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Imagine being betrothed at age three and your husband dying six months later

and then marrying again and your new husband leaves you. This is what happened to
Queen Catherine of Aragon. Queen Catherine of Aragon was the queen of England
from June 1509 until May 1533 during the Reformation time period. She was born on
December 16, 1485 in Alcala de Henares, Spain. Queen Catherine was the youngest of
five children, the others being Isabella, Juan, Juana, and Maria. Queen Catherine was
the first wife of King Henry VIII although she was unable to produce a male heir and
only a daughter, Mary (later Mary I). King Henry wanted to divorce her because she
couldnt produce a male heir and King Henry wanted to marry Anne Boleyn, but Queen
Catherine didnt want to, so she fought for her rights and for her daughter, Mary. Later,
King Henry married Anne Boleyn in secret because she was already pregnant and then
King Henry forced Queen Catherine to leave the court and she also wasnt allowed to
see her daughter Mary anymore. Catherine was forced to leave the court and live in far
reduced circumstances in damp castles and manors she was also denied access to her
daughter Mary (Catherine of aragon).
Queen Catherine was educated by a tutor Alessandro Geraldini. She studied
arithmetic, canon and civil law, classical literature, genealogy and heraldry, history,
philosophy, religion, and theology (wikipedia). Queen Catherine also learned to speak,
read, and write in Spanish and Latin, and spoke French and Greek. Queen Catherine's
greatest achievement was being the first female ambassador in the European history.
Queen Catherine was famous for being the first female ambassador in the
European history and that was also her greatest achievement. In 1507, she also held
the position of Ambassador for the Spanish Court in England when her father found
himself without one, becoming the first female ambassador in European history
(Catherine of aragon). Queen Catherine was was also important for playing an
important role in the battle of Flodden that the english won. "For six months in 1513, she
served as regent of England while Henry VIII was in France during that time the English

won the Battle of Flodden, an event in which Catherine played an important part"
Overall, Queen Catherine of Aragon was a very strong person who fought for her
rights and her daughter, she was really intelligent, and a really brave queen.

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