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William Romero

Mr. Bayer
English 11A, Period 3
Injustice in the Modern World
The injustice of child soldiers in Africa happens to children in poverty
and war-torn countries and are caused by rebel groups against the
government. Multiply programs have helped stop this injustice, like
UNICEF who are reuniting children with their families. Child Soldiers
continues to this day, and must be addressed by funding a program called
UNICEF, which will bring awareness to people about this injustice. Also the
United Nations must help strengthen the African governments so they
would be able to enforce laws to protect their rights, also putting police to
arrest the rebel groups causing this injustice.
One out of two methods of development is to fund UNICEF, which will
allow UNICEF to do everything in their power to help the African people,
also helping fund the program will bring awareness about the injustice of
child soldiers in Africa. Getting people to participate by helping fund the
program UNICEF, who will build a protective environment for children in
Africa. Since UNICEF began coordinating the rehabilitation has dealt with
more than 17,000 childs soldiers who have been released by the numerous

militia groups (McConnell pg.1). The program UNICEF is working and

needs more support, more money to be able to do greater things for Africa.
If we bring more awareness to UNICEF people will see that it is helping
stop this injustice and could do so if more people funded this program.
Every week about 15 new arrivals come to the center. It will be their home
for about two months while UNICEF attempts to reunite them with their
families. (McConnell pg.2). Child soldiers increase every day and UNICEF
trys to stop that by reuniting children with their families but if UNICEF had
more money they would be able to get more children out of the rebel groups
then children going into rebel groups and decrease the numbers of child
soldiers in Africa.
Another method of development would be to strengthen the political
power of the governments, by bringing the United Nations to support Africa
and help enforce laws on the injustice of child soldiers by putting more
police to arrest the rebel groups causing the injustice. This injustice must
be addressed by gaining support from other countries to help enforce laws
and rights of the people and bringing awareness from the public to help
stop this injustice of child soldiers. The government in Kinshasa, the
capital, is weak and corrupt, leaving the vast nation rotten at its core.
(Gettleman pg.2). African governments are weak and corrupt so they will
need support from the United Nations so they can help enforce laws and
strengthen the African governments. Gold mines remain largely in army or
rebel hands. Government official collude secretly with rebel chiefs like

Cobra Matalan to make money (Gettleman pg.1). The government are

already corrupt and need to be helped, the rebel groups are taking all the
power away from the governments so the solution would be to arrest rebel
groups so the government can gain strength, to do this we need the support
of the United Nations to help enforce laws to protect the peoples rights and
Child soldiers needs must be addressed by helping fund the program
UNICEF and getting support from the United Nations to help enforce law
and protect rights that will let us arrest rebel groups who are causing this
injustice of child soldiers. We must take action and make this change so that
this injustice can be stopped.

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