She Could Hear The Two Bickering in The Underbrush

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their sensitive ears could hear her words. From out of the undergrowth, two wildly different characters
emerged. One had beautiful snow white hair and grey blue eyes and the other had red hair and amber
eyes. They were beautiful, like the elves they were most closely related to, but they were even more
otherworldly even than an elf. They stood no more than three and a half feet, but both looked up at
her like they were fearless. Beside the white haired one, a silvery furred wolf emerged.
Wildlings are an otherworldly race of fey, that are cautious of other beings, but whose mischievous
streak often wins out leading them to playing tricks, often at the other persons expense. They are to a
fault, protective of their natural habitats, often fighting battles against Goblin and Orcish invaders to
their forested homelands.

Wildlings are of a smaller stature than other folk, save the Halflings, both genders standing between 3
and 3 feet and weighing between 30 and 45 lbs., with males being only slightly heavier. They are
slight of stature and build, with extremely pronounced elf like features, and with even more widely
varying colorations from snowy to autumn red colored hair, and equally varied tones of eyes.

Like their Elvish cousins, Wildlings can live well beyond seven centuriesthough unlike Elves, they
remain somewhat childlike and playful for most of their lives, only maturing mentally around their fifth
century. Wildlings are often curious of outsiders, but remain wary of intruders to their homes. Once a
friend is made, however, they are extremely loyal and protective. Easily infatuated with beautiful
beings, Wildlings often go to great links to impress a beautiful being, by making gifts or showing them
they are a worthy friend in a variety of often elaborate fashions.

For many years, Wildlings were aloof from other folk, and often would hide from outsiders completely
never revealing their presence to anyone. With the coming of the Maiden to the Five Lands, wildlings
made their presence known more and more, until now most folk know about the elfin folk.
Wildlings who are seen outside of their homelands, are often traveling companions of other folk with
whom they have taken a great friendship. Such wildlings are often druids, fighters, or rangers and
sometimes rogues. At heart, Wildlings love adventures, and so there are more and more Wildlings to
be seen traveling the lands than ever before.

Wildlings tend towards similar names to Elves, though they are often more elaborate.
Male Names: Airosh, Banban, Daedran, Hosshan, Jaeko, Lashan, Menran, Ophelo, Saeto, Tionnu,
Female Names: Aina, Bani, Caesi, Gali, Isha, Keko, Nami, Paeli, Rhani, Tianna, Uli.
Family Names: Ashsong, Bearclaw, Dragonroot, Moonwillow, Starflower.

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