coefficient G. anaes DBYERMINATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS B ze iz Rood Ks g ra gece | Saozo} : 3 Sard 3 Foard as § ord 2a SS ova aa R30 S20] cs 0 105 3 my 004) a 2 s 5 002| 3 4 8 i @ LT Hirtoingo-6-3.45 Velltfvecy: 727, ¢ - Rn trae bnloon |» Bal Pe nck ce6S Ra ade ood t Filer Cosa era? Ra Var ie : ad trfechee eroacm0 - Sorected for tunnekwall effect. |-4 +3) :28-. Test: V.O.T. 1/76 pees ie ie B24 28 2 ee ee Haiar hoch a Vsegrees) reforbed % rast thord Lid toctheiéon Coneaties ons i.~Teperd NA. 0.4. 004534 [eee vee |25) # S024 ra g Ei im eel 2 Tea .1« Soeo | + | 20 40 Sel | | 2 2 Fors 3 g |e is 32 Sov 28] 14 28% ~or2| Sok a 28.248 on Poe 8 g 20 o§ 208 Fe 83.168 So06| ess rl see Fi. 3 S12 ood Se 4.08 §,ove| sl | 208 | 3 ol i Tritt}, , # é ails ee) Wl hon j8S7 ¥ er (dag orto for 3-. od Pres (srneloms09 Nea MEabo0) 8-2] airforndo-r5-3.25%e-) herbie Tiial ear org z la festectiee 4000 - Corrected for tunnel-wall effect. 7-4 Pr [Date: 10-/-34 Test: VOT. [17 a Jingle of ettock. et (egrees) referred 10 ree! chord ‘roons —Teparet N. AO. A, 006848 () srt 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 ie Lit coeticient Ce Cents 515 516 sweepback necessary to obtain the desired pitching moment were determined by the method previously given for computing pitching moments, except that data for wings with trapezoidal tips were used. ‘The 24-80-8.50 wing has sufficient twist t6 obtain the desired pitching moment using a cambered section and 30° sweopback. ‘The 2R,-15-8.50 wing has the same twist but helf the sweepback and a reflexed airfoil section to obtain a positive pitching moment. The 2R--15-0 airfoil has no twist and increased reflex. A symmetrical section together with twist is used for the 00-15-3.45 wing, while the last wing has the same twist and sweepback as the previous wing but taper ratio of 0.25, ‘The variable-density wind tunnel in which the tests were made is described in reference 6 together with tho method of making tests. The lift, drag, and pitching moment of the wings were measured at a ‘tank pressure of 20 atmospheres. ‘The results of the tests, corrected for tunnel-wall effect, are given in the form of dimensionless cooffi- cients and ere plotted in figures 12 to 20. ‘Tho lift- curve peak is given for two values of effective Reynolds Number to indicate the scale effect. ‘Tho effective Reynolds Number, at which the maximum lift coefii- cients apply in flight, is the test Reynolds Number multiplied by turbulence factor, 2.64. In order to make possible a more accurate reading of drag coefficients than can be mado from the plots against angle of attack, a drag coefficient hes been plotted against lift coefficient with the induced drag {or elliptical span loading deducted; thet is Ony=Co— Fe ‘The cocfiicont Cp, is called the “effective profile-drag cocfficient” aid is useful for comparing the drag of tapered wings, as it includes with the true profile drag any additional induced drag caused by o departure from tho ideal clliptical lift distribution. Notice should be taken that Gp, eannot be used like a profile- dmg coofficiont to compute the offect of change of aspect ratio but applies only to the particular wings tested. The values of Gp, have been corrected to the effective Reynolds Number (references 7 and 8) by allowing for the reduction in skin-fiction drag due to lie change from the test to the effective Reynolds Number. ‘The reduction amounted to Op=0.0011. ‘The pitching-moment coefficients plotted against the Lift coefficient are given about an axis through the asro- dynamic center of the wings in order to obtain a prac- tically constant value of pitching-moment coefficient. The acrodynamic center was determined from the slope of the test pitching-moment curve, The loca- tion of the aerodynamic center is given on the plots by its distance from the lending edge and above the chord ‘of the root section. ‘These distances re given as fractions of the ratio of area to span, S/b, REPORT NO. 572 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTBE FOR ABRONAUTICS ‘Tho shapes of the lift and pitching-moment curves near maximum lift provide information on the na- ture of the stalling of the wings. The 24-0-0 wing has a sherp drop in lift after the maximum, indicat- ing that stalling occurs almost simultaneously over considerable portion of the wing. Also the 0, after tho stall is like that of normal wings. In trast to this wing, the 2480-0 wing, which has the same airfoil sections but 30° sweepback, has a rounded lift-ourve peak, indicating that stalling occurs pro- gressively along the span. The pitching-momont coofficiont is positive after the stall, which shows that stalling begins at sections behind the aerodynamic center. Washout, as in the case of the 24-30-8.50 wing, reduces the tendency to stall of sections bebind the eorodynamic center, which may bo verified by reference to tho On, curve. Stalling, howover, still begins behind the acrodynamio center, 2s the On, is positive after the stall. All the wings, excopt “the 24-80-0 and 24~30-8.60, are stable after the stall. ‘Tho important test results for all the wings are summarized in table V. ‘The coordinates of the aero- Aynamic conter aro expressed as fractions of S/b. ‘Tho 24-0-0, 24-15-0, and 24-30-0 wings show a docronso of Crna 98 tho sweepback is increased. For the 24-30- 8.50 wing, the effect of sweepback is partly compen sated by twist, which reduces the tendency to stall of the low Reynolds Number sections near the tips ‘and therefore incronses Craq., ‘The drag, however, is ‘also increased. Of the wings designed to have a small positive Ong, the 2R,-15-0 wing has the highest ratio f Cog! ne COMPARISON OF TEST AND CALCULATED RESULTS Pitching-moment characteristics, lift-curve slope, ‘and drag.—Tho lift distribution and other theorotical data used to determine the desired pitching-momont coofficient of the wings are now used to predict other characteristics. In addition to Oyy, the aerodynamic- conter position, the angle of zero lift, and the lift-curve slope have been calculated. The values of a were cal- culated from the formula in figure 2. In this formula a-value of a corresponding to the a, for tho N. A. O. A. 0012 and 2412 sections at a Reynolds Number of 3,000,000 was used, inasmuch as the effect of variations ‘of dy with section and Reynolds Number is small. As the valuo of ap used in the formula was derived from tests of rectangular wings, a correction for square tips hhas been applied in order to obtain a better value of tho section lift-curve slope. The correction, derived from tests of wings with rounded tips, is given in reference 9. ‘Tho caleulated values of the pitching-moment coofi- cient at zero lift, the nerodynemie-conter position, the angle of zero lift, and the lift-curve slope are generally in good agresment with tho test values (tablo V1). ‘Tho agreement of the pitching-moment cocfficiont at zero lift and the serodynamic-centar position, which are DETERMINATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS ‘ealculated from tho basic and additional lift distribu- tions, respectively, indicate that the theoretical lift distributions must also agreo reasonably well with the actual distributions. In addition to tho foregoing charactoristies, the drag has been ealculated for the 00-0-0 and 24-0-0 airfoils. ‘Tho comparison between calculation and experiment fs based on values of tho effective profile-drag cocffi- ‘cient. ‘Tho calculated values wore obtained from Coen "eutty+ Oo. Si In order to find tho valuo of tho intogral, values of ea, woro determined as follows at several points along tho semispan for convonient values of total wing C.- For oach valuo of G,, the distribution across tho semi- span of ci, Reynolds Number, and thickness ratio wore calculated. ‘Then, for each point on the somispon, Gay was found for the appropriate ¢, Reynolds Number, 16) ‘Sa id Goes 42} Tali Begin 10} 00-15-3454: wing e 2 ae ve ioons 21—Dteraialon ofthe Coat which tapered weg bls ota 70 and thickness ratio, using date that aro expected to be published soon in a report concorning scale effect on airfoils, From the values of cy a-curve of cae was plotted ogainst y and the valuo of the integral was dotermined from the area undor the curve. ‘The value of Cp, was obtained for the formula previously given. ‘Pho calculated and test values of Gp, are compared in figures 12 and 13. ‘The agreement is considered good. Estimation of maximum lift coefficient—A final characteristic to be estimated is the maximum lift coofficient, which should be nearly equal to the C, at which stalling begins. ‘Tho method of determining the G, at which stalling begins is demonstrated for the 00-16-8.45 (4:1 taper) wing in figuro 21. ‘The lift coefficient at which each section: along the semispan stalls (chown by the dashed curve) was obtained by 517 using the maximum lift coefficients of the symmetrical sections given in reference 10 but with the values of Cemex increased 3 percent, This correction was made for the same reason that a) was corrected; that is, to allow for the effect of square tips and thereby to obtain a closer approach to true section characteristics. Better section characteristics will be obtained as a result of an investigation in progress but the correction ‘used is sufficiently accurate for the present purposo. As tho values of a4, given in reference 10 were for a Reynolds Number of 3,000,000, correction increments were applied to correct the values of Ong, to the actual Reynolds Number of each section slong the span. Correction increments applying to various airfoil sec tions aro expected to be published in tho previously mentioned report concerning scale effect on airfoils. ‘The curves of ¢; distribution for several values of wing G, given in figure 21 were determined by the method previously given for finding ¢; distribution. As soon &s the ¢; curve becomes tangent to the stalling Cimaz Curve, the section at that point reaches its maxi- mum lift coefficient and stalling should soon sproad over ‘a considerable part of the wing. ‘Thus, for the 00-15~ 3.45 (4:1 taper) wing, stalling is indicated as beginning near the tips, at a C; of 1.31. Stalling, however, is so closo to the tip that it may be modified by the tip vortex. ‘The moasured Oiq,, is 1.32, but this value is probebly low owing to the sweepback of the wing. This method, when epplied to several other tapered wings without sweepback but heving various taper ratios and aspect ratios, gave « stalling C, that was ‘within a few percent of the measured rp, for all the wings; therefore, the method should prove useful for estimating the Ora, of tapered wings. ‘The 00-15-8.45 (4:1 taper) wing is an example of the harmful effect of excessive taper on Cinay- Large taper not only tends to cause a 1oW Cinar but also tends to cause stalling near the tips, which Tesults in poor lateral control ntlow speeds. Improvement could be obtained by using less taper and thicker seotions noar the tips. Although all of the characteristics of tapered wings have not yet been satisfactorily calculated, it may be concluded that the following important aerodynamic characteristics—anglo of zero lift, the lift-curve slope, the pitching-moment coefficient, the acrodynamic- center position, and the span lift distribution—ean be calculated with sufficient accuracy for engineering purposes. Lanorsr Mraonran Asnonavricat, Lasonarory, Narrowan Apvisony Cosamrres ror Anonavzics, Laxausy Prez, Va., May 1, 1986. 518 REFERENCES 4, Glauert, H.: The Elements of Aerofoll and Airserew Theory. Cambridge University Press, 192. 2. Glauert)H.,and Gates,8.B.: The Characteristics ofaTepered ‘and Twisted Wing with Sweop-Back. R. de ME. No. 1226, British a. RL C,, 1028 8, Hueber, J: Die acrodynamischen Higonschaften von doppel- trapesformigen Tragddgein. ZF. M., 13. Mat 1983, 8 249-251; 29. Mai 1083, 8. 260-272. 4. Anderson, Raymond F.: Charts for Determining the Pitching Moment of Tapered Wings with Sweepbsck and Twit. ‘TN. No. 483, N. A.C. A, 1933, 5. Lippiseh, A.: Method for the Determinstion of the Span ‘wise Lift Distribution, ‘T. M. No. 778, N. A. O. A., 135. REPORT NO. 672 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTER FOR AERONAUTICS 6. Jacobs, Bastman N., and Abbott, Ira HL: The N. A. C. A. Variable-Deasity WindTunnel.’ T.R.No. 416, N.A.C.A- 1032. 7. Jacobs, Bastman N., and Clay, William C.: Characteristin of ‘the N. A. C. A. 28012 Aisfoll from Teate in the Full-Sealo ‘and Variable-Density Tunnels. 'T.R. No. 620, N.A.0. A., 1936. 8, Platt, Robert C.: Turbulence Factors of N. A. O. A. Wind ‘Tunnels as Determined by Sphere Tests. ‘T. R. No. 558, N. A.C. A, 1080. 9, Jacobs, Eastman N., and Pinkerton, Robort M.: Tests of N. A. C.A. Aisfoils in the Varlable-Denaity Wind Tunnel. Series 290... N. No. 567, N. A. C. A., 1038. 410. Jacobs, Eastman N., Ward, Kenneth 1, and Pinkerton Robert M.: The Characteristice of 78 Related Airfoil eotions from Testa in the Variable-Density Wind Tunnel. TR. No. 400, N. A.C. A, 1938. ‘TABUB 1.—BASIC SPAN LIFT-DISTRIBUTION DATA VALUES OF Ly FOR TAPERED WINGS WITH ROUNDED TIPS cy="381, [es [ee [eo [oe 7 oe [v0 SPANWISE STATION iT ag 4 B SUSEERE BBSbSEE Ba wise i | | |teee| [imeemee| |eaeeeme| [meme | [pee =| | aeeeommasens | « | ueeeraeees | _[sgexeeeemne | _ [ameemnmee | [pemeseome = | © | meeuneneans | S| setmamnerne | 5 | ezeeennnee |< [agemmereme | 2 | eatemeamans | ¢ | seaman | | é | segeaceeam | § =| E | eizmzeneans | © | tmmnemmans | F E | guawseenaens | 7 2 | * | uasnameeos | * | eeemmaneena | * | suenssomnene | * |saecaemmnees | * | pemeertem :| Hemme) [Hemme) [eeeme| [ieee | [pene =| | zeesimasee) | [Emmizeree| [seeemery| [pees] [seems -| [Sua | [neem | [aemmee| [pemeee | [paces 521 DETERMINATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TAPERED WINGS ADDITIONAL SPAN LIPT-DISTRIBUTION DATA—Continued ‘TABLE I- VALUES OF L, FOR TAPERED WINGS WITH ROUNDED TIPS, ¢,,.— Ss gqaguaaceseee SES 200 RESRRARARERRE oo apgeseennnnag 2 aegUREERSERRS qaaeesacegeee aausmaeaeeses Je | | geeeaeezesess ageseggauaaae aapmynanaeng ical | lino | |S ana eee | 3 BSEURECSRAREE aaqgagaggeega E || pe | pee E 3 guecgeaceztae | , | gesesezaeagas | , | gecuerceezess | 2°) | @ t | 4 FS 3 | “S| aseezeusaueny | ~& | aueseczgagaas | 1 | gnauaranaeny ae g g € e 3| & | dageaesgegaeg | = | geeaseeesasas | 2 23 EaESEaRR 2 : s ae 3 i agugucggegesa | £ | gaesesescuees i aenazngganese | 3h J} g je je gg [eo 3 |” | saaaaeasgasgs | * — “| RRARRRERERERS Ee 4 ae Te Be ag BA é SIazRRRARRERS ‘TABLE IV-—CALCULATION OF LIFT DISTRIBUTION FOR ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE é aeegaabe_ te | te | Hee b RRASERGS agegeces Bette ‘SRRREESE 522. REPORT NO. 572 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMAITYER FOR AERONAUTICS ‘TABLE V—SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ‘TABLE VI—COMPARISON OF CALOULATED AND [etve Reyes numer porxintaly 800,00 eee eee ‘B85888889

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