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Philosophy on Technology in Education

My philosophy of education will ensure that the teacher is indeed a major agent of
change in the classroom, students life and the education system. The teacher will have to ensure
that new strategies of teaching and learning are implemented for each student in order to cater to
their learning styles. The teacher will have to be innovative in creating and developing effective
methods and resources that will allows students to be able to use their innate learning abilities to
understand and utilize the content that is being taught.
John Deweys Philosophy of Education, presented education as a tool for transitioning
through life. This supported similar values of my philosophy of education that also stressed the
importance of education in operating thought life and the world. Mr. Deweys philosophy also
mentioned the fact that education (process of learning) is initiated little after or at birth, this
emphasizes the fact that education is not only academically centered but has to do with
understand the world in which we exist and live. This claim that the learning begins at birth
supports my philosophys claim that education is not only for academic purposes but it is a tool
that humans use to navigate through the course of their lives. It also highlights the importance
that should be placed on the role of the home and parents in stimulating the childs mind and
preparing the child for society and the teaching and learning experience.
The childs own instincts and powers furnish the material and give the starting point for
all education. Save as the efforts of the educator connect with some activity which the child is
carrying on of his own initiative independent of the educator, education becomes reduced to a
pressure from without John Dewey, 1897. As stipulated by Jean Piaget The principle goal of
education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply

repeating what other generations have done. This statement has proven to have precedence even
in this the 21st century as depicted in Mark Prenskys (2008) Our Brains Extended.
As the world evolves and technology make life for us humans much easier, the
teacher should seek to capitalize on the use of technology by utilizing it in the teaching and
learning experience. Technology is capable of catering to several learning styles at once using
only one instrument, this not only allows the teacher to have an easier job but it will ensure that
all the students have the same content. The use of technology in learning also allows the teacher
to prepare students for the world that is evolving and becoming technologically advanced. The
teacher can ensure that students understand how to utilize their unique learning abilities with the
use of technology.
The teacher should seek to introduce students to ways in which they can use
technology to aid in their learning. The teacher should allow students to view technology as a
medium of expressing their talents. The teacher should also be innovative in creating a
technologically advanced classroom that cater to all learning styles while developing these
unique skills that each student possess. Technology should be one with education rather than a
tool that is used, for example the teacher of English should allow students to understand that
technology is a medium of expression that they can utilize to express themselves. Technology
should also be used to eliminate the traditional and time consuming methods of student
My philosophy of education will ensure that the teacher is indeed a major agent of
change in the classroom, students life and the education system. The teacher will have to ensure
that new strategies of teaching and learning are implemented for each student in order to cater to
their learning styles. The teacher will have to be innovative in creating and developing effective

methods and resources that will allows students to be able to use their innate learning abilities to
understand and utilize the content that is being taught. Technology could simply be a new way of
expressing themselves, students should also be encouraged to be explorative in learning, this will
allow them to discover new ways of acquiring information while developing a sense of
responsibility for their education.

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