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Taylor Morrow

Santa Clara, CA 986-8996

B.A. in Business: Marketing Communications major, GPA: 3.68
Menlo College - Atherton, CA


Web Marketing Assistant, Menlo College - Atherton, CA
08/2014 Present
Update Menlo Colleges Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ pages to uphold the institutions brand and
inform current and prospective students on Menlos current news and campus-wide activities
Write articles for the institutions website about on-campus events
Research news and media sources that connect to Menlo College and advertise via social media
Create info-graphics and visual flyers to advertise Menlo College to prospective students and parents
Peer Tutor, Menlo College Writing Center - Atherton, CA
08/2013 Present
Utilize good communication skills to build rapport and tutor students on grammar rules and writing styles
Work with students on a one-on-one capacity to clarify the writing process, establish a thesis statement, and identify
key themes and context on papers and assignments
Create modules on how to write a professional email and how to write a conclusion
Library Assistant, Menlo College - Atherton, CA
08/2013 Present
Demonstrate extensive library knowledge and customer service experience through fielding a large variety of patron
questions and requests
Create bulletin boards and displays to highlight different aspects of Menlo College
Organize books/magazines in the library, input catalog data into the computer, and select weekly shelf-reading
Marketing Communications Intern
05/2015 07/2015
Riekes Center for Human Enhancement Menlo Park, CA
Created a monthly newsletter that increased patrons knowledge of the organization
Obtained Google Nonprofit status for the organization and acquired the Google AdWords Grant
Created fourteen ads for Google AdWords which increased site traffic
Collaborated with other interns and marketing staff to increase online presence through social media


Pioneer Club Advisor (Menlo Colleges Entrepreneurship Club)
03/2016 05/2016
Assist with the communication and outreach of the club through articles on the Menlo College website and the Menlo
Oak Press
Research Assistant for Dr. Leslie E. Sekerka
12/2015 Present
Quantitative research and data coding for the research topic: the reason behind ethical decision making in Millenials.
This topic helps employers understand the decisions of the younger workforce.
Menlo College Journalism Club Founder and President
01/2015 05/2016
Hold weekly meetings and work with the Oral Communication and Writing Center staff to create and improve the
Menlo Oak Press; sponsor various events and guest speakers to come on-campus
Founder and Chief Editor of the Menlo Oak Press (Menlo Colleges Online newspaper)
01/2015 05/2016
Created the newspaper website, established editing protocols and regular publication dates, recruited writers, and
obtained faculty involvement.
Leadershape Participant at Dominician University
June 2013
Selected on a scholarship to participate as a leader at Leadershape, a conference geared to promote self-leadership
and advocacy
Orientation Leader for Menlo College
07/2013 08/2013
Perform activities with new students to help acclimate them to the campus and each other
Menlo College Womens Soccer Team Member
08/2012 11/2015


Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, graphic design platform Canvas, Constant Contact, Google AdWords, Analytics,
Docs and Slides, MS Office Suite, social media technology, and WordPress

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