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Reflective Journal 4 - Time management

Time management is very important when working on a large project

because it is harder to complete over one day oppose to smaller projects.
Using the time available wisely will enable the bigger project be completed
with less stress and leaves more time to correct mistakes or expand more on
ideas. Thus time management is important to accomplish more with less
effort such as writing more explanations and examples in an essay with time
to spare to read it over. With time left over, it leaves the student more
choices such as changing an aspect of the project or presenting the project
in a more sophisticated way. Also allocating time to doing the right task is
important when managing time since using time efficiently is a form of time
management where the student spends less time on an unimportant task.
Time management is especially important for students since they will
not only have a big project or assignment for one subject but multiples.
Being able to manage their time will ensure that assignments are
accomplished at a high standard that would otherwise be at a lower standard
with the rush of handing it in.
Using Stephen Coveys matrix, I have learnt that dividing my tasks into
the four quadrants will help me prioritized my tasks at hand to distribute my
time in an efficient way. Knowing that quadrant I and II are the most
important, I will be able to use my time effectively and prioritized these tasks
in order of quadrant I to IV even though quadrant III and IV are not important
but they are still tasks they will help me in the future. The matrix can be
applied to both school and personal tasks and will allow me to improve my
management of my subjects.

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