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Depression (revised version)

Depression you, me are not alone in the world

who suffer with this mental
illness in the world and we are not alone
or to be ashamed of about or suffer with depression.

There are thousands upon thousands of people

in the world who suffer with this
mental illness we are not alone or not
to be ashamed that we suffer with depression.

Please feel free to talk to your parents,

partners, husbands, wives,
girlfriends, boyfriends and friends and loved ones too
who care, who love you.
And just like you or me suffer with this illness
know as depression.

As we know and we know we can't be the

same as you from day to day day in day out from morning
to nights week in week out 24/7 with this illness
know as depression.

As we like to be normal are thoughts and minds are

on other things that are on our minds
thoughts are on other things and problems in
are day to day daily routine can vary from time to time
all me ask is for a little love,
a chat from loved ones who care about you and I
as we can be happy with all the above
all because we are unwell, unsafe
As we suffer with depression.

Pete Goodwin 2016

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