Hypoglycemia Clinical Presentation - History, Physical Examination

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2016 Hypoalycemia Clinical Presentation History, Physical Examination Hypoglycemia Clinical Presentation + Author: Osama Hamdy, MD. PRO; Chef Ector: Rom: Updates Sop 08, 2015 History ne patents medication and ug story auld be renewed careful fr potential «causes of hypostycoms. Inquro tho pation is taking ary new modalions. tory of nun usage otgeston a an aa Hypolycemie agent may be oun, tne poenble tone ngeston snould be considered Inecng a act of Msn sna Skipsing a meal or ovedasng insulin is tho most common tauss in pation wth “Te medial istry may Inca abets melts, real neuen, slechalm, hepatic rrhosialure, ther andor deases, or rect surgery Hewovet, sblang an accurate medial hsiory may bo eft the paions ‘ent sat ered. Cental neous sytem (CNS) srploms inde headache, confuson, and personaly anges. ne soca Nstary may include etnarol take and nuttinel deficiency. Review systems for weight reduction, fatigue, somratence, nausea and vomiting ane neadacro. Look fr oher symm suggesting infection. Neuragenic or neuraglycopenic symptoms Symptoms of rypoghoamia may be categorized as newogeic (adrenergic) ot rnowealyoopnie, Symathoadranalslvation symptoms nude sweat x, Shakines,tseycaia, anxiety, and a sensalion of hunger Neurogyeopenic Sympors include weakness redress, or dzznes,nappropts bohavice {tometimes mtaken for nebo) ciicaly wih concent, cofuson, ec ‘son: and, netrema cases, coma and death, ne timing ot onset ot symptom relative toe time of meal ngetien is xual n tho evaluation fa patient wits Mypealeamia. Fasing nyponyeomia typically oocurs In tse moming belore eating oF dig the doy, partial i the temoon # meals re missed or dla Pstgrandial hypeateemia pial acours 24 hours aftr wating food, special ‘whan moals contin Fgh levels of spo carbohrats. Postprancial symptoms sr picly due to aucve autos, bul some paints wn ingutnome alse may present vith postoranclal symotome. About 4 nour ater foo Ingestion. plasma Shcoes conconations are 80-90 mal, ad ate of alacso tation and prosucton are approumatey 2 makaimin, Glucsse reducien is pm (70.80%) {rem hepatic aleegeno}ts, win lesser ceetbution (20-25%) fem hepatic, shironeogenet, ‘A uy by Fol lal found high rsh of hyposyeaia among patos with omsetia andl cogive impairment. Reactive hypoglycemic symptoms Race hypoglycemia seldom causes glicss level to etop ow enough :o induce Sever neurogheapenie symptoms there, tory of re los oF eanacourans IShighy suggestive of an eloyy other than reactive hypogieem a Reactive nyposlcamia has been suggested Io be me commen in overnight en bese people ho ate naulrven stant, and rosy bea fequant prac" t ype 2 feaktance syarome fe, typerenson, hypericem',ebesy) may be a Ngher "sk foraovloprng ypoptyami, Gestational hypoglycemia Ina stuty of materal hypoglycemia, Pugh etal found tat hyponhcema occured tate requeily in women younger than 25 years aed those whe had a proxiing ‘ecical eantion Hypogyeomia wa Ins frequent in women wos prepregnancy body mass index (GM) was 230 kgm, Tho vstigaor alo found that patints win hypoalcam wore at greater aot of aoectamps.letamesa, Phy: Physical findings are nonspedc in hypoalyem's sre generally are rested tothe Conital and autonomic onus sytors, Aseacs vial sgn fr Pypeinomia, lechypnea, lacy, Hypertension, ana braces fsonatos), al Examination “he head, eye, eas, nose, and trot (HEENT) examination may neat Bares bat esicine medscape.comfarca/122122-cliicalshowall 5m Khar, MD, PRO, FAC mere Drugs, Diseases 18 2016 Hyposlycemia Clinical Presentation: History, Physical Examination ‘son, pulls normal to fed and dated. xr (usualy cholstatc cue to hepatic {seas}, and etd pain (ue to endocine caus). Carver turoanees may inch tachycardia (bradycardia In neorats) Iypertesion or hypotension, and dyythmas. Newologe cnet ans elude coms, Confusion, fig, les of osordnaion. combative or agiated disposton.roke Sypcrare, tremors, conwulsos, ard lpia. Resistor disurbanoss may inchs dyspnoa,tachyonea, and acute pulnonary ‘ema, Gastintestnal dtutbances may ines nausea ard vomiting, Sypep, ‘ane abdominal camping, “Te patint' skin may be daphoreti and wa or show sgn ot dehyation with ocrace nrg ‘Symptoms of nypohyomia are fener in eldedy parsons ad thoy fruenty appear sta Tomortoselé of plas glasose han in yourge” parson. Dirtorontal Diagnoses Contributor Information and Disclosures ‘Osama Hamdy, MO, PRD Mosca Decor, Obesity Clinical Program, Decor of InsatentDiates Proyam, “oan Diabetes Coser: Aesstant Prtestr of Medione,rarvard Medica! School ‘Osama Hamey, MO, PHD isa momber othe following mesial sadaies: Amotcan Associaton of Chal Endocinclgas, American BlabetesAssce at on Disclosure: Received consuing fe trom Merck Ine for speaking ans teaching Ressvedconsing foe trom [Aboot Nui for conuling, Racawodgrattesesrch fans ram Miaganie fo esaarh sper; Recoted ‘gantresareh fon from Neuromet fo" esearch supoo. coauthors) Kannath J Snow, MD Associate Che, Adult Diabetes, Join Clinic onnsin J Snow, MD Is a member of ho flowing moscal sadetes: Amercan Associaton of Clncal Endosnologis, Anerean Caloge of Endocrreogy, Arercan Dlabetes Assocation, Endocne Soctety Disdosur: Noting to esos Vellore A R Srinivasan, MS, PRD Protoss of Blochemisn Mahatma Gand! Mecca College and Research Inte, Sf Bala Vidyapeeth University, a Disclosure: Received salary from Si Bali Vieyapest Unversity, Mahala Garch Metical College and Resse natu camau, Panichery { Padsenery}, Inia -P.C. 807 402 for employment Chiat Eetor Romesh Khardor, MD, PhO, FACP Protaasor a Endocinolagy, ctr ot Tring Progra, Osi ot Endosinology, Diabetes ans Watabolim, Stelte Daoetee and Endocrine Disorders Inti, Daparment of Intemal Medtine, East Virginia Medical Serco! Romesh Khardor, MD, PHD, FACP ie a member af the folow'ng medical soieties: American Association of CCincal Endocinclogiss, American Colge of Phyicans, Amerear Diabetes Assocation, Ehdosine Sacaly Discosur: Noting to ecose, [Acknowledgements ‘Vasudevan A Raghavan, MBBS, MD, MRCPIUK) Drecor, Carsiomeéabole avd Lipid (CAMEL) Cie Sevies, Dhision of Endocrinology, Scat and White Hoental, Texas AAN Heath Scarce Const Collage of Medians Vasudevan A Raghavan, MBBS, MD, MRCP(UK)s 2 member the following medical socstes: Amecon CCllogo of Physicane-Amercan Sooty of ntomal Medici, Aman Diabetes Association, Amorcan Heat [ssoaaion,Endoenne Sol, National ipé Astodation, and Royal Collegeof Prysisans Disosur: Noting to con, David Schade, MD Chot, Oision of Ensocinology and Metabolism, Profesor, Deparment of Itomal Medicine, Unveity of New Messco School af eacine an Hesith Sciences Corer ‘iid Schade, MO isa membr ofthe follwing medical societies. American College of Physcans, American Diabetes Asselin, Amercan Faceraion for Meccal Research, Endocine Socey, Naw Manica Medea ‘Society. Naw York Acadbmy of Scones, and Sodoly for ExprimontalBilegy ana Mona Disdosure: Noting o disclose Franclaco Talavera, PharmD, PRO Acjunc Assistant Proesso, Universo! Neoraska Medial Center College of Pharmacy, Estorir-Che, Medscape Drug Reerence Disclosure: Medscape Salary Employment References 4, Hughes S. Pen Mad Linked to Hypogyeemia, Medszope Macles Nowe, Ose 112014. (Ful Tet) 2, Foumir JP, Azovly L, Yin, Tramsdol Use and the Risk of Hosptazation for Hypoglycemia in Patents Win Noneancer Pain, JAMA Inter Mod. 2014 Dec 8 [Meine 3. Pugh Sk, Doheny DA, Magarn Ef, etal. Does ryponleemia following a guoose challenge teat elt 9 hipslamedicine medscape comlarictat22122-clircalishomall 2016 Hyposlycemia Clinical Presentation: History, Physical Examination high sk propnancy?. Reprod Heath, 2009 Jl 14 6:10. (Meine), [Ful To. 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