The Dr. Donley Case: Investigation Conducted by TTM Crime Investigation Talley Mikayla Maegan

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The Dr.

Donley Case
Investigation conducted by TTM
crime Investigation
Talley Mikayla Maegan


Lazarus Dangerkitty
Dr. Dangerkitty works in the lab above Dr. Donley
He has been jealous of Dr. Donleys abilities to get grant money
He is known to have many different personalities
Dr. Dangerkitty has a vast knowledge of poisons.

Sloppy Stretch
Has been seen a week before the break-in inside Dr. Donleys lab after
Always been jealous of Dr. Donleys tech
Apparently, Doodles twin loved him from a distance

Sherly MO
Attended the party
Brought her purple passion punch
Little to no toxic experience
In competition with Dr. Donley over fermentation bacteria.

Kelvin High
Jealous of Dr. Donley for her popularity and
knowledge of the string and M theory
Had been reported that he hit Dr. Donleys sister
at the party when she turned him down.

Valerie Grapevine
Was very suspicious of Dr. Donley
Only one who knew Dr. Donley had a twin sister.


Crime Scene
At Dr. Doodle Donleys Monarch University laboratory, there was a
party to celebrate her award of scientist of the year. Around 2
am, a security guard saw a light in the lab and decided to check it
out. Donley was beaten up and the police were called at 2:05 am.
Several vials of virii and bacteria were taken. HIV, Smallpox and
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis were taken.

Crime Scene 1

Crime Scene 2

Crime Scene 3

Crime Scene 4

Crime Scene 5

Crime Scene 6

Background and Tests Performed


Blood Typing
ABO system classifies blood into four types. The blood type is the
surface antigen/protein present in the red blood cells.
When We did an analysis, MOs blood clumped which confirmed the
blood was O+ just like the O+ blood sample at the crime scene 3.

Elisa Test
Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay
Used to track Disease outbreaks, antigens and antibodies
The antibodies can show present in multiple samples because the
suspect could be a carrier but not have the appearance of being ill.
Color change is a positive test. The negatives are used as a control

Fingerprint Analysis
Fingerprints are unique to every person. They can be classified by the
arch, loop and whorl.

How DNA fingerprinting Works

All that is needed to make a genetic DNA fingerprint is even the smallest sample of DNA.
This DNA can come from samples including hair, saliva, blood, or semen.
How it works!!
DNA is extracted from a suspect then restriction enzymes divide the DNA sample into
Double stranded fragments are then separated by electrophoresis.
The single stranded fragments are then transferred from gel to membrane.
The membrane is then covered with a probe and incubated.
The sample is then washed to get rid of excess probe.
Banding is brought out by exposure to X ray radiation

Fingerprinting results
The DNA from the crime scene was tested and compared to each
Suspect 3 matches the DNA from the crime scene.
Suspect 3 is MO

Electrophoresis Data

Electrophoresis Data Continued

This was the distance that each fragment traveled from the well.
Each size was compared to Hindlll lambda DNA markers

Monarch FBI Report

Dr. Donley: O+ Sherly MO: O+ Sloopy Stretch: A+ Valerie Grapevine:
O+ Kelvin High: B+ Lazarus Dangerkitty: B+
Blood under Dr. Donleys fingernail O+ (her own) and O+ (suspect)
Blood on insurance paper O+ (Donleys blood)
Sherly MO or Valerie Grapevine--- (plausible suspects after blood
Fingerprint found on the Incubator matched Sherly MO
Stolen Pathogens include HIV, Smallpox and TB
Pet hair, Unknown why present...

Hair Analysis
Hair was found in Crime Scene 1.
There is white hair, and a little bit of brown hair.
The white hair is from a pet and the brown hair
is from a suspect.

Lip Analysis
Lips are unique to every person and can be identified by the wrinkles
and grooves.
Lips were found at crime scene 2
The lips match sample D

Pathogens: HIV human immunodeficiency

virus/ AIDS acquired immune deficiency
How it spreads: body fluids, sharing needles, mother to child
pregnancy, blood transfusions, organ donation *cant be spread
through casual contact
Symptoms: flu like symptoms for first 1-2 months, immune system
decline, fever and sweating, weight loss, skin rashes/ flaky skin, short
term memory loss,
With onset of AIDS: coughing, shortness of breath, seizures, confusion,
difficulty swallowing, fever, nausea, cramps, vision loss, severe
headaches, coma
Treatments: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease
inhibitors, combination drug treatments, treatments for opportunistics

Pathogens: Smallpox- variola major

How it spreads: spreads person to person via aerosols from an infected
Symptoms: high fever, malaise, headache, backache, abnormal pain,
Diagnosis: diagnosis is most commonly made by presence of
symptoms and virus identification electron micropsy.
Treatment: vaccinations, if vaccination is not received within 5 days of
exposure to virus, only supportive treatment can be received.
Mortality: up to 30%



Sherly MO attacked Dr. Doodles Donley
The competition between her and Dr. Donley got to her
Evidence from the blood analysis shows it was the only same blood
type that matched the crime scene. O+ blood
Through DNA fingerprinting, MOs DNA was the only one that matched
the DNA from the crime scene.

(Pathogen Information Handout)

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