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Running Head: Philosophy

Educational Technology

Kevin Powell

G.C. Foster College of Physical Education and Sports

Mrs. Crawford-Alexander
May 17, 2016

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Running Head: Philosophy


Philosophy of Educational Technology

Education technology is rapidly becoming the most convenient way of imparting knowledge, it
provides variety and a classroom thats not restricted to just traditional learning only.
Educational technology also presents a challenge to educators. It makes possible the instruction
of an individual in any course the educator deems necessary. In order to utilize these new
opportunities effectively, the educators must decide what the goals are for a person in an
automated society. The educator must deal less with the teaching of information and shift to
teaching ideas, methods of inquiry, independent learning, personal development, and social
living. He must contend with the special problems of poor children, the need for excellence, and
the demand for individualized instruction. Educational technology has the potential to participate
in the dissemination of these educational values and to solve these educational problems. To
accomplish this there must be more effective and better coordinated application of scientific
technological methods. There must be research on educational values; there must be application
of this research in the design of instructional programs and in the education of educators. It will
also be necessary to provide information about the technological revolution in education to the
general public.
The use of technology can be just as useful as it can be distracting, as the educator the individual
must seek to strike a balance and ensure that the technology is being used purposefully and
effective for learning. With the use of technology students are actively engaged and participating
on whatever they learn instead of just accepting whatever is given by the teacher. This will
further allow students to develop their own understanding of anything that is not grasped

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Running Head: Philosophy

throughout the lesson. Answers will be at the fingertips of students which also makes students
responsible for their own learning.

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