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2 20 more Crochet STriCHes VOLUME 7 ites all-over patterns, edgings and trimmings, motifs, Irish style crochet Introduction —— About Crochet ‘Traditonally crochet was worked almost axclusivaly in vory fina cotton yaen to cre ato or ambellsh Fovaahold tems such as ourtains, table clots or place mais, Crechel was often added as Geccration or trimming on collers and fine lawn hand: serchiles, The irl on the front of a man's | shin was often crachet work, With the increase inthe avalablity f yarn nace variety ol texcures ano colours we are no longer limited to just these anicles when we concidor ways to use the brafiof oroctet, The samolas in tls book were Worked na fine mercetiséd cotton, but may take on attotally differentappear- arce'iciflerentyarnsare used. Te lacier tices probably look their best in these ameoth threads, but somo of the-al-over stichesand many of he Tunisianstitchos can be more interesting when warked in ‘weedy or textured yarns. \ Equipment | Crochet Hooks | Grochat hooks are usualy. matte tom | steel, aluminium oF paste in & jange of |) sizes according to their diemator. As | coer crochet srch is worterd seprataly | nti oniy one too remains on the hook, Space i ro! noadod fo hold sttenes and ihe ftooks are mace to a. standard con- venient hath. Holding the Hook and Yarn | Theteare ng hare and fast ules acto the | best way jo hold the hook ard yarn. The | clagrams below show just one method, | but choose whichovar way you fing the | most comfortable: |) Due to the restietions of space: it isnot | possibe to show diagrams for bath right | antl left nended peopl. Lett handers may | find it easier to trace the diagrams anc thon turn tha tracing paper over. thus 10 | yersing ihe mage, alternative y reflect tne diagrams in a mitror. Read lett for right and right for left whore apptcablo, = \ “The hook fs file In she right hn as i hing a pene ‘To maintain the sight tension In the yaur necessary for easy, even warking, iter help to arrange the yain around the Tingers of the left hand in his way “The left hand holes tho work-and at tbe same tina carirols he yarn supply. The leftharal pial irgaris used a manu fate te yar, wie the index finger arc thurs hole eta the work To Start Almost all crochet begins with base or Biarting chain, which isa seriae of shan sitches, begrining with aalp Knot Slip Knot ————— =e H Make a jooa then hook another loop thnough it, Tlatven germ and side the knot up tothe hook \ Yarn Over (yo) t Wrap the yarn from back to front aver the hook (or ou the yarn silland menoeuvee the nook), This movament ofthe yanover the hook is used aver and over again n crochet and is usually called ‘yarn over, abbreviated as yo" Chain Stitch (ch © ) ‘Yar over and draw the yar through te form a nes loop without tghtening up the previous one, Se Reopoat to form as'many chains ae rs ured. Da not count the aia kno! asa) sity Note: Unless otherwise stated, vthen working into tho. starting chain ‘shways ork und two strands cf chain loops at shown in the diagram, eo Basic Stitches [AN she crochet pattorns in this book are produced using combinations of the tok Jowing basie stitches. They are shown in tha diagrarns worked into a starting chain butthe mathedisthe game whatever part Of the wark the stich is worked into, Slip Stitch (sl st © ) Thisisthe shortestof crachetsitchesand unlike other stones is not usedan is own taproduce a lab. tis ued fr joining, shaping. and where necessary cartyeg the yatn to anathr part ofthe fabric for the nos! stage Insert the hook into the work (second chan from hook In diagram), yarn ovor aid ckaw the yarn through both jhe work and leo on the hook in one movement, To.oina chan ring with slip sith, then rsart hack into firs: chain, yarn over arid draw through the workand the yamon the nck Double Crochet (de +) 1, insert he eo into the work (sacord cian from hook on staring chain), “yarn ver and draw yam through tha wark only, Basic Stitches 2. Yarn over-again and draw the: yam through bath loogs on the nook, 3, 1 domade, Insert hook into nox stich repeat from "in step 4 Half Treble (tr 7) 1. Yan ever andl insert tha heal into the: otk (third chain from heok of starting chain). 2, ‘Yam over and draw through the work only. | | 3. Yam over again and draw through all three loops onthe hook. | 4.1 fir made, Yain over, insert hook into nex! itch; repeat from " m step 2 } | Treble (tr i ) | | 1. Yam over and insert the hook into the ‘work (fourth chain rom hook on stating | | | | | | | | | | | ooh | | | 2. Vain aver and haw throtigh the Work only | 3. Yamaveranddrawthrouighthe firsttwo loops oriy. Making Crochet Fabric 44, Varn ova and drawl through the las: wo eopson the heok, 5.140 miade: Yam over, insert hook into roxtetitsh; repeat from # in stop 2. Double Treble (dtr 7 ) 1. Yarn over twice, Insert Die Fookinte the work (fith chain from hock on starting chan). | | 2.-Vam over and daw trcugh the work | ony @ 3 Yam over again and draw through the first two loops only. 4, Yarn ever again ard draw viraugh the next two (oops only 5, Yarn over again and draw through he lest two oops cn the hook, made: by wrapping the yarn over three, ‘our, five times atc. at the beginning and finiching 2s for a'double treblo, repeating step 4 Uni two ops remain on hack, “nish with step 4 Making Crochet Fabric ‘These are the basic preceduras for male- lrg crochet fabres, Starting Chain To make’ fat fabric worked in rows yeu! must begin with a starting chain, The Jengih of tie startig chat i the number of siiches needed for the frst row offabric plus the numbar of chain nosded to get 0 the correct height! of the siitshes [0 be used in the fst row. ll the palternsin ths. ‘book indieato tho langth of staring chain requredte work one repeat ofthe design See ‘Staring Chains and Pattern Re- eats! on page 14 6.1 dirmacks. Yar over twice. get hook into nost stich; repeat from * in ctep 2. Longer Basic Stitches Triple trable: (tir), quadruple treble (Quad), quintuole trebie (quinn) ee. are Working in Rows A ta tabric an bo produced by turing fhe work othe end of sach iow. att Tarte york om fat Te let and fanoors tm tet to rant Onoer ro chain musi be worked a the boinnta eachiow bring tneneokupte herent ofthe fest ich inh cow, The purer Sram used for tuning depends pot fe hei of the ste ey ae to mateh mlalovs: double crochet = 1 chain bal treble = 2 chain treble = § phair double treble = 4 chair When working hal trebles or longer ti Ghee the turning chain takos the place of the rsisitch. Where one chain is worked at tha beginning of a row starting vith double crochet itis usually for height only anid is 1) adciion to the frst lth Basic Treble Fabric Meke @ starting chain of the required! length plus two chain. Work one froble info fourth chain trom hook. The three chain athe beginning ofthe row farm the fist treble; Work ane teabie into the roxt and every chain to the end of the row. ‘Ai the end of each row turn tha work so that another row can he worked ‘across the top of the previous one.. It does not matier which way the work js tuined but be consistent. Make hres chain for tum: ing, These turing ehain will count as the first tebe, Wiss the first tebe in the previous row, worka treble into the top of the next and sery treble including the laet troble fpr then work a treble into thie of ee thainal the beginning atthe previousrow. Note: Uniacs cthorwice stated when ‘working Into the top of a stich. always Work under two sirands as shawn in diag- Fastening Off ‘To fasten cif the yarn permanently break Of the yarn about Scm (2 ins) awey trom the work (oniger F you need to sew places tegethor). Draw the end through the leop ‘an hook, and ighten genty, ig in New Yarn and Changing Whan joining in new yam or changing colour, workinthe old yarn Until 0 Oops ofthe last stich reman in the old yarn or ‘colour, Uso the new ealour ot yarn 10 ‘complete the stitch. Continue to work the following stitches in the rtew colour oF yarn, as before If you are working whole rows i diferent Soleurs, make the change during the las! stich In the previous row. 30 whe new solour forthe nextrow is ready to work tho lurring ehain. Do not cut off any yams which will be needed again letor af the same edge, but sontinue (a use them as required, leaving an unbroken ‘loa thread up the sida of the fabri, 4, atthe endot a row, the pattern requires you toretutn to the baginring of the same. Tow without turing and to work another fawn a diferent colour nthe Sarre dite>- ‘ion, complete the fics! row inthe old col- urand faston off by lengthening the fra loep on the heok, passing the wroke Dall through it and gertly tonten again, That yarn is now available it you naed to rejon itfater at his edge (Hf not, cut 1), Stitch Variations Seana ast = | Stitch Variations | Most éfochet stitch pattems, however | elaborate, are made using combhatiors | ofbasic itches. Diteren effects can bo | created by smal veriations in the stich | raking procedure or by varying the posi- | tion and manner ot inserting the hock mio {he fabri ‘The folowing technques are-| used frequently io Oulld up crochet fabric. | Note: Terms such as group, ‘ustr, | cot, shell, fan lower, “pela lea and. botbi''60 rot denote a fied ar- Fangement of stiches. Exactly what they moan may be diferent (or each pater, | ‘The procadure is meretore ahvays given aithabsginning of each set of intructions as @ Special Abbreviation | } Groups or Shells ‘gan be worked as part of a pattern oras a | ene | | \ Five Treble Group Ww | | | | | } Summary of Common Groups or Shells Sn dayran: he pon ath base fhe | «Cup Wl be positoned above tne space Or stitch whore tha hack cto Ee incered. | Work ive trebles into one site ae ¥V Vw ey Work 2(9,4.5) double trae into same piace | a - Clusters | | arycompnatonofsttcnesmay bejoined |) into.a cluster by leaving the lest loop of | each fomperariy on the hock unt! Thay | are warked of togstner atthe ene. Work | fa stiches together nt ths way can also | be. mothod of docroasing | tis imporantto be sure exact now and || nerethe hooks tobe iar fr each | ea" of the cluster The ‘egs’ maybe worked over adjacent sich, orsitehes | maybe mssed oetween tens" | Three Treble Cluster |) (worked everadjacontattchos) ;— | | Wark a treble into each of the nex! three |) cltohesieauingthe lastioopofeachtreble | onthe hook } ) Yarn oer sind caw through all fur loops loops | onthe hook. | | Summary of Common Clusters. |) Worked overadjacent stiches) On diagrams each lego the cluster wit | be gositoned abavo the stich where he Nook i510 be nserted. 3,4 and 5 treble cluster AAS AN | | | | Woica iabie iro wach ot te naxt ov | Sones leaving the ast fp ef act on | thonook, Vanover and ew thought | opsonhoak | 94nd 5 double wrebie lustor | | | | MAS AR Wok a double treble ino each ofthe next 3(4,5) stitchos leaving the last loos of ach on the hook Yarn ever and draw ‘hrough all loaps on Hook. riations Bobbles When a cluster is worked into one:stitc it forms.a bodble, Five Treble Bobble {(} 1. Work tve treble into one stton leaving the last loop of each on the oak. 21 Yarn var and Graw trough all tho oops on the hock. Mace bulky bobbles can bo secured with ‘an extra chan siteh. Ifthis is necessary it would be indicated within he patter, Summary of Common Bobbles Follow instvuctions-as if working a cluster bul for each ‘leg insert the Nook mio the same stitch or space, 3, 4and 5 treble bobbie 900 4,5, 8 and 7 double treble bobbie 0000 Popcorns Popunins ate groups ofcomalete sitches usually worked into tne same place, folded! ‘and closed at the top. An ext chain can be worked te socure the poo com, $$ Five Treble Popcorn (j} 1. Work five! trea into one tit, Tako the hook ou of tre working loopannd inset ‘Linto the fap ofthe fist treble made frorn front to back 2, Pick up the working loop and draw tis through to clese the popcorn. It requires wart ore chain te secure the popeam, Summary of Common Popcorns (On diagrams the point at the base of he opsorn will be positioned above the Space cr stitch where its 19 be workes 3 andl hall treble popcorn i) Work 3(4) half blo into the came place drop loop off hook, inset hook nto fst pick up dropped loop an craw throuan, 3,4and 5 treble popcom 000 Work 3(4.5) treble Into the same place drop loop off hock, insert haak into fest {teble, pick up cropped loop and draw through 3,4and 5 double treble popcorn 000 Work 34.5) aauble treble into the same place. Crop loop olf hock. insert hook inte firet dauble treble, pick up dropped loop and draw through Puff Stitches “These are similar to bobbles but worked Using halt trobles, ito tha samo stitch oF ‘space. However because halltesbles can- ‘not be worked until one bop remains on the hook, the stitches are rot closed unti the required number have been werked. Three Half Treble Puff Stitch 0 (Worked into one ste) 4. Yarn over, insert te hook, varn-over agan and draw a loop through (three ioops on the Hook). 2, Repeal this step twice miora, inserting the hook into the came stitch coven loops ‘nthe hook yarn over and draw through al the Icoas an the nook. 8.As with popsornsand bulky bobbles an extra chain sttch is offen used to secure the puif stter irmy. Ths wil be indieatod within the pattem i necassary. aia A cluster ot half treble sitches is worked In te same way as a puff sttch but oach leg" is worked where ingicatod. ots: ‘A picot is normally chain loop loinied into 6 closed ring by a slip stitch or douole crochet. The number of chans a picat ean vary Four Chain Picot (Closed with a ep eiten) 2. Inta fount chain trom nook work a stip ‘siteh to close 8. Continue Working chain er requlied Sitch Note: Wien workingapicot closed with a sip sitch at the top of @ chain arch, the pict will rot apoear ceniral unless an rlia chain is worked atterthe slip stitch, Crossed Stitches “THis method produces stitches that are nol antanglee with each other and co mairtsin-a clear'X’ shape, Crossed Double ¥ \ Treble Miss two sitohes and work the first double treble into nent siitoh. Werk one chain then work sacond doutle treble. into first of misced stitches taking the hook bohind the frst double teeble before inserting, ‘See indivicual patiom instructionstor vaii- ations on crossed sitch, Placement of Stitches All crochet stiches (except chains) re ‘quite the hook to be inserted int existing work. thas already besn shown how ‘0 ‘work jnio a chain and into the top of a stiich, however stitches can also be ‘worked inta the ‘ollowng places. Working into Chain Spaces When a stich, group, sfell, cluster or bobble etc. 's postioned over a chain or ‘chains, the hook ie ofton insarted into tho ‘space under the chain, y 1 \ | \ ] | | | | | | | | {1 Js important to notice, however, If the pattern instructions stipulate working into 2 particular chain ac this wil change tha epneaiance ol the desicn. Ii nacessary information of this kind has, | been given asnetes with the diagiam. | 3 Pattern Instructions | A bobble, popoern or ciuster thats Working Under the ‘worked into chain space isshown inthe | diagram spread out more then one ‘worked Inta a stitch, theretore on the dia ‘grams thay wil pot be closed atthe hase | Stieple bobbiointo « stitch or space Working Around the Stem of a Stitch Insaiting the hook rauné the whole stom OF a stich creates raised or rete! effacts. | \Wlerking around the iront of stom gives a ‘sich that les on the front af the wark, | Working around the beck of stem gives a sitch that fies on the-back of the work, Working Between Stitches Insoring the hook betwee the stems ot | the suchas produces an open eitect. | | Ensure the number of Stones remains | constant attr each row. Front or Back Loop Only insertng Me hook under O76 oop at the ‘op ofthe stich ieaves the ethar leap as a herizental bar Under Front Loop _ Working in Rows I you work consistent ino the front loop ‘only youll make a series of idges alter- nately on the beck and front of the work. Workinginic the back openly makes the ridges appear alternately on the front and ‘badk of the work HW however you work‘alternately into the front loop only on one row and then the ‘back loop only on the next row, the how zontal bars wil al appear on tha Same sie of the fabric. Working in Rounds Working aways ntothe front loop only will form a bar en the back of the work. and view versa Pattern Instructions In orsier to follow ereetet ristructions you should know how to make the basic sole ches and io be famibiar wih basic fabric= making procedures. ‘Any unusuai stiches or combinations of stitches have been given as. a Special ‘Abbreviation withthe particular patton. Any specific techriques - for example werking wih padeing threads - are given at the start of me relevant section, in his ea8e Irsh Style Crochet. ‘Al tha patterns in this book have beer | ‘given inthe form of bath writin instruc- | tions and diagrams, so that you can sioose to folon ether method. Howovor, if you arp more used fo writen instructions iis til @ good idea to lek a the clagram to get an overall picture of how the design has been put tonether Diagiam followers mey fc |) Neptuto refer to the writen insiructons to centiem thorrintorpretatien al the dagram, Working from a Diagram Diagrams should be read exacily as the Croce is worked. For exerroe, moti ‘re worked from the cenire outwards and all-over paiterns from the bottom to the top, Where te olrectiono| work, win a designs rot obvious an extra lina draw: ing or arrows are gvente show shore the direction changes (for example 13 on page 19). Each stich is represented by a ‘symbol that has been drawn to rozemblo iis crocheted equivalent. The poston of the symbol shows where hasten should | | De worked | Sits sybals ae caw ar la out a8 | | realistically as possible but thete are times whan they have te be distorted fer the Sake of dary, For example stiches may lookextra ong to show clearly where thoy aro to bo placed, but you should not ty © make ertfiielly bog sitches. This tortion s particularly apparent on diac- rams that rapresant [abies not inended to fe Mat (er example LB on page 15) ‘Sometimes ithas bean nevessary to use 2 coloured arrow to indicate where par {ieUar sitches shoud bo worked. This Occurs most often In the ish Style Crochet secion, because mary of the signs ace three-dimensional HP a5 gat looset teccet side rows sid2 rows Right Side and Wrong Side Rows Whore the work 's turned ater each row ‘only altarate rows are worked with she Fight side of the work facng. These tight side rows’ aro printed in black on etich diagrams ard read from fight 10 left ‘Wrong side rows ere printed in blue and read trom ltt to right. owe numbors ara shown at te side of the diagrams al the beginning of the row Patterns worked in counds have the tight side rows facing on every round. To make them easier to follow we have printed altemate rounds in black and blue Starting Chains and Pattern Repeats ‘Tho numbar of staring chain required is given with each pattem. It may be given in the form of a muliple, tor example: Starting chain: Multiple of 7 sts + 3. “his means you can make any length of chain that is a muliile of 7 +3, such as 144 Sch, 21 4 Soh, 28 + Sch ete, In the writtan instructions the stitches that should be repseted ave contained within brackets [| or folow an asterisk*. These stitches are repeated across the row or ‘ound the required number of times. On the clagrams the stiches that have to be rapoated can be eesily visualised. Tho extra stiches not included 19 the patiern fapeat are there to balanoa the row oF make it eymmetrical and are enly worked ‘ence. Obyiously turing chains are ony worked at the deginning of each rov. Soma diagrarrs consiet of moro than ono pallern repeat so that you can see moe ‘leary how the cesign is worked, Working in Colour Capital otiors A, 8, G ots, are used to indicate diferent yarn colours in both wi tan insiructions and diagrarse.. They do not relor to any patieviar colour. See page 7 fer histnictions av,cnanging colour within a pattern Tension (or Gauge) This eles to the number of silehes and ‘owsin 2 olen area. When ‘olowing 4 rater for a garmont of ether artcls ha Insinctons wil Include a spectied ten 801. lyaudoot produce fabric with the Sane number of stiches and roe as indeated. your work will not come {0 the measuremerts qven. To ensute that you achieve the cerroct torsion work a tension sarnpe or sarc betore starting the main part of tha Goshet. Tho hack size quoted Inthe fat tem ba suggestion ony. You Must use ‘whichever hcok gives you the cree! ter- ttyouaregoingto useastitch paterntrorn {nistookte datign an anicie.! your un, | sill impartant to work a tension amplein orer to caculete the number ct sites you wil requis. is wor axpar- ranting with efforont hook sizeo 90 that you nd the best tension for your hasan patein and yam. Some sticreslook and feel better worked loosely and others Need to be worked mote firmly to. be et Wer best Shaping Ityouare working erachel to make some thing which requires shaping, such as de creasing fo: he neckine of garrmont or increasing to ade width for a Seeve, you ‘Need to know something about shaping, Ineroasing is genoraly achiaved by work ing two of more stitches in the pattern where there would normally beone sich, Convorsely, dectoasing is achioved by working two or more stiches togetier, 0° ine TTS a Line showing sequkes eros siepe eT iS ATS Aa eT APLAR <<, Missing one or more stiches. However it | can be difficult to know exacly whore | these-agjusiments ere best made, and a Visual guive would make te work easier! On the diagrams bolaw wo show you spine examples of shapings which cover 2 Vatiety of posstiliies. We recommend that you use this meted yoursolf when planning a project. First pencil trace the Glegram gven with the stitch, f necess- sry repeat the tracing fo match the repeat of the pattern until you have a lerge enough araa to give you the shape you require. Once this is corract ink it in €0. that you can draw over it in pencil without cestroying f, NOW draw over this the shaping you require maiching as near 28 osabie tho siyle ofthe particular patter you are using. shoWing cules decrease slope Ta LT Pee Abbreviations and Symbols Joining Seams Various: methods can to used to Join pieces of erocnet, The use of the iter wil Offer dictate the method used, the seam ‘cauddoo iveble ardecaralive. Below are a lew suggestions for jining peces of crochet Tojoin wih an invisblesewn seam alace plover edge fo a¢ge wih tho wrong sides | | Uppermost ard whip silen iagether To [ain invisby using a erachat hook place right sides of pieces together and Sip siitch through ons oop ot each piece acillistated Tocraateadecoratve ticgedseamion ha Fight aide cf the work, place wreng sicos logefrer and jon wil double crochet ‘working under two sirands cl each pies as ilusirated 45 Alternatively with the right side of bath ‘pieces uapermast hay can be joned with ‘stow of fancy openuiork chains Pressing and Finishing The methods yau use fo finish your crochet dopend largely on what you are Using it for and wnat yarn you nave usted, Cotton Goiten yarns benelit from being wetted or theraughly steamed. I you are using household siach (as opposed to. spray starch} now is the time to apply it, pitver ‘ey immersing the cracheted piace or dab ‘bing the wel starch on to the material. Pin ‘oul vely near 10 the edge, at very close intervais, stretching or easing the material to eroute that itis even, Pleats, tosbles Of other intinsic features should be care fully alaced with a pin at this stage, Hav: ing saiistiod yourself that the shape ‘oprrect, the work can now be pressed using a hot iron, Bo not allow the full Weight of the iron to rast on the work especialy where interesting textures are Inyolved, Remove the pins and it required make fing acjusiments to the edges ol the ‘material to ensure thet thay ere straight. Now leave unl the work is. thoraughiy ory. Motifs and Irish Style Pieces Work 2s given above bul leave the pinsin position until the work is theroughly dey. Ensure that alld veedinensional features shaw to their best advantagp, Other Yarns In principal the miihods giver tor working wih cotton yams apply, bt you must raed ‘no finishing or pressing information usually includecwth your yern. Notevery yarn will bo suitabe for or require starch thg and some yains gannict be pressed wih a hot ton. Abbreviations and Symbols Listed below are the standard abbrevia- tions and eymbolsthat have been used for ages 12 ta 04 of this book, Refer to pages 4 to 12 for more-celaled instuz tione of thace and other stich variations HFapallern contains an unusual eombina: tors of stiches theseare eyplainedin the Spocial Abbreviation at the beginning of that gator, Separate abbreviations and symbols have hoon Used for the Tunisian sttchas, inthis boos and these have beer given at the beginning of that section on pages @5 1088 Abbreviations Alt = altemate, bea = beain(ring), ents) Schainis), ch ep = rain space. om = centmetels). dee = decrease, do = Soubie crochet, dir = double rebie, ht haf weble, ine ~neraese, ns = Inches quodtr - quadruple trobi, quintr = cu tuple eble,rep = 'epect, sl st=slpsiich, pls) ~ spacets), sis) = stiches), tog fogetter treble, trip Vable, yo rat Basic Symbols used in Diagrams zohan 2 Sty en + = Double crochet T pousie out Tbe ] Pease ‘Quintuple treble =_ Quadruple treble Triple treble The nuribe' of strokes crossing the stems of sitches longer than a hall rebie reare- Senta the number of times the. yarn is ‘rapped over the hook before the hook is. Insert into the work, | | | | | | | | | Starting chain: Mutiole of 18 sts + 2 ‘1st row (right side}: Work 2dcinte 2nd ch miss 10h, ide into each of next 7ch, 3dc into nextch; rep irom *to-end omiting de at and ot last rep, turn. 2nd raw: 1 ch, work 2c into fist de; “td into each of next 7ec, miss 2de, tac into feach of naxt 7éc, 3dc Into next de; rep ‘rom * te end omiting ide at end of last rep. turn. Rep 2nd row only, Work as given for 1 but working 1 row ecch in colours A, B and C throughout from hook, “Ide mio each of next Toh, | I. All-over Patterns Starting chain: Multiple cf 6 cts + ‘Special Abbreviations | Tr2tog = work Tir into each of next 2 sts | unt + loop af each remains on hook, yo |) anc through all loops on hook. |) Hall Cluster = work tirinio each of next ots until loop of each remains on hook, | yo and through all 4 oops on hook | Cluster = work trinto each of next 5 sts |) unti | loop of each remains on hook, yo ‘anc through all 6 loos on hook, ‘et row (right ode): Work tog working Into 4th and Sih ch from hook, “Bch, tde Into next ch, turn, teh, Ide into last do ‘worked, Sdcinto last Ach sp fermed, [tum ‘ich, tdc into each of the 4dc) 3 jimes, werk Cluster over next 82h; rep from *to ‘and but working half clustar al end of last rep, turn, 2nd row: 4ch (ccunt as ttn, work ate ita top of first half cluster, mike Sdc, 1do Into next Gc, *Sctr nto top of next cluster, miss de, Tac into next dc; rep from * 10 last t2teg, Sat inte top of ch at bag of previous row, turn 3rd row: Sch (count as 1), miss frst werk ttog over next 2atr, “Ach, 1c into nextdc, um, 1ch, 1dcintolast cc worked, Sdinte lastch sp formed. turn, Yen, 1d into each of the 4de) 3 times, work 1 cluster over next Sdir, rep fram * to enc but working hall Guster at end of last rep placing act trofhalfcluster into ih of Ach al beg o! previous row, turn ep 2nd and 3rd rows ending with a 2nc row. A = Trateg A Cluster iM = Half Cluster for fist pat of fst row. Ee Cy eee tats a Staring chain: Multiple of 8 sts + 9. ‘Special Abbreviation ‘tri = work tir around stom of nxt st2 ows below inserting Nock round stem from righ! to ef to daw up loops | | NINGuIS ni next eh: rep from * to.@nd, tum, 2nd row: Sch (count as dt, th), “ne Next Sch arch work ot, tt, don, Sst 4th ch from hook, tt, tat], 2ch; 9p fom “tp ondomiting teh at end ofiast ep a Into lest ac, tur, Std row: ‘ch, Yeo into first er, “Sah ak into next 2ch Sp; rep frm “to 8x pare last de into 4th of Sch at beg of previus row, tum. _ Rap and ara rows. ‘Abbrenatons and Symoos onpaeld Stathig chain; Multiple of 8 sis + 4 Special Abbreviations Shell=work Itrinto nexttr, toh, between lastr and noxt work [tir 10h, tty) Yeh ‘ipinio nett Halt shell at beg of row - ach (count as ‘10h, 1 between fitst2tr, 1ch, {tno eat Half shol ot endl of row ~ ttrinto nowt, “ch, It) betwaert ast tr worked info and las the Sch at bea ol prevous row), ah I inte Bra of Bch al bog of provious ‘ow, Jsirow (ight side: Work t: ito ath ch om heok, ‘miss Sch, into next ch work Bt, 1ch, St. miss Sch, tr into each of tes 201; cep from * to end, tun, 2nd tow: Work half shell overtsi air, tae itoroat chop, ‘mics a 1 ahel ever nx! ‘tac inte nest ch sp; rap ftom "10 last $35, miss tr. haf shellover ast tr, tum ‘drow: 4ch (court as tir, 1eh), 2 into B.C 9p, Mis tt, tir ino each of next 2s chp, into noxt ch sp work (2, Sh 2, miss it {ir ino each ofnex tr iepfon last ar, atr ito last ch sp "th, irinto dot ch at beg of previous fou. _Suniog chain: Multple of 8 sis +2. {sirow (ight side): Work tde into 2nd ch fom nok, ‘miss 3ch, into next ch work {it teh, Tt, Sch, Ti, eh, 11], miss ach, {se nio nast oh rep From *to end, tur. 26h sp work [2tr, 3ch, 2tr), “miea Tr, work Rep Brave hrs | Pra she [EF =Holt she tend Fj Hott ahettox beg j 4th row: ach (count as tt, teh), Sint firs ch sp, mise 2, 18 ino each of next Br, ino nxt Sch 3p work [3", 1ch St, miss2tr, 17 ino each of next2t;rep tram | * to last 3, work Str into last ch $9, toh, ‘ir into 3c Zch at bag of previous row, turn } ‘Sth row: toh, tdo into irstr, te into fest | ch 9p, "miss 3,1 shel over next 2t, ido inte nextch sp: rep trom" to and, 1d¢ io | Seio eh atbog ot previous row.trn | Gin row: Sch (count as tt), miss Hist de, ‘tr into next de. miss ich sp, into naxt | {ir nia each of next 2, miss ich sp, nto next ch sp work (2, Sah, 211); fep from * | toast 2, ttrinto each of last 2é0, tuen. | ‘7th row: Soh (count as 1), miss fst, Tir mio next tr inte next Ach sp work [3tr | Ach, 2ir], mis dtr, Htrinto each of naxt at | rep irom * 10 end placing lest trinto Std of 0h at beg of previous row, tum } Pop 2rd to throws. t 2nd row: Teh (eount aster, Soh) “mies. | Ach sp info:next Sch sp work (105, ch, | 4c), Sen, soir nio next dc, 2; rep trom *to-end Smiting Sch at ond of last rep, | turn Srabrow: Ach (count as Ar, Toh), into frst air wore [ti Teh into next Sch sp, “into next dit work (1, | ‘eh, it. 3eh, tr, Toh, Trl. miss Gon sp, | Taeinte nedt Sch sp; eprom toast sp | miss Sch, firinto rext ch, work ftch, tf) twice ino same has lst, tun throw: tch, tdeinta firsts, tdeinte fst | Gi sp, Sch, tr inio neat de, “ach, miss ‘eh sp, into next Sch sp work tec, Sch, ‘ide, Boh, tet into not do; rop from "1 last, 3th, mis tchsp, fdeinto each of next 2ch, tun Bihvrow: tch, tae no fist de, “nso nent afr work [Nt teh, 1, Boh, st, Ye, Tr, rriss Sch sp, 186 into noxt Sch =p rep from * to ond placing last dc into last de, tun op 2nd to Sth rows | ath rom: mise Sch ep, tao | 2 Starting chair: Multiple of 12 sts+ 6, tt row {right side): Work [tet 1ch] 3 times into 8th ch trom hook, mss Sen, }de Into next ch, “teh, miss Sch, into ‘work [Yatr, Yeh] 7timas, miss Sch, tdeinto next ch; rep from "to last Sch, ich, into last ch work ['etr, Teh] 3 times, ter into ‘sana ch as last Sat, tum. 2nd row: fch, tde into frst it, “ech, Ye into nex! dc, Goh, mss Sak. Ide into next dtr; rep trom * to end placing last ctr into 4th of Sch at beg of previous row, turn 3rd row: ich, 1d into irs de, "Beh, Ide inte next de; rep from * to end, um, Ch, Ye Into ist do, “Ich, into noxt de work (tats, 165] 7 timas, 1de into next de; rep from * to er turn. Sth row: 1ch, {de into frst de. “Gch, miss Bakr, tde into next er, Gch, 1de inte next |) de, rep from * 0 en, turn. | bth row: 10h, tde into fst de, "Boh, 146 | into next desfep ftom "foend, twin. | 7th row: Sch (count as tar, teh), info fist | dewoik [fait 1ch] 9 times, 4d into next | de, “to, i nest de work [t,t 7 | tines, 1de into next do: rep fom * to last df, into aot da work [1ch, Fett 4 times, | un. | | Rep znd to 7th rows. I . All-over Starting chain: Mutiple of 10 sts +14. Special Abbreviation Puif st = fo, Insert hook into 8p, yo end {diaw a loop through) 3 times into same 'sp20e, yo and through all7 lanps.on Kook, ‘work 1 imc to clase puff st. ‘Ast row {wrong sida): Work 14 into 9th ‘ch from hook, (first dehy sp made), 1ch, ‘miss teh, 1dcinto nextch, “Bch, miss2ch, Atrintonexich, toh, mise teh, ttrintonext 6h, 3ch, miss 2ch, 1dc into next ci, Ich, miss teh, ide into next ch: rep trom * to last 20h Goh, mice 2ch, Tir into last-ch, ‘um, 2nd row: toh, 1dcinte firs &, “Boh, miss ch sp, 1 pul st into next ch sp, 2ch, into ‘same ch sp a& last put st work [1 putt st, 2ch, | puff sl, Ach, miss Sch sp, 4de into hoxt ch a9: ep from * to end working last {de nto 4th oh, tu. Starting chain: Multiple of @ sts + 14. ‘Special Abbreviations Cluster = work dtrintonext Sch arch until 4 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 5 loops on ieok. “TrOteg ever next 3.3ch archos = work lirinio next Sch arch unil 2 oops remain ‘on haok, miss nex! ch arch, Tir inte next ‘Sch arch untl 3 loops remain on hock. yo and through al 3 leaps on hook, 3 atterns pr = Sus Pye Ne yaaa 3G OF EN? Jerr 26 row: 1h, dent fret de, 3c, igo fest 90) ath fr inp ext 20 are To, ftrinto ese 32h ech, Sen, tdci ret deh arch oh, ie te now 3eh are, Sch, To rent 2ah arch, ch, UF NG next 2ch afoh. Sch, Tee Inia next | eh arcty rep rom toting placing late | ino last Se, in | 4th row: Beh (count as 1tr, Sah), miss ‘Sch arch, 1dc into next ch sp, "Sch, miss | | en arch, | put St mo.n@xt hsp 2c, inta sama chap as las pu st work putt si,2eh. pu at don, rion ch arch, 166 inko nextel sp; op rom wolastSchavch, Sh, ent ast de, Ln. Sth row: éch jeaunt as 11, Sch, 1dcinto | {fst 30n ach, 1, 1deinfo next Sch aren, | "Gch, tr nto nevd Zeh arch teh, tr no | next 2ch erzh, Gch, ido Into next Joh are, ten, idointe ext 30h aren: rep | from! to end. 32h, Iria rd.o' Gch | te of previeuis ram, turn Rep 2nd to Sth rows. | Treg over roxt = Cluster 33ch arches: 1st row (wrong side): Work tas into-stn | ch rom nook, Sch, miss 2ch, intonext ch | work [1d0, 3ch, id. “'Sch, mss Zech, 1de | info nextch] twice, 3ch, miss2eh. into next | ch work [tde, 3ch, td} rep trom * toast | Sch, ch, mise 2ch, tecinto next do, 1¢h, | misé tet tr nto st ch, tun 2nd row: 2ch (count ge tht) rine first | Bch ach, Sch, ito nest Sch arch work | {1 cluster’ 4ch,'t cluster), gen, "u2iog over | noxt3Scharches, Sch, ntonext ch arch | work [1 cluster, 42h, 1 cluster], doh; rep. from * tc last 2 arches, work Tir ito next eh arch, miss tch, thirintonaxt ch, turn, |) 3rd row: 4c (count as tv, 1eh, 1¢cinto | ext Sch arch, 3ch, into next 4ch arch | work [lee, ah, 4del, “Beh, [1de into next | 3eh arch, Sch] twice, Into next ach arch | work [1de, 3ch, ‘del; rep trom * t0 last) en arch, 3ch, tde into last Sch arch, ch, | i | g “into 2rd of 2ch at beg of previous om, ‘um, Rep 2nd end Ged rows, Stating chair: Multiple of 10'sts + 5. Special Abbreviation Cluster = woik Sir into next space until? loop of each remains on nook, yo. ard through all 4 loops on ook. ‘Ist row (right side): Work [1tr, ton, te] imo 5th ch from hook (ttt and teh = formed at beg of row), ten, miss 4c, 102 imo new ch, "ich, miss Ach, Into next work [1 tr, Ich] 6 times, miss 4h, 1dcint ‘ext ch; rep trom “to last Sch, toh, tii lastoh,[tch, Ir twice into same ch asiast trturn 2nd row: Toh, 146 Into ist tr, Sch, ip ext oowork (it, Sch, tr, "Bch, miss tec into next ch 3p, Sch, into next de wor [tr Soh, i: ep from * te fast ty, eh 6c Into3rd deh at beg of previous an wen rd row: tch, Yeo into frst de, "2h mig 3ch-aa, 1 clustor into next Gch ep 2h Imo same sp as last cluster work[t chs ter, Bch] twize, 1éc into next de rp fn “toond, tum, ‘ath row: 7ch (count as Tt, 4h), "m5 ‘luster, ide into noxt cluster, deh, tile next ce, 42h; rap from’ to.end omitingdch tend of last rep, turn Sth row: 4ch (count as tt, teh), nb fi Ie work (tir, 1ch] twice, Yd nto net a “ich. iio next tr work {Att toh] 8 ims, ‘1deinto next de; rap from “to last tah work It nto Srd of 7ch at bop of rene row, (Tch, tt twice into seme ch a is tr.tur op 2nd to Sth rows, ‘Abbreviations and Symboks on pa ‘Sating chain: Multpie of 20 sts + 32, ‘slow (ght side}: Werk Te into 2nd ch Fomnook, (mss 2ch, Str intonextch, miss 2, Ide into next ch] twice, miss 2ch. ttt tronext ch, ‘eh, into éarno ch as lat tr ok (lit, Teh, Ti], “miss Zch, tc into rextch, [miss 2ch, Sir nla next ch, mss fh, ide into next ch] 4 timas, miss 2ch, hig next ch, Ich, mio same ch as last Aiwork (tr, 1ch. Hr): rep from * to last ‘ch, mise 2dh, 1d¢ into. next ch, [miss Br nto next ch miss 2ch, 1de into Foxt ch] twice, turn, and row: ch (count as 1), 2tr inte fret fe, miss 217, 1d¢ into next i, Str imo next 4 mes Zir'Ide into nexttr, 1eh..miss 2u, firinto next tr, 12h, ("tr inte next ch 3p, tr nfo next, Jen twice, “miss 2, ‘deinte next tr, (St into next do. miss 2t, ‘ocinto next] 3 timos, toh, mies Br, tt fo rext tr, 1eh, [tir iio nest ch gp, toh, fine nexitr. Ich] twice:reptrom to ast “Zsroups of Str mise 2, tde into next ty, Srito next dc, miss tr, tde ita ext i, Srirto last do, turn “ndrow: 1ch, 1do ino fist tr, Ste nto first Heiss 2tr, 1de into next, 2ch, miss 2, iFirtorextw,2ch) Btimas, ‘miss tr, Ide finest, [Str inte nextde, miss 2, 1de sip next ir twice, 2h, miss 2ir, [1 fata “fat tr 20%] 5 tines: rep fiom * to last {feup of St, miss 2t. 106 ino ost tr, Str inp nextde, 1dc inte 3rd of 3ch at bey of gnyvous tow. tum i) row: Sch (count 26 11F) 21 into frst ‘miss ir, 1de into rect tr, Yoh, Ter into ‘ext 2eh sp, [teh, Mtr into next tr, Ych, the Ino vex! 2ch sp} 5 times, “toh, mis 2, fo no nex! tr, Str nto next cc, miss 2, ‘onto nex tr, 1ch, It into rest 2ch sp, ith itr into ext i ch, Tir into, next sp] 8 times: rep rom” to last group of fr, oh, miss 2t, 16c into next I, Str into ghd, urn. ‘Shrow: ich, 1d into frst “Strimo next ih mise 1ch ap, 1dcirto noxt chsp, (miss Ingo next ch sp) 3 times, Str into next de, de into cenire tr of next group of 5; rep from’ to and placinglastdeinta 3rdot ach ‘beg of previous row, tum {th row: 4ch (count as 1¥r, Yoh); 1irinio fiest do, 1ds into centre of fis! group of 5, [Si imo next de, 1dc into ceri tr of ext group of 5] times, “Mtr into next do, {ch io Same st as lst t work [tr 7eh, 4], 100 ito contre tro! next group cf 5, [sttinto next de, tc into canta tr of next ‘group of 5] 4 times: rep from * 1a last ao, Ino st de work itr, ich, 1H], tum 2th row! Ach (oun a tir, 1ch), tir into ist ch Sp, th, tir into next tr, teh, 4de info centfe t of tirst group of 8, (Sir into ret do, 1dinto contre ir of next group of 15}3 times, “1ch, miss 2tr, ter into next, eh, [Mtr into next ch sp. Ich, 1 into next ty, feb] taic, tee into’ cantra tr of next group of5,(Srintonartde, 1de into bene {rf next group of 9] times; rep fram “10 fact tr, 1eh miss 2, tir nfo next th, 1ch, "Tr into last ch sp, teh, 1tr nto ard of Ach at beg ot previous row, (urn. ey won rca a. ae | eins net ae ee Tae ro | SoA tft group 5 nto nxt ce “Goro cent nex roup ct}, See ot cir new 2en | tf, Tae in eer ot nx rou | Br ne net do, tae mo ere ot | post oun of wens ep tom “10 et | Bret asst to not Ze] ‘wrt bot eh abo ot provous ‘owt ath row: 4h (count as tr, 1h), nto frat Soh op, toh [tna mont 13, In ext 2ch sp, teh bes, 12 ite CentretrolirstoreuD ot. Sitinionext ae, | fazievo contra ofron grout “teh, Tir ext deh sp ton trite et Joh einionex 2th sp, toh} ies, ie | Ine corte trot rest group of 5, St nto Tentcs dc Ino centetra!rextgeupe! | 5; rep fram * to last Str, toh. 11" imo next | Bap teh (entonow Yeh trite | nent ch op teh] ie, rr Sedo Sch | albag of previous row. turn, oth row: Sch (Count as 11), 2tr int frst trymiss teh sp, 1de into next en sp, miss | {eh op, Str into naxt tr, miss 1ch sp, te Into neat ch sp, Strinto next do, Tac into) ‘centre tr of naxt araup of 5, Str into next | de, ‘mise Teh sp. tHe into next ch sp, [miss-ich sp, Sir nto nex t, miss ch sp, de inte next ch sp) 3 times, Sit mo next | de, 1ee ino corte of next group of 5.Btr | ine next de: rep from * to last Gtr, miss ‘chp. Tac Into next ch sp, mss ich sp. Bir into next tt, miss ch sp. tee nto rex! | ‘ahssp. trimiedidof 4ch at bag of previous | row, um, ith row: teh, 16 into fst tr, [St Into next de. Ide into sentre trot next group of B)twice, ttrinte naxtde, th, inta same st as last tr work [¥t, 1oh, Tit], de into Centre ir of next. group oF 5, [Sir into Next {e, Ide inte cantio trof reat group of §) 4 times, 1tr into next ec, teh, into same st as last i work [Tif Yoh tp rep for” to last 2 groups of Str, (1d into centre t of next group ofS, Strintornoxt de] twioe; ‘do Inte ect ach at bog of previous row, (urn Rep 2rd to 11 trrows. 5 All- over Patterns | starting chain: Mutiplo of @ sts + 12. 4st row (rat sige): Work Sir into th | from hack, miss Sch, dtr inio naxt ch. "elds ch, Sétrinto month, mise 1 | | no non Soh arch, "teh, miss 2 trinto Into next on; rep trom “10 ard, turn: | and row:4ch (countas tdi). dtr into frst tr miss2cty, tatrintonextal,*miss adr, | dr inio next ctr, miss 2atr, er into next ctr rap rom * to inst 3s, miss 2dr. Scr ) into nextch, tur. | Sed row:ch, ‘miss 2a, Sat into next, | iniss 2dr, tate into noxt dir; rep from end placing last dir io 41 of 4ch et beg of previous row, tur. | Rep 2nd and sd rows. IVT AVIV TN Starting chain: Mulipie ot § sts +6. 4st rove (wong sida): Work [11F,2eh, tt] Into 8th ch from hook, “Boh, rss ch, work (Tir, 2ch, 18 nto nex! chsrep trom * to last Sch, 2ch, ‘te into last eh, tur i) J) trinto each of next 3 ‘Staring chain Multiple of 8 sts +9. | Yet row (wrong side): Work tir into attrah "Yeh, miss 2ch, into noxt ch | from hook, work [1 3ch, 119, 1en.miss Zech, itr into each of nex! Sch: rep from * fo end omit: ting ttrat end of iast ep, turn. 2nd row: 4ch (count as 11, Yeh), work 7tr next tr, 1ch, 7tr Filo next Sch arch; rep from *folasi Str, Yon, miss 2tr, str nto top of Beh, tur 3d row: Ach, Tir nto frst Yeh, miss Zt. Ttr into each of nex! Str rep from to last te miss 2, ilo 3rd of én at beg of provieus row work [1t, ch, tr, turn | th row: Soh (count as 111), Bi ito first cheep. teh, miss 2tr, ‘tr inta nexttr “toh, 7 nto newt Bch arch, teh, mss tr, tt. Inionext ep rorn*tolasi2i, ich, mss 2tr, Str ino last ch sp, 1t nto 3rd of ach at bag of provious row; turn 5th row: Bch, miss frst, 111 Into next tr, “teh, miss 2t, into next Ir work [Tir. ch, iss 2tr, ttrintoeach of naxt Ste, fepirom “io end omiting t'ratendo! last rep and placing last tr into Grd of Sch at bog ol previous row, tur, Rap 2nd io Sih rows: 2nd tow! “ch (count as tol), miss frst 2ch sp, work Baty into next 2oh sp. “rss ch sp, work Sar into next 2ch spr-rep ‘rom * 40 laat ep. mise 2ch, tak into rat oh, turn. 3rd row: Sch (court as tir, 2ch), miss fist ‘ut, nto next etr work |1'r. ch, ‘tr}, "oh, miss dats, Into nextalr work [tr 2ch, 1 fep from * 0 last Sdtr.2ch, “tr into Ath of {Ach ot beg of provious row, tur, Riep 2nd and 246 rows “Yoh, miss 24. into. | next tr werk [1tt, Sch. thr, 1ch, miss 2tr_ | J suits chins tuple of 9 to +2 | ttrow eight ao): Wonk tecinoznash | fem noch crans ach no oach rn Bene (i ach i se Se fe Fett ht rop orm ord, 2nd row teh, teint fal de, rao Zan Sear itt Sn, no reat 23 wrk [tr sh ri nt 0 | No end turn Sr row: en count as Tr, 90), J P74 1, Veena sod of noc a | aise fey ee inocach of px rng | from * to last 4 sts, Joh, Tir into /ast 66, | toe ttn Fow: toh, Ide tos te, “no sah Stone ade eve [ft 2a. ea Sener top tom 1oord lacy | ieasnoi eh atvepo!prevows/ow a | Rep ance ath owe | Eo ‘Anbrovietions and Symbale on paab le Sarg chan: Multiple of 10 ete + 2. Special Abbreviation Boodle = work Aino next stunt! tgp 2630) remains on hook, yo and through 4 4lcops on hook, 4atrow ("ght sido): Werk thtr into Ore ch fr hook, Thr into each of next Zh, “ich, miss Gch, shir ino each of next 7ch: fap ror * to oF omiting Shir at ond of “astrep, turn, hd row: 2ch (count as the), working “atyeon sis work tht between frst ard “dohirthen between 2nd and aru hr, 2ch, no next 3ch sp work [1 bobble, 2ch] ‘Wice."miss thir, [thirbetween next 2hi] Himes, 2ch, Into next sch sp work [i bobhle, 2ch] twice; rep from * to last 4 4 fran 5 fhnonon 7th row: 2c, 2hir into st 2ch sp. thtr | inlo rext bobble, eh, “thir into nox! | bobble, [2hir into next 2ch sp, thie into: | next bobbie| twice, 3ch: rap fom *folast bobble, thirintolasibobble, ir nto next. | 2d 89, thir into ath of ch at beg of | previous row, tur, } Rep 2¢ t0 7th rows, ‘eymise 1ht, thir between next2htr, thir | telvesn last hirand 2oh, 1h io lop of ‘em {xdrow: Sch (courts ir 2ch),"1 botbie inomextobtie, 2c, 1 Bobb ito next Psp, 2eh, | acbale. no naat bebe, Zi betwesn dd and Sed ht, 2; rep ‘om to end omiting 2ch at ena of st apard placing last into 2nd of Zch al imgolerous row, tum ‘throw: Sch, “thtr into next bobbie, [2htr | ie rot 20 sp, tnt iio next bebe] tte deo tep rom *o.ane eriting ich e500 last ep, work Tt nfo 3rd of ach oqo previous ous, tn Shrow. doh (counts tr, fo). 7 babble “plist 2eh 9, 2ch, ms thr, (thir be- ‘json rant 2h) 4 tmes, "20h, nto red ‘hrep work [1 aobie. Bh] tics mies th, [{htr between next 2htr] 4 times; rep fon *tolas: 20m tp, 2ch, work | bbe howl 2chap, 10h ttrinte Soot Son at “ogo! previous row turn. throw: 4h (courts tc) in frst inia.2ch, 1 bauble inionex Bobble, Ze, es th, TW bawoon next 2h, 20h “ toxbo into nox: bobble, 20, 1 Hobbs “inotex ch 3p, 265, 1 Bobb Into next Hotble, 2ch, miss Tht’, tir between next thi rap fram * (9 las! Bebblo, 2h, Teabie into next babble, 2h, work tote splesteh so urtlast oop of remains Shook tir nf Sof ach unt aps ‘branan/ieok yoend trovugrall3ioape shook tat | Stating chain: Multpleot7 sis +3. | tstrom (right side): Work 1de imo 2nd ch ‘rom hook, Idcinto each of rext2ch, “Bch, | | miss Sch, Ide into each of next 4ch' rep | | trom to end omting tee at end of lest |} rep.turn, |) erdtrow: ach (count as tir 0h), work Ste | intofirst 2h sp, "ach, St nto nexi Sch sp | fepttam toast de. teh trnte ast ‘um | 3rd row: eh (count as ttn, miss frst tr. | tte into net tt, (teh, 1 into naxt tf 4 | times; rep from * to last. tt into Sed of 44ch al beg of previous row, turn. } | } | | | Stating chain: Matipla of sts 4 8 Special Abbreviation | Bobble = work Sir nio next st until loop of each remains on hook. yo anc through all 4 loops on hook 4 strow (viong sido)! Work ttrintoath ch | from heok, trinto each of next 2ch, “2oh, miss toh, tir into gach of next Sch rep from *tolastch, Hr ito last ch tum 2nd row: ch (count as tt}, ms frst 2, into neat ir work [1 bobble, Sch, 1 bobbie], ‘mise 2t, inte next tr work [1 bobbla, Sch, 4 bobble} rep from to last 2tr, tir into rd of Sch at beg oF previous row, turn rd row: Sch, werk Str into frst Ben arch, “2ch, Si nfo nest 3ch arch; rep from * 10 fast 2 sis. 1trinio 3rd of Sch at beg of previous row, turn, Rp nd and 3rd rows, ‘ath row: toh, Y¢ Into fst te, Yoh, [ide info next ch sp, miss 1t]|4 times, “Bch, [de into next ch sp. mise ttr]4tmae! op from "to last 2ir,1ch, de inta Brd'ol Soh beg of previous row, tur, [th row:3ch, tr in‘ofirstde, Beh, "St into Next dc sp, ach: rep ttom “io last de, Sir Inte last 6c, turn Sth row: doh, miss frst, 11 into next t, ‘ich, ftrinto next tr, “tir fio next tr, toh, ‘ir info nxt] 4 timos; rop irom * to last ir, [tr into next i, 1ch] twee, 1 into 3rd ‘01 dch at bea of provious row. turn Tihrow: 1ch, 1deinto fist tr, |1dcinto next ‘ch sp, miss Tt] twice, Goh, “[ieecineo next ‘ch sp, miss Tif] times, 3oh; reptrom "to Ipat dir, We Into next or sp, miss tir, tde Into next ch sp, 1dc into 3rd of 4chai beg | Di previousrow, tun | Rep 2ra to 7ih roves 3 I. All-over Patterns ‘Starting chain: Mutipte of 8 sts +5; Special Abbreviations Tr2tag = work 2irinjo next st unt 1 loop. of each remains on hook, yo-and through «ll 3 oops on hook Shell = work tr2tog, 1H, t72tog} all inte next Group = into first ir2tog of shell work 2tr Lunt T loop of each remains on hook, tir into wr of samo sholl unt 4 loops remain ‘9n hook, into 2nd ir2tog o! shell work ir Unti 1 loop of each temains on hook, yo and through all 6 leaps. 4st ovr (ight sido); Work tr nto Bh ch from hook (i ard 2ch sp at bg of row “eh miss 2ch, werk 1 sell ino next ch ‘ch, mise Zehr nto next chy rop hom * toast Sch, 2c, miss 20, trina st ch tan 2nd row:5oh (courts tr, Sch), miss fist ir trim next 2ch, work 1 group over fox shal, 2ch, Str into not tr, 2ch top from to lett ise 2ch trinto next ch, ‘un Grd row: ch (count a6 1b, teh), mio at th *work | shel Into nex, oh, tr mo top of next group. ten rap from * to end omiting teh tend oflastropane plas last inte rd of Sch et beg of previous ‘om, turn 4th row: Sh, “work + group over next shel, 2ch tir inte neat 2c from" tone omiting 2ch al end of ast rep and alacing last into df ch a bg 0} | brevis ow. tur, | 5th row: Sch, tt into tap of noxt group, (| Soh wor shel nan teh tire | pot nextereup: ep ram tole, 2h, ) strinto ard of Seh a beg of previous row tim —— | 158 ies ee (Ze) J Rep2ncto sth sows, | Ferrata Y= shor /A\= croup ‘Starting chain: Multiple 5 sts + 6: Special Abbreviation ‘Trdteg = work 2trinto next st uf 1 leop ‘of each remains on hook, yo and through all 3 loops an hock {st row (‘ight side}: Work trdtog into 6th th fom hook, (tir and ch ap at beg of Faw), "miss.4cn, it2teg into net ch, 2ch, inlo Same ch as last tr2!eg work [r2t0q, Bch, titogh: rep ftom * fo ast Sch, miss ch, into last ch work (20g, ch, tir) ‘umn. 2nd row: teh, tdo no fist, “Achy, miss |) 2 trateg, 10 into top of nex! t2tog: rep |) from * te end placing last de into 3rd ch, tun | ra row: Sch (count a8 Yr, 2h), work |) ‘r2teg into frst de, ‘work tratog into next | 1 j j } i | de, 2ch, into same st as last tretog work [tr2teg, 2c, tr2!0g): rep trom * to last de, Into last de werk i2teg, Zoh, 11, turn. eep 2n¢ and rd rows. H j | | j | | \ } } Starting chain: Multiple of 10 sts +2, ‘Spectal Abbreviation Tr2tog = work 2 into next stunt! + 09 cof each remains on nook, yo and through ll logps.o7 hook. ‘1st row (right side): Work tdcinte 2ndch tromhook, tdcinte next ch, den, mise ch 1r2tag into neat ch, teh, miss toh, (20g into nexton, “Sch, miss 2cn, 1d¢ Inte nex ch, 1ch, miss tch, tae into'nex ch, Sch mies 2ch, tr2t0g into nex ch, teh, mss ‘ch, te2tog into next ch; rep trom 9 fast 4ch, 3ch, miss Zch, 1d¢ into each of lest 22h turn 2nd row: ¢ch (count a 1, Yeh, Hino first de, Sch, miss next ach gp, 1de ito Next ch 6p, “Beh, miss next Sch ep, Tirta ‘next ch sp, 1ch, into same ch sp as last work [tr toh, it], doh, mise next Sony. de into ‘next ch 5p; Fep from * 10 lel ‘Soh sp, Sch, imo. ast de work [1 1, “ie. tum ‘ed row: Sch (esunt as 11) 120g nto ch sp, Sen, 1dc nto next3ch sp. teh eo into next Sch sp, *Zch, t2tog into ne cchsp, toh, tr2tog into net ch so, ach, 1 Ito "‘next’3ch Sp, teh, 1c into nel ehspepiar ts et chap, 3h 2a Into last ch 5p, "tr nto Grd of 4ch ata previous ‘ow, turn Ath row: th, to into firth, “mies rom Seh sp, Sah, Tt Into next ch 3p, 1¢h, ‘same ch sp as last tr work [1F, Toh 1 Bch missnext 3ch sp, 1de inte next chop ep fron * to end placing last dent se of Sch at beq oF previous row, turn Sthrow: tch, 1dcinte trata, tdeint fl ‘ch sp, Soh, F2t0q nto next ch 3p, teh, Ir2toq into next ch sp, “Bch, ide its ret ch sp, Ich, tde into next Sch sp, 3, ‘r2togirto neat ch sp, teh, 209 tt net ch sp: rep fram "to last Sch sp, Soh, as into last Sch sp, 1de into last de, tum: lop 2nd to Sth rows, { =Tr2teg UTS ee Tg “Sao pootytes bb ocby VAR SATS ZUTS sl 1.61 Starting Grain: Multipie of 6sts +5: Ast row (right side); Work tir into Gih oh fomeok, 1t inta Bach of next 2cn, Sch, fir nionent oh, “rise 2oh, Vtrinto each of reat cn, 3ch, tr nto next ons ep fram * ‘blast 2ch, miss toh, ttrinio last Ch turn, a Slatng chain: Multiplo of 4 sts 4 ‘stow (right side): Work At Into aun ch fom “100k, rigs Sch, 1de into. next ch oy at info same ch as lastée miss Ich, ‘de into naxt ch; ep trem ~ to end, turn. tnd row: Sch, work Air no 4th ch rom ook. "miss tr, 10¢ between last tr rissed.anc next 2ch, 2ch, 4tr into side ot [gs de norked; rep tom "to ast Avr, mss 2, Jac nto ext ch, tur, ep Prd row. a only: Rep 2nd and 3rd rows. Diagram only: Rep 2nd and 3rd roms. Suse a 2nd row:ch (courts Tir), “injonext Gch ‘arch work [31 3ch, Tt: rep trom *te last Sir, ioe at, Tir ita next en turn 3rd row: 2ch, “into next 3ch arch work iatr, Ben, tir; rep from * to last 4, mss Bir, tir ino ed of ach at bag of previous Tow, tun, Rep ard row only, ‘Starting Chain: Muliple'o! 19.518 +9. st row (‘ight cico|: Worle ir into 4th ch ‘rom hook, misssct, atrintornextch, “Beh |) i58.3ch. Ide into nextch, deh miss Sch, | {fr into noxt eh, mies doh, dtrinto neat ch, rep trom" end, tur } 2nd row: Sch (coun' a8 1h), at into frst tr miss Bir, work 4 into next, *Seh, Ye into next do, Sen, Ar into nent ir, miss Str, ‘rr into rat te rap fiom” fo en placing fast group ef tr into too of eh, twin ‘rd row: ch (count as 11th) work ids bpotwoen noxt 2 groups of Air, “Ach. miss tr, dir into each of next 2t between next 2 groups af ai; ep from * {to last group, 30h, Htrinto Sedo! Sch at beg Of previous row, turn. ‘th row: Gch, work 1de into frst de, 3c, | tate nlo next tr, miss Sr. Air nfo nest i, en, 1de Into next de, Gch rep from" 10 fact arch, lif into 3rd of Bolt at beg of previous row, turn Sth row! Sch, ai nto fist work ir nto rroxt te, “3ch, Ide between nex! 2 arouns ff ar, Sch, mise Str, Atrio each of next Dtrstep rom” to end placing last group of ‘trinto Ard of Bch at beg of previous row, | Rep 2nd to Sth rows, ag Staring chain: Mule of 7 st6-+4- fet ovr (wrong sea): Wark 12 ino Sin | Gnitomn took, Sch, misaSeh, tde into nxt Gh "deh miss aah, se rae next ch, Beh mms Sch, tde into next er: rep fom * to | (Gat2eh ich, tht ino fast oh tum. 2d row: ch. id i st hit, “16h, to | Foxit arch work tr, Yeh] 4 bes. 10 | TM next Sch arch, ep From” fo or plac: | ing last de into 2nd ch, tum. ! Srdrow:4ch (count ast, toh), misstis! | aap, ide info nom hsp, ach. mse | {oh ep, ido nio nest ch sp “Sch. Mss BEN Ss, tae into next ch 8p, Sch. mss ‘eh ep, ide into next en 39; rep fom "10 fasten op. fon, tr last 06, ur ‘throw: 3c (count e811), woIk tr. 12h twice iio fist 1 9, 106 inte next | Beech ren won [fitch a tes into | flow at arch ice rionest 30h arch: fp | ftom "to ist so, 1ch, work (1, Teh Mt | trast chap, rin Sao 4h atbag ot | previous ow tum | throw: 3ch (count as ht, 1h, 14 it fiat en op, Soh, mies 2nh sps, 140 AD | toxt eh tp, “achy mags eh 99. 14e HYD | Tent ch sp. 3eh, miss Zh Sps, 10e into Faxtairep;rap hom® to last teh, thir Into ord ch dctal negotprevisow. tn Hep 2nd to Sth rows. ee \ \ - pe FEEL OS I. All- -over Patterns ; Staring chan Multiple of 6s. 3 1st row (rgit side): Work Te inte 2nd hy 4h, 1¥¢ into-each of next Bch; rap ram * toand, tm. 2nd row: Sch (count as tir), rss fist ‘tr into next de, *2ch, ide into €eh erch, ‘2ch, Hr into each of next 20c; fep Irom * ta end, tur, 3rd row: Sch, miss ist tr, Tr lntornext tr, “Sch, 1st ntonextde. ach, ttrinte each, ‘of nexi2 tr, rap fram * to and placing last Ir into 3rd 0! Sch at beg of previous ‘ow, um Ath row: Jch, ide into each of first 2, “ach, 1d Inio Bact of next 2 1 rep fram * toerd placing iastdcinta 3rd of Sch atbeg ‘of provicus row, tur, 8th OW: ich, Ide Into wach of frst 2d, "Bch, Ide nto each of naxt 2de: rop kom “to-end, turn Rep 2nd 10 Sth wows, Staiting chain; Muliple of 6 is + 2 {st row (right st4e): Werk Ide nin 2ndch from hook, 1s nto each ch to ond, tum, 2nd row: ich, 1dc into first, “Bch, work {6c inta 2nd oh from hock, then working 1 stinto each of next ch work this, tt, | totrand tir, miss 500 on previous row, | eeimo nest des rap from to end, tur, 34d rows Sc (count as-tir), “ide into ch at top of next tangle, 4ch. ‘itr into next | | dc; rop from *te-ond, tur. 4th row: 1ch, wotk 1dc into each Itt, eh | and de] to end, placing last de into top of Sc at beg ef previous row, turn, | Rep 2c to 4th rows, ‘Starting chain: Mulipte of ste 416 || Astrow (ight sice): Wark 1d¢into-sth ch fram hook ‘tir and Soh sp formed at beg | of row), tun, ch, tde in de. Bde into Soh sp, fur, 1ch, 10s inio each ot the | Ado) 4 times, miss next 2ch on staring chain Hrintanoxteh, “2ch miseinoxt 26" | on staring ch, 16c into next ch, tum, 12h, Ade into do, de Into 32h sp, (turn, toh, Ade into ooh of the: Ade] & tine, tins ‘hex! 2ci on staring ch, Tir mio nest ch, Tep trom * to and, turn 2nd row: Goh (count ax tar, eh, iss Trrand 30c, 1c nto next de; 2ch, Tat into nex! tr, *Zch, miss Ade, te ino nate Bch, take info next tr, top from * 10 placing last dir Into top of ch at beg of ‘revi0us row, urn, Segarra ara are (Pahl Ply Teer ebe teeth ot ‘7 ‘| mo Diagram only: Rep 2nd to 7th cows. oF fom noak, 16c into next oh, “Sch, miss | ‘Starting chain; Multiple of 5 sts +2, | Astrow (right sida): Work 1de into 2ndch | trom heak, "Sch, miss deh, te into nex (ch; rep from * to eri, tur, | 2nd row: 10h, work ide into first de, "Bde Ino Sch sp. te into nextde; rep for “to end, um. } ard row: Sch (count as tr, miss frst de, | wotk 1tinto eech of nexi Sde, “Ich, mss ‘de. {tr into each of next Sd: rep trom * } totagr do, trim last do, turn. | aun rove: toh, toc inte fst tr, “Sch, 140 into next ch sp: rap fom * to end placing } \astde into Sid of Sch at bog of previous \ rom, tum | Flop 2nd to 4th rows, sane ae TET Tt weed, HEH ieee ears era | TET TT TT ee Lost | Diagram only: Rep 2nd to 7h rams, 3rd row: 6ch (count as Ti, Sch), td hte id first de, turn, 12h, te Into de, 2 ch sp. ftum, teh, te into each ol he soc) 3 times, 11r into next a, “oh, 6 into nexide,tur, teh, tdeinto de, dene Sch sp, tury, Teh, Te into each of he 4400] 3 times, itr nto next a: rep ron i end placing last trinta ath of Ech at haga provioss row, turn Flep 2nd and 3rd tows ending with ad row. Lira shows ecton of work it oh irtrow abisijaleenaed Tie group = work Sir inte next ds url 4 loop ef aac remans on hook, yo and trough all loops on took Double itr group = work 2ttinto same de aslast group unit loop af each remains ‘or hoek (4 leone enheck}, miss 5d, into ext UG Work inte next 3ch atch, Sch, tde into next Sch erch. Sch, tae int next Sch arch, Beh, tatrrb around each of next 2ctr, “Ide into. nex! Sen arch, [Soh, de into 'naxt Sch arch) twee, Idtitb around each of nex! 2etr, eh, 1c Into next 3zh erch, Sch, Yacinte next Sch arch, Sch, Ide mio next Sch arch, ch, tdi arourd aach at next 2atr top fram * te last 2 arches, téc into hextboh ech, Sch, lécinolesi Sch arch, 26h, Id into last de, turn 11th row: Teh, tec into first dtr, Sch, 106 ina next Ech arch, “tdtur arouncteach af hext2dv, 3ch, 1de into next@charch, Sch, ‘de into nex! Sch arch, Sch] twio, Tae into next Sch arch, Sch, tlret around each of next 2dkr, 1dc int next Sch arch, Boh, Tee eto next Sch archi ep from * to { owen i sore — | ond placing last dente ath of 6 turn. 12th row: Boh, 160 Into frst Sch arch, “Yalritbarourdeact of nex! 2dr. Soh, 1de into neat Gch arch, Sch, 1de into next Sch arch, Into nex! Sch arch work [3th ch, St, }deinto nxt Sch ach, Sch, TC into nest Soh arch, 3ch, tote around ach of next Zot, tde into next Sch arah; rep Irom * to last de, 2ch, Tat inta last, tum, ‘8th row: Toh, 10 Ino fist air, tat around each of next 2dir, Soh, 4d¢ into ext Gch arch, Sch, ide into. next Scharch,4ch, | bobble into side oflastde worked mss 211, 1dc into next 1, 20h, 4 bobble intornext Sch arch, 2ch, 1de into fhext ich, | bobble info side of last de worked, 106 info next Sch arch, Sch, 1 Into next Ach arch, “cross Aetri. 1de into next Beh arch, Sch, tdc into noxt Scharch.4ch, | boable Into sive of aside worked, miss 2tr, 1de into next tt. 2ch, babble rte next 3ch arch, Beh, 1de into ext if, ch, 1 bobble into Side af last de worked. 166 into neat Sch aren, Sch, 100 | into next Sch arch; rp from * iolast 2dr, | ch, Teel around each of next 2dr, tao info ath of Boh, turn | 14th row: 6c, Wdointe fest Sch arch, Sch, | ar nia same Sch arch as last do, toc | inte next 5eh arch, Soh, ide into next | ch arch, Sch, ide into topo! naxt bobble, ‘Sch, 1dcinto next 4ch avch, Sch, ‘de into next Sch arch, “dtr arounc each of hhaxt 2atr, 3ch, tde into naxt ch sp. Sch, Otitb around each of next 2dtr, 1de into next Sch aren, Sch, Ido into next 4ch arch, Sch, 1dcinto topo! next bebe, bch, tac inte next 4ch arch, Seh, 16> inio rex! Seh ach; rep trom "ta last Soh arch, Into last Sch arch work (2otr. Sch, td), 2ch, tat into last de, tun, Rlep rd to 14th rns. | | | | = Bobbie ; I. All-over Patterns 175 LWA WEVAS RTAVays VAT AWAY VAVAV RY Se rw) wavavay be AND 1.76 Staring chain: Multinle of 18 sts ~ 8 Se CARRERE ee ‘Srarting chain Muliple of 8 sts +4 ‘Astrow fight sido), Work tde into 2nd ch from hook, tecinio nest ch, Sch, 1dc into ‘next ch, Sch, miss Sch, ido nto next ch *[9ch, {de inta nest ch) twice. Sch, mss Sch, Ide into next ch; rep from * fo last 2ch, Sch, dente each of last 2ch, turn. 2nd row: 7oh (count as ttt, Sch), “tde Ingo next ch loop, teh, td into next Soh loop, Sch. rap from * to end amiting 2oh atond of last rep, tar into last de, turn, 3rd row: 1ch, te into first dtr, Soh, “tde inwonext de: Sch, idcinic next ch sp, Sch, ‘de into naxt oc, Sch: rep from * 10 end omiting 2ch at anda lastrep, 1c into 4th of 7ch at beg o! previous row, tum. 4th row: Sch (count as Tal, tch), “de limo next 9ch loop. Sch, Ide Into next Sch loop, Teh. rap ftom * to end, tet inte last de, turn. 5th next ¢ 4ch, td into first dtr. tde into ‘Gh, ide nie nast de, Sch, ‘1st row {tight side): Work tr info Bin ch from hook, *2ch, miss 2ch, ttrinto nat ch rep trom * to erd, turn = “tdcinionext de Sch, t8cintonext chsp, ch, Ide into next dz, Sch; eo from * 0 last’ de, 1c into last de. Soh, Ide to dc into th of Sch at deg of pre ‘wus row, turn, Rap 2nd to Sth rows encing with a 2nd or (£ XA), SEN | BAS, U leceaspHasasottty: 2nd row: Sch (counts 1, 2h), iss fet | Uy, 11 Into next tr, “Ach. 1atr into each of roxt at, deh, str into next tr 2ch, tt info hext tre from * to end placing last inte $3 turning ch at neg of previous (oN, tur, ‘3d row: Sch, mise first, trio ont *4ch, 1d inio each of next adtr, Ach, 1 into nextir, 2ch, tr into next tr: rap tom, to-end placing last r into Sco! Sch al bee of previous row, tun 4th row: Sch, miss frst, Tir ino naxtte *4ch, 1do nid each of next adc, Ach, It Into nexttr, 2ch, Tir into nexttr; rep fom * toend placing last trina Srl of Sch al beg cf previous row. turn, sth row: As 4th row. {th row: Sch, miss frst tr, Tir into next “2ch, [Latr into next de, 2ch) 4 times, I into next tr, 2ch, Nt into next tr: rap fa to-end placing asttrinto Sido! Schat bag | Cf previous row, turn, 7th row: Sch, mise fist tr, tir nlo nowt *2ch,[itrinte next dtt, 203} 4 times. | eit tr, 2ch, Tir nfo ext tr; rep trom "to | ‘end placing last tf nto 3rd of Sch atbogol| previous row, tuin ep 2nd to 7th rows, ‘Abbraviatons and Symbels an page Filet Charts lt crochet is kased on asimple network or ground made of tre and chain stitches, Paterns ave Inereiore usually presented tthe form of squared charts, Dasigne of all krds = flowers, goorrertie pattems, tering and.even wticle scenes - can bs ztealad by filing In’ some of the squares aces wih trebles instead of onal Lke stich diagrams, charts are read fram ‘hebotiom to thotop, rght aide rowe fram ight to lft and wong side rows fain it Dignt. Each open square represenisan ‘pen saace whit a liledin square ropre fers a block’ of stitches, slats wih three chan (count r ln), bringing you ta tha eorrect height and balancng tha pattern ne basis of fle! crochet is rectangular bpaaly each epaco ar block should be ‘ovale, bul this is hard 19 acheve be use of veriations In tension. Small var dons to the ratio between hoight and wath can be made by changing ihe way jou Noid the yarn or hook. To West your brsion frst work a ewaioh based on ample 'e' below. This is worked so that fachoper square on the chart represents f space formedlby two chan anda treble, “he otner edge of the epics is formed by hie st sich of the preceeding space or fockarby he three cham at thebagirning uate sled the two 's roplaced by two webs naxing a single bock of three trebles Fath addtional block tharofore act thrae etles, 50 two blocks tagetler (wit) & space ether side), appear as seven "etl and three biseks, as ton troolas you cannot adjust Ine ratio between healt and width suffecientiy ny changing the way you hold the work it may be fecessary to change the size ofthe blocks sic-spaces. A space could be maduced te Sangle chain and a trable with a two woe Dock (sample a, ar enlarged! 10.2 lvoe chan and one treble space wih 2 lo adie block (sample), The photo Gasts o! the samples show the of ‘ences betwoon the three variations. Tio worked samples in this section have te21 made following ihe style of sampe II. ‘bur whatever your tension lank atthe) thar methods ae thare may be times you would wish {0 use these purely for thelr decorative eect te HoH Starting Chain \When working as sample b' ne rumaer Ol chain requited to stat filet crochet is ealoulated by multpying the rumor of squares requirodby three. Acid fve chain itthe frst square to be worked is.a space oF thre it the first equare to be workecis ablock(see diagram bavove To work samplas ‘a ore’, multiply the number of squares by hwo orfour, adding four of 8x chain far @ space and three haintor ablock (seadliagrars’a’and'') Lacets and Bars Variations’ on blocks and epaces include v s KsjOWN as laces, and longer chains known as bars. Filet Crochet The dagrams s ‘and thair positioning for each variation Increasing and Decreasing In filet crochet ineroases are usually made in whole squares rathor than stitches. If Increases ate made at the beginning of rows and dacreasas at the ends of rows, ‘no special techniques are required asthe flowing sitch clagiam shows. roneededal the end af | a row or decieases al the begining of a Tow, the following techniques should be | used II. Filet Crochet | To increase a space at | the end of a row 1.Worktwochain.trenworka tipleteeble inio same place 2s previous trebie 2. The tiple troble makes the outor odgos of the incteased space To increase a block at the end of a row 2, Thus making an increased block To decrease at the beginning of a row |. Werk a coubie treble into same place ab previous troble, 2. Then work fa doubve treble into bottom Segment of pravious double treble] twice 4. Tur werk. Stip sttch ina top of last tteble worked, then io each of hoxt two ‘ait (OF top of rabies if last square in previous row isa block) ard Into top of host robo, 2, Hook is in position to commence row. Using Filet Patterns ‘The patterns in tis book can be usee vac as hay aa produce fais with lever pater, borers, insertons ané ‘rotfs. Difrant etesta can be aerioves Sy working ihe chan downwards or see ways of by repeating of comming 6e Signs. Graph papersncude used lt autaiy chenges. Pressing and Finishing Filet The feature of Flt which distinguishes fram otvor slylos of erechet is Ke ro ‘angular appearance. For inlormaton how to prass and linish your Niet coohat 20 the general nsitutions on page "2 but remember, at evely stage, fo chek thatal the vertical and harzantal ne the work are laying at ighi-anoies Ate removing the prs and whie the noi s Stil quite. damp. use your ‘ingerips 0 gently ease the edges into perfect shaghtlines. Filet crochet is offen used for Sardis, ‘¢gingeandincorions on tam ikotake cloths and tray mats. The coshetpeatis Sewn on fo a piece of fabio. Fisly wn Linder the raw edges to forn a han ard Slipstiteh in place. Then whip site fe crochetpiscetotheautertodotthe abi {e3e 1126 0n page 47) Fp rows to aust feratn fr Stan ® ard fins Turning corners Felioning char workshort rows to corre’ then turn pece and work fe the aide of canpieted stiches, It's mportant taromomber when working mired carer thatthe tinal cow, belore | ranging direction, choulé bo worked to- | Iyads the the finer ecge so that the yan Iginthe correct gosition to turn and work atrght engles to the edge. rc (s09 930° 12) these 12 | art and frist together with & | Aan hese ‘aeleaane Rep those 2 rows. | Rep these 2 rows. Rep these ¢ rows | 7 Fp tes phase VO nquares Feep these 12 rows. Flep these 10 rows. | Hl. ritet Crochet Wat RENEE cinmosceeees einmee ce eeew i ED Rlep znd to 7th rows, i COPE reer ‘Key to: Hlotupmocls ot page’s'.Por "Wore Infostaanion tae'seaae aa ey to Filet symbols on page ¢1, Fer more infermation soe pigns Ma 1.20 1s Fiep these 28 rows. 2 & { II. Filet Crochet Rep2ndio 1511 rows, te Y we oe 7 | ri [ep 2net0 15th rows Work frst 10 rows of whole diagram. than work the 10:squates of right hand side of th row, Gontinue on ‘igh hand side nly, fishing with a row as 35th row. Do not turn but make a chain for basa of Ccantre top (a muttole of 14 + 11 squares). Break yarn, rejein al X ard work let to match fight but frishine an a row ac eth row. D0 not turn but continu in pat tem across chain already made (taking cara thal the chain is not twisted), then work 98th row across right side to ond. Complete remaining 9 rows, It preterres. ecging may be worked start ing and ending at tne A with 10 squares, ‘wocking first raw in direction of arrow and making mitted comer at line 8 (see page dt). See page 40 for ataciing to tabric. Ill. Motifs Working in Rounds Most mots are not worked in ows butare worked fiom the centre outwards in raurds, Unless otherwise indicated do nat |uin the work between rounds but con Jingo wih the same sds ‘acing and veat this as the ‘ight side of the fabric. The contre ring is usually formed by a numbor ‘of chains joined together witha slip stitch. 4, The stitches of the first round are worked by inserting the nook into the space ai the genire of the chain ring ‘Covasionaly the frstrounc is worked into the first chain (see IIL9}. 1. lesart the hook back info the frst chain made. ‘5. When ach round is complete insert he |haok into the top of the chain or stitch at the besinning of the round and slip stitch 2,Make a sip sich tojohninioaring. OSPF At the baginning of each round one or ‘mara chan can be worked to match the height of the following stitchos. (Thi is ‘equivalent to a tumng chain) 8, When working second.and subsequent rounds, urless otherwise stated. Insert the hook under the twe top leops of the siltehes in the pravious round. 8. When working trebles three starting chan are required. 48 7. Att joining final round wih ali stich, fasten off by making a chain, nen euttrg the yan and deawing the end trough, Joining Motifs Motif Layout Some moiits such as tangles, and hexagons fit together exacty others leave interesting saeces| jalned, These spaces canter ‘a decorative part af an openwark can be filed in a vatiely 0} ways spaces can be illed with suicble oi nations of chains and stitches fonas with small motifs. Most bojoined in more than ane way sath individual matt can form the bass: tral different fabric designs. fra ‘worked in cifforent colouss thay laid out 19 produce patchwork Solid mots ere particularly sul working coloured patchwork Opposite are just a fow vane motifs of various shapee can bs Jioved to create interesting pate Methods of Joining = NID: ja) Layouis thatinvolve mois fting together CNC 4-y aleng atiaght edges ean be joined wth a | we OA flai seam of by working a 10W of ae + xe = or coubie crochet th e {e00 page 12), Tho crochet joins shoule bbe dames with te ght si together so they wil be nusible on the Fight side of the fabric. Allematively a crochet on ‘can be used as 2 decorative n warked on the nant sce. particularly. those with Or picots round thair edges, can be joined to arevicus motifs during the course of thair fal rounds. This is cone pling the pleats or arches athalt ree me \way and slip sting to the correspond) iaees on tha adjacent mots Spi iled witt small motifs, made and jonec in atthe same time as they are worked between molly, aie sometimes DD) Joined Motifs TSS We show hore a few mots joined ir MPIC EE) various ways, The possibiliies are infinite he are only dopond on the shape’ Of the en mots ane yuringenuly Ill. Motifs WA Special Abbreviation Popcorn = work Sie ntonext et, drop lacp ‘off nook, Insert Hook Into first of thes tr pick up deopned loop and draw through, Make Sch, sist ito fist ch io form a ing. tat round: 4ch (count as Tir, toh}, work [itr Teh] 11 times into ging, 5! st into Set af éch at beg of round. UL ‘Special Abbreviation Bobble - work Strinionext dcuntit loep ‘of each ramains on hogk, yo end through all loopsan hook. awe &ch, sii into first ch to for e ring tat round: ‘ch, work 12de into ring st st into tist dc ‘and round: 3ch, work 4ir nto same st as Jas sl st until 1 foop of each trromains on rook, yo and through all 5 loops an) hook: (\ bobala made et bea of round), “Sch. ‘ide, 1 pebble into nex! de: rep from 4 timas mare, Sch, sl st into top of frst bobble. Fasten of, 2nd round: ch (counts ‘te, Beh), 1 pop fontn into nex tr, Goh, [ts nie pext tr, SoM, 1 popearn inio next tf, Sch] 5 times, sl st ine ro of 80h at bea of round. ‘Sed round: ‘ich, 1de into same stas last St, 4oh, 1c into top of next popcorn, ch, [ide into next tr, 4en, tae Into top of ext popearn, deh] 5 times, sist nto first oe. 4th round: SI'stinio fist 4eh arch, 2ch (count as thir), ig same arch work [1 tor, Ur tai, Tir, thts}, nto each of next Sach arches work (Tht, 41 Yat, 1 Jake, tir, Tht], 4 st nto 2rd of 2ch at beg cof round. Fasten of. iy \\Y rh iN 1.4 Special Abbreviation Bobble = work Str into next st unt joop pf each remans an hook, yoand through Ail 4 loops on hock. Make 12ch, 0 tint iret ch to farm ating ‘Ast round: 4ch (count @5 tir, Toh), into ring work [2tr, ich] 11 times, Tr into ring, Ist nto dvd of 4ch at beg of round. 2nd rounds: Si stirto frst ch sp. Sek nto Samo sp work 2tr unl 1 loop of each emains on hook, yo and rough al 3 leops on hock (1 badble made at bag of round), Soh, Ide info next ch sn, Sch, [1 booble into next ch sp, ch, tele into hast ch sp. Sch] 5 timos, sl stinto top of fire eobble. Work és given for Il.t but working iste in and ard and ath ound 7 ‘rd raund: Sch, into top ot fst bathe Werk [fist bobble 26 at beg of proves Yound, 20h, 1 bobble), toh. Tt intern de, 1ch, into same dc 95 last wor ‘ch. tr, 10, "intotopof next aabbean bobble, ach, + bobble) ch, trina fe, 1h into Samo de 25 ast rw [i Veh ti), erste from 4timesmae iio topo! fret Bobbio ‘th round: 3eh, 1 bobble nt fs eoble as et beg ond round, 2ch, 1 bobbie nd hex Ze sp, 2c, 1 bobble nfo ion ol ne bobble, Toh [ir io next, cn} times bobble Inte ext bobbe, 2h, {bot into next 2ch so, 2ch, + bobbie int pet bobble, Toh, [ir inv newt, Ich] sties, ep from * 4 times more, sl stro toa 8 frst bobble. sth round: Sch, 1 bobble ino frst bob fas atbog ot 2nd round, 2ch, 1 boobliia feat 20h sp, ch, 1 BODE ide Boh sn, 2che'7 BoBble Into nex! bobbi oh, {itr into next tr teh) 3 Himes 2y hobole into nex! pabblo, 2c, 1 ebb into-next 2ch sp, 3c. 1 bobbie no Pes Boh sp, 2eh 7 beble into nex babb, {chy irintonex ty, 1¢1] times repo 4'tmes more, $I si ino frst bob Fasten of ‘Abbredaions and Symbot on page 2 Special Abbreviations tr cluster - werk ttrinto each of next tr Linil 1 Joop of each remeins on hook, ye ‘nd thraugh all 5 ioaps on Ncok. ‘lr bobble or Str bobble - wore atr (or 56) into next ch untl 1 loop of each se ‘nains.on heok, yo and through all 5 (or6) loops an hook Make Gch, sist into fit ch fo forma tne. 4st round: Sch (count as 111), work 15Ir into rng, SI st io Bid of Sch at bea of rend 2nd round: Sch, 11 ino each of next sr, [Moh ttrinta each of next str] 3 mes, 7h. let into 3rd of ach at beg of round. Special Abbreviations Popcom — work Sdir iio reat ct, drop leap fram hook, insert hook ftom the front ini fist! these dr, pick up éroppedicop ne draw through, Teh to secure ioot = rake Sch, sl st into top of tr just ‘notked Hake Sch, l stint frst ch te orm arring ‘st round: 62h (count es tIr- Gch), into ring work [te, Sch] 17 tree, sist into 3rd 1 Gch at beg of round, 3rd round: Zen, work ttrinte each of next Str unt + loop oF each remains on hook yo and through all loops on hack (1 cus. ter mage at beg of roung), Sch, miss ach, Into next ch work [1r, Sch, 11], Sch, “tr Guster over nox! tr, Sch, miss Bch, into next ch work [itt, ch, {tr}, 5c; rep from * twice more, ¢l st info top of fst cluster. ‘ath round: 1c), *16¢ into top of cluster, ‘dc info each of next Sch, Iocintonext ty, ch. 4trbabbiaintonoxt ch, Bch, miss tch, ‘ir bobble into next ch, Sch, miss 1ch, att hbobbe inte next ch, 2ch, Ide mio next tr, de into each af naxt Sch; rep from * 3 times mare, s!st inte frst de. Fasten of AR ete ster jearponbe (= strnobote 2nd round: | s!stinio each of fist 2eh of test arch, 4h (court as ‘iir), work 4atr Into sama ch as last sit, drop loop from hook, insert hook from the front inta th of 4ch, pick up dropped loop and draw through, teh to secure (popcorn made at 'bog of round), Sch, 1de into next 3ch arch, [Sch miss Ichofnex Sci arch, 1 popcorn Info next ch, Sch, ‘de into next ch arch] B times, Sch, sis nto top of ist popcorn, rd round: 4, into top of fist ropcom ‘work [Str Sch. dai}. Sch, Tr Into neet ce, 4 picot, 3ch, 1d¢ into top of next popcorn, ch, Htrinto nextde, 1 pica, 3ch, “into top ‘of nextpopcor work[4atr, Sch, dt) Soh, tr into nox! de, 1 pieo!, 3eh, tee into top (of nex! popeom, Sch," ttr fio next do, 1 picot, Sch; rep from * once mote, si st {nto th of ach at heaotround, Fastenal Special Abbreviations Popcorn = wark Shir into next de; drop ‘oop from hook, insert hook from the from’ Ino Top of frst of thase tr, pick Up dropped loop end draw through. teh to ‘secure popcorn. | Picot = make Sch, work tdc into first of these ch, Make-40ch, ss into frst ch to formating, {st round: 1h, werk 164 into ring, sls. Into fists. 2nd round: ech, work Ahir into fst de, drop loop from hook, insert hack trom tre 'rant into 2nd at2ch, pick up cropped loop and draw through, 1¢h ta secure (1 pop: ‘corn mde at bag of round), 2ch, 1 pica, 2ch, [miss te, 4 popeor into next de 2ch, 1 picat, 2ch] 7 fimos, £1 st into top of first popcorn. Ard round: 1ch, 1€e ino same st as last sit [3ch, 1de into top of next popcorn] 7 limes, ach, Trine tits de, Athround: Slot into erch just formed, Soh (count-2s 10), work 4ir into same arch as lastest, 4ck, 1dcinta next Sch arch, 4ch, “work [Btr, Sch, Bt] into next Osh arch 4ch, ide into next 9ch arch, ach, rep fom “twice more, Strinte same arch as frst Str Sch, sl st inio 3rd of Sch at beg of round. ‘Sth round: 7ch (count as It, 4ch), “de into next doh arch, Bch, tec into nex! 4icharoh, Ach, work Sr, ch, St] nfo nex! Sch acct, det; rep from * 3 times more ‘omitting {tr ard dehat end of lastre9, sist Into Ate of Foh a: bog of round Factan off @= Popcorn — g% = Picat IIT. Motifs | LS Special Abbrevietion Cluster ~ work 2tr inte next arch until 1 ‘bop of each remains on hook, yo and through all $ loops on hook, = Cluster Nake 62h, sl st nto First ch to farm a ring. ‘st round: ch (count as 11), work 15ir ita fing, st into Src of Sch at beg of 2nd round: 1ch, te inta same stas last slot, 6c inta nos tr, “[1de. Zech, Vde| into next tr, 1deante each of next 34; rep from * 3rimes more omitting 2de at end o! last rep, oat into first do. 3rd round: Jch, 105 into same st as last fl, Tinto next 7ch arch work [2hi, 17%, 2ht] (1 shell made), miss @de, 1d into hnext de; rep from *3 times more ontting ‘de at and of last fep,s| st into frst 6c 4th round: S| st into each of frst 2h and 6ir offist shell 1ch, 1dc Into same st as last sf st. Sch, mise Str te into next ty, his frst 2htr end Sti on next deintonext i,eh, missSt, 1deintonext tre rep from "twice more, 7on, 6! into frst dc. 5th round: @ch, ‘into next 9ch arch work [Btr, tdi, Bt, ttr into next de, tr into next Toho, Tir ni next dc, rep fom * 3 mes ‘Istround: Make Sch, work 19dtrinto first oh, sl into top of Sch, 2nd round: Bon (count as tM. cn), HF into next i, Ach] 19 tines, sl'st ima 5th ‘af Gch at'oeq oF round. 20 eps. 3rd round: Sst info frstarch. Sch (count a Tt), work Tir into game arch as Bch, [1 cluster into next arch, Gch) 19 limes, $I stini top o! frst tr. 4th round: Werk 1 &1 st inte each of frst Sch of frstarch, ch, Ide into seme arch as ¢1 sts, [Bch, Ydcirto next Bch arch] 19 times, 46%, Ait inta frst de. Sthround: toh, 1dc into arah jus formes, Bch, [Ide into next Beh arch, Osh] 19 times. 3 st nio first de. Faston ‘of. | M10 MHTTRET FITTER ie MUTE EL TET EF TY more omiting Tir at end of last rep, st into ard of ch atbeg of round, Fastenal Spacial Abbreviation Bobole = work 3ur nto ch unil 1 loop. each remains on hook, yo and threughal 4 leeps en hack, te! round: Mako Bch, work tt into et ch until loop of each remains on Hook yoandthraugh al 3 loops onhaok fachble ‘made at 599 0! round), into sama ch wth [Gch, 1 bobbie] 7 times, 2ch, tir inte pal fist boobie. 2nd round: teh, wark ic into arch let formed, Gch, [1d into next Sch areh, Ge 7 tes, si stinto frst dc 34d round: SI et iio iret Boh arch, ih (count as 11), work Str into same atc, Sch, [Btrinlo nest Bch arch. Schl 7 tines, I st into Sid of Sch at bog of rund Faster of, r= Bobbie ‘Abbreviatoas and Sprobassan page Hake 1 02h, s1stinte first cho form a ring Ast round: 8c (count as ttn), war 2547 Ino ring, si st into 3rd af eh at beg of yours. 2nd round: ch [count as Tn), Tir into ext tr mionexitr, [ir into each of next 2, Zr inlo nest i] 7times, ol st nto Grd of ch at bea af round, rd round: Sch, 2tr into next ty, Pon. [tr ino 92ch of next Sit, 2ir Into next th, 20%] Pines, ttr nio-each of last 2tr, s1 Stina dad ot Sch at bag of rounc. 4 round: Sch, lirinto Gach of next 2, ach, tte inte next Z’ch sp, 2eh, [tir ino tach of next Sir, 2ch, {tr Into next2ch sp, 20h]7 mas. ‘tf nto each of last int 3rd of Sch at beg of round S11 round: ch Tir rio neat tr, Sch, miss ity 1tinto next tr [Sch miss ts, ttrnto teach of next tr, ch, miss ti, tirinto next #7 times, Sch, miss it, itr into fast ty alstinto 3d of Sch at bac ef round, | next Jo, wi, maz Make 12ch, sl stinto first ch to forma ring Tstround: 1ch, work 2dde into ring, sl st into ist dc 2nd round: 12ch, miss next de, 1de into ‘Sch (court as 1), 111 into ‘each of frst 7ch of arch. tum, Soh, miss firsttr. "tr into each of next Br, Ttr nto top ‘oF Soh”, fitstblock made), xMiss nex! fn ring, work td info next de, Bch, miss ‘ide, tee into next de, tin and work from "1g" for neat block, Rea (rom * 4 times ‘more ist into 4th of f2ch at beg otrounc. Std round: SI sto top ot ch at corrar of | first block, 16h, 1de into top of Sch, iSch, | [Hele into Sed 0! Sch at top of next block 8ch] 5 times, al st into fret de th round: 11h (court as te, Bch), miss next tr, tir into nxt tr, [Ben miss Tir, Tr | inte noxt te] 14 times, Ach, sist into See of ‘Hoty at bag of round. Fasten of 4th round: éch (count as tt, $e), Hr into same st as last sl st, [1eh, miss teh, tr ina next ch) 8 times, 10h, “lta next dc Work {itr Sch, tir]. [1ch, mies teh tt into rrext ch] 6 times, teh; rep kom" 4 tines more, sisi into 3rd of ch, Fasten oft tA Make Qch, d Starting chain: Multpie of 8 sis +2 Spocial Abbroviation Pull ie yarn Back under thé ep wih 2 fev koro th | Ca a i a 1 tired lergh and hold In place, "yarn 4, Repeat stops 2 and 3 unt foap is | Mer tweinoanoves hen unees ti oon completely covered then pultheyarn back under tre loop wih the hook: rep ram * unt he loopis com pletely cavered. Yo, draw hock through all loggs on hook. To secure knot work ‘dc inio last ch before Glonas Knot 5, Yarn ovet, draw heok through all the loops: Ll au Staring chain: Multnlo of 4 ots «2. ‘st row [right side): Work Ide Into 2nd ch from hook, “Bch, miss Sch, te into noxt €eh,fep from * to end, tuin 2nd row: 8c (countas ‘tt 3ch), tonto {iret Boh arch, “Sch, 1de into nextchareh: rep liom” 1aend, 3ch, TW intolastde turn. 3rd row: ich, Te into fret tr, “Beh, ice inte next Gch erch; rep from * to end placing last de into Sth of Beh at bag af previous row. turn 6. Secure knot by working a double ‘crochotinta the last chain worked before Clones Knot Flop 2h and 2r¢ rowe, The Clones Knot oan be securedin dtfar: lent ways, see Individual pattern tor in structions Ps AAA = Clones Knot Faroe i de}: Work td nto 2nd from hook, “ach, | Clanes Knot, deh, miss ch, 166 ike next ch; rep from * La end, tur 2nd row: 10h (count as 1quat, eh), working behind irsi Clones Knot werk Jeo Intode Securing knot, "4ch, 1 Clones Kn 4ch, de into de securing next Clonas eforsirepirom “ending wil 4 quadtrinto last dc, tum: Btd row: tch, 1éc into quedir, “oh, 1. Glones Knot, 4ch, working batind ned. Giones Knot work ‘Ide. inta de securing knot r99 from *to end placing ae! dein Githol 19ch at beg of previous row. tun, Rep 2nd and ed rows, V3 Starting chain: Multiple of 8 sis + 7, tstrow (right side) Work tirico 12thah Jrom hook, “4ch, misséch,ttr ro next rep from “to end, turn, 2nd row: ch (court as tats, 20n), tro nex! deh sp, “deh, tte into next dchsp: 9p fram * to end, 22h, tet into Sth cy tm, 3rd row: 7ch (count as 11, Ach), "trie nex! ach sp, 4ch; rep from * to las! gi ino 4th of ch al bag of previousrow. tum Rop 2nd and 3rd rows,

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