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Loretta Baber
Justiss Hall, Tyler Golden, Morgan Anderson, Kayanna Browder


May 2, 2016


Dream Team Approval

As you are aware, we are in the process of completing The Dream Team simulation.
In order to continue with this stimulation, we are required to create a professional
sports team. Please review the proposed team provided below and indicate if we
have your approval to use the proposed team by completing the bottom portion of
this memo and returning it to me.
Proposed Team:
The name of my team is the Miami Rays. The type of sport this team plays is
basketball. The teams hometown is Miami, Florida.
Team Reasoning:
I have chosen to develop a mens professional basketball team because basketball
has been an essential way of life. I once played this sport in middle school and fell in
love with it, I decided to create this professional team so that others who also love
this sport can enjoy themselves. I believe Florida is a wonderful sate to start a
professional basketball franchise because the population rate is wonderful and
everyone loves to watch a great game.
__ I approve this team for use in The Dream Team stimulation.
__ I do not approve this team for use in The Dream Team simulation.
__ Instructors initials
Instructor: Please return this form to the student upon review.

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