Sample Speech Outlines

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Senior Project Speech Outline


Greet the judges (shake hands): Hello , My name is Angie Turcios

Attention Getter (Statistic, Anecdote, Shocking Factetc): Did you know Over 65,000 adopted children
and 14,000 foster children in the U.S. are being raised in homes headed by non-heterosexual individuals or

Credibility (Why should we listen to you?): Each year more than 20,000 children age out of the foster care
without being adopted. Today there are 108,000 children in foster care waiting to be adopted ranging in
age from less than a year old to 21.

Audience Motivation (Why should the audience care about your topic and why did you choose this topic):
I choose this topic because throughout my life I always have seen children in need of adoption. people like
heterosexual have the right to adopt with out no problem but their not adopting. But now that homosexual
couples want to help to adopt to give a better life for this kids , they are not allow .

Preview your 3-4 points:

Transition to POINT 1:
Gay and lesbian couples should have the same right to adopt as heterosexual
couples because a lot of kids are in need of adoption,
POINT 1 Claim Sentence:
There children in foster care/ adoption centers that have been almost their whole life living there. Going
from adoption center to adoption.
Supporting Evidence (always cite the source and explain it): According to Dave Thomas Foundation For
Adoption said "Children often wait three years or more to be adopted, move three or more times in foster
care and often are separated from siblings. The average age of waiting children is 8 years old."

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): Also,(authors last name) Last year, 29,471 children turned
18 and left the foster care system without an adoptive family.

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): There are 423,773 children in the U.S. foster care system;
114,556 of these children are available for adoption. Their birth parents legal rights have been
permanently terminated and children are left without a family.
Transition to POINT 2:
Parenting doesn't come from sexuality. No one should be criticizes on being able to be parents.
POINT 2 Claim Sentence:

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source and explain it): According to __________________,

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): Also,(authors last name) argues ______________,

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): (authors last name) claims __________________,

Transition to POINT 3: Homosexual couple want to help give a better life for this children . By giving them
education, love , family, support, and much more.

POINT 3 Claim Sentence:

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source and explain it): According to __________________,

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): Also,(authors last name) argues ______________,

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): (authors last name) claims __________________,

Transition to POINT 4:

POINT 4 Claim Sentence:

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source and explain it): According to __________________,

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): Also,(authors last name) argues ______________,

Supporting Evidence (always cite the source): (authors last name) claims __________________,

Transition to conclusion:

Review your 3 main points:

End with a powerful or thoughtful statement:

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