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Domain: Engineering Mechanics

Topic: Engineering Mechanics -Kinematics of particles

Target Students : Engineering 1st year

[ 2 minutes ]

Think Phase Question:

What Teacher does - Poses the question, asks students to think individually and write in their
What students does - Thinks individually about the posed question, Writes answer in the book
Deliverable from this Phase- Question is asked from the kinematic type of problems
to the students.

Pair Phase -

[ 5 minutes ]

Question: Discuss your answer with your neighbor and calculate how far below
the ground is the surface.
What Teacher does - Poses the question, asks students to pair up and discuss,
goes around the class to check whether students are discussing, provides clues
to pairs who are in doubt
What students does - Pairs up with neighbor, Checks each others answer,
calculates depth of the water surface.
Deliverable from this Phase- Students solve the problems related to the rectilinear
motion of particles.

Share Phase -

[10 minutes]

Share solutions with the class to identify the depth of water surface.

What Student Does - Shares their answers to the class

What Teacher Does - Notes down each of the answers in the board, summarizes the key concepts
involved in this problem - Motion of sound and stone, Kinematics of particles, depth of water
Deliverable from this Phase- The correct answer is summarized with the students in
the kinematic type of problems and they understand rectilinear motion.

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