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I.L.P. 1 / 1

(No. of ILPs in current year / Total number ILPs)

Review Date: 10th May 2015

Date Devised: 1/3/2015
Student: John Citizen
Year Level: 5
D.O.B. 19/05/2005
Program Support Group Members consulted in devising this plan:
Class Teacher: Dimitri Kynigopoulos
Parents: Bob & Jane
Principal Rep (PSG Chair): Tayla Smith
Consultants to the PSG:
Additional Reports:
Relevant Background Information:

Age: 10

Medical/Diagnostic Information:
John has been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. He is 10 years old and in in Grade 5. John is from a family of 2 brothers and 1 sister who he
interacts with constantly at home. His social skills at school need developing. Following lunch, John has entered the room in a distressed state. He
is comfortable discussing with the teacher why he is feeling unhappy. He stated that the outdoor environment is unpredictable and he prefers the
indoor setting. John usually does not choose to interact with his peers. His attention span in the classroom and in conversations is poor. Johns use
of language is limited and he finds it difficult to communicate with his peers. Johns motor function is also poor so he has difficulty joining in the
Physical Education lessons.
Entry Skills (What the student has achieved)
Communication- John is able to express himself to his teachers when he is feeling sad by using a feelings chart.

Social Interaction- John is able to interact and communicate with his peers during maths class. John is enthusiastic when using ICT and loves
helping his peers when using ICT in the classroom and during free time. During lunch hours John will enjoy lunch when he is indoors with an iPad.
Restricted interests/ Repetitive behaviour- John will enthusiastically work on a topic that is related to motorbikes, or work using computers and

technology. He can successfully share with other students the information he knows about motorbikes.
Information processing & learning styles- John is able to work effectively when using ICT and stays focussed on his task for 20 minutes.
John is engaged in the work when there are visual cues, especially when they are independent visual resources of his own.
Challenges (Areas for Improvement)
Communication- Language skills, attention span, appropriate use of body language, eye contact.
Social Interaction- Interaction with peers, participating in-group work.
Restricted interests/ Repetitive behaviour- Excessively reliant of his interests to get work done.
Information processing & learning styles- attention span, relies on ICT too much.

Learning Priorities (Future Learning)

Communication- Making eye contact, using appropriate body language when in a conversation,
Social Interaction- Being able to spend some time with his peers and interact socially with them.
Restricted interests/ Repetitive behaviour- John will be able to learn without the aid of his interests.
Information processing & learning styles- John will display the ability to learn without the reliance on ICT.




John will make at least

one point of eye contact
or be able to look at the
teachers forehead/above
the eyes and say hello to
all the teachers 4/5 times
a week by August (6
months time)

Teachers will use a visual prompt

(pointing to their own eyes) when
approaching John.

By August John will

successfully spend 4/5
days of the week outside
in Lunch-time club and
will be rewarded with
spending one day a week
supervised in the Library
with two friends of his
choice playing on the
iPads or participating in
other activities.

Lunch-time club is a supervised

quiet area outdoors in the school
where activities are provided for
students who have difficulty
interacting with other students and
enjoying lunch times. If John
successfully spends 4 lunch times a
week outdoors in Lunch-time club,
John will be rewarded with one
lunch time in the Library with two
friends of his choice playing on the
iPads or participating in other
activities. John will gradually build
up to spending 4 days a week
outdoors. In the first month, John
will aim to spend recess outdoors in

Mode of Delivery
- The classroom Teacher
Specialist Teacher and
Integration Aid
- When marking the role and
greeting the student

Lunch-time club
Classroom Teacher
Integration Aid
During Lunch and

Mode of
The teachers will
asses whether or
not John is
achieving the goal
by putting a star
next to his name on
the role when he
makes appropriate
eye contact.
The Lunch time
supervisor will
asses whether or
not John has been
successful in
attending Lunch
time club by taking
his attendance and
participating in the
activities provided.

Lunch-time club and be rewarded

by spending Lunch indoors in the
If John is unsuccessful spending
time outdoors, he will not have
access to the iPad during his time in
the Library.
Once a week, John will
choose one piece of
writing he is proud of to
copy into his workbook for
his teacher to see. By
August there should be
15 written pieces of work
in his notebook. John will
also spend 20 minutes a
week using Little Tracer.

John will successfully

share with the teacher an
understanding of the
novel being read 80% of
the time by August (6
months time)

John will use the iPad for all his

writing activities. This writing piece
can be from any subject, specialist
class or homework. With assistance
of the Integration Aid, John will copy
one piece of writing work from his
iPad into a workbook to show his
teacher. John will also use the iPad
app Little Tracer to develop his
handwriting skills. John will print
screen his achievements every
week to show the classroom

During reading time, John will use a

laminated reusable sketch-pad in
the shape of a motorbike to share a
visual representation or
understanding of the novel being
read aloud.

Integration Aid
All specialist teachers
Classroom teacher
Throughout the whole

Classroom teacher
Integration aid

Johns classroom
teacher will check
Johns written work
in his notebook and
reward John with a
chosen sticker for
his book. John
should complete 20
minutes a week
using Little Tracer
either in class or at
home. This will be
recorded in his
homework book
and print screens of
his achievements
should be shared
with his teacher. By
August there
should be 15
written pieces of
work in Johns
The classroom
teacher or
Integration aid will
ask John about his
representations of
the novel. If John
has made
connections to the
novel that has been
read that day, then
he is successful.
Pictures will be
taken of his sketch-

pad as well as
annotations of his

KEY: 1 = Little or No Progress

2 = Satisfactory Progress

3 = Excellent Progress/Goal Achieved

Below is a list of learning priorities that may be included in the Individual Learning Plan:

Social Skills
Motor Skills



Evaluation (Comments pertaining to the students performance/ learning against the set goals).
Johns achievements as of 01/08/15

Number of days absent:

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