Policies and Procedures

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Health Science Program

1. Respect yourself and others at all times. Disrespectful behavior
including talking back will not be tolerated.
2. Be on time. Tardiness will be dealt with according to Bartlett High
School rules.
3. Be prepared. You should bring your CHARGED computer, USB,
binder, pencil and any other materials assigned for the day.
4. Absolutely NO CELL PHONES we will use our computers for
technology-based lessons.
5. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before you speak.
6. No FOOD or DRINKS are allowed in the classroom.
7. No cheating. Any student caught cheating on a test or individual
assignment will receive an automatic zero on the assignment.
8. Follow directions. This means that you are always to be on task,
doing what you have been assigned to do. Follow these directions the
first time they are given.

First time: Verbal warning
Second time: Conference with teacher
Third time: Disciplinary referral written, parents notified
Severe disruptions and disrespect to a student or teacher: Automatic
disciplinary referral issued and students will be sent immediately to an

1 inch binder
1 set of dividers
Notebook paper
Scrubs (any color or pattern - these can be found at Wal-Mart, Landau, or
Identity Factor)
HOSA Fee: $14

Course Procedures

Enter class quietly each day, gather all needed materials for the class
period, and have a seat. You will be considered tardy if you are
not completely in the door when the bell rings.

At the beginning of each class the days objective and bell work will be
projected. You are to begin working on your bell work at the beginning
of each class.

All work must be turned in on time. If you are absent on the day
an assignment is due, you are expected to turn it in on the first day
that you return. It is your responsibility to complete all makeup work.

If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to make up your missing

assignment. You have one day to complete assignments and turn it in
or you will receive a zero. If you missed a test or quiz then schedule a
time with me to make it up.

Students are not to leave the room during class without a pass or a
note from a teacher or administrator.

Students are expected to bring a note from another teacher or faculty

member if they are late to class.

Bathroom and water breaks need to be taken before class,

unless there is an emergency.

You must follow all safety rules when we are using any

You are also expected to participate in all lab and class activities and to
have a positive attitude.

Parents and Students: I have read and understand the rules and
discipline plan for Ms. Carlsons class.
Student Signature

Parent Signature

If supplies cannot be purchased during the first three weeks of school, please
notify Ms. Carlson via email or a parent letter.

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