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Castleton Public Library, Board of Trustees

April 2016 Minutes

Monday, April 18, 2016
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix
at 7:05 p.m.
Roll Call: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Ryan Mullahy, Vice President: Nathan Hans,
Treasurer; Doreen Truesdell, Secretary; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Sarah Niemitalo,
Trustee; Maria Marcucci, Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director.
Adoption of Agenda
There were no changes to the proposed meeting agenda. Treasurer Hans motioned to
adopt; Trustee Niemitalo seconded. Approved 7-0.
Public Comment
Presidents Report
President Karis-Nix stated her meeting with newly-elected Village of Castleton Mayor
Robert Schmidt and Village of Castleton Board Trustee Gina Giuliano was postponed due to
a village budget meeting. President Karis-Nix also stated she received a letter of resignation
from Secretary Truesdell, dated April 18, 2016. President Karis-Nix directed Library Director
Tacke to place an advertisement in local community newspapers and in the villages
newsletter in order to recruit a new library board member.
Secretarys Report
No further changes were made to the March 21, 2016 meeting minutes. Secretary Truesdell
motioned to adopt; Vice President Mullahy seconded. Approved 7-0.
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Hans presented the monthly Check Detail, Profit & Loss,
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, and Reconciliation Detail statements for
March 2016. Trustee Aitkin motioned to approve the Check Detail report; Trustee Niemitalo
seconded. Approved 7-0.
Directors Report
Director Tacke presented her monthly report in a new format, including statistics that show
circulation, program use, and social media connections have all increased.
An Upper Hudson Library Service (UHLS) Core Training for trustees set for April 20, 2016,
for which trustees Aitkin, Niemitalo, and Marcucci are registered to attend.
The UHLS Annual Dinner is scheduled for June 8, 2016.
A play area with games, puzzles and other hands-on activities has been set up in the
childrens area and is receiving a lot of use and positive comment from patrons.
Open Mic Night has been postponed until further notice.

Library Director Tacke will be meeting with directors from the East Greenbush and Nassau
libraries to prepare for presenting a unified annual budget request to the Town of Schodack
for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
Friends Report
Friends of the Library President Barbara Kelp reported the annual pancake breakfast held
at Applebees restaurant was a successful fundraiser and received community support. The
Friends next meeting is set for April 20, 2016. Future events include six concerts at
Schodack Town Park this summer. The Friends will host a bake sale and raffle at each.
Committee Reports
Administrative Committee- Vice President Mullahy said the committee is seeking ways to
attract a pro-bono certified public accountant in order to conduct a full audit of the library, in
accordance with UHLS best practices. Currently, the library is complying with all necessary
rules and guidelines by conducting its yearly financial review.
Finance CommitteeTreasurer Hans reported the committee continues to work towards its
goal of approaching the Village of Castleton for an increase in its annual financial support.
Operations/Capital Projects Committee Trustee Marcucci reported ongoing plans for
showing movies at the Schodack Island State Park, hosted by the Library Board of
Trustees. The board agreed to three Saturday dates: August 6, 13 and 20 of 2016. Trustee
Marcucci will continue to finalize plans with the state park officials and a movie vendor.
Policy Committee: Treasurer Hans and Vice President Mullahy reported a proposed
whistleblower policy will be presented to the board soon.
Old Business
The librarys word-of-mouth marketing for the coming month is to tell three people about the
May 4, 2016 program, May the Fourth Be With You.
New Business
Library Director Tacke asked the board to clarify a recent change to the librarys by-laws and
to set the number of trustees at seven. Secretary Truesdell motioned to approve; Treasurer
Hans seconded. Approved 7-0.
Village of Castleton Board Trustee and Senior Liaison to the Library Amy Ryan reported
Mayor Schmidt has initiated twice monthly village board meetings.
Public Comment
Executive Session
Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

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