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Amanda Olsen

Christine Larsen
Nicole Clarke
Throwing Skills: LEVEL #2 WEEK #19
GRADE LEVEL & NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 3rd grade, 32 students
TIME: 30 mins
Bean bags
Yarn balls
Hula hoops
1. To cooperatively participate in a simple tag game
2. To perform continuous fitness activity
3. To know the elements of proper throwing
4. To throw with maximum velocity
Introductory Activity:
1.10 Throw and catch an object with a partner, increasing the distance from the partner and
maintaining an accurate throw that can be easily caught.
5.4 Use appropriate cues for movement and positive words of encouragement while coaching others in
physical activities.

Fitness Activity:
3.3: Participate three to four days each week, for increasing periods of time, in continuous moderate to
vigorous physical activities that require sustained movement of the large muscle groups to increase
breathing and heart rate.
3.4: Perform increasing numbers of each: abdominal curl-ups, modified push-ups or traditional pushups, and triceps push-ups.

Amanda Olsen
Christine Larsen
Nicole Clarke
3.6: Hold for an increasing period of time basic stretches for hips, shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps,
triceps, biceps, back, and neck.
Lesson Focus:
1.9 Throw a ball, using the overhand movement pattern with increasing accuracy.
3.7 Sustain continuous movement for increasing periods of time while participating in moderate to
vigorous physical activity.
5.4 Use appropriate cues for movement and positive words of encouragement while coaching others in
physical activities.


Teaching Hints
Each child is given a beanbag and moves around
Teacher will vary the challenge by specifying the
the area using various basic locomotor
number or color of beanbags to move over or
movements. Students toss and catch their
beanbags while moving. On signal, they drop the
Teacher will encourage creativity in movements.
beanbags and jump and/or hop over as many bags Teacher will reinforce safety procedures.
as possible.
Teacher will ask children to keep track of how
many beanbags they hopped over.
Teaching Hints
Windmills (30 seconds)
Select music that has a strong rhythm and easy-to
Walk and do arm circles (30 seconds)
hear beat. When the music is on, students will
Jumping Jacks variations (30 seconds)
perform aerobic activities (for 30 seconds). When
Two-step or Gallop (30 seconds)
the music is off, students will perform the strength
Triceps push-ups (30 seconds)
development and flexibility exercises (30
Leg extensions (30 seconds)
seconds). Use scatter formations
Skipping (30 seconds)
Push-ups or hold plank position (30 seconds)
Crab kicks (30 seconds)
Side Flex (30 seconds)
Rope Jumping (30 seconds)
Abdominal crunchers (30 seconds)

Amanda Olsen
Christine Larsen
Nicole Clarke
Walking to cool down (30 seconds)

PART 3: LESSON FOCUS (15-20 mins):

1. Review and practice throwing for form:
a. Review throwing for form.
b. Throw yarn balls from standing
position, throw 5 balls and repeat.
c. Throw yarn balls with proper grip;
throw at cones by wall.
2. Review and practice throwing for velocity:
a. Review throwing for velocity.
b. Throw hard at mats on the wall
with yarn balls, 16-20 feet away;
retrieve only if rolls beyond the
throwing line.
c. Throw at hoops leaning against
mats on the wall.
d. Large target throw; 4 ft. circle from
20-35 ft.
3. Practice throwing at targets: use targets to
increase motivation.
a. Target:
i. try to throw balls into large
ii. aim for bowling pins set
near the walls
iii. graduated-size targets (2, 3,
& 4 ft diameter circles)


In the Prison
Supplies: 15-20 throwing balls
Skill: Throwing
Two teams, one assigned to each half of the gym.

Teaching Hints
1. Throwing takes a great deal of practice to
master. (How can I arrange my class so
students receive the most opportunity to
2. Proper form and velocity of throws are
closely related. A reason for practicing
form is to encourage students to think
about technique.
3. Give each student 4 or 5 balls to throw.
On signal, when all the balls have been
thrown students go retrieve the same
number of balls they have thrown.
4. Make throwing targets large so students
throw with velocity rather than accuracy.
Throwing for targets is exciting.

Teaching Hints
Teacher will remind children to not throw higher
than the chest.

Amanda Olsen
Christine Larsen
Nicole Clarke
Balls (15-20) are placed on the center line. On
Teacher will remind children to not cross the line
signal, each team throws the balls to the other side and stay in the designated area.
of the gym. The object of the game is to get all the
balls into the other teams backcourt, which
Teacher will remind students to listen to signal
extends 10 ft from the wall. The teacher stops
and freeze when the whistle is blown.
play by blowing whistle, then counting the
number of balls the prison

Closure: Evaluation/Review and Cheer (1-2 minutes)

Once the activity is complete, Teacher will call on several students and ask.
What are some throwing elements that they learned?
Can you remember an important cue for throwing?
And what is the difference between velocity and form?

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