Math Kinder Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400

Revised 09/09/14 JC



Grade level(s):


Christine Larsen
K.MD.2: Describe and compare two objects with a measureable attribute in common to see which object
has more of / less of the attribute and describe the difference.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
Concepts: Measurable attributes: fewer than, more than.
Given a worksheet and flat/ solid foam shapes, students will apply their knowledge of fewer than and more
than by sorting flat and solid shapes in various ways, choosing which group has either more or fewer.
DOK Level: 2 because students are going to apply one concept (sorting) to another concept (comparing).
Language Demands: N/A
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
Preceding lesson: names of flat and solid shapes and the difference between them.
Following lesson: math groups choose how many manipulatives are in 2 differing groups and build those
groups out of building blocks containing more of and less of. They then identify the amounts of
each and choose which group has greater of fewer.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity):
Teacher will build two towers of differing heights out of Lego cubes. Teacher will ask students what seems
to be different between the two towers (taller/shorter); discuss. [students will grab hula hoops to get into
math groups]
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):
1. Define greater than
T: Provide definition of greater than
T: Greater than means: that an item is either larger, bigger, taller, or has more items than the other
S: Students will tell their shoulder partner what the definition of what greater than is; with
2. Sort, compare, and write sum of each group on whiteboard as tally marks/ circle the group that has
T: Explain that we will use tally marks to demonstrate the groups
T: Demonstrate an example of how to use tally marks
S: Students will practice sorting shapes, then write tally marks to represent the amount of shapes in
each group, and circle which group has greater.

3. Define less than

T: Provide definition of less than
T: Less than means: that an item is either smaller, shorter, or has less items than the other
S: Students will tell their shoulder partner what the definition of less than is; with examples.
4. Sort, compare, and write sum of each group on whiteboard with dots/ circle the group that has
T: Explain that we will use dots to demonstrate the groups
T: Demonstrate an example of how to use dots
S: Students will practice sorting shapes, then write dots to represent the amount of shapes in each
group, and circle which group has fewer.
5. Sort, compare, and write on whiteboard with numbers/ circle the group that has fewer
T: Explain that we will use numbers to demonstrate the groups and will write an addition sentence
T: Demonstrate an example of how to do an addition sentence
S: Students will practice sorting shapes, then write numbers represent the amount of shapes in each
group, and circle which group has fewer.
C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection):
Given a worksheet, students in groups will answer 5 word problems (1 each) to apply what they learned
(circle which group has greater than/fewer than).
Whiteboard, white eraser marker, whiteboard eraser, worksheet, flat and solid foam
pieces, hula hoop (designates groups), pencil
V. Assessment strategies (methods for obtaining evidence of learning):
During steps 2, 4, and 5, I will observe students work of: sorting of flat and solid foam shapes, the written
representation of the amount of shapes per group, and the identification of which group has more of and
less of.
I will collect the students worksheet where circle which group has greater than/fewer than.
Instruction, Practice):
I will provide pre-made examples of more of and less of to show to the students.
They will choose which is greater or smaller, depending on my instruction.
Alternate goal- Allow students in groups to build examples of more of and less of
with building blocks instead of completing the worksheet.
VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate):


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