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***See pages 3 & 4 for examples of differentiation in the classroom***

EDFD 462 Artefact assessment task 2:

Stained glass window, about 1872
James Fergusson proudly moved into his new home in 1872. Glenferrie was
a fine 14-room mansion in Malvern, then on the eastern edge of Melbourne.
He was co-owner of one of the leading printing firms in the colony, and had
recently been elected to the Victorian Parliament.
This large stairwell window celebrates James success, and reflects the
confidence of a generation of immigrants who had made their fortunes
through agriculture, mining, manufacturing and trade in the colony.
This window was almost certainly made by Melbourne firm Ferguson & Urie.
Several examples of its work from the 1860s to 1880s survive in Melbourne
churches and mansions.
Symbols on the Window
Pride of place in the middle is given to the Fergusson blazon of arms, with
three boars heads and a buckle.
The Fergusson clan motto, Dulcius ex asperis, means through difficulty,
sweetness. (Text from the museum plaque)

Relevance of artefact to the teaching and learning of Primary Humanities

This stained glass window was chosen as an artefact to be used in the
teaching of Humanities due to its historical and societal importance. The
artefact depicts imagery of the successes of the wealthy printing firm coowner (and member of parliament) James Fergusson, while symbolising the
prosperity of European settlers in Melbourne in the late 19th century. The
artefact provides opportunity to explore Humanities related subjects such as
History, Economics and Geography, and topics including, economic systems
and processes that shape society in the past and the present, and how
societies create and distribute wealth. Thorough exploration of the artefact
can lead to students examining the complex processes that have shaped the
modern world (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2014).
Through inquiry and meaningful questions, students will form connections
between history and the present while extending their imagination and
curiosity for Humanities overall.

(Image taken from Google images)


Questions: years 5/6

1: Why is the stained glass window and the person it belonged to so
(Appendix 1.1)
2: The stained glass window emphasizes agriculture, mining, manufacturing
and trade within the colony - why are these developments so momentous and
how does this affect the colony?
(Appendix 1.2)
3: How are agriculture, mining, manufacturing and trade all interconnected
and how does this connect us with other countries?
(Appendix 1.3)
4: If you were to design a stained glass window, what significant
developments would you emphasize of todays modern society and why?
(Appendix 1.4)
Justification of question choice
The questions posed were created to stimulate students critical thinking of the
topic. They are purposely open-ended and are flexible with their interpretation
with an aim to encourage rich group discussion and meaningful collaborative
learning. Research into collaborative group learning has discovered positive
effects in students in social and cognitive levels (Tolmie et al. 2010).
It is important to provide multiple pathways for learning; activities must have
the ability to be adaptable and differentiated to the needs of each student so
that all students can experience success (Government of Alberta, 2010 p.6).
Examples of differentiation for questions and activities for the stained glass
window are:
Standard 1.5 - Examples of differentiation and catering for students
of upper and lower abilities in the classroom
Lower ability levels
- Breaking down each question into a series of smaller questions
- Providing fact sheets for students to work with
- Provide videos instead of written text for students of very low literacy
Upper ability levels
- Provide options for professional resources/websites for students to

Extension task could include more specific questions relating to past

and present cause and effect. Example question: What has happened
in the past that has directly changed the present?

The enquiry-based questions have been designed to push students beyond

the basic cognitive thinking skills of memorising and recalling information to a
level of critical thinking where students can truly engage in their learning. As
each question progresses students are to initiate what Blooms describes as
higher order thinking skills, where students are required to analyse, evaluate
and finally create (Armstrong, 2016).
Justification of questions in perspective of Blooms Taxonomy

Question one: requires students to begin at the analysis stage of the

higher order thinking, where students must examine and distinguish
relevant information in order to solve the question

Questions two and three: requires students to examine and evaluate,

raising their higher order thinking skills to the next level where they are
to support information with their own understandings

Question four: requires students to create their own original work

based on their understandings of what they have learned
(Armstrong, 2016)


VCHHK092 The role that a significant individual or group played in

shaping and changing a colony (VCAA, 2014)


VCHHK090 The effects of a significant development or event on a

colony (VCAA, 2014)



Australias connections with other countries and how

these change people and places (VCAA, 2014)


Describe and explain interconnections within places and

between places, and the effects of these interconnections
(VCAA, 2014)


VCEBR003 Identify types of resources (natural, human, capital) and

explore the ways societies use them in order to satisfy
the needs and wants of present and futures generations
(VCAA, 2014)

Armstrong, P. (2016) Blooms Taxonomy. Centre for Teaching accessed from

Government of Alberta (2010) Making a Difference: Meeting diverse learning

meeds with differentiated instruction accessed from

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (2014) Victorian Curriculum

accessed from

Tolmie, A., Topping, K., Christie, D., Donaldson, C., Howe, C., Jessiman, E.,
Livingston, K., Thurston, A. (2010) Social effects of collaborative
learning in primary schools. Learning and instruction accessed from

Stained glass window accessed from


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