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EPIRB ShoreShore- Based Maintenance Statement

IMO Guidelines
Guideline s on ShoreShore -Based Maintenance (SBM) of Satellite EPIRB.
All new Satellite EPIRBs manufactured by Jotron AS shall be tested and approved as
required by SOLAS reg.IV/15.9.2 as amended with, in accordance with MSC/Circ.1039
Guidelines for Shore-based maintenance (SBM) of satellite EPIRBs within 5 years
depending on ;

National Requirements and/or;

SOLAS requirements for Passenger ships (>12 passengers) and Cargo ships
(>300GT) engaged in international voyages or;
Latest by the date on the battery label.

The Satellite EPIRBs affected by the above mention text and manufactured by
Jotron AS are ;

Tron 30S Mk II
Tron 40S
Tron 40GPS
Tron 40S Mk II
Tron 40GPS Mk II
Tron S-VDR Capsule (If main FF EPIRB)
Tron 45SX


Manufacturer Serial Number :

Programming ID : As according to Serial. No Label

Operator Signature and Stamp :

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