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Decade Project Checkpoints

Name: Chase Honeycutt

Decade: 1810s

Set Goals (4/15): Start background research on the 1810s

What would you like to have completed by the date of Checkpoint 1 (4/17)?
Start and finish summary on the 1810s
Checkpoint 2 (4/23)?
Finish lyrical representation and start on diary
Checkpoint 3 (5/7)?
Start and finish Journal Entry 2-3
Checkpoint 4 (5/12)?
Start and finish comic strip

Reflections: Did you reach your goal for your checkpoint? What do you need to do in
order to make sure that you reach your next goal?
4/17 Checkpoint 1: Yes, I need to get a head start on my Journal
4/23 Checkpoint 2: Yes, I need to finish up my Journal Entrys
5/7 Checkpoint 3: Yes, I need to start and finish my political cartoon
5/12 Checkpoint 4: Yes, I need to start to create my website and insert my

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