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BRAZING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORDS and BRAZING PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION RECORDS As required by NFPA 88, Standard for Health Care Facilities, 1993 Edition According to Section IX, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Welding & Brazing Qualifications and ANSU/AWS B2.2 Standard for Brazing Procedure & Performance Qualification - by COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ING, 260 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 212/251-7200 March 18, 1994 A4014-00/94 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary ASME Brazing Documents Grazing Procedure Specification - BPS No. CDA-003 Procedure Qualification Record - PGR No.CDA-003-HV Brazer Performance Qualification - BPO AWS Brazing Documents (Horizontal Joint) Brazing Procedure Specification - BPS No CDA-001 Procedure Qualification Record - POR for BPS No. COA-001 Brazing Performance Quaiification Record - SPOR No, CDA-001-H AWS Brazing Documents {Vertical-up Joint) Brazing Procedure Specification - BPS Ne, CDA-002 Procedure Qualification Record - POR for BPS No, CDA-002 Brazing Performance Qualification Record - BPQR No, CDA-002-V APPENDIX A Sample COA/ASME Forms Brazing Procedure Specification Procedure Qualification Record Brazer Performance Qualificaition APPENDIX B Sample CDNAWS Forms Brazing Procedure Specification Procedure Qualification Record Brazing Performance Qualificaition Record 13 14 15 19 23 24 25 29 33 35 36 38 39 40 41 43 SUMMARY Copper Development Association Inc. (CDA) regularly receives inquiries regarding the methods and procedures required to qualify brazers for installation of nonflammable medical gas systems. The attached documentation has been prepared in a response to these questions and satisfies the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association Standard for Health Care Facilities - NFPA 98, 1893 Ecition. Chapter 4 of this standard, Gas and Vacuum Systems, Section 4-, requires brazing procedures and brazer pertormance to be qualified. These qualifications must comply with either Section IX. Welding and Brszing Qualifications of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or American Welding Society (AWS) 52.2, Standard for Brezing Procedures and Performance Quailfication, Section 4- of NFPA 68-93 lists modifications to these standards that must also be considered This document contains two Brazing Procedure Specification formats. One complies with ASME and the other with AWS requirements. 174" Type L. OXV/ACR copper tube was used in both procedures and the necessary qualification documentation and records required to qualify these procedures are enciosed, The enclosed brazing documentation was developed by CDA and tested by PRL Industries, Inc.," an ASME recognized test laboratory. The instatiing contractor has the option to use either the ASME or AWS requirements to quality brazers and should choose the appropriate documentation, To accept these specifications for use and to meet the requirements of NFPA, the contractor shall sign and date the Brazing Procedure Specification and its supporting qualifications prior to use. It is the responsibility of each contractor that decides to use either of these Brazing Procedure Specifications and the supporting qualification records to have the required tests conducted to qualify each brazer accordingly. Itis also the contractor's responsibility to assure that these specifications meet any additional requirements of the referencing document. Suggested forms for nonflammabie medical gas applications in both the ASME and AWS formats are included in the appendices for this purpose. The contractor shall maintain a signed and dated record of the Brazing Procedure Specifications, Procedure Qualification Records and the resulting Brazer Performance Qualifications and shall assume responsibility for representation of any liabilities or warranties implied. CDA assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind in connection with the use of this document and makes no representations or warranties of any kind hereby. ‘The documentation consists of the following: ® Brazing Procedure Specifications (BPS) - the document that specifies the require brazing variables for a specific application. * Procedure Qualification Record (PGR) - 2 record of brazing variables and conditions used to produce an acceptable test brazemient and the results of tests conducted on the brazement to qualify a brazing procedure specification © Brazing Performance Qualification Record (BPQR or BGR) - a record of the brazing conditions used to produce an acceptable test brazement and the results of the tests conducted on the brazement to qualify a brazer. For information regarding CDA's brazing procedures, contact @ COA Regional Manager through ‘Copper Development Association Inc., 260 Madison Avenue. New York, NY 10016 or phone. 212/251-7200. “PRL Industries, Inc., 64 Rexmont Road P.O. Box 142, Cornwall, PA 17016 3 ASME BRAZING DOCUMENTS Brazing Procedure Specification BPS No. CDA-003 Procedure Qualification Record PQR No. CDA-003-HV Brazer Performance Qualification BPQ COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. BRAZING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (BPS) See O8-200.1, Section IX, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code & NFPA 99-1993 CompanyName _ COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. BPS No. _CDA-003 Date _2ig/i984 Supporting POR _CDA-003-HV Revision No. Date ‘Supporting PAR BASE METALS: P-No, _107 toPNo. 107, Spec. type and grade _SB-7S __ Copper No. 12200 (See Attachment #1) ‘Chemical analysis _99.9 Cu + 0.015-0.040 P Thickness range _ 0.054" - 0.056" TubelPipe diameter range _0.375"- §.125"0.0. FILLER METALS Specification No. SFA5.8 AWS Classification _BCuP. F.No. 103 Size of shape _0.128" x 0.050" Rod BRAZING TEMPERATURE Temperature range (not appicetie fer toren vrazng) NIA. BRAZING PROCESS H.No, _101 Process _Toreh Brazing (TB) Type _ Manual BRAZING FLUX AWS designation _ Flux not required PURGE Requirements _ Continuous flow of 99.99% pure Nitrogen FLOW POSITION Flow position Fiat (horizontal) and Vertica-up Method of applying filier metal Manual feed {rom face of joint JOINT DESIGN & TOLERANCES Joint type _ Socket (lap) - Tuberfiting Clearance Range _0.002"- 0.010" Lap length range _per ANSIB16.22 Minimum overlap _ 4 times the thickness of the thinner member Sketch _ See Attachment #2 Figure #1 TECHNIQUE Joint Preparation _ See Attachment #2 & Attachment #3 Attachment #1 COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. BRAZING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (BPS) See QB-200.1, Section IX. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code & NFPA 99-1993, BPS No. CDA-003 TITLE BRAZING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION CDA.003 FOR THE BRAZING OF COPPER TUBE AND. WROUGHT COPPER FITTINGS UTILIZING A MANUAL TORCH BRAZING PROCESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH QB-200.1, SECTION IX, ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. SCOPE This procedure is applicable for the brazing of capper tube and wrought copper fitings i the range of 0.375" 0.0, to 5.125" O.D. The wall thickness range shall be 0.027" to 0.132". A test brazement shall be Performed in the vertical-up and flat (horizontal) positions, thus qualifying the brazer in all positions. BASE METAL (QB-402) Base metals shall conform to the requirements of P-No. 107 and Base Metal Specification SB-75, Copper Number C12200. ASTM B-75, seamiess copper tube, was used for testing and certification purposes, Seamless copper tube with the same ©.D. and wall thickness listed in this BPS and that complies with ASTM B.75. B-88, 6-280 oF B-818 may be used for brazer performance qualification However, installation shall be limited to seamless copper tube types listed in NFPA $3 FILLER METAL (QB-403) Filler metal shall meet the requirements of SFA 5.6 and F-Number 103, Fillet metal shall be of the AWS BCuP series for the test brazement. Filler metal shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturers! recommendations and shall be 0.125" x 0.050" rod. BRAZING PROCESS (QB-405) ‘The brazing process shail meet the requirements of 4-Number 101, Manual Toren Brazing (TB) BRAZING FLUX (QB-406) No brazing flux shall be used in the fabrication of the test brazement PURGE Purge gas shall be Nitrogen, 99.99% pure. Purge gas flow rate shall be in the range of 5 to 20 SCFH and flow continuously during the brazing process. The purge gas shall flow unti the brazernent is cool to the, touch so that no oxidation forms on the LD, of the tube and fiting FLOW POSITION (QB-407) The brazements shail be configured so that flow positions are vertical-up and flat (horizontal). Filler metal shall be appiied manually JOINT DESIGN and TOLERANCES (08-408) Joint type shalt be socketlap (see Attachment #2, Figure #1), The minimum and maximum joint tolerances ‘shali be 0.002" to 0.010". Lap (overlap) shall meet the requirements of ANSI 816.22 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fitings Attachment #2 FIGURE #1 JOINT SKETCH Fiting / Tube Capitary Space Fitting Flat (horizontal) Flow Vertical-up Flow JOINT PREPARATION, ASSEMBLY & SUPPORT CUTTING Cut tube ends square with tube cutter. The cutter wheel shall be sharp and the cutter rollers tree rolling to prevent tube ends from being deformed. Tube cutter shall be free of all ol, dirt, lint and other debns, REAMING Ream all cut tube ends to the full .D. of the tube to remove the smal! burr created by the cutting operation, Special cate shalt be exercised to insure that no shavings ate left in the tube, CLEANING Removal of surlace oxidation on the |.D. of the fittng socket shall not be necessary ifthe fittings have been cleaned according to Compressed Gas Association Famphiet G- 4.1 and kept clean until ready for use. Surface particles and dint shall be removed from the © D of the tube ends, for a distance slightly more than the fitung cup, using a clean lint free cloth Surface exidation on the 0.0. of the tube shall be removed with the use of a nylon abrasive cloth for a distance slightly more than the depth of the fiting socket, Care must be exercised fo insure that dust or particles are not allowed to be deposited on the iD. of the tube. When the tube ends are cleaned and the surface oxidation is removed the brazer shall perform @ visual inspection of the tube 1.0. ASSEMBLY AND SUPPORT Insert tube ends into fiting cup, making sure that the tube is seated against the base of the fitting cup. ‘Support the tube and fitting assembly to insure a uniform capillary space around the entire circumference of the joint. POSTBRAZE CLEANING (08-410) When the joint is coo! to the touch, the outside shall be cleaned using a wet cloth to remove loose surface oxidation and allow a clear visual inspection of the jot Attachment #3 TABLE 1 SUGGESTED TORCH TIP SELECTION GUIDE for BRAZING. COPPER TUBE and FITTINGS -— *SCFH ACETYLENE “BTU "TUBE SIZE RANGE + 20 2340 ve" - 3/8" 36 $292 18". 12" 57 379 318" - 7/8" 83 32201 5/8" - 1-118" 4” 16170 Tie" - 1-51 445 21318 1.18". 2-178" 33.2 22804 21". 4-18" BTUH = SCFH X 1470 (Acetylene gas has a heat content of 1470 btuh / cubic foot ) ” Size ranges are given as an average. actual sizes to be brazed shall be determined by the individual brazers abilities. NOTE ‘The BTUH output of each type of torch shail be determined from the manufacturer's literature for the torch usec EXAMPLE A Victor #2 multfiame tip has an acetylene consumption at 3 (0 9 SCFH. Multiplied by 1470 BTUHicu ft would equal 4410 to 13.230 BTUH. This tip wil braze a 1/8" through 1-1/8" copper to copper joint. Sheet 1 of 2 COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR) ‘See QB-200.2, Section IX. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code & NFPA 99-1983 Recoid of Actual Conditions Used te Braze Test Coupon CompanyName _ COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC POR No. _CDA-003-HV Date 222/04 Supporting BPS —_CDA.003, BASE METALS: P-No. _107 toP-No. 107 Spec. type and grade _SB-75 Copper No. 612200 Chemical analysis $8.9 Cu + 0.015-0.040 P Thickness range 0.054"-0.065"___——_Tube/Pipe diameter _1.5° (1.625" 0.0) FILLER METALS Specification No, SFA-58 AWS Classification _BCuP. F.No, 103 Size orshape _ 0.125" x 0.050" Rog BRAZING TEMPERATURE Temperature range inet apoteabe forterch prazng| N'A BRAZING PROCESS H.No. _101 Process _Torch Brazing (TB) Type _Manual BRAZING FLUX AWS designation _Fluxnotrequited Trade name _NiA PURGE Requirements _ Continuous flow of 98 98% pure Nitrogen (see Note #_attached) FLOW POSITION Flow position _ Flat (horizontal) and Vertical-up_(see Figure #1} Method of appiying filler metal Manual feed from face of joint JOINT DESIGN & TOLERANCES Joint type _ Socket (lap) - Tuberfiting Clearance Range _ 0.002" - 0.010" Lap length range _per ANSIB16.22 _(7.99"- full socket insertion per NEPA $8-£3) Minimum overlap 0.216" (4 times the thickness of the thinner member) Sketch _See Figure #1 Sheet 2 of 2 TECHNIQUE Joint Preparation See Note#2 Attachment #1 and Table #1 Attachment #2 Sheet 2 of 2 FIGURE #1 JOINT SKETCH Fitting / Tube / ~ Capitary Space ; Fitting“ Flat (horizontal) Flow Vertical-up Flow TENSILE TESTS (Q5-150) X | Recuces Section Ful Secton Speamen Oumensions unimate | Ubeate Fause No Totsitsss | Stress Leeann warm | themes oe ies (ibs) (os tn) in ti qn) (2) 008-Horz 15 0 362s ose 2130 30870 Tube (2) 00¢-Hore 12 0 1626 cer? 2280 3082 Tue £2) 008- ver. ae 0 v6z8 cee 2190 32018 Ture (2) 003.ver! sor 060 1628 cos 2100 34683 Tube PEEL OR SECTION TESTS (OB-170 & QB-180} Peet | x | Section Specimen Recute (2) 003-Horzontal | Acceptable (0%. 0% unbenzeo? (2)003-nerzoniai | Acceptable (0%, 0% unbraxed) (0) 003-vemeat Acceptable (0%. 0% untrazed) 12) coa.veries ‘Accepiabe (0% 9% unorazee) Brazer’s Name: _A.G."Andy” Kireta Brazer Identification: 1-8 Brazing Witnessed by Tests Conducted by: Bet oq thy Laboratory Test Number: 2148 We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test brazements were prepared, brazed and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code 10 Attachment #1 COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC, PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR) ‘See OB-200.2, Section IX, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessei Code & NFPA 99-1993 BPS No. CDA-003 NOTE #1 PURGE (Requirements) PURGE GAS Purge gas shall conform to the following composition end purity: Nitrogen 99.68% pure. The purge gas shall have a flow range of § 10.20 SCFH and flow continuousty during the brazing process. Purge gas shall be permitied to flow after the completion of the brazing process. tor a sufficient time period, to insure that no oxidation is permitted to form on the 1.0. of the tube and fitina NOTE #2 TECHNIQUE (Joint Preparation) CUTTING Cut tube ends square with a tube cutter. The cutter wheel shall be sharp end the cutter rollers free rolling to prevent tube ends from being deformed. Tube cutter shall be free of all ol, din, lint and other debris REAMING Ream all cut tube ends to the full LD. of the tube to remove the small burr created by the cutting operation. Special care shall be exercised to insure that no shavings are left in the tube. CLEANING Removal of surface oxidation on the I,D. of the fiting socket shall not be necessary if the fittings have been cleaned according to Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet! G- 4.1 and kept clean unbl ready for use. Surface particles and dir shall be removed from the © of the tube ends, for 2 distance slightly more than the fiting cup, using a clean iint free cloth ‘Surface oxdation on the O.D. of the tube shall be removed with the use of 2 nylon abrasive cioth for 3 cistance slighy more than the depth of the fing socket. Care must be exercised to insure that dust or pariicies are not allowed to be deposited on the |. of the tube When the tube ends are cleaned and the surface oxidation ss removed the brazer shall perform a visual inspection of the tube LD. ASSEMBLY AND SUPPORT Insert tube ends into fiting cup, making sure that the tube 1s seated against the base of the fitting cup. ‘Support the tube and fitting assembly to insure @ uniform capiliary space around the entire circumference of the joint POSTBRAZE CLEANING ‘When the joint is cool to the touch, the outside shall be cleaned using a wet cleth to remove loose surface oxidation and permit a clear visual inspection of the joint W Attachment #2 VISUAL EXAMINATION Following sectioning of the brazements, the joints shall be visually examined. The following conditions shall be considered unacceptable according to NFPA 99-93, Section 4-4.14.3 () 1. Flux or fux residue (not applicable to this BPS & POR} 2 Excessive oxidation of the joint 3, Presence of unmetted filer metal 4, Failure of the filer metal to be clearly visible ail the way around the exterior ofthe joint at the intertace between the socket and the tube 5 Cracks im the tube or compenent 6 Cracksiin the braze filler metal 7. Failure of the joint to hold the required test pressure (not applicable te this BPS & POR) TABLE 1 SUGGESTED TORCH TIP SELECTION GUIDE tor BRAZING ‘COPPER TUBE and FITTINGS *SCFH ACETYLENE *BTUH **TUBE SIZE RANGE 20 2940 sie" - 378" 36 5292 sie" 172" 52 8379 aie" 718" a3 12201 se" = 1-116" 1 16170 ve" 1.5/8" 148) 21315 se" = 2-178" 33.2 40804 21/8. 4-1/8" . BTUH = SCFH X 1470 (Acetylene gas nas a heal content of 1470 biuh /cubie foot } ” Size ranges are given as an average. acival sizes to be brazed shali be determined by the individual brazer's ables. NOTE The BTUH output of each type of torch shall be determined from the manufacturer's literature for the torch used. EXAMPLE A Victor® #2 multlame tp hes an acetylene consumption of 3 to. 9 SCFH. Multiplied by 4470 BTUHicu ft would equai 4430 to 13.230 BTUH, This tip will braze a 1/8" through 1-118" copper te copper joint 12 COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. CONTRACTOR'S RECORD OF BRAZER PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION (BPQ) BPQ# CDA-003/93 BrezersName AG. “Andy” Kireta Brazer Identification _1-A Using BPSNo. _CDA.003, Revision Vanables Record Actust Values Used in ‘Gustication Range ‘Qualification ‘Material Spee. (28-402) 41-172" OXWACR Copper Tube O.a75" - $125" OD. Thickness 0.054" - 0.066" 9.027"-0.132" ‘Metal (5-403), ‘Specification No. SFASB SFASS cass NA NA Fumber 103 103 Brazing Temp. Range (QB-406) {ot applicable to torch brazing) Nm NA Brazing Process (08-405) ‘eNumber 101 101 Flow Position(e) (08-407) ‘Method of applying filer metal Flat (Horizontal) & Vertical Up All Positions Joint Typesis) 128-408) Joint Clearance 0.002" - 0.010" 0.002" - 0.010" Length overlap 1.09" (per ANSI B-16.22) 2.18" ‘other NIA NA Technique Toreh Brazing Manual Torch Manual Torch TEST RESULTS - Section (QB-180) - Tensile (QB-150) Flow Position Section Tensile (7) Flat ¢hoezontaly Setstactory Savstactory 2) Flat (nonzontay Satistactory Saustaciery (1) veniesLue Satistactory ‘Sausfactory (2 Vericabup Saustaciory ‘Satsacte Tens consuceasy 2% et Sn Laboratory Test Ne 28 We certify that the Statements mad@ in this record afe correct and that the test brazements were prepared, brazed and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code. Contractor COBPER)OENELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC, s eal bem Date _ February 22, 1994 By Note: Any essential variebles in addition to those above shall be recorded, 3 AWS BRAZING DOCUMENTS (Horizontal Joint) Brazing Procedure Specification BPS No. CDA-001 Procedure Qualification Record POR Brazer Performance Qualification Record BPQR No. CDA-001-H COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. BRAZING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (BPS) In Accordance with ANSVAWS 622-81 & NFPA 99-1993 BPSNo. _CDA-001 Date _ 216/94 BPOR No. _CDA.001-H Company _ COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. Brazing Process _ Oxy-Fuel Torch Manuai _X _ Mechanized ‘Automate Brazing Equipment _Oxy-Fuel Gas Toren BRAZING CONDITIONS BASE METAL: Ieentification _Coppet Number €12200 Tube & Fittng BMNo. _ 300 Thickness _ 0.054" - 0.086" Preparation See Note #1 attached Other FILLER METAL: FMNo, 150 AWS Classification _ AWS A5.8 BCuP Form Rod of Wire Method of Appiication _ Manual Face Feed FLUX: AWS Type _ Flux not requireé Other ATMOSPHERE: AWS Type _NiA Other BRAZING PROCESS: Temperature 1275" F - 1550°F Test postion Horizontal Time _As requited Current N/A Fuelgas _Acetylene Tipsize _ See Table #1 attached Postbiaze cieaning _ See Note #2 attached Postbraze heat treatment _ N/A Other _See Note #3 attached JOINT: Type _Lap (Socket) Joint - Tubertiting Clearance 0.002" - 0.010" uTs omer camKersmace TORT eKEToH Approved for sroducion LU basal: Employer 18 COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. BRAZING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (BPS) In Accordance with ANSVAWS B2 2-81 & NFPA 89-1993 BPS No. CDA-001 TITLE BRAZING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION COA-001 FOR THE BRAZING OF COPPER TUBE AND WROUGHT COPPER FITTINGS UTILIZING A MANUAL TORCH BRAZING PROCESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSVAWS 62.2-91 and NFPA 99-1993. SCOPE ‘This procedure is applicable for the brazing of copper tube and wrought copper fitings in the range of 0.375" O.D. to 2.625" 0.0. The wall thickness range shall be 0.014” to 0.079". A test brazement shall be performed in the horizontal position, BASE METAL Base metals shall conform to the requirements of Group 8M No. 300 as listed in Table 81 of ANSUAWS 822.91 FILLER METAL Filler metal shall meet the requirements of Group FM No. 150 as listed in Table C1 of ANSVAWS B2.2-91 Filler metal shall be of the AWS BCuP series for the test brazement. Filler metal shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations and shall be 0,125" x 0.080" tod. BRAZING PROCESS ‘The brazing process shalll be Manual Torch Brazing (TB). The brazement shall be configured so that flow position is horizontal, Filler metal shall be apphed manually. BRAZING FLUX No brazing flux shalt be used in the fabrication of the test brezement, PURGE Purge gas shall be Nitrogen, 99.99% pure. Purge gas flow rate shall be in the range of 5 to 20 SCFH and flow continuously during the brazing process, The purge gas shall flow until the brazement is cool to the touch so that no oxidation forms on the LD. of the tube and fitting JOINT DESIGN and TOLERANCES Joint type shall be socketlap (see Figure #1). The mneur and maximum joint tolerances shall be 0.002" to 0.010". Lap

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