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The American Dream

The American Dream to me means having a good education, a good job where I
can live comfortably, and feeling safe. In most areas in the Greater Washington, this dream is
thriving because of the strength of the education system in areas like Montgomery County, but
its not thriving everywhere because of certain communities neglectfulness of students learning
in the less luxurious areas such as Baltimore County. The education system, which is key to our
living and well-being, will bring us a nice comfortable job, while still being productive to human
society. The Constitution even states in the general welfare clause in the Preamble that makes it
so that our government takes care of us and allows us to have a secure future to achieve the
American Dream. But on top of achieving the American Dream, we must first have a good
education to get us the good job and creating a safe future.
The first step to achieving the American Dream is to have a good
education. Taking education seriously is very important so that you can have a good, well paying
job instead of having to work jobs that anyone could get, like at a retail store and have to
constantly compete to keep the job even if youre getting paid minimum wage. Although for
some people, staying in school can be a pain because they either cannot afford it or they just
cannot take doing the work, most jobs today for adults need at least a high school diploma to get
a job. Also, we could use the education for basic knowledge such as math and english to survive
in the world as adults. In the Greater Washington area specifically, there are many education
opportunities starting with finishing high school, some high schools have programs where you
can get into a local community college if you need an Associates degree then transfer to a
university for a Bachelors degree or go straight into a well paying job using the obtained
Associates degree. Whether earning a degree or just being able to survive in the modern world,

being an educated human being is a top priority and this has been shown in the Greater
Washington area and many other places based on their statistics.
Getting a good job is also very important because the American Dream
promotes being a productive member of society. Jobs can be found everywhere for almost
everything, from building to teaching to serving food to people. It is important to have a job at
some point in your life, unless youre rich and well off, to live comfortably or to just survive if
comfortably isnt the right word for some people. Relating back to education, getting a degree
is very important to get a well paying job where you can afford entertainment, food, and living
which adds to the living comfortably standard. The Greater Washington wants to promote this
kind of living everywhere so we dont have poverty in our country. Some areas who do not push
education as much as the others, do not promote this American Dream and it causes people to be
at the bottom of the job industry because they dont have the degree to show different companies
and get a well paying job. This causes these people to be at the bottom of the totem pole and they
lose out on a lot of things such as being able to afford a nice house or apartment without the need
of a roommate . The American Dream promotes these two qualities in people so that they can
learn to live on their own and hopefully with others as a productive society. Having a job and
education add to the general welfare that the constitution makes our government swear to protect
us with.
Another part of living the American Dream we do not think about
is the feeling of safety in America. We want to feel safe on all accounts, financially and
physically, so that certain crimes do not affect us like identity theft and any violent acts of
terrorism. It is not guaranteed for the American Dream to give us the safety that we want from
this country because horrible events like the Paris shooting could happen, but we have people

who have achieved the American Dream who are willing to protect it from terrorism whether
violent or cyber. We also have jobs like cyber security or regular law enforcement that people
can go into if they want to protect the country and its citizens. The Greater Washington does
promote safety but some areas are more secure than others because they have more money so
they can buy things like higher quality equipment such as street cameras. Other areas where
crime is higher, is because they do not give good representations of public safety and they dont
spend as much money on those areas. The safety of students in America is especially the focus so
they can be apart of the productive society and so they can realize the American Dream one day.
I believe this is a very essential part of the American Dream too, because of the necessity of
human potential and if people are being killed, jailed, or losing money that they once earned then
it reduces the belief in the American Dream as a whole and safety is a top priority over all things.
The American Dream is a thing that I believe involves a strong
commitment to achieving. Having a good education can get us a good job which can make us a
productive part of society while at the same time, having a way to survive and have your own
form of entertainment. The Constitution of the United States is also protecting this dream with its
General Welfare clause. And around all of this is the idea of safety from any issues that may be
going on in the world. The Greater Washington portrays this by having different programs and
classes and helps kid get into college and get jobs that give the people money so the cycle can

Obama, Barack. "Obama's State of the Union Address (2014)." WHITE HOUSE PRESS
RELEASE. 28 Jan. 2014: n.p. SIRS Government Reporter.Web. 03 Dec. 2015.
Saslow, Eli. An American Dream Deferred. Washington Post. Web. 25, Oct. 2014

Morello, Carol, Peyton Craighill, and Scott Clement. "Achieving American Dream Fades as
Certainty for Many." Washington Post. 29 Sep. 2013: p. A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 03
Dec. 2015.
S., James America's Misunderstood Mission: Promoting the general Welfare Daily Kos. Web.
02, Nov. 2014.

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