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Name: ______________________________________ Hour: ___________

Revealed: Illustrator CS6 Chapter 2: Creating Text and Gradients

Instructions: Read pages 2-2 through 2-37 and answer the inquiries, lessons and questions
below. You will need to save the lessons that ask you to open and modify .ai files. 35
1) What is a gradient? (2-2)

2) What are the 2 different gradient orientations? (2-2)

3) How do you create text? (2-3)

4) What is the baseline? (2-4)

5) What is leading? (2-4)

6) What is tracking? (2-4)

7) What is kerning? (2-4)

8) How do you hide objects on your artboard? (2-5)

9) Follow the direction on 2-6 through 2-9. Save the file as Berry Symposium you
will need it later.

10) What is area text? (2-10)

11) How do you distort a shape? (2-11)

12) How do you center text? (2-11)

13) Follow the direction on 2-12 through 2-13. Save the file as Diamond Text you
will need it later.

14) What is the most compelling of Illustrators text effects? (2-14)

15) Follow the direction on 2-16 through 2-17 on your Diamond Text file. You will
need it later.
16) What is a gradient? (2-18)

17) What is a stop? (2-18)

18) What is a midpoint? (2-18)

19) What can you define a gradient as? (2-18)

20) What does the color panel do? Where can you find it? (2-19)

21) Why might you NOT be unable to get a color? (2-19)

22) Why would you move a gradient into the swatches panel? (2-19)

23) Complete 2-20 through 2-23 on your Diamond Text artboard. Squash is orange.

24) What do you need to do to change the color of text? (2-24)

25) How do convert a text to an object? (2-24 through 2-25)

26) What does create outline allow you to do? (2-25)

27) Complete 2-26 through 2-27 on your Diamond Text artboard.

28) What is the gradient tool used for? (2-28)

29) What is the gradient tool bar? (2-28)

30) How do you change the length, angle and direction of a gradient? (2-28)

31) What is the best method for working with the gradient control bar? (2-29)

32) How do you create a radial gradient? (2-30)

33) How do you add a drop shadow? (2-31)

34) Complete 2-32 through 2-33 on your Diamond Text artboard with Berry. Save
this file as YourName_BerrySymposium.

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