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Field Component 2: Reflective Blog 1

Field Component 2: Reflective Blog 2
Field Component 2: Reflective Blog 3
Field Component 2: Reflective Blog 4
Field Component 3: Mentor Meeting Reflective Blog 1
Field Component 3: Mentor Meeting Reflective Blog 2
Field Component 3: Mentor Meeting Reflective Blog 3 - Fiscal Operations of the School
Field Component 3: Mentor Meeting Reflective Blog 4 - Facilities and Technology

Field Component 4: Parental Involvement Blog 1

Field Component 4: Leadership Experience Blog 2
Field Component 4: Board Meeting Blog 3
Field Component 4: Classroom Observation Blog 4
Field Component 4: Shadowing Experience Blog 5

Field Component 5: Missouri Performance Tasks Reflection Paper

and PowerPoint
Field Component 6: Administrative Platform

-About Me
Job Search Letter
Professional Field Experiences
Mentor Form
Objectives-Scope of Work (Attached)

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